Blue Summer

By rubayataumeed

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"When do I sleep? My eyes are heavy all the time, but when I close them, they burn. So I haven't slept in a w... More

Part 1: A Blue Summer
Chapter 1: Annyeonghaseyo!
Chapter 2: Misao's Oppa
Chapter 3: A friend
Chapter 4: The School Festival
Chapter 6: Redemption
Chapter 7: Ibuki's new job, the first day
Chapter 8: A Fateful Affair
Chapter 9: Cheongug Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 10: A choice to make
Chapter 11: A friend of a decade
Chapter 12: A dream of the future
Chapter 13: Love is tough
Chapter 14: Heuksando Summer
Chapter 15: A Twisted Fate
Chapter 16: A past that hurts is a past that heals
Chapter 17: Smile!
Chapter 18: The Hidden
Chapter 19: Dark Summer
Chapter 20: Till Death Do Us Part
Part 2: A Summer Dance
Chapter 21: A Lonely Spring
Chapter 22: The Seoul conundrum
Chapter 23: Utopian dream in the dystopian cage
Chapter 24: The Song of death
Chapter 25: When the veils fall
Chapter 26: A Promise of Old
Chapter 27: "If chance has it, I will save you!"
Chapter 28: Hope as it shines
Chapter 29: The will to live and love
Chapter 30: A heartfelt reunion
Chapter 31: A new beginning
Chapter 32: The Memories
Chapter 33: The setting of the future
Epilogue: Change has come
Mini Chapter 1: Joon-Woo talks about his childhood
Mini Chapter 2: Joon-Woo talks about his family
Mini Chapter 3: Joon-Woo explores his learning

Chapter 5: The Confession

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By rubayataumeed

When Ibuki did not return for the whole night, Misao grew anxious. At the least, he could have returned home feeling distraught, but when she checked in, he wasn't at home. Maki had been sent to school, and Misao had to leave, too. But without finding Ibuki's whereabouts, she didn't want to. So, Rui stepped in. He assured her he would look for him while she went to school. Misao trusted her brother and agreed.

Rui, keenly analysing the situation Ibuki was in at the moment, thought he would probably be in a secluded place. As Rui had guessed, he found Ibuki at a park bench shadowed under a huge tree, hidden from passing eyes. He was lying curled up and asleep. Rui touched Ibuki's shoulder softly and tried to wake him up. Ibuki woke dizzily and saw Rui looking at him.

"Ibuki, come with me. I will take you somewhere."

Ibuki followed Rui as they walked out of the park onto the crowded Incheon highway. Rui, followed by Ibuki, slowly made his way through the traffic to the other side. From there on, Rui led Ibuki to a small shop. It was a wooden structure with a bare minimum capacity of ten people at a time, yet people loved coming there to eat and drink. It was so small that even Ibuki's house, with all its agedness, looked like a mansion in comparison. At that moment, the shop was filled with only four more people, fishermen they were. Rui led Ibuki to a seat in the corner to make him feel safer. When seated, a young woman approached them to take their order. Once the order was given, Rui turned to Ibuki and spoke, "Like the place?"

Ibuki looked about. It was beautiful despite its size. He nodded, "Yes."

Then Ibuki followed up with a question, "It is so small, but seems very popular among people. Why so?"

Rui smiled, "Very right to question that. You will see in a moment."

Ibuki went to the washroom to freshen up and returned to the table to find it filled with aromatic and savoury dishes.

He sat and asked, "Is it the food that makes it special?"

Rui nodded.

Ibuki ate to his appetite, and once he was content, he said, "Thank you."

Rui smiled softly, "If you had passed by this place on your own would you have stopped to eat here?"

Confused by the question, Ibuki gulped and answered, "Maybe not."


Ibuki gave a perplexed reaction.

"But if someone told you the food here was as good as the most spacious and accommodating hotel in the world, would you go?"

"Yes, if I could find a place to sit."

"Fair enough."

Ibuki was puzzled by the questions. Why was Rui asking them?

