
By MrsReigns19

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
I don't Know Why
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
It's Up

Chapter 19

2K 98 36
By MrsReigns19

I woke up to the sun shining bright in my face and a whole lot of screaming. There was no sign of Roman anywhere.

I frowned and ran into the room to find Avery alone on the bed crying her eyes out.

"What's the matter boo? Why you crying?" I asked walking over to her. She reached out to me. I picked her up and rocked her gently until she calmed down. I realized she was crying because I wasn't here when she woke up. It was 10:50, the two hour Wrestlemania pre show was probably getting ready to start.

I smiled and made my way into the bathroom to give Avery a bath. Then I dressed her in comfortable clothes.  I sat her on the bed as I went to take my shower and turned on the tv.

Afterwards I got dressed in a loose black v-neck and regular jeans. I slipped on some sandles and made sure I had my phone and keys in my bag.

I brushed out my hair and wrapped it in a tight donut bun.

"Come on mama." I said. Avery climbed off the bed and left the room. I walked out behind her and locked the door behind me.

The elevator was on construction so we had to use the stairs. As we left the hotel my phone rang.

Mrs. Robinson

I smiled and answered.

"Hey Mrs. Robinson." I greeted as Avery and I came to a crosswalk. I bent down to hold her before we crossed the street and made our way to Levi Stadium.

"Hey Ciara. Isn't there something special going on today." She asked.

"Yeah. Wrestlemania." I replied. "Are you going to be watching?"

She laughed. "Honey, I'm going to be doing more than just watching. Im going to be there." She replied. I squealed making Avery look at me in confusion.

"Oh my gosh. Are you serious?" I asked.

"I know it's last minute but Michael just bought tickets last night before they sold out." She explained. I smiled and shook my head.

"That's no problem.  I can't wait to see you." I replied.

"Good. I'll be there in an hour." She said. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Avery, we're about to see an old friend soon." I said as we reached the Stadium. We went towards the back of the stadium where the superstars and Divas were unloading their things  into the back.

"Whose ready for Wrestlemania!?" I yelled making us all cheer. Nikki looked at me in confusion and smiled.

"Well someone's very happy this morning." She commented. I smiled. "Mrs. Robinson, Avery's old babysitter is coming to watch the show." I replied.

"Okay, but that doesnt seem like thats all you have to say." Nikki spectulated at me. I shrugged not knowing if I should tell her about Roman.

Last night was great, but I don't know what it means. I don't really feel for Roman like that though.

"Last night Joe kissed me and I kissed him back." I said.  Nikki smiled and looked at me

"You what?! You do know that he has a girlfriend right?" Nikki asked.

"He told me they broke up." I said frowning. Nikki bit the inside of her cheek and raised and eyebrow.

"What, you think he's lying?" She asked.

"No, he's just sending all these mixed signals. I mean he told me that he's in love with someone then he kisses me." I reply.

Nikki shrugs. "He's probably just frustrated. You guys have been through alot."

"I guess so." I said. Nikki brightened up and waved her hand in my face.

"Never mind that, but guess who is performing tonight?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Word is that Aloe Black, Ariana Grande, and Beyonce are performing."She said.

"Oh my gosh  can things get any better today?" I asked excited. Avery smiled and clapped as if she understood.

"That's what I'm saying." She said taking her things out of the back of her Black Sedan. A valet came over and took her car keys as went inside through the back.

"How are you this morning my little munchkin?" Nikki asked Avery poking her stomach. She giggled, letting spit dribble down her chin. I took a tissue from purse and wiped her face.

"Hey, Ive got a signing in like fifteen minutes out front. I'll see you later alright?" Nikki said. I nodded.

"Alright." I said as she walked off rolling her suitcase.

As I walked, I came across the guy that sells WWE Merchandise. I stopped to browse a little.

"Mama, Ro." Avery said pointing to a shirt. On one of the items, Roman was on it doing the 'Superman punch' as he calls it. I stared at the shirt for a while and shrugged. I guess I have a little cash on me.

"Excuse me, can I get that shirt," I said pointing to it. "In an extra small?"

