Total Drama Action (Lewis McL...

By independent_together

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Lewis is back in business, except something's changed. His popularity has only grown since Total Drama Island... More

Lewis' Bio
Monster Cash
Alien Resur-egg-tion
Riot On Set
Beach Blanket Bogus
3:10 To Crazytown
Aftermath I: Trent's Descent
The Chefstank Redemption
One Flu Over the Cuckoos
The Sand Witch Project
Masters of Disasters
Full Metal Drama
Aftermath II: Forgive and For Gwen
Ocean's Eight - Or Nine
One Million Bucks, B.C.
Million Dollar Babies
Explaining Amnesia and The Brain
Dial M for Merger
Super Hero-Id
The Princess Pride
Get A Clue
Rock n' Rule
Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen
2008: A Space Owen
Top Dog
Mutiny On The Soundstage
Who Wants To Pick A Millionaire?
Celebrity Manhunt's TDA Reunion Special

Aftermath III: O-Wen or Lose

45 2 0
By independent_together

Another stupid aftermath show. I mean, from what I've been told, they're supposed to be helping me, but they're really just stressing me out. I am not looking forward to the whole. . . 'Heather' thing, too. 

Maybe it's better if I end things with my boyfriend now, too. I can't even remember his name, like, 80% of the time. Plus, I don't want to break his heart on national television, but I also don't want to make it seem like I'm cheating on him. . .

Man, being fifteen is way harder than other people make it seem.

. . . Or am I just making it harder for myself?

"Yo, everyone! We're back for another totally, off-the-hook, Total Drama Action Aftermath Show! Geoff here!" 

I snapped out of my thoughts, and saw that we were actually on air right now. 

"And I'm Bridgette! A ton has happened since we last saw you. T.D.A. has lost some serious heavy weights. Owen. . ." "The biggest of all, who is gonna leave a huge hole!" Geoff 'described' him, but it was more of an insult.

"As well as Heather and Leshawna, who will be on soon." Bridgette stopped talking, so that Geoff could actually have a part. "We've also got our buds from season one, and losers from season two. So far, so good." "So far!" 

They were trying not to argue this episode, like they did the last. "Bridgette thinks we need to bring more insanity to the show. Uh- I mean, profanity." He received a punch to the arm. "Okay, okay! More humanity." "She's not the only one. . ." I muttered. "Bridgette thinks I've gone too over the top. But then, so have our ratings!" Literally nobody laughed at his stupid little joke. 

"Okay. I get that this is a reality show, and that everyone wants the dirt on what went down, but everyone on T.D.A, who I'd like to remind Geoff are our friends, has already taken it up from the wing-wang from Chris. Plus, they've already lost out on a million bucks! I mean, isn't that brutal enough?!" Bridgette questioned, which caused all of the peanut gallery to look uncomfortable. "They should be able to come here, and feel safe to speak their minds." She finished, folding her arms.

I glanced away in discomfort, feeling the irony of that statement. "No one goes on a reality show to feel safe, Bridge. I've got evidence of that right here!" I widened my eyes as I realized he was pointing at me. "Um, excuse me?! What's that supposed to mean?!" I questioned, quite angrily. "Calm down, dude, don't take it personally. It's just that, uh, Chris isn't what I'd call an 'ideal caretaker'."

". . . It hasn't even been a minute, Geoff! Can't you just keep it in your pants until the intro is OVER!? I- I'm sorry. You know what? I'm not putting up with this. I'm not letting my family be disrespected like this. Fuck you, Geoff. Go to hell." I stood up, and began walking off. 

So, uh. . . not the BEST start to an Aftermath show. . .

But, um. . . don't worry, I, uh. . . hm.

Maybe I'll let someone else take over for a bit.


[Bridgette's P.O.V.]


I watched as Lewis left the stage in silence. "I'll. . . uh. . . go sort him out." Cody quickly got up, and followed Lewis. I turned and frowned at my boyfriend, already fed up. "Are you joking me? Why on Earth would you say that?!" "Say what? It's true. Can we get on with this? I wanna see someone get hurt today, if you don't mind." I blinked at his unbothered response, before turning away. "Fine." 

"Anyway, this isn't some cushy talk show. Do you have any idea how incredible the lighting is on those shows, man? I mean, who needs to win a million bucks, when you LOOK like a million bucks?!" I raised a brow at him. "Um, I'm not sure everyone would agree with you, there." He scoffed, before sitting back. "Well, our lighting stinks. My dermatologist told me so, and so did my publicist, and my new manager!"

