Tales of Pluto: Sparks Flying

By 27quil

361 3 37

There are seven dragon tribes: Rose dragons, Nature dragons, Dark dragons, Moon dragons, Star dragons, Light... More

Chapter 1: Pineapple
Chapter 2: The Prophecy
Chapter 3: The Star Forest
Chapter 4: Starlight
Chapter 5: Rosar
Chapter 6: Preanberry Pie
Chapter 7: The Journal
Chapter 8: Corruption
Chapter 9: Library Conversations
Chapter 10: Queen Brightness
Chapter 11: Dark Island
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Queen Mythos
Chapter 15: The Breakout
Chapter 16: The Dark Palace
Barlow Island
Chapter 18: The Betrayal

Chapter 14: Bamboo's Plan

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By 27quil

Bamboo didn't move for about 15 minutes. She was thinking. How she was going to break 5 different dragons out of prison. She didn't have powers like a lot of dragons she knew. All she could do was talk to plants and animals. But how was that going to help her at all? Then, it came to her. The perfect plan.

She hid herself behind a rock, and concentrated. There were no plants on the island, so Bamboo would have to rely on the almost dead, or insane and creepy animals to help with this plan.

She took a sharp, creaky breath, and held out her talon in the direction of the rose dragon kingdom. Just like her dad used to say, the power is strongest where you feel home. Bamboo concentrated on happy memories, huge memories, but most importantly, growing memories.

First, her horns grew little roses on the top, and then, a small spark of color appeared, hovering over the top of the horns. It started off as dull and muted, but in a few seconds, the color was bright and colorful, like a rainbow. And soon enough, Bamboo's eyes opened. She could feel the power surging through her. A lot of rose dragons would use this power for good. But there would always be the dragons that would use it for evil. Bamboo had learnt to control it when it got to that point, though.

After a couple more minutes, Bamboo started getting doubtful. No animals (Even if they were probably weird, evil animals), had turned up. She was about to give up all hope, when there was a small groan from behind a rock. Bamboo turned around to investigate. Suddenly, a small head popped out from behind the rubble. Bamboo grinned. But she still hoped that there was more coming, because she couldn't complete her plan with only one deranged animal.

She was about to give up all hope again, when several more of the creatures sprung out from behind other rocks. Then another dozen. Another twenty. And even more kept coming until Bamboo knew she had more than enough of these strange creatures. She let her rose dragon power fade away, and the roses and swirls of color disappear from her horns.

The creatures were small and black. Bamboo couldn't say they were cute, but they weren't really ugly either. They had giant blue eyes, and a mouth full of sharp, yellow teeth. They only had three fingers, and short, stubby little legs. All the creatures didn't move at all. They just stood, staring at poor Bamboo, who was getting freaked out. But suddenly, one creature in particular stepped forward. It rubbed it's hands together, and Bamboo was amazed by the fire that was being created. She hoped she wasn't going to be set on fire. But when the fire stopped, the creature closed it's eyes. And then conjured a sword. Bamboo gasped. The sword was sharp, and had a black grip, with a small handle to grab it. She smiled. These creatures were going to be a huge help in her plan. But before Bamboo could do her next step in her plan, she noticed a familiarity in the sword. Where had she seen it before? And then she realized. Bamboo gulped. Sparks and the others were in huge trouble.

Sparks kept playing with his tail. He was very anxious. His mother could be dead, and he had no idea when Bamboo was going to show up. If she would show up, even. Sparks shuddered. But he suddenly heard loud talonsteps coming down the hall. His heart skipped a beat. Bamboo had loud footsteps! Had she done it?

No. It was Queen Mythos. That was way worse. Sparks held his breath, hoping she wasn't coming for his cell. Everyone else looked up, in fear. But luckily, she stormed past their cell. Sparks heaved himself up from the corner and moved to the cell bars, watching.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, MALEFICENT?!", Queen Mythos screamed at the poor dragon guard down the hallway. Her voice echoed down the prison, making other dragons look up.

