Tensura react to Rimuru

By Crest_Void

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All the character from tensura verse like The Octagram,The Primodial Demons/Angles,The 12 patrons,Veldanava a... More

Where Are Wee??!
Reaction:1 Demon Lord Evolution
My Big Return๐Ÿคฃ


6.5K 101 332
By Crest_Void

Azathoth: What's up man"Happy New Year".

Shiraori:Happy new year.

Azathoth:......(When did i summoned her?)

Shiraori:Is there a problem!

Azathoth:N-no I was just wandering how did you get in!

Shiraori: Through the door!

Azathoth*Dumbfounded*:(Is that stupid Author playing tricks with me again)anyway let's bring the rest.


Ainz Ooal Gown:Ok Elburt i just? huh where am i?!

Natsuki Subaru:A moving Skeleton?

Satou Kazuma: Stupid Goddesses- who are you?n

Naofumi Iwatani:Where am i is it another kind of wave or something?

Cid Kagenou:"I.....AM.......ATOMI- huh! what's this place now

Rudeus greyrat:(I don't know where am i but she's soo hot)

Azathoth:Sup guys! *waves hand*

Ainz and Naofumi takes a battle position:Who are you snd where are we?

Azathoth:Chill i brought you guys here to react to your fellow isekai friends.

Cid: Interesting!

Kazuma:You mean were all the same even that creepy looking skeleton guy!

Ainz:(Am i that creepy)

Rudeus:Why is there only one girl here!

All:(His 100% a pervert)

Subaru:(I miss by beatrix)

Shiraori:Who are we going to react to!

Azathoth:His name is Rimuru Tempest.

Ainz: Rimuru Tempest huh i see!!

Azathoth: Shall we start!


Rudeus: She's soo beautiful!! *nosebleed*

Naofumi: Didn't you hear what this uhh what's your name again?

Azathoth: Right i forgot to introduce myself,you can call me Azathoth or Aza for short and yaa Rimuru is make

Rudeus:*Falls on his knees* hiw can he be soo beautiful *Gloomy*

Cid/Kazuma/Subaru:A TRAP IT IS!!

Shiraori:His kinda my type.



Name: Rimuru Tempest (Former name: Satoru Mikami)

Age:3 years old + (Previous life 37 years old)

Gender:Genderless(Considers himself as male)


Shiraori:3 years old!!

Rudeus:Genderless so he have no Willy!!

Cid: Rimuru huh,he looks strong.


Cid: What's that shield for in your hand!!

Naofumi:Ohh this,well im the Shield hero so my power comes from this shield!

Kazuma:What the!! is it stuck to you like glue!!

Naofumi:Sort off

Shiraori:Is it tasty!


Azathoth:*Ahem* back to the screen plzzzz.....

Species: Ultimate Slime

All: Ultimate slime!!

Ainz:(Sweet drop)[I think you guys know why😂😂]

Kazuma: What a lame name!

Rudeus:No girls it sucks!!

Cid:Do you only think about girls or what,just man up already!!


Shiraori:Hey Aza san is he kinda similar to me!!

Azathoth:Yap he was Reincarnated as a slime.

Kazuma: Aren't slimes the weakest race dooh!

Azathoth:Hehe~ his special doooh.....

Shiraori:And what kind of speciality might he have~

Azathoth:Lets see......he can solo DBZ Verse in his own without a sweet.


In another Room:

Rimuru:Who was that!

Author:Beets me!

Veldora:Must be a fly Kwahahahaha

Back to the room:

Azathoth:I think even Naofumi could beat most of them too!!

Naofumi:I have no idea!!


Shiraori:Whats his Tier Level!!

Azathoth:Ill show that afterwards!!


Top 10 facts about Rimuru:

10.Build a nation from nothing but a small goblin village.


Rudeus:A nation eith soo msny girls how nice would that be.