Geoff nearly became victim to a falling stage light. We both looked upwards to see it was just the gaffers for the show, and they were obviously insulted. "Nothing personal, guys, come on! Point is,  this isn't some touchy-feely place where people go to talk about their problems. Well, they can, but I'm not gonna make them feel any better about 'em."

I scoffed, folded my arms, and rolled my eyes. "Nice." "Hey! I just do what our producers tell me! Can I help it if I take my job seriously, huh?! Maybe you should try." Everybody in the studio, at that point, gasped at Geoff.

He did not just say that to me.

"YOUR job is to get the goods from people. How the HELL can they be open when they might get hit over the head with a hammer, or an anvil?!" I signalled upwards to the anvil, which was hanging from a very weak rope. Geoff found it entertaining, though. "Ho-ho-ho-ho! How sweet is that anvil? Come on! That's the point of the segment. To get the truth! We've got something even better in store for today's show, baby!"

I angrily pointed in his direction. "You've turned into a bully, you know that? A total Chris clone." My words weren't even getting through to his tiny, tiny brain. "Haha! I'm with you, Bridge! Our show rocks!" Everybody cheered, while Geoff kept talking. "And we have not one, not two, but three sweet guests tonight! And because they're such great sports, they deserve something extra."

The fact he wasn't going to stop hurting them shocked me. "Owen already broke his jaw, and had to eat food through a straw. That's punishment enough!" He faked crying, simply to mock me and my opinion. "That's what you think! Before we find out what's in store for my man Owen, let's see what the dude's been through already."

"Owen started the season much like he begins every morning." Geoff started. Since I was a host, I had to participate, unfortunately. "By eating. . . a lot." "Bummer things didn't end that way." "Owen loved, lost. . ." "And had his jaw busted into a million pieces!" "Forced to eat his meals through a straw, Owen kept his head held high, even at his low, when he was booted off the show." 

"Landing himself exactly where he wanted to be, at the nearest food court. Our first guest has spawned with salmon, danced naked, befriended a coconut, and eaten a toilet seat! Welcome, Owen!" Owen didn't come out onto stage, which was unusual. So, I gave it a shot. "Owen! Everyone!" Everybody looked at each other, unsure of where he was.

After a few seconds, he came out, holding a bucket's full of meat in his arms. "Hi, everybody!" He chuckled, somewhat anxiously, but Izzy suddenly squealed happily. "HEY!" She jumped over to where he was with a few flips, before landing on his shoulders. "Hi, Izzy. Hi, Bridgette. Hi, Geoff." I was the first to greet him. "It's so great to have you, Owen." "Owen, my man!"

I looked up at Izzy on his shoulders. "Uh, Izzy, would you care to have a seat?" "I'm good. Olé!" I raised a brow, before simply brushing it off, as nothing. "So, Owen, we were so worried about you. Your busted-up jaw - it must've sucked having to eat all of your meals through a straw." I began, giving him an opportunity to answer. "Chips and soda make a scrumptious blendy! But, I've been making up for it since."

"Oh, Owen, you are so sweet to plan something special! Well, got to run!" Izzy snagged one of Owen's drumsticks, before jumping over to her seat beside Eva. "I've said this before, but Izzy really is like the ants that invade your picnic. Eventually. . . you get bitten by the crazy." He whistled to demonstrate his point. "But, hey, it's better than being bitten by, like, a tiger shark!" Geoff looked as if he just had an idea. 

"A tiger shark, huh? Maybe we should try that on the show." I frowned, and narrowed my eyes up at him. "Don't even think about it! You know what happened with the piranhas!" Geoff glared back down, brushing me off. "Owen can handle whatever we throw at him. Right, dude?" Owen was busy chewing on some of his food. "Mm! This potato salad is delicious! What's in here? Walnuts?"

I folded my arms, and raised a brow at Geoff. "Which means it's time for a little game I like to call 'Truth or Electrocution'!" The entire viewing audience cheered for Geoff's whole new idea of torture, which I believe is illegal to use in Canada. It's an electric chair, by the way. His excuse was that it was 'non-lethal', and didn't count.