He posed a question, "With such a small group coming and eating, how do they make enough money?"

"They don't do it to only make money but to make people feel at home when they are away from it," Rui answered. "If you are kind enough and in need, they will go to any extent to find you a place to sit when all the others are occupied."

Ibuki looked about again, and the place seemed even more beautiful with its dimly lit cash counter, and wooden walls ignited with the sunlight.

Rui said, "Ibuki, remember, sometimes it is not about how much one can accommodate but how much one can give to those one accommodates. If sometimes you feel you don't have as many friends as you see your counterparts have, then think of those you do have and how much love and care you give them."

Ibuki remained silent for a moment. Then he spoke, "Is it wrong to feel the need to have more friends?"

"This place would probably wish to have more customers. Obviously, with such a small flow of customers, they would have more free time than many other food outlets," Rui replied.

"Then why don't they expand it?" Ibuki asked.

"I don't know. But the free time they get forces them to work hard and serve the best when a customer does come."

Ibuki was trying to discern what Rui was trying to say to him.

Rui continued, "Do you believe that once they expand, they will remain as they are today?"

Ibuki did not know what the answer would be. He felt hesitant.

"It's okay. I, too, don't know the answer. But it is what you think, not what will really happen."

Ibuki sighed, "I don't think so. Maybe they will change. They cannot not change. Change is inevitable."

Rui smiled, "You are right. But what needs to be changed for them and what not?"

"Maybe the place they operate in needs to change. Maybe the types of dishes they serve, the employees that work here and maybe their management."

Rui nodded, "And what will happen if they change the way they cook their food?"

Ibuki realised what Rui was trying to say right then. He paused before answering, "They won't remain the same."

Rui smiled and replied, "Maybe years later, when their original customers would come, they will find a place totally different from what they knew years ago. Will they feel at home or as if at an alien place?"


Rui got up from his chair and said, "Come, let me take you home. If ever you want to come to this place, do come. It is small but beautiful. And when years later you ever come here and you find it different than what it used to be, then take a moment and look at yourself. Ibuki, you would have changed too."

Rui dropped Ibuki back at his home and told him that his mother would be discharged either in the evening or tomorrow, depending on her condition. He also told him that the expense of the treatment was being taken up by his father, and Ibuki need not worry about it. Once Rui left, Ibuki headed to his room and sat near the window. His thought traced back to Rui's last word before they returned home, "Ibuki, you would have changed too."

Misao sat on her class bench, staring out the window at the trees swaying in the wind. She was deeply involved in the scene when someone patted her shoulder to seek her attention. She turned around to look, and it was Joon-Woo.

"Hello, Misao. I need your help in something."

Misao nodded and followed him to the art club room. Misao realised what it was and stopped in her tracks, "Joon-Woo, are we, by any chance, clearing the room?"

Joon-Woo nodded.

"I know you still have three days left before your deadline, but the principal knows you cannot get members in just three days. She wants me to clear the room. It will be handed over to the theatre department for set and costumes," Joon-Woo explained.

Misao knew the principle was correct. She followed Joon-Woo in and began clearing things. Joon-Woo looked at her and felt sad. But there wasn't much he could do.

While clearing the things, Joon-Woo asked, "You've known Youra forever now."

Misao became attentive immediately.

"I just, feel the need to tell her something, but I cannot," Joon-Woo continued.

"Joon-Woo, I know you like Youra and trust me, she can always give you a chance, but you, my friend, are not confident, and one thing you need to know about her is that she hates people who aren't confident of themselves," Misao replied.

Joon-Woo sighed, "What am I to do? I am not an expert."

"No, you aren't, everyone knows that."

"Can you help me by any means?"

Misao paused to think and then responded, "Well, well. Wait for my call."

As it was, Misao had a habit of taking things upon herself to accomplish, even if it was someone else's relationship goals. It was hard to keep herself aside from any event, small or big. Sometimes, she would think she was helpful, but most of the time, it ended up being a disaster that she had to clear afterwards.