Ainz:A nation huh sounds intriguing

Cid:(Was there a statue of mine which I don't remember having)

Subaru:So are you a king too shield bro.

Naofumi:Sort of.....

Subaru:Even you ahh what's your name!

Cid:You can call me Cid!

Subaru:So are you a king too!!

Cid:No I'm shadow!!


Cid:The one who lurks in the shadows to hunt the shadow and i have no idea where that place came from!


9.Killed 20,000 soldiers to revive his death friends.

Kazuma:2-20,000 soldiers!!

Azathoth: Impressive right!!

Ainz:How will he revive his death friends from killing 20,000 soldiers anyway?

Azathoth:By evolving into a demon lord!!

Kazuma/Shiraori/Rudeus:DEMON LORD!!

Cid:What do you mean by evolve?

Azathoth:Well as for you know all of you are from different universes and tgey have different functions right,like for example Ainz world is based on a game he played and it have a function called leveling up do uou understand know!

Cid:A Little!

Kazuma:I wish i was in that kind of cheat world instead here I'm stuck with a shitty Goddess!!

8.Released Veldora from the Unlimited Imprisonment and gain the Ultimate skill URIEL.

Cid:Uriel! thats sounds like a brojen skill to me!!

Azathoth:Well it is broken!

Ainz: What does it do?


Lord of Vows, Uriel:

Its essence is the loyalty of one's followers or the Believer System, and Spatial Management.


1.Infinity Prison.

2.Law Manipulation.

3.Universal Barrier: A Multilayer Barrier that can freely adapt to any situation, with space being severed between the outside and inside.

4.Spatial Domination.

5.Absolute Guard.

6.Castle Guard: An art used by Masayuki. Using an intimate knowledge of Michael in combination with Absolute Guard, it is possible to recreate the effect of Castle Guard by linking it to the Believer System of Uriel.

7.Absolute End.

8.Insulated Prison: A combination of Infinity Prison and Insulated Space that Ciel made to trap Velgrynd. It traps the target inside a Combat Airspace using a Layered-Type Magic Circle where everything is controlled and calculated by the user to efficiently restrain the target using superior Attributes.

All:*Jaw Drop*

Naofumi: That's some hell of a defense skill!

Cid:This dude got a too OP Skill!!

Shiraori:(Will i be able to eat it!)

Ainz:(Hmm... that looks like a high tier magic)

Rudeus:If i had that skill i would have gotten all the beautiful gitls by now!!


Kazuma:Why didn't i get something soo op why... why give me that useless Goddess sobb..sob.....

Subaru: Don't cry bro were on the same root!!

Kazuma:Really you don't posses any OP skill sob...sob...

Azathoth:His immortal and if he dies he can respawn like a game check point..... isn't that OP!!

Subaru:💢 Thanks for dropping the mood here!!


Cid:Can this skill witstand my Atomic!!

Azathoth:With ease......


7.Killed Clayman(One of the 10 Great Demon Lords) and joined the Octagram.

Kazuma:10 D-demn L-lord!! seriously....😨

Cid:10 demon lords huh thats absurd i feel pity for the people living there!!

Ainz: Interesting......

Rudeus:Are there any girls among the Demon Lor-

Shiraori:Shut Your Pervert mouth already!!

Cid:Boys one man down retreat......


Azathoth:No my precious floor you broked it 💔

Shiraori:Sorry he was getting in my nerves!!

Azathoth:My floor.... I'm broke how am i going to fix it sobb.....sob......

Shiraori:Gezzzz don't be such a cry baby here *Snap*


Shiraori:Tadaa it's brand new!! happy!


(Sauce:Boku Girl)

Yaa that's much better!

Cid:(She's strong)

Ainz:(Remind me never to piss her off)

Subaru:(I'm lucky my beatrix is not soo aggressive [Happy Tears])

Kazuma:(Why am i roo weak!)

[Readers: Don't worry Kazuma-san we still love you]

Azathoth:(Another 4th wall break *tch* what a pain)

Shiraori:*Ahem*So bavk to the topic are they evil!