Owen looked to his side to see the test dummy exploded. "I. . . I'm fine right where I am." I quickly stood up, and stormed over to Geoff. "You have got to be kidding! A hammer, an anvil, and now, an electric chair?! You want to electrocute Owen?!" "Chill, babe. It's a big chair, but it's low voltage." I anxiously looked down, feeling genuinely defeated. However, Owen put an arm around me. "It's okay, I'll do it! I was electrocuted at the lake once, and it wasn't so bad. . . I'm very well-insulated!"

"Just tell the truth, bro, and you'll be okay." Trent warned Owen, much to his gratitude. "Thanks, Trent! . . . Can I take my food?" "Anything you want, man. Any final requests? Oh! Kidding, Bridge! Uh. . . kidding?" I scoffed, and put my hands on my hips. "Ugh! This is ridiculous! You don't have to do this, Owen!" He still wanted to do it. "It's okay, Bridgette. I'm going to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." The audience murmured in suspicion between themselves.


After the commercial break was over, we actually got Lewis back on set, thankfully, but he seemed quite angry with the electric chair. Just as much as I was. "YOU WHAT!? Owen! You don't have to do this, man! Don't put yourself through this!" Geoff completely ignored both of us, and began his 'questioning'. "So, Owen. . ."

Immediately, he freaked. "In the third grade, I cheated on my math exam! In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and glued it to a goat's butt at the petting zoo! In fifth grade, I knocked my little brother down a flight of stairs, and blamed it on my other little brother! When my mom sent me to summer camp for fat kids, and they served us lunch, I pigged out! And the rest of the kids had nothing to eat for an entire week! But the worst thing I've ever done, I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and went to school, hid the puke in my jacket, and I made a noise like this - blech! And then I dumped it all over-"

"OWEN!" I yelled, stopping him from speaking any longer. "I don't think that's what Trent meant." Everyone but me and Lewis was fairly amused by this. ". . . What other type of truth is there?" He asked in uncertainty. Lewis rubbed the bridge of his nose with a groan, before speaking. "Like- like, about the show? You know, stuff you. . . you wouldn't admit normally?" "Yeah, but that was awesome, dude!" Geoff burst out laughing.

"You mean, I. . . I said all that stuff on TV for no reason?" Him and Geoff laughed about it for a while, until Owen came to the realization his family was probably watching that. "Oh. . . um. . . sorry, Uncle Max. And Johnny, and Gavin. . . and, um. . . Mom." "So, Owen! How'd you feel about Chef when he broke your jaw - furious, vengeful? Think about this now. Remember - " He imitated the chair zapping him.

"I wasn't mad. . . I didn't feel anything. . . Except lots of pain in my jaw." Geoff flinched away, but nothing had happened. "Not. . . mad, huh? But. . . you must have been really P.Oed when Chris counted only Courtney's vote, unfairly booting you off the show." "No." He flinched again, but nothing else happened to him. "But, you're gonna sue, right?" ". . . No." "Oh- COME ON! You're telling me your jaw was busted, you were cheated out of a million bucks, and you're not even mad!?" 

I frowned, and toned him down. "Easy, Geoff." "No! Uh-! I mean yes! I'm not mad!" He took a deep breath, trying not to get angry, before talking again. "Okay. I've got one more that's gonna get you." I grabbed his arm, and pulled him incredibly close to me. "No. You've had your go. We talked about this. You said you were going to change, Captain Hollywood. The only thing that you changed today was your outfit - three times!"


[Lewis' P.O.V.]


"Owen, dude. What is your biggest problem?" Geoff asked him, coming back over to me and Owen again. "Hm. . . that's a toughie. Sometimes, I worry I'm too critical of others. . . That top makes your eyes look really pretty, Bridgette." I turned my head to Bridgette, and Owen did actually have a point. "Oh! Thanks, Owen." Bridgette smiled, and Owen nodded. 

"Sure. Or, maybe it's my unrelenting love of dairy. And sometimes, I worry I might be colour blind. Are my shorts bright green, or moss green? Ooh! Ooh! I know what my biggest problem is! I've gone kinda nutso with food, since having my jaw unwired. I've gained ten pounds! Mm. . . I've really let myself go."

Geoff got up in his faces, and imitated a really loud incorrect buzzer noise. "WRONG! You're biggest problem is that you're. . . broke!" I blinked, and processed the 'problem', even though Owen didn't seem offended. "Haha! Of course I'm broke! I'm sixteen!" "No, I mean your whole family's broke, dude! Your mom was so sure her little boy was gonna win the moola last season, she went out and blew fifty grand!"

