By f4iryneoo

38.7K 1K 138

❝ 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝𝐲, 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭�... More

author's note
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


4.8K 74 16
By f4iryneoo

amelia elsher stood in front of her father's desk with her hands behind her back, he stared at her down with a pleasing look. amelia's stats for the test to even be considered for the riders quadrant had gone very well.

of course her stats were good, she was a elsher after all and no elsher had not graduated from the riders quadrant. the stubble on his face began to move as soon as he started to speak, " you will not fail this family and you will not fail me. your older brothers graduated from the riders quadrant and so will you "

his uniform was decorated with meddles, general elsher is very feared with in the college because of his war experience and because he graduated at the top of his class when he was in the riders quadrant.

amelia nodded at her tough as nails father, before her training for the riders quadrant five years ago he was not as strict but because every member in her family had graduated at the top of their class thats when he changed.

" i know you can do it, i've trained you since you were 15 and well you are my daughter " general elsher smiled a little.

he always took pride in his children but amelia is his only daughter and was a hell lot better fighter than her brothers. she is a quick learner, light on her feet when she fights, and a very smart person.

" and make sure you protect violet, i tried to talk to her stubborn mother about not sending her but like usual she doesn't listen. she's a smart girl but the others will eat her live so watch her back "

the blonde haired girl lowered her head to acknowledge what he had said, her hair was pulled into a bun that she was sure wouldn't be undone. " that will be all, do well amelia " her father said with a choke in his voice.

it seemed like he was going to cry, which surpised amelia because her father never showed emotion to anyone. the young girl turned to walk out of the general's office with her father's lingering on her as she turned the door handle.

he knew that amelia would make it, she was as tough as nails and had the potential to become a general in the future. the girl walked out of her father's office and walked down the hall towards general sorrengail's office.

amelia saw that mira was standing outside with violet nowhere in sight, the girl was angry as hell. " let me guess, the talk didn't go well " she said.

" of course it didn't, my mother is being a stone cold bitch again " mira said smiling a little at amelia.

" how is violet doing? "

" how do you think? she only had six months of training unlike you who had 5 years and she can barely carry her rucksack. the only good thing is she has you going with her "

amelia tilted her head at mira, she understood why the older girl was so worried about violet going. violet was not the typical person that would make it in the rider quadrant and even if she passed the parapent, amelia was sure that the others would make her time there a living hell.

the door to the office swung open, violet had emerged from her mother's office and a guard closed the door behind her. " she's batshit crazy " mira said to her younger sister.

" they'll tell her you said that "

" like they don't already know "

amelia smiled at the banter between sisters, violet who finally noticed her best friend looked at her. " how did the talk with your father go? "

" good, he actually looked like he was going to miss me " amelia said still in shocked that he almost cried.

mira and violet both looked surpised, they knew her father and his personality. " that's a first, now let's go. we only have an hour before all candidates have to report, i saw thousands of them waiting at the gates when i flew over "

she led us to violet's room. or what was left of it. all of violet's stuff her packed into boxed and neatly tucked away in the corner of the room. it honestly surpised amelia how fast violet's mother could get things done around here.

" she's fucking efficient, i'll give you that " amelia mutters and looks around the room that was completely bare, expect for that bed that was the only decor in the whole room.

mira sighed, she looked at violet. " i was hoping i'd be able to talk her out of it. you were never meant for riders quadrant " the younger sister lifted an eyebrow at mira. " so you've mentioned repeatedly "

" sorry " mira said, she was begining to empty her bag.

" what are you doing? "

" what brennan did for me " mira said a soft-spoken voice. " can either of you use a sword? " she continued.

" i can " amelia said, she looked at violet. the girl shook her head. " too heavy, i'm pretty quick with daggers though and amelia can actually use both " the youngest sorrengail said looking at her friend.

" i figured. good. now, drop your packs and violet take off those horrible boots "

amelia and violet both did what mira had asked them to do, elsher was more than happy to take off her her pack. she could carry it just fine but amelia knew she would have to carry it for hours probably and she wanted to rest her back.

mira had violet new boots and a black uniform that she brought, now violet would be matching with amelia who got the same ones from her older brothers yesterday. " put these on "

" what's wrong with our packs? " violet said confused, that's when mira had immediately opened it and started to rip out everything that she had carefully packed. " mira! that took me all night! "

" you're carrying way too much, and you're boots are a death trap. you'll slip right off the parapet with those soles. i had a set of rubber-bottomed rider boots made for you just in case and this, dear violet, is the worst case. amelia show me your boots. "

amelia lifted up her pant leg to show mira the boots she was wearning, " good, got those from your brothers? "

" and father " amelia said as mira nodded.

once mira was done with violet's bag, she started to go through amelia's bag which was a lot better than violet's. that's also because her brothers told her what to pack for the rider quadrant before they left back to their posts.

mira gets up from the floor, " alright, all set and violet get dressed and be fast " she said looking at her sister.

the bells ring, which lets everyone know they only have 45 mintues left. amelia was getting nervous by the mintue, she had a big duty to protect violet and wondered could she even do it.

she owed it to mira, brennan, and her father to protect her with everything she's got even if it means dying for her. violet just finished changing into her new clothes, mira smiled softly at her.