Azathoth:What do you think!!

Ainz:(If his saying it with confidence it means that there good people)

Azathoth:Here this is how they look like-

Rudeus:I see two cuties!!

Cid:Ohh your still alive

Rudeus:Do you wanted me to die or what!!

Cid:No its just that you werw stomped 6 feet underground so i thought you would be death😂😂

Shiraori:Be lucky i went easy on you today,but ifyou say something lewd again *Crack*



6.Defeated the Eastern Empire(which was considered the strongest Empire) in the war!

Cid: That's legit....

Kazuma:Ohh right his a king of a nation!!

Subaru:He defeated the strongest nation,wait how did he defeated them!!

Azathoth:Because of this-

5.Evolved all his 12 Patrons into True Demon lords who could easily defeat most of the Octageam (Except from Guy,Milim,Ramiris(In prime state))

All:*Super intense Jaw drop*

Azathoth:Close your mouths or else flies will enter!

Ainz:I-is it that easy to evolve others into Demon lords!

Azathoth:Nop.....If one posses a Demon lord seed and gives the required souls than only one can evolve!!

Cid: That's ummm..too OP......

Ainz: Aren't there like Hero's or something?

Azathoth:There is!There call True hero's its similar to a demon lord seed but it does not require souls but will to protect people and determination and one who possess a Hero Seed that only you csn match the level of a True Demon Lord and its very rare to posses one either!

Rudeus:Can i posses one to-

Azathoth:No you can't! your all from different universes and all of them has different rules do you get it!


Kazuma/Subara:*sigh in depression*

4.Defeated Michael and devoured him obtaining all the 14 Angelic Ultimate Skills.

Cid: What's an Ultimate Skill?

Shiraori:(Something's not right here)

Ainz:(I have a bad feeling about this)

Kazuma:Must be some kind of OP skill again*Gloomy*

Azathoth:To make it short once one posses a Ultimate Skill they can chsnge the Laws of the world snd its literally an OP skill.


Cid:(So basically his a God or what!)

Ainz:So if he defeated someome who posses 14 OP Skills thus that mean he possessed more than 14 US !!

Azathoth:Ahhh...no he possessed 2 US at that time and besides it doesn't matter how many skills you jave if you don't know how to utilise it,its basically Useless!!


3.Evolved Into A True Dragon And Became One of 5th True Dragons In Existence.

Kazuma:How much stronger is he gonna get(I feel like a bug compare to him😢)

Shiraori:Are True Dragons different from Regular Dragons?

Azathoth:Yap....well for short True Dragons are the strongest beings and they can basically destroy weak universes with just their Aura.


Rudeus:Are they stronger than the Dragon God in my world!

Azathoth:The Dragon God in your world is basically like a bug for them!!

Rudeus:I knew it!!

2.Posses all the 3 True Dragons Factor.

Subara:Dragon Factor?

Azathoth:Its like their core(or heart for short)

Kazuma:And why does he possesses them?

Azathoth:.........(I didn't read the Novel yet so don't ask hard questions)

Cid:So what about the Other Dragon weren't there 5 of them!

Azathoth:Ohh one of them death!(Straight forward)

Cid:And why is that's he/she is death didn't you say True Dragon's were the strongest existence!

Azathoth:(It's a pain to explain soo I'll meet you after i explain them about Veldanava)

After 1 Hour:

Subaru: What a sad love story😢

Cid:So he and his are death.

Azathoth:Yap(No there just next to this room mann)

Kazuma:*Sigh*(I don't have the strength to talk anymore)

1.When Satoru was dying he said "he would hunt down all the ladies" and when he got a Human form he didn't posses a Son nor a Daughter!

Rudeus: That's soo cruel😢😢

Shiraori:Why so!

Rudeus: He got no Willy😢

Ainz:I don't it either though!