I gasped, and looked to the side. "Ah, jeez. . ." "And, aha, get this! You didn't win a cent!" "GEOFF!" Bridgette exclaimed, preparing to scold Geoff again. "What? I'm just telling O the truth! Which, he deserves to know." "Ugh! You're sick! I can't stand this anymore! I'm sorry, Owen!" She turned around, and walked back to her seat in anger. "What's she sorry for?" Geoff asked me. ". . .Are you JOKING?! 'Dugh, what's she sorry for, not like she blew all your-' UGH! WHAT DOES BRIDGETTE SEE IN YOU?!" I walked after Bridgette, sitting beside her.

". . . Uh. . . so, what did my mom blow the money on?" Owen asked, trying to draw attention away from the current situation. "Uh, let's find out!" Geoff responded. "We've got a surprise guest on webcam, people." He continued, and when I looked up, it was Owen's parents. "Owen, I don't know how to work this thing!" Owen quickly gasped. "It's my mom!"

This whole webcam turned into a conversation between Owen and his parents. Lovely people, really, but me and Bridgette were complaining about Geoff. "What is his problem? Why is he such a jerk now?" I asked her. "I don't know. It's like the fame's gone right to his head. . . I'm sorry about earlier. That was totally uncalled for. If you don't mind me saying so, I think Chris is a great dad to you." 

I sighed, and looked to the side. "It's fine, and. . . thank you. I'm just tired of people like Geoff insulting my family as if they know anything about our relationship. . . I know this is out of pocket, but. . . I really think you should break up with Geoff." She sighed too, and looked down. "I wish I could, but the show would be nothing without both of us. Where did the idea come from, if you're okay with me asking?"

. . . Should I tell her?

I mean, it's none of her business, but I know I can trust her. . .

". . . I'm going to break up with Cody. I just thought that. . . um. . . maybe it's the right time for you, too." She gasped, and furrowed her brows. "Oh, Lewis, I. . .  I'm so sorry. I didn't even. . ." Annoyingly, Geoff interrupted us both. "Uh, excuse me? Chatterboxes over there? It's hard to pay attention when you won't shut up." I clenched my teeth, and growled at him, trying not to say something offensive again.

"Anyway. . . aren't you mad, dude?" Geoff asked Owen, who looked ecstatic. "Mad?! I've always wanted a fully stocked cheese cellar! Tell Johnny and Gavin to leave me the Parmigiano-Reggiano, the Emmentaler, and the Vacherin de hot dog cheese! And, I'll be home soon! Love you guys!" "Bye!" "Come home, honey bear! Wait, is that an electric chair-"

Geoff switched off the monitor before they could finish. "So! How do you feel?" Owen laughed for a while, before responded. "Ah! Geoff! I feel awesome!" Everybody cheered and clapped for him, but Geoff just didn't get it. "How can you not be mad, dude? It's a CHEESE CELLAR!" "Exactly! There's nothing to worry about when you have the creamy goodness of cheese."

"Watch. Dude's gonna make a killing promoting cheese on air! Ugh! Why didn't I think of that?!" I looked to Bridge in shock, and she returned the look, before speaking to Geoff. "Ugh, I don't even know who you anymore!" Geoff laughed, and put an arm around Bridgette. "I'm the hottest dude you've ever been with." Bridgette scoffed, and turned away. "Ha! Not anymore. It's OVER."

I looked over to Bridgette, who sent me a small smile of gratitude, but her annoyance quickly overpowered it, because of Geoff's stupidity. "Uh, actually, it's just in time for a short break. We'll be back." Before the camera could cut, Bridgette raised her voice. "I was talking about us! We're through! Over! Done! FINITO!" Everybody gasped, including me, while Owen didn't get the context. "Chicken?"

"Uh. . . hm. . . now it's time for. . . 'That's Gonna Leave A Mark!'" Geoff announced, but he was obviously hurt from the break-up. Luckily, it was a full-camera shot of the monitor, so the audience couldn't see what was going on underneath the screen. 