" keeps it from rubbing " mira explains.

" like the gear riders wear into battle " amelia said as mira nodded. " exactly, because that's what both of you are doing. going into battle "

the fabric of the corset itches amelia, you would think training at the age of 15 would get her used to wearing clothes like this but you never get used to it. then again she would rather be uncomfortable because her clother then be dead.

" for your daggers "

" i only have four " violet grabs them from a pile on the ground.

" you'll earn more " mira said then turned to amelia. " and you lia? "

amelia pulled out 10 daggers and a sword, mira smiled at the young elsher and nodded. she knew amelia got them from her father and brothers.

" what is this? " violet said scratching the material on the corset and turned to mira.

" something i designed, i had it specially made for you with teine's scales sewn in, so do be careful with it "

for a few more mintues the sorrengail sisters and amelia conversed, mira was talking about the codex and drilling more information into the their brains. she was trying to teach them as much as she could in 15 minutes.

" sleep in your corsets if you can, just because it is an executable offence to attack a cadet while sleeping doesn't mean you both are safe "

" rider black is supposed to be earned. you sure we shouldn't wear our tunic today? " violet said nervously.

amelia looked at violet who worried that someone would tell them something, " you're a sorrengail and i'm a elsher. fuck what they say "

a smile appears on violet and mira's faces, the bell chimes letting them know they had thirty minutes left. amelia and violet shared a look before slinging theirs sacks onto their shoulders. mira nodded at both girls and opened the door, all three girls stepped into the hallway.

the halls of adminstrative part was quiet, but as they descended the noise of familes saying goodbye to their loved ones grew louder and louder. by each passing step down the stairs amelia got more nervous.

she had the pressure to graduate a the top of her class and to protect violet, she didn't know either if anyone would try and kill her because of her father. would her and violet make friends? would everyone and their mothers try to kill her and violet or just violet?

soon the trio reached the courtyard, mira pulled both of them in a bone-crushing hug. " i love you both and please remember everything i told you. use your smarts both of you and stick with each other please "

violet and amelia sighed as mira was hugging them, " we'll be okay " violet said to her sister.

mira nods, she walked into the crowded courtyard full of instructors, commanders, and even the generals were waiting. amelia nervously played with the strap of her bag as mira was saying was something.

" find dain aetos " mira said looking at amelia, violet did the same. dain and amelia had history together and this was the first time in about a year or more they would see each other.

amelia wondered if he had changed or stayed the same, either way she was glad to hear a familar face was on the other side. it would be easier for her if both of them protected violet.

" i've only been out of the quadrant for three years, but from what i hear, he's doing well and he'll keep you safe. he'll be in second year now " mira said looking at amelia who nodded.

she was nervous to see dain, thinking about him made her smile a little and it might have brought old feelings that maybe she shouldn't have. violet and mira both noticed her smile, mira then interupted her train of thought.

" don't mess around with second-years. if you want to get laid, and you should often, considering you never know what the day brings, then screw around in your own year " mira said looking at amelia who's face was a little red.

all three of them joined the riders' line, waiting to sign in. amelia glances up and looks around to where the parapet should be. she smiled knowing it would be an easy task for her to make it across, violet was going to have the problems and that's what she was worried about.

" and to think, i've been preparing for the scribe's written exam all these years " violet says in a sarcastic tone. " i should have been playing on a blance beam "

mira glances at her sister as the line started to move and cadets disappear behind the door, " don't let the wind mid-sway your steps "

two candidates ahead of them, a women sobs as her partner rips her away from a young man, the couple breaking the line. leaving in tears down the hillside toward the crowd of loved ones lining the roads. there were no parents ahead, just candidates moving.

" keep your eyes on the stones ahead of you and don't look down " mira said to both girls, her face tightening. " arms out for balance. if the pack slips, drop it. better it falls than you "

violet becomes nervous just by mira's words, she didn't belong there and everyone knew it. " maybe we should let them go first " she says in a panic whisper. amelia looked back to see the hundreds of young adults who either volunteered or were forced to be here.