After the room was clear and the cleaning was done, Misao went to Youra. She was in the park reading a science magazine. The front page boasted in bold red words: 'Male Psychology'. Misao was surprised that Youra would even pick a magazine with the word 'Male' in its title, let alone read it. Misao came and wrapped her arm around her friend, "Youra!"

Youra looked at her with sceptical eyes, "What do you want?"

"How about you, my bestie, go on a date with -drumroll please- Joon-Woo!"

Youra gave her a stern look, "No!"

"Oh, come one. Why? Look at it. Youra is the science genius, and Joon-Woo is the all-rounder. What a match made in heaven?!"

Youra pursed her lips and then got up, "No, thank you. And what is wrong with you? When did you decide to enter this matchmaking business?"

Misao pouted and pleaded, "Please! Please, please, please, pleasssssssssssssssssssse! Plus, I see you have taken an interest in males recently."

Youra sighed, closing the magazine and realising what Misao meant by her last line, "Fine, but I will go out with him on one condition."

"Hit it," Misao said.

"You need to come too."

Misao looked at her confused, "How will it be a date if I join?"

"That is up to you to decide. See you!"

Misao sank onto the bench, "When was the last time I told myself not to get into other people's businesses!!"

Misao returned home tired and then asked Rui about Ibuki. He assured her he was fine and had returned home all safe and sound.

Misao sighed in relief and went to her room to freshen up. Youra had told her that the time of the date would be around six in the evening, and Misao had passed that information to Joon-Woo. It was still an hour, and Misao had to come up with a way to be there without being a hurdle to the two. Sitting and thinking, she came up with an idea. How about she took Ibuki? So, in a matter of minutes, Misao found herself at the door of Ibuki's house.

She knocked on the door, and he opened it. He looked fresh and rested. Misao explained to him her affair that she had gotten herself into despite giving herself warnings and despite the whole universe telling her she was not cut out for such business.

Ibuki laughed at the situation she had gotten herself into. Eventually, after mocking her in a friendly manner, he agreed to go with her. They took Maki to Misao's home, and she stayed there. Maki was sure that her brother and Misao were going on a date, and she was excited about it. She wanted Ibuki to buy Misao a gift. She wished them luck, "Best of luck, Brother and Misao!"

Both of them looked at each other in embarrassment. Rather than letting Maki know they were just friends, they were making her believe her fantasies more and more.

Finally, they arrived at a fancy-looking hotel which Youra had booked. Youra's cousin ran the hotel, so she got the booking free of cost. The hotel was lit up with bright yellow lights and had dark brown brick walls laced with colourful flowers and green plants. The lawn on the forepart of the hotel was lush green with oak trees spread across it. Tables and benches were placed on the lawns, and it also had a fountain brightened up with white lights. Ibuki was fascinated with the place. He followed Misao into the hotel. Inside was a long corridor that seemed endless, for its walls were covered with mirrors. Ibuki felt weird walking through the corridor. At the end was a door that led to a hall, usually reserved for functions and significant events. When they reached the end of the mirrored corridor, they turned right to enter another corridor with wooden walls and small aquariums running parallel to the walls. In the end, they finally arrived at a foyer.

Misao stopped there and said, "Let us wait for Youra and Joon-Woo. Once they come, we can go ahead."

Ibuki's head was feeling dizzy with all the corridors. He turned to Misao, "Well, it will take a human is entire lifetime to even move in this hotel. What a place to be?"

Misao giggled.

The foyer had a staircase that led up to the eatery. When Youra arrived, the two followed her up the stairs. When they arrived at the eatery, it was bustling with people. Youra led them into a booked small, designated private eating space. It had a table and four chairs. On its four corners were small antique decorative pieces. A chandelier hung right at the centre of the roof. The three sat on the chairs.

After some minutes, Joon-Woo arrived and was led to the other three. He came in and took his seat. For a moment, the room remained silent, uncomfortably silent.

Ibuki whispered to Misao, "Your match in heaven does not seem to click."

Misao whispered back, "Shut up!"