"Sorry, this is the smallest size is a small." The guy said picking it up. I reached in my bag and pulled out a twenty.

"Yeah sure."

He went to the back to get the shirt and returned back within a couple seconds.

"$15.75." He said. I handed over my twenty as he placed the shirt in a bag. He took it and gave be back my change a little later.

"Yay!" Avery cheered looking at the bag as we walked away.  I stopped in the middle of my path to put the shirt over Avery. It draped down on her like a dress but it was very adorable. I snapped a picture and saved it to my phone.

"Lets go get something to eat." I said as we continued  walking this time I let Avery walk, my arm was cramping. The way to the food court was far. This stadium really is big.

I saw Ambrose who waved me over. Thank goodness. I ran over to him without thinking and jumped on him, wrapping my arms and legs around him. Avery watched in amusement.

"I didn't know you get this happy to see me." Dean chuckled. I laughed in response as he hugged me back. "I don't. But I missed the hell out of you." I said getting off of him.

"I know this week has been real busy. I needed my sour apple. But what does she do? She sets me up to go out with Eva Marie." Dean replied. I frowned and turned my head to the side.

"I thought you liked her." I said  as Dean bent down and gave Avery a hug.

"I mean. She's not bad, but she's not my type." Dean shrugged. I shook my head.

"Then what is your type?"

Dean licked his lips "I like them tall, dark, and sexy." He replied.  I stepped back and put my hand up.

"Woah, Dean I'm flattered but uh.. we're just friends." I said.  He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"No, not you."

I looked behind me to see Mrs. Foxy coming up behind me. Alicia?

"Hey boo. Ready for Wrestlemania?" She asked giving me a hug. I smiled in response.

"Am I ready? I was born ready. This is my first Mania." I said. She smiled. "Well you're going to love it."

She blew a kiss to Avery and waved at Dean before she walked away.

"Alicia?" I asked Dean. He smiled and nodded.

"Oh yes. She's all that and a bag of chips." He said making me laugh.

"I never see these match ups coming. First Seth and Paige then you and Alicia." I replied. I picked Avery up and Dean slung is arm on my shoulder as we walked to the food court together.

"I just don't know how to approach her. She's so fine. And those eyes and mmmmm." Dran groaned at the end. I laughed.

"That's gross Ambrose. Take it slow though and then ask her on a little date or something." I replied. I was really excited that my friend here found someone that he wanted to be with.

"I know. I plan on talking to her tonight." Dean said as we reached the food court. I nodded.

My phone vibrated in my pocket sending chills down my spine. I had a text from Roman.

      Hey, come to my lockar room. Far east side, number 3013

I looked at it for a couple more seconds and bit the insides of my cheeks.

"Dean I have to go but I'll be back before the show starts." I said turning to him. He shrugged.

"Alright. Catch up with you later." He replied as I handed Avery over to him.

"No mami." Avery whined coming  back for me.

"Hey monkey, she'll be back." Dean said. Avery smacked his hand making me laugh.

"I'll be back in a little. And I'll bring back candy." I bribed her. Her eyes brightened and she nodded.


She leaned over and kissed my chin then snuggled onto Dean.

I walked over the east side and went in search of Locker room number 3013. When I found it, I didnt hesitate to open the door. I really wanted to see Roman.

Roman was laying back on the couch and looked up to see who was at the door. His lockar room was pretty big and furnished. I nodded my head, impressed as I looked around.

"Wow. They did you good." I said setting my bag on one of the couches.

"Yeah it's not so bad." He replied. The air was awkward as I stood the and rocked on the balls of my feet. Roman looked around nervously.

"Ciara, about last night-"

"Where were you this morning?" I asked cutting him off and going straight to the question that was on my mind. Roman raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry. It just felt weird to me." I said taking a seat. Roman smiled at me.

"Weird? Huh, I've been called a great kisser before." Roman added in. I threw a couch pillow at him making him duck and laugh.

"I was called in this morning to discuss a new plan for tonight." Roman said. I shrugged a little.

"Oh. I thought you were leaving me hanging." I muttered. Roman grinned and stood up. I looked down and around.