Geoff was practically nearly crying at this. Owen found it entertaining. "Man, I thought Harold getting hit in the kiwis was bad. I think Geoff suffered a bigger shock than I did!" "Bridge, come on. . ." "Lewis. Could you please tell Geoff to stop talking to me?" I raised a brow, before turning to Geoff. "Bridgette wants you to stop talking to her." "I can hear her. . . ! Bridge, let's talk about this!" "Lewis. Could you please tell Geoff that it's time to introduce our next two guests?" "Fine! Be that way!" I thought about how to phrase it, before speaking. ". . . Bridgette says it's time to introduce-"

"Heather and Leshawna, everyone!"

Oh, God.

Okay, just like we planned. . . 

Nothing suspicious, we weren't in a romantic situation.

Bridgette introduced them, since Geoff wasn't. . . 'mentally well'. "Heather and Leshawna are long-time rivals. But, they do have one thing in common. Heather tried hard to cover her ugly, bald head, while Leshawna tried to cover her butt after getting caught in a big, fat lie." 

"In the end, the girls formed an unlikely friendship, when Heather stood up for Leshawna when Leshawna didn't have a leg to stand on. Our next two guests have licked Owen's armpit, sucked jam from his belly button, and eaten a cockroach. Oh, wait, that was just Heather. Please welcome Heather and Leshawna!"

"Hey, y'all!" Leshawna looked to be much happier to be here than Heather was. I gave Heather a quick look, which, in my family, meant this:

'Don't say a word about what happened.'

She acknowledged it, and sat down on the guest's sofa, in front of Owen. Oh, yeah, they'd brought in a second sofa. "Hi, guys! I forgot you did all those sick things, Heather!" "Great to see you, Leshawna! Heather. Nice wig." Bridgette was obviously biased, but I paid it no attention. "Good to be here, girl! Yo, Geoff!" Leshawna said, but Geoff didn't respond.

"Lewis, would you please tell Geoff to say hi to our guests?" "Uh, okay. . . Geoff, Bridgette wants you to say hi. It's a talk show, and. . . you're not talking." "Oh, don't you worry, Lewis, I'll do all the talking from now on. . ." Bridgette looked quite intimidated by that. "Heather, your turn in the hot seat, and by 'hot seat', I mean electric chair!"

She widened her eyes, along with Leshawna. "You mean we have to sit in THAT?! I don't think so!" Leshawna asked in shock. She narrowed her eyes at Geoff, who looked unbothered. "The thing is, mm. . . it's not up to you." Heather thought, before standing up, and walking over. "Whatever!" "Heather. . . !" I spoke in a hushed tone, but she completely ignored me. "You got guts, girl. . ." Leshawna said, watching her go. "Just tell the truth, and you'll be okay, Heather." Owen said.

"They can shock me all they want. My parents tried electroshocks therapy on me as a kid to try to make me a nicer person. Worked like a charm." I widened my eyes at this information.

Woah. Heather's. . . off worse than I thought.

Way worse. . .

I can't believe I used to hate this girl. . .

"So, Heather, before you were voted off, Courtney was brought back. You think she's a worthy competitor?" Geoff asked. "No." Heather responded, but quickly got shocked. I gasped quietly, but not because of the answer, the fact that this was even allowed in the first place. "Haha! Awesome. Do you think Lindsay's as dumb as she looks?" "Yes." She got shocked, yet again. I furrowed my brows as I watched this. "This is too easy, haha!"

There is no way this is legal.

"Do you think Beth could be a threat?" "Beth!? Absolutely not." She folded her arms, but was quickly shocked after. I was growing more anxious that they'd figure us out. "Lewis. . . can you tell Geoff that I'd like a go?" I turned my head to Geoff, who'd heard her perfectly. "She's all yours, Bridge, baby." She rolled her eyes at this. "I'm thinking it's time for a little never-before-seen footage. . ." Bridgette said, which immediately rang out alarms in my head.

I turned to Heather, and it looked like she was thinking the exact same that I was.

We are so. . . so. . . fucked. . .

She laughed nervously, and tried to act clueless. "Of me? There isn't anything I've done or said off-camera that's any worse than what I'll say right now. . ." Bridgette laughed with a tone of malice in it. "Oh. . . we'll see about that. . . won't we?" "Oh, uh. . . there's- haha! There's no need for this, come on. . . let her have her privacy, Bridgette!" I said, trying to convince her not to show what I just KNOW she's about to.