" no " mira said harshly. " the longer you wait on those steps, the greater your fear has a chance to grow. cross the parapet before the terror owns you "

the line moves, and the bell chimes again. it's eight o'clock.

sure enough, the crowd of thousands behind us separated fully into their chosen quadrants, all ligned up to sign the roll and begin their service.

" focus " mira snaps, both violet and amelia looked foward. " this might sound harsh but don't seek friendships in there. forge alliances "

there are only two ahead of them now-a woman with a full pack, whose high cheekbones and oval face reminded both girls of renderings of amari, the queen of gods. her dark brown hair is worn in several rows of short braids that just touch the equally dark skin of her neck. the second is a blond man with the woman crying over him. he's carrying an even bigger rucksack.

amelia looks around the pair toward the roll-keeping desk, and her eyes widen. " is he....? " violet whispers.

mira glances and mutters a curse. " a separatist's kid? yep. see that shimmering mark that starts on his wrist? it's a relic from the rebellion "

mira nods. "mom says general melgren and general elsher's dragon did it to all of them," she glances at me with saddened eyes " when he executed their parents, she wasn't exactly open to further discussion on the topic. nothing like punishing the kids to deter more parents from committing treason "

" most of the marked kids who carry rebellion relics are from tyrrendor, of course, but there are a few whose parents turned traitors from the other provinces- " the blood drains from her face, and she turns towards us. " i just remembered " her voice drops, and we both lean in, my heart jumping at the urgency in her tone " stay the hell away from xaden riorson "


after mira lectures both girls to stay away from xaden riorson they reached the front of the line.  " next " captain fitzgibbon's silver eyebrows rise over his weathered face.  " violet sorrengail? " she nods, picking up the quill and signed her name on the empty line on the roll. 

 " but i thought you were meant for the scribe quadrant " captain fitzgibbon speaks softly. violet moved out of the away so amelia could sign her name. 

" general sorrengail chose otherwise " mira supplies. saddness fills the older man's eyes. " pity. you had so much promise " " by the gods " the rider next to captain fitzgibbons says. " you're mira sorrengail? " his jaw drops, and amelia can smell his hero worship from here.

" i am " she nods. " this is my sister, violet. and this is general elsher's daughter, amelia. they'll be first-years " mira said wrapping an arm around amelia's shoulder. 

the rider who recognized mira was in awe of amelia who smiled at him, like it was mentioned before her father is respected and feared by a lot of people at the college. not to mention every elsher who went through the college graduated first in their class. 

" if she survives the parapet " someone behind them snickers. " wind just might blow her right off " amelia jaw tenses and turns around to throw a dirty look at the person who was teasing violet. 

" you fought at strythmore " the rider behind the desk says with awe. " they gave you the order of the talon for taking out that battery behind enemy lines " the snickering behind them stops.

 " as I was saying " mira puts a hand on the small of violet's back. " this is my sister, violet and her best friend amelia "

" you know the way " the captain nods and points to the open door into the turret. violet and amelia both shared a look to each other. at least they had each other, they both agreed that life would suck if the other one wasn't around. 

" we know the way " she assures him, leading violet past the table so the snickering asshole behind them can sign the roll. amelia follows behind her friend and mira also follows for one last goodbye to the both of them.

they all pause at the doorway and turn towards each other, " don't die violet. i'd hate to be an only child " mira said with a teasing grin on her face. the older sorrengail then turned to amelia with a soft grin. " and i know you'll make it, show them how tough you are and why you are an elsher "

amelia nodded, mira walks away, sauntering past the line of gawking candidates as word spreads of exactly who she is and what she's done.

" tough to live up to that " the woman ahead of violet says from just inside the tower. " it is" violet agrees, gripping the straps of her rucksack and heading into the darkness.

both amelia and violet's eyes adjusted quickly to the dim light coming in through the equidistant windows along the curved staircase. 

" sorrengail as in...?" the woman asks, looking over her shoulder as we begin to climb the hundreds of stairs that lead to their possible deaths.

that's when a blond guy in front of them noticed amelia, " aren't you amelia elsher? " he was in awe of her. she was different than anyone imagined, having grown up as the only girl with a general isn't what amelia should look like. 

she had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and the prettiest smile that anyone has ever seen. it was no wonder why dain liked her because she was easily one of the prettiest girls at the college and city. 

amelia nodded and smiled at him, violet looked at her friend and smiled at her. " the general? " the same guy asked violet this time. 

" the same one " she answers, offering him a quick smile. 