"I haven't done anything, I swear! I don't even know what you're talking about!", Maleficent tried to explain. But Queen Mythos wouldn't have it. She moved so close that the Maleficent was crushed up against the wall.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!", Queen Mythos yelled, pointing her disgusting claw at her. She grabbed Maleficent's head, and leaned closer, whispering in her ear.

"The Death Sword. Where is it? Tell me, or die, you imbecile!", she whispered. Maleficent gasped.

"The Death Sword is missing?", she asked. Sparks wasn't sure if she was being protective over what she did know, or she actually had no idea.

At the same time as the fight, Sparks was trying to remember what the Death Sword was. He didn't know everything about it, but he remembered Coco saying once, that the Death Sword was Queen Mythos' prized possession, and that she would kill everyone and anyone to get it. Sparks thought he remembered that it had a certain power as well. Then, it came to him. Realisation. The Death Sword's power was to suck the power out of other dragons. So that Queen Mythos could have them for herself. It only worked for a little while, but the dragon she would take the power from, would never have it back. Sparks thought it was horrible. Imagine being a rose dragon and never being able to talk to plants and animals again. Imagine... well, any dragon would feel horrible if they lost their power. But Sparks just wallowed in his own misery. Most hybrids had the combined power of both tribes. But the nature and dark gods up above must have thought otherwise for Sparks. He had no power. Sparks brushed away his thoughts and looked back at Queen Mythos.

"DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH ME, JUST TELL ME WHERE IT IS!", Queen Mythos shouted. But when Maleficent denied the action yet again, Sparks had to look away. The dark dragon queen had slit Maleficent's throat with the dagger that was in her satchel.

She smirked, putting it back in her satchel. All the guards looked away, pretending not to notice. Queen Mythos just strode past them with an evil look in her eye. Sparks was still trying to piece together what had just happened. Sunmaker had gotten up. They was horrified. Nightflyer was too. 

"7 GODS. Where is my sword?!", she mumbled, storming past the group's cell, her satchel floating behind her, because she was walking so fast. Sparks sighed and sat back in the corner.

"You okay Sparks?", Nightflyer whispered, careful not to wake Pineapple, who was somehow still sleeping after all the yelling. He nodded, and then leaned his head against the wall. A few minutes passed. Sparks wondered how long Bamboo had been taken too. But he tried to be positive, thinking that Bamboo is strong, and that she would help everyone escape, no matter what.

"What do we do now?", Sunmaker asked. They whispered it, but it wasn't just because Pineapple was sleeping. It was also because of the fear floating around the room, filling everyone's hearts and scales. No one knew what to answer. The silence was invigorating.

"Come on, guys! Be like Pineapple!", Sparks tried.

"Pineapple's asleep?", Nightflyer exclaimed, smug, and eyebrows raised. Sparks rolled his eyes.

"Come on Nightflyer! I mean, be positive! It's what Pineapple always does! We need to stand together!", Sparks said confidently. On this note, he stood up.

"We need to have faith, in the dragon gods, in Bamboo, in Coco, but most importantly, in ourselves. If what the prophecy says is true, we need to band together and save the world before it's too late! What if the 'world crumbling' is us giving up? But even if it's not, we still need to try. So, people, believe in yourselves, and stand up! We have a world to save!", Sparks finished, a louder voice than before. The cell-No, the prison- was silent.

"Keep it down in there!", a voice shouted from the right. Sparks glared at the wall, where the voice came from.

"That was the most Pineapple-ish sentence I've ever heard you speak.", Sunmaker laughed. It made Nightflyer giggle. Sparks rolled his eyes, and was about to talk back, when the door burst open. Pineapple woke, and Queen Mythos emerged once more. But she wasn't alone. She was carrying a squeamish little creature with blue eyes, and yellow teeth, an evil deranged smile, and were completely black. But what was even more interesting was what was behind Queen Mythos. She was dragging a bundle of dirt behind her. But then, Sparks realized that it wasn't a pile of dirt. It was a dragon. And it wasn't just any dragon. Sparks squinted, and looked at the pink and yellow scales hiding behind the dirt splotches. Pineapple gasped.


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