For some weird, weird reason, it was. . . Harold. Playing with this. . . yo-yo. I sighed in relief, but more of the fact I wouldn't have to explain everything on camera, in front of everyone. "Heather has 'mad' skills!" Bridgette mocked, but Heather wasn't accepting this. "That footage was obviously altered. I would never-" 

She was cut off by Leshawna bursting out laughing. "I thought we were friends!" "Oh- haha! We are, girl. But that doesn't make you look any less funny. .  ." "Wait a second, we've got another clip, and. . ." Geoff began to talk, but instantly stopped. "Oh, what, really? Aw, dude, that is not cool. Dude, I think I might show this just to show what a jerk Lewis is!"

"Geoff, no. I know what you're talking about. Please, don't." I quietly pleaded with him, but he seemed unconvinced. "Dude, you're cheating. Not even I'd do that." "Geoff. . . I- I was gonna talk about it anyway! Just. . . not on television. . ." I explained, trying not to make anything obvious. Of course, Geoff didn't settle for it. "Go do it now, then, man! If you really don't want me showing this, go talk to him, dude."

Aw, no, no, no!

I- I can't do this in the middle of-

After everything that's just happened, I. . .

Okay. Okay, take a deep breath, it's. . . probably not the end of your career.

They're probably not gonna hate you for this.

"Um. . . okay, fine. Uh. . . Cody, I- I need to talk to you. In. . . private." 

I felt so bad. He looked so confused and innocent. God, I really don't. . . wait, no. He doesn't deserve me. He can do way better than this.

"So. . . what did you wanna talk to me about?" He asked, looking up at me. I paused, and took, yet another, deep breath, before I finally said it. "Cody, I want to break up with you." He widened his eyes, and there was a long, long, long break of silence.

It's like. . . we both wanted to talk, but. . . we also didn't. . . ?

He wasn't sad, he was. . . angry about it. "Why? I didn't do anything wrong!" I was slightly surprised at the way he responded to it, but I tried not to make a big deal. "I just. . . I feel like we're not on the same page. I've got my own thing going on right now." "What thing?! Is this about your whole incident, 'cause I can totally deal with that! Trust me, I-" 


". . . Yeah?"

"Stop. Just. . . stop. We jumped into this way too fast. I think. . . I think we both need some time. Y'know, to figure things out."

". . . I get it. No, that's. . . that's true. We did."

. . . and it was sort of. . . silent again.


[3rd Person P.O.V.]


They had gone to commercial break for the 'talk'. Lewis nor Cody were happy about what had just happened, but they both didn't make a scene. So, when they came back on air, so did the two boys. And, nobody mentioned it.

"And, we're back! Speaking of which, it's your turn in the chair, Leshawna!" Geoff brought up, moving his gaze over to Leshawna. She got up, and switched places with Heather, although Bridgette did not like the thought, at all. "Whoa. After what happened on the show, I think Leshawna's suffered enough." 

Leshawna was confident enough to secure herself in the chair. "Oh, I learned my lesson, alright. This girl's never lying again." Geoff sounded far more tame now. "Don't worry, we had so much fun with Heather, I'll go easy on her." Leshawna was still confident. "There'll be no fibbin' over here. Lay 'em on me!"

Geoff approached Leshawna, acting like he was a lawyer. "So! Heather defended you before she was booted from the show. You honestly think she meant what she said? I mean, this is Heather." Leshawna widened her eyes, and spoke honestly. "'Course I believe her! Don't get me wrong, girl can be a real witch. But she stood up for me, and where I'm from, that counts for a lot."

It was Bridgette's turn to ask a question. "Leshawna, did you blame people for being mad? You know, with the whole spa thing, and the video?" Leshawna seemed surprised, yet again, at the question. "Heck no! I'd have been mad at me, too! Listen, I know I said all those nasty things, but I meant all the nice things I said even more."

Geoff spoke up, tapping the screen in front of him. "We've got a question on webcam. Harvey, from Yellowknife!" It was someone that bore a strange resemblance to Harold, although it was clearly just coincidence. "Hey there, Harvey. What's your question?" "Uh, hi, Leshawna! Are you mad at Harold for voting you off?" "No, I'm not mad at my sugar baby. Cutthroat Courtney got to him! Plus, it's my own fault he couldn't trust me. This girl messed up!" Leshawna explained, with some regret in her voice.