Finally, realising the centre couple would not talk soon, Ibuki cleared his throat and spoke to Joon-Woo, "Well, hello. Remember me?"

Joon-Woo smiled in response, "Yes, I do remember you."

"Great. So..." Ibuki tried to initiate a conversation. Misao also chimed in to bring Youra into the conversation. It worked well. In a moment, the four were talking.

Soon, realising Youra and Joon-Woo were talking to each other, Misao slowly backed off from the talk. Ibuki had already left the discussion and was observing the room.

"I think it is working," Misao mumbled to Ibuki. Ibuki nodded.

After a while, they ordered some soup. And for the while they were having it, silence prevailed. Misao got up and said, "I think you two should enjoy. Me and Ibuki will be outside."

She grabbed Ibuki while he held a spoonful of soup towards his mouth.

"Ayi!" he reacted.

Misao dragged him out, and they sat on a couch in the foyer.

"You ruined my soup," Ibuki pouted.

Misao crossed her arms, "Really?!"

Ibuki felt the reminiscent taste of the soup in his mouth and sighed, "Well, what are we to do?"

Without Ibuki and Misao in the room, Youra was feeling awkward. Joon-Woo looked at her and said, "Well, um, what do you do in your free time?"


"Me too!"

Youra smiled.

Joon-Woo sipped the soup, and the silence continued. Misao had gone to the washroom, and Ibuki decided to peep to see how the date was going.

When Misao returned, she went up to look for Ibuki, only to find him peeping through the door. She patted him from behind, "What are you doing?"

"Uh, nothing." Ibuki rolled his eyes and said, "They are hopeless. Let me give them a topic to talk about."

Ibuki went in and spoke, "Well, Youra, what do you think about ............. Uh, love?"

Misao hit her head with her palm in embarrassment and rushed quickly to drag Ibuki out of the room.

Joon-Woo looked at Youra and said, "What do you think about love?"

Youra raised her eyebrows, "I think it is a waste of time. I have many more commitments. Why would I be concerned about something so vague as love."

"Well, that is not the right attitude you have towards love. It is a human feeling."

"It relies on hormones, and hormones are unstable, so love is unstable, and I, for that matter, do not like unstable things!"

A debate ensued between the two as Ibuki and Misao watched them.

"Well, at least they are talking," Ibuki said.

Misao turned to him with raised eyebrows, "Let me correct you. They are arguing!"

Ibuki gave a wide expression of embarrassment before saying, "Yeah, I am leaving."

Misao held him by his arms, "Not before you clear the disaster you ensued!"

Ibuki pouted, "I? No, please!"

The debate had fired up, and Joon-Woo rose in anger and smacked the table, "I consider love because I feel it, and I know it!"

"Good for you then. Happy love!" Youra replied.

"I like you!" Joon-Woo reacted.

Youra, about to respond, paused for a moment. She asked, "You what?"

Joon-Woo repeated, more calmly, "I like you."

Ibuki turned to Misao with a lit-up face, "Guess I can go now."

Perplexed with what had ensued, Misao followed Ibuki out of the hotel. It was late evening, around half past seven. The wind blew east, and the sunset from the west. Stars had begun appearing, and a reddish tint painted the sky. Ibuki and Misao walked across a river bank opposite a busy market. Ibuki gazed at the summer evening sky and smiled within. Misao was behind him, embedded in thoughts.

Ibuki turned to look at the market; before Misao could realise it, he had moved across. She followed him. He stopped near a tiny shop, staring at a wristlet.

Misao ignored him, thinking he was buying something for his sister. She waited beside as he bought the wristlet.

He then turned to Misao and grabbed her hand. He slowly placed the wristlet around her wrist and spoke, "You have been a great friend to me as the Sun is to the Moon, as the water is to the shore, as the wind is to the heat. Misao, I want to thank you from the depths of my torn heart."

Misao was expressionless, blank and frozen. What could she say in response? However, she felt happy for Ibuki as she looked at his gift. To her, it was inexpensive. She had no words to say, but she refused silence and spoke, "Thank you." Ibuki smiled.

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