"Don't look down like your shy or something because we both know you have a loud mouth." Roman said making us both laugh. I tilted my head to the side and looked up at him.

He put his index finger under my chin and stepped closer to me.

"You're so beautiful." Roman whispered and placed a kiss on my lips. My insides churned and did summer saults. His lips were so soft and delicate.

"You're giving me bad vibes Anoa'I." I said once stepping back a little. I couldn't help the growing smile on my face. He interwined his left hand with my right. I loved every minute of this. It's been a while since Seth left me hanging.

"How so?"

"You said that you're in love with someone." I said taking my hand out of his and stuffing it in my back pocket. Roman smirked and sat back down.

"I am in love with someone. She's beautiful, and smart and everything you could want in a woman." Roman said.

I exhaled sharply and bit the inside of my cheeks.

"Exactly. Which is why we can only be friends." I said. Roman laughed and shook his head.

"Alright baby. I got it." He laughed again. I don't know what he was laughing for. There was nothing funny about this.

Wrestlemania was lit. They started off the show with Aloe Black performing the National Anthem. His voice was beautiful and could jist melt anyone.

For the fatal four way, Tyson Kidd and Antonio Cesaro retained their tag team championships.

Big Show won the Andrea the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. I was excited for him although the croud was harsh.

Afterwards was the Intercontinental Ladder Match which Dean was in. I was a little sad that Dean didn't win but proud because he did really great and I guess it was Daniel's shining time

Ariana Grande's performance of The Way and Problem were outstanding. It really hyped up the croud. I couldn't really see the rest if the matches but I was there for the main event.

Before then, Beyonce sure did rock the stage, Starting off with Crazy In Love, Followed with Single ladies. To top it off, she ended with Halo and that sure pleased the croud.

As for the main event, all I can say was it was nerve wrecking. Brock Lesnar went for suplex after Suplex. I really thought that Roman would give up. You can see the hurt in his eyes but he managed to stay in.

Finally towards the end of the match when he was actually getting to Brock, Seth ran out with his Money In The Bank brief case, socking most of the croud and me.

I was surprised. After all that hard work, Roman had everything snatched out from under him. The monitors turned off and everyone was still in shock. Seth walked through happy and excited that he won and we congratulated him. When Roman walked through, Everyone clapped  for him.

He was disappointed, but managed to keep a smile on his face. He croutched down as Avery ran to him and gave him a tight hug. I clasped my hands together and smiled at the sight. Roman turned to me and gave me a small smile. His dreams were crushd but we was hiding his emotions well.

His family rushed up to hug him and I stepped back to give them space.

Ambrose came up to me and kissed my forhead.

"You may not have the IC belt but Im proud of you." I said. He grinned and shook his head. "Screw that. That's not what I'm happy about."

I laughed. "Alicia said yes?" I asked. He nodded giving me a tight hug.

"Yeah. Today was the best Wrestlemania. Even though I didn't win, I did win." He said. "I just have to get out of these damn clothes. It's too hot." Dean muttered.

"Aye, Joseph. Are you going to introduce us to your lovely friend here?" Rikishi asked. My heart threatened to come out of my chest. I bit down on my lip and made eye contact with Roman. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Uh, Yeah. This is C-"

"Actually dad, I think his friend here is tired. I think she was just heading out before we interrupted." Chris stepped in. Roman and I both turned to look at him.

"Yeah. You'll just have to meet her some other time." Summer smirked. I squinted in her direction. What the hell is this bitch up to now.

"Oh come on and just introduce us." Mr. Anoa'I said while patting Roman's shoulder.

"Oh my phone is vibrating. I think it's another message from Sandra she says she needs to see me ASAP." I mumbled getting Avery from Roman.

"I wan daddy." Avery pouted making me stop dead in my tracks. She just called Roman her daddy. I turned to Dean for help. He stared wide eyed and shrugged.

"Daddy?" Roman's mother  Patricia repeated. Everyone turned to look at Roman who was in shock from Avery calling him her father.

"Oh this should be good." Summer said smiling.

To be continued...

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Just a little update on what's going to happen next for this book. Let me know what you think in the comments box.