"So, like, uh. . . is there still hope for you two?" He asked, but Leshawna didn't understand where that came from. "Now, what kind of a question is that? Harold and I are just friends. And, that's all we'll ever be!" The audience applauded at her honesty, however, Bridgette and Geoff looked at each other in surprise. "Do you mean that?" Geoff asked, but Leshawna only got more annoyed. "Oh, are we doin' this again?!" "Yep! But, because I promised Bridge we'd go easy on you, you might wanna watch this before answering."

The large monitor switched from the webcam to the 'Courtney Cam', and it showed that Leshawna was admiring Harold whilst he was doing tricks with his toy yo-yo. "Oh, yeah! You've just gotta love the Courtney cam! I've seen that look before, Leshawna. . . It's the way Bridgette used to look at me." Geoff said teasingly, which earned him a punch from Bridgette. He seemed excited about it, though. "She hit me! Yes! We're making progress!"

Owen leaned down, over to Leshawna. "It does look like you like him. . ." Geoff followed that up with the exact same question. "You still telling me you don't like Harold? Look where you're sitting. . ." She thought, before remembering that she was still hooked up to the electric chair. "Alright, alright! Truth is, I like Harold! A lot! Sure, there's a part of me that can't resist those little man biceps of his. Who could? But, we're friends. Which is how we're gonna keep it."

"Harold's little man biceps?" Geoff mocked, before bursting out in laughter. Leshawna scowled, before raising her voice. "Okay, someone get me out of this thing!" An intern quickly undid the buckle around her waste, and she stormed over to Geoff. "Now, what is your problem!? You used to be sweeter than honey! Now, you're gettin' all kinds of nasty." Bridgette looked down in agreement. "That's what I'd like to know."

Geoff didn't see what he had done wrong. "What? We're just having a good time. Back me up, man!" He looked over to Owen, who nervously looked down at his fiddling fingers. "Um, you are kind of mean now, Geoff. . ." Heather mockingly acted like a mother. "I am so proud of you!" Lewis spoke up, folding his arms. 

"Since we're all insulting Geoff, can I say something real quick? Cool. Geoff, I think you're disgusting, and I wish I understood how you managed to get such a god damn lovely girl like Bridgette to go anywhere near you on the 'dating' side of things. That's all. Thank you."

Geoff didn't like how everybody was suddenly turning against him, for, what he thought was, 'no' reason. "Whatever! I'm just having some fun!" Bridgette narrowed her eyes, and put her hands on her hips. "You know what I think would be fun. . . ?" Bridgette walked over to Lewis, and whispered something in his ear, before saying the same thing to Heather and Leshawna, which Heather then shared to Owen.

"Since you're such a big fan of Truth or Electrocution, we think you should take a turn!" Leshawna and Bridgette grabbed him, while the peanut gallery watched, a minority concerned, while the rest of them were entertained. They threw him into the electric chair, and strapped him in, much to his fear. He genuinely tried to get out, but when he discovered he couldn't, he tried defending his case.

"Now it's our turn to ask the questions." Bridgette said, smirking. "No prob! I'm an honest guy, right?" He nervously responded, but nobody believed him. So, Bridgette began to imitate him. "Geoff, is this really the new you - the manager, the publicist, the bullying? Or. . . is this just what you think people want from you?" "Um. . . pass. Next!" He tried getting a different question, but it didn't work. "Ooh! You know that's not the way this works. You wrote the rules."

"This is all me, all the way." Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be true, for he got shocked. He wasn't too happy. "Aw, man! My new hair stylist Claude is gonna kill me!" Heather narrowed her eyes. "Not if the chair gets you first. Who do you think is the hottest girl on the show?" He didn't answer, because Owen gave a different question. "Ooh! Ooh! I've got one! How do you really feel about Bridgette?" Bridgette turned her head to Owen, hurt that he thought Geoff might not love her.

"Whatever, it's not like I need her." He got shocked again, except this was much more forceful than the last. "Okay! I'm crazy about her! . . . I'm crazy about you, Bridge. I'm sorry about the way I acted." "Aw. . ." Bridgette kissed him on the cheek, before continuing to talk. "Maybe there's a bit of softy left in there after all. If you PROMISE to behave." "Promise. Double swearsies."

Bridgette chuckled, before sitting on his lap. "Okay. That's all for tonight. Join Chris and the cast next time, for another totally suspenseful episode of Total. . . Drama. . . Action!"

[sorry this episode was shorter and more inconsistent, but i needed lewis and cody to break up. i can't retain their relationship well enough with the story line at current]

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