Rudeus:Your a Talking skeleton how would you possess one!!


Cid:Huh that's a interesting fact we got!

Subaru:(At least i posses it)

Kazuma:(Finally something i got which he couldn't)

Azathoth: Let's check at some meme's shall we~


Ainz:If you want to live in this world you have to kill all those who try to harm you and your family or else they'll kill you first!!


Kazuma:You mean killing fellow humans!



Naofumi:To earn something you have to lose something!!

Cid:Where were you all this time!!

Naofumi:*Yawn*Just took a nap!!

Cid: the

Naofumi: You ok!!

Kazuma:That was brutal

Subaru:He just blew it away as if it was a birthday candle.

Cid:L-lowly H-h-human!💔

Ainz:What kind of attack is that dooh,is it like a real Atomic bomb or sort!


Shiraori:Hmmm........(Does it taste good)

Azathoth:(I think i over did it,he felt into depression)

Cid:(Thst wss my ultimate attack and he just blew it away)*Gloomy*

Cid:Wow and now your eating bombs👏👏

Rudeus: Can you eat a nuclear bomb just like that,how dows it taste!


Ainz:So you ate a nuclear bomb and gain Godlike powers is that right!!


Naofumi:So Rimuru sacrificed thousands of souls and attain Godlike powers!

Azathoth:Not exactly!!


Azathoth:Well you only used the souls to Evolve into a Demon Lord that's all!!

All:Just that!!



Kazuma:Yo skeleton dude is that how you look before reincarnating!

Ainz:Yes and you can call me Ainz!!

Subaru:Whose that other guy dooh I've seen that face for the second time now!

Azathoth:You can call her Tanya!!

Cid:So his a Genderbender protagonist huh!!

Azathoth:Exactly right!

Rudeus:She looks scary dooh!

Naofumi:*Munch munch*

Shiraori:*Sniff sniff* food where did you get food

Naofumi:*Cough cough* Don't scare me like that,there you get there*Points at the shelf*

Azathoth:(Those are mine dooh😢 sob..sob..)

Subaru:Your a thief Kazuma san!

Kazuma:No that's my skill just that!

Rudeus:Looks like you suffered alot Subaru san

Cid:Huh a simp!

Subaru:Huh I'm not a s-simp!(sweating buckets)

Rudeus:Shield bro,single parent what does that mean!

Naofumi:Well[I Watched only season 1 so i don't have idea on what to say here :)]


Shiraori:That would be me!!

Cid: Your a spider!


Naofumi:And here i thought nothing can surprise me anymore!😑


Azathoth:*Ahem* sorey weong picture!

Kazuma:*Downloading data one what the f*ck he saw*

Naofumi:That was weird!

Cid:A treasure island really and here i am begging money

Kazuma: Atleast your getting money!😑

Cid:Whonis that lucky bastard anyway!

Azathoth:I forgot his name but for short he got reincarnated in a Otome game as an NPC Character but looted all the treasure he remembered in the real game!!

Naofumi: That's ligit!!

While Cid And Kazuma be like:

Shiraori:Are this two alright!

Azathoth: They'll be fine!

Ainz:Were they really poor!

Rudeus:But why is Cid san also spacing out if his subordinates are earning a living doing business couldn't he just ask them!🗿🗿

Cid:I could just steal it no biggie.....


Azathoth:Last one for today-

Shiraori:Is it time.

Azathoth:Yes it is *Intense sound*

Kazuma:What is it?

Subaru:You mean that one!

Cid:So it's finally time huh!

Ainz:Let's relax first before it begins!

Rudeus:(Sweat drop)


Azathoth:Geezzzz you don't have to scream like that we were just talking about the Tier *Menacing*

Kazuma:Ohh that*Serious*

Azathoth:Are you guys ready for it!