" wow. nice leathers, too " he smiles back. " thanks. they're courtesy of my sister "

" i wonder how many candidates have fallen off the edge of the steps and died before they even reach the parapet " the woman says, glancing down the centre of the staircase as we climb higher. " two last year " violet tilts her head when she glances back. " well, three if you count the girl one of the guys landed on "

the pair quickly learned that the two in front are dylan and rhiannon, amelia thought both of them were nice. she liked dylan a lot especially the way he was speaking about getting engaged to his girlfriend after graduation. 

violet speaks up in front of me, " let me see your boots " rhiannon's soles are smooth. just like violet's earlier. " what size are your feet? " amelia knew what she was trying to do, rhiannon would definitely slip because of those boots.

" your feet. what size are they? " rhiannon blinks at her. "eight " she answers, two lines forming between her brows.

"i'm a seven. it will hurt like hell, but I want you to take my left boot " violet said, rhiannon debated for a while and nodded. amelia also knew that her friend had a dagger in her right boot, like always.

they all make it to the opening of the turret. three riders wait at the entrance, which is nothing more than a gaping hole in the wall of the turret. one with ripped-off sleeves records names as candidates out onto the treacherous crossing. another, who's shaved all his hair with the exception of a strip down the top centre, instructs dylan as he moves into position.

the third turns in violet's direction and her heart simply...stops. he's tall, with windblown black hair and dark brows. the line of his jaw is strong and covered by warm tawny skin and dark stubble, and when he folds his arms across his torso, the muscles in his chest and arms ripple, moving in a way that makes violet swallow. and his eyes... his eyes are the shade of gold-flecked onyx. the contrast is startling, jaw-dropping even everything about him is. his features are so harsh that they look carved, and yet they're astonishingly perfect, like an artist worked a lifetime sculpting him, and at least a year of that was spent on his mouth.

he's the most exquisite man that violet has ever seen. and living in a war college means she's seen a lot of men.

amelia noticed that violet was starring at him and smiled, it had been a while since her friend had found someone she was interested in. and boy oh boy violet was really interested in him by the look on her face. 

even the diagonal scar that bisects his left eyebrow and marks the top corner of his cheek only makes him hotter. flaming hot. scorching hot. gets-you-into-trouble-and-you-like-it level of hot. suddenly, violet remember exactly why mira told them not to fuck around outside their year group.

" see you three on the other side! " dylan says over his shoulder with an excited grin before stepping onto the parapet, his arms spread wide.

" ready for the next one, riorson?" the rider with the ripped sleeves says.

xaden riorson? amelia and violet shared looks to each other after hearing his name, so this was who mira told them to steer clear of. at least now amelia knew who she needed keep an eye out for violet to be safe.

" you ready for this, elsher and sorrengail? " rhiannon asks, looking at the pair of friends behind her.

the black-haired rider snaps his gaze to amelia and violet, turning fully toward them, and violet's heart thunders for all the wrong reasons. a rebellion relic, curving in dips and swirls, starts at his bare left wrist, then disappears under his black uniform to appear again at his collar, where it stretches and swirls up his neck, stopping at his jawline.

" oh shit " amelia whispered, and his eyes narrow, as if he can hear me over the howl of wind that rips at my secured braid. violet glances at me with a fear-stricken face. both girls were scared he would just kill violet right then and there.

" you're general sorrengail and general elsher's daughters" his voice is deep and accusatory.

" so what if we are the general's daugthers " amelia said with some sass in her voice. the thing about her was she was very sassy to people she wasn't fond of and was always a huge fighter especially when it came to violet.

xaden sucks in a deep breath, and the muscle in his jaw flexes once. twice. " your father and mother captured my father and oversaw his execution " amelia prepare for the strike. he might throw her off this tower, but she won't make it easy for him. no, she'll will throw him off before he even lands a finger on her.

" you all right?" rhiannon asks, her gaze jumping between xaden, amelia, and violet. he glances at her. " you're friends?" " we met on the stairs " she says, squaring her shoulders. he looks down, noting violet and rhiannon's mismatched shoes, and arches a brow. his hands relax. " interesting."

a scream rends the air, and all three girls both jerk their attention to the parapet just in time to see dylan slip. amelia's eyes widened as he was barely holding onto the stone that make up the parapet. she was hoping that he would pull himself up.

he catches himself, hooking his arms over the stone bridge as his feet kick beneath him, scrambling for a purchase that isn't there.

" pull yourself up, dylan! " rhiannon shouts.

" oh, gods! " violet's hand flies to cover her mouth, but he loses his grip on the water-slick stone and falls, disappearing from view. the wind and rain steal any sound his body might make in the valley below. amelia was in shock because not even 5 minutes ago he was saying bye to them. 

xaden never takes his eyes from violet, watching silently with a look both girls can't interpret as she brought a horrified gaze back to his. a wicked smile curves his lips as he looked at violet. " your turn "

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