Blind In Love (Jensoo)

By NainaZara

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Inspired by an Indian movie: Jennie is an eye doctor living in South Korea who grew up in Jeju Island. She do... More

Life Gave me Bullets, But I Picked You
Save My Number?
Hahaha....I'm Just Whipped
Get Ready To Say...
I Do
I'm Married But Not Tame
I'm Here For You
At The Drop Of A Hat
Short and Sweet
I Know You
Trust Fall
My Weird Feeling
A Distraction
My Priority & True Feelings
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 1
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 2
Sweet & Sexy
I'm Sorry
My Shattered Life Without You
My Partner
Without You
The Tragic Reveal
A Crack Splinters
My Anchor

A Jealousy Battle

991 78 63
By NainaZara


I stare at Jisoo. "Are you going alone with Rosie?"

Jisoo nods innocently. "Yeah." But she doesn't seem to know Rosie's plans.

I hold my hand out. "Can I have Lisa's number?"

Jisoo steps back. "What? W-Why?"

I shake my head. "No reason."

She cutely holds her phone against her and shakes her head like a begrudging child. "Jisoo—"

"I'm not giving you Lisa's number!"

I raise an eyebrow. "I gave you Rosie's!"

She pouts and hands me her phone before crossing her arms. I pull up Lisa's number and call her from my phone.

Jisoo watches me carefully.

//"Who is this?"


//" moment..." I hear some shuffling and some moving before she says , //"What's up?"

"Want to go bowling with me?" I ask and look back at Jisoo to see her eyes bugging out of her head.

I can hear Lisa's smirk as she says, //"Interesting. Huh. You you what? I would love to! I'll get my neighbor to look after my cat and meet you at the bowling place. Which one?"

I ask Jisoo, "Which one?"

"The Palace—WAIT! WHAT?!"

I smile and say to Lisa, "See you there!"

//"Bye Jennie. Oh by the way, sexy outfits?"

I look back at Jisoo. "Yes."

//"Great!" She hangs up and I see Jisoo drop her jaw.

"What's wrong with you?!" She shouts.

I shrug. "I'm going bowling with Lisa. Have fun with Rosie!" I turn around and go up the stairs.

"Jennie!" She shouts.

I shout back, "I'm fine Jisoo! Don't worry! Go with Rosie!"

I run up the stairs to find the sexiest dress I can.


Jisoo comes to my room an hour later wearing just a black T-shirt, black jeans and her hair loose and wavy down her back.

"I-I didn't know you liked Lisa that way," she says.

I turn my head to her and see her leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms. Her biceps are outlined perfectly in the shirt. Her shirt hikes up a little on the side so that I can see her slightly tanned stomach. She looks good.

I smile and turn back to my mirror. "I don't."

I take out lipstick and she asks, "Then why are you going out with her....looking like that?"

I will admit that it looks odd that I would wear a backless top with shorts if I wasn't expecting feelings. But when I'm jealous I do irrational, impulsive things....hence the call to Lisa.

"Because I just wanted to hang out. Plus the sexy outfit was Lisa's idea."

"WHAT?!" She shouts.

I turn my head to her and she looks pale and shocked. "She....I'm gonna kill her."

"Why?" I ask.

I stare at her and wait. She holds my gaze and shakes her head.

"It's fine. Hang out with her. Have fun," she says as her phone makes a ding. "Rosie is ready. I need to go get her."

My jealousy kicks up again and I would rather not force myself on her when it seems like she's trying to move on from me so I turn away.

"Are you going to put the lipstick on or not? You keep staring at it," she observes.

I chuckle. "I wanted to but—"

She slowly walks forward and I watch her take the lipstick from my hand. Our fingers brush and I feel my face heat up.

She bends down and grasps my chin a bit firmly, turning my head to her.

"Open your lips," she says and I drop my jaw a little.

She places the tip on my bottom lip and carefully traces my lower lip with the lipstick. Her gaze is focused solely on my lips which is making me feel really hot and bothered.

She starts tracing my upper lip and my gaze drifts to her heart shaped ones. We aren't even that far apart, maybe 1 or 2 inches.

But she's done way too quickly and stands up straight again with a smile. "Is it good?"

I look in the mirror quickly and nod. Again not trusting myself to speak. I think it should be scientifically studied how badly Jisoo can make me fluster.

She nods. "Great! I have to go pick up Rosie now. I'll guess I'll see you there!"

I nod and she runs out the door.

I hear phone ring and I answer it.

Lisa says, //"Ready for a Jealousy battle?"

I grin.


"Jennie is acting weird," I say as I drum my fingers on the steering wheel.

Rosie turns her head to me. "Is she?"

I nod and purse my lips. "She dressed really differently for Lisa."