Rimuru Tempest Stats-

Tier: 6-B, Gluttony will eventually become at least 5-B to High 5-A, likely 4-C | 6-A, Beelzebuth will eventually become at least 5-B to High 5-A, likely 4-C | High 4-C | High 3-A | Up to 2-C | At least 2-C | At least 1-B, possibly High 1-B

Name: Rimuru Tempest, Demon Lord Rimuru, Rising Star/Newbie, Slime-san, Sensei, Satoru Mikami (previous life)

Origin: Tensei Shittara Slime Datta Ken

Age: 37 (Previously), 2+ (Currently) | Beyond the concept of space and time

Gender: Genderless (But identifies as a male)

Classification: Slime, Demon-Slime, Member of the Octagram|5th True Dragon.

Dimensionality: 3-D | 3-D | 3-D | 4-D | 4-D | 100-D, up to possibly Countably Infinite-D

Attack Potency: Country level, Gluttony will eventually become at least Planet level to Dwarf Star level, likely Star level | Continent level, Beelzebuth will eventually become at least Planet level to Dwarf Star level, likely Star level | Large Star level | High Universe level | Up to Low Multiverse level | At least Low Multiverse level | At least Hyperverse level, possibly High Hyperverse level

Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic, Massively Hypersonic+ with Black Lightning, Speed of Light with Megiddo | Relativistic+, Speed of Light with Disintegration, Melt Slash and Megiddo | FTL+ | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ | Immeasurable (Allegedly transcends time and space, but to what extent is unknown)

Lifting Strength: Class 100, Class M with Sticky Steel Thread | Class 100, Class M with Sticky Steel Thread | Class 100, Class M with Sticky Steel Thread | Class 100, Class M with Sticky Steel Thread | Class 100, Class M with Sticky Steel Thread | Class 100, Class M with Sticky Steel Thread | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Country level | Continent level | Large Star level | High Universe level | Up to Low Multiverse level | At least Low Multiverse level | At least Hyperverse level, possibly High Hyperverse level

Durability: Country level | Continent level | Large Star level | High Universe level | Up to Low Multiverse level | At least Low Multiverse level | At least Hyperverse level, possibly High Hyperverse level

Stamina: Superhuman | Infinite (as Ultimate Slime) | Infinite (as a Digital Lifeform)

Range: Tens of Kilometers, Gluttony will eventually become Planetary, likely Stellar | Tens of Kilometers, Planetary with Argos, Beelzebuth will eventually become Planetary, likely Stellar | Tens of Kilometers, Planetary with Argos, Beelzebuth will eventually become Planetary, likely Stellar | Planetary, Beelzebuth will eventually become likely Stellar | High Universal | Universal+, Low Multiversal and Interdimensional with space-time continuous strike | Universal+, Low Multiversal and Interdimensional with space-time continuous strike | High Hyperversal and Interdimensional

Standard Equipment: Anti-Magic Mask, Magic Coat, Katana, Demon Lord's Ring, Draconic Sword

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius | Mindless | Extraordinary Genius | Supergenius | Supergenius | Supergenius | Supergenius to Nigh-Omniscient later on

Weaknesses: None notable

Key: Slime | Demon Slime | With Draco Nava | Unlimited Imprisonment | Superiority (Pre-Ultimate Slime) | Superiority (Ultimate Slime) | Digital Lifeform.


Shiraori:Too strong (sweating buckets)



Naofumi: Yaa his too OP I'm around Multiverse level thread but he*shivers*

Azathoth: Looks like this three were not ready to face it just yet huh!

Shiraori:His not only strong but smart too!!

Cid:Will i be able to attain that kind of power


Shiraori:I highly doubt that!

Azathoth:Ok that will be all for today I'll meet you guys next time!

Naofumi: We're coming again 😑

Azathoth:Of course you will abd you'll see new faces too for know byess~




People's First Impression When They Hear these-

Important Note:
This will be last post for know.aAs you know my exams are just near the door steps soo I'll be in active Till March.

I will resume posting latest by April first week.



~3016 WORDS~

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