Rosie nods. "Did she?"

"Yeah! And they're coming to the bowling place together! The same one we're going to!" I exclaim.

She smiles. "Is she?"

I glare at her. "Stop with the Sherlock act. Can you just tell me what's going through her head?"

She shakes her head. "I don't know."

I blink. "But you're her best friend."

"Yeah. But I don't know what she's thinking all the time," she says. "Jennie's a bit....unpredictable. Especially now."

"What do you mean 'now' ?" I ask as I turn the car left on the green light.

"Well....she's going on a date right? She's always unpredictable on a date," she explains quickly.

I nod. "Okay. Should I warn Lisa?"

She shakes her head and smiles. "No. I want to see how it goes."

"Uh huh. And what about Lisa? I thought you liked her?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I mean....I don't hate Lisa. But yeah. She's okay I guess."

I smile happily. "You're lying." I'm happy for Lisa. She got the girl just like I knew she would. And then there's this pathetic excuse of a person that melted and fluttered because Jennie hugged her. I think I know her.

"HOW DID YOU—oh shit! I forgot you're a cop!" She shouts and it makes me laugh.

She sighs heavily. "Fine! I like Lisa okay?! I think that even though she acts like a bad girl, she's actually really sweet."

"You should tell her that," I say.

"Yeah," she says. "I would but I can't figure out why she would go on a date with Jennie."

I know but it would be nice for Rosie to realize her feelings on her own.

We park at the bowling place and walk out together. When we get in, we grab bowling shoes and they assign us a lane.

And then we see them both walk in.

Jennie walks in backwards and shows me her bare back with straps going across to hold her top and her lean legs in those cut off jeans shorts. Her dark hair is wavy and falling down her back beautifully. Lisa walks in with worn out jeans and a strapless crop top with her dark hair in a high ponytail.

I hear Rosie take a deep breath next to me as we see them laugh and joke at each other.

"We're going to die of jealousy aren't we?" She says.

I glare at them. "Not if we win."


We get 2 bowling balls each and by the devil's spawn, Jennie and Lisa get assigned to the lane next to us.

Lisa waves at me while I glare at her.

She walks towards me. "Funny seeing you here bestie!" She looks behind me and all sarcasm gives way to softness. She gives a little wave. "Hi Rosie."

I keep glaring and I turn to see Rosie rolling her eyes at Lisa.

I watch Lisa go back and I see my wife's gaze quickly shift from me to Lisa.


"The pins are up Jisoo," Rosie says.

I grab the 8 pound bowling ball with one hand and angrily toss it down the lane.

Rosie grips my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "Calm down or you'll break the lane."

I start to whisper back when we hear a loud bang and we whip our heads to see Jennie staring at her bowling ball roll down the lane. It knocks over all the pins in a strike and she jumps up and down happily, pulling Lisa into a hug.

Mine went into the gutter.

I glare at Rosie and she hugs her 4 pound one closer to her.

I spin around and grab my second one, throwing it down the lane with perfect form and getting a strike.

I hold my hand up and Rosie high fives it.

I wave for her to go and Rosie goes but only knocks over half the pins. She goes a second time and she leaves only one pin standing.

She shrugs and I pat her back.

Meanwhile, Lisa scored a strike on both her turns.

Rosie whispers to me, "They're literally so much better than us! AND WE PICKED THIS!"

I grab my bowling ball and get a strike once and not the second time.

Rosie mutters, "I didn't expect this to be so stressful."

I smile and look at her. "How about I help you?"

I turn my back to Jennie and Lisa and wink at her. She smirks and nods quickly. She grabs her bowling ball.

I stand behind her and press my body to her back. I hold my hand on top of hers and rest my head on her shoulders. Then I lift her hand with the heavy ball and throw it down the center of the lane, lingering my body on hers.


We both pull away from each other at the same time and do lots of tiny high fives with little jumps.

Both of us not so discreetly glance at Jennie and Lisa to see Lisa looking pained at her lane and having crossed arms while Jennie stares at her bowling ball looking like she wants to crush it.

Is Jennie....could Jennie be jealous?

There you go being delusional again Jisoo. She told you already that she wouldn't have feelings for you the whole time you're married. And it's not like you've made any effort for her feelings anyways. You barely spend any time with her with the case going on! How could she like you?!

Get a brain idiot!

And so for the next 1 and half hour, this keeps going on and on. Luckily it never becomes really bad but Lisa did take her revenge for what I did with Rosie by giving Jennie a big kiss on the cheek.


And Jennie accepted all the gestures from Lisa so easily that, sometimes rather than making me jealous, it hurt.

I don't get why she's so free and open with Lisa and not me. What does Lisa do that I can't?

She can hold her alcohol. She smokes. She has a motorcycle.

I can also drink....I would probably pass out after 1 but I can drink! I don't think I can try smoking on any level. And if she likes Lisa's motorcycle so much then I can buy one! I have the money! I can sell my very safe and comfortable cars and just buy motorcy—

"Jisoo. Are you okay?" Rosie asks as she sets down my lemonade at the table and sits across from me with her coke. She pulls one leg up and hugs her knee. She opens it and drinks a sip.

I frown. "Jennie told me she didn't like bad girls when I first met her."

Rosie smiles. "Why? Are you interested?"

I purse my lips. I guess my feelings were obvious to everyone except Jennie.

"Yeah...." I answer quietly and sip my lemonade from the straw.

Rosie nods. "She told you the truth. She doesn't like bad girls. Especially women like Lisa. She wouldn't consider them a romantic option no matter how sweet and kind they are."

I swallow. "Then....why is she...."

She takes a deep sigh. "Jennie has never been in a serious relationship before. She's had flings. Or girlfriends that have lasted a few months. But she never felt....I don't know. I don't think she ever got to the stage where she knows what she wants in her heart. She always told me drunk after each breakup: 'She's not the one Rosie', or 'I wish I could've felt more'."

I lean forward. "So she broke up with them—"

"No they broke up with her," she clarifies.

I frown. "Why? Jennie is sweet, kind, beautiful—"

"Exactly!" Rosie says and drops her leg to the ground. "They all fell in love too quickly! They all love bombed her and nearly tried to force her to love them. And when you push Jennie, she runs away. Her feelings never met their expectations and they broke up with her. Jennie is a bit of a blind idiot when it comes to her feelings or people that like her despite being an eye doctor."

I laugh cheerfully and she takes another sip.

"That's why I think you'll have a chance with her Jisoo," she says.

I tilt my head still with a smile on my lips. "Why?"

"Because even though you have feelings for her, you don't over-express them. There's a quietness and depth to them. Sure for you it must've been instalove. But you didn't show it that way. So just....just give Jennie time. She won't be just blind but blind in love soon."

I smile widely.


"What are they laughing and smiling about so much?" I growl.

"I don't know," Lisa mutters. "It better not be anything bad about me."

I look at her and smile. "I didn't know you liked Rosie. I'm not gonna's a pleasant surprise."

She smirks at me. "So is finding out that you like Jisoo."

I blush. "No comment."

Lisa shrugs. "No. It just makes the whole thing really interesting. I like Rosie and You like Jisoo but they both like each other."

I feel a wave of jealousy hit me. "Yeah. Real interesting."

"I think it's cute."

I lean forward. "Did Jisoo really never have feelings for me?"

Lisa shakes her head seriously. "Never. Not a single ounce of anything."

I deflate and sit back. "Oh okay."

Lisa nods. "Yeah. Jisoo isn't the type of person to have feelings for just anyone you know? She has a big heart and is the shy type. She shows her love in small ways. Not big confessions."

I nod and smile. "Good to know."

Lisa blinks. "How good of an eye doctor are you?"

My smile drops. "What?"

She waves her hand. "Never mind."

"Since you told me something about Jisoo, I'll tell you something about Rosie."

Lisa grins widely and leans forward eagerly.

"Your bad girl act isn't going to work on her. She'll see through you. You're actually really sweet and nice Lisa. And Rosie is only going to like that part of you."

She raises an eyebrow and smirks. "What if I am a bad girl and she's just imagining things?"

I shake my head. "Rosie reads people easily. If she knows you're nice and she's not acting on it just yet, then it's because you won't let your guard down either. You're both stubborn idiots."

Lisa bursts out laughing and I smile at her.

When she's finally done, she stands up. "I believe you. Now let's go surrender. We both know we can't stand each other anymore."

I slap her hand away and joke while standing up, "Exactly what I was thinking!"

She chuckles again and we walk across the place and stand in front of their table.

They stare up at us and I ask to Jisoo, "Shall we go home?"

Rosie smiles. "Actually we were going to go home together."

Lisa and I bug our eyes out at her. "WHAT?!"

We both get ready to protest when Jisoo stands up and holds my shoulder.

"Let's go home. She's just joking."

I throw a glare at Rosie who shrugs and stands up next to Lisa.

I look back at Jisoo. "Shall we go together?"

I frown. "What about Rosie?"

We both turn to her and she loops her arm in with Lisa's. "You'll drop me home right?" She asks Lisa, who nods.

I smile. "Great!"

Then all four of us walk out and once we get to the parking lot.....far enough away from the building....

The place explodes behind us.

To be continued 😉

A/N: the chapter was long af but I loved writing it lol.

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