RWBY: Meta-Static

By Thorneblade

798 166 183

Ruby and her friends have been through a lot over the years but now things are really changing. Dealing with... More

Author's note
Author's note 2
Chapter 1 Crossing paths
Chapter 2 Self-Defense
Chapter 3 Sea Unfairing
Chapter 4 Dust Off
Chapter 5 On the Loose
Chapter 6 Atlas At Last Part 1
Chapter 6.5 Atlas At Last Part 2
Chapter 7 Authority
Chapter 8 She Friend
Ch 9.5 Muffled Truths Part 2
Ch 10 The Seventh Gem
Ch 11 Planning Ahead
Ch 11.5 Arresting Development
Ch 12 Disillusion's Elusion
Ch 12.5.1 What Do You Know?
Ch 12.5.2 Trial by Fire
Ch 12.5.3 Shattered Remains
Ch 12.5.4 A Rose's Resolve
It Comes Home!
Ch 13 A Rose's Thorns
Ch 13.5 A Wilted Rose
Ch 14 By Any Other Name

Ch 9 Muffled Truths Part 1

24 6 2
By Thorneblade

Ruby's POV:

as we made our way home after Alias left, I couldn't get the encounter out of my head. Everything about it had shaken me up.

I had my head down as that moment re-layed in my head on loop. The revelation that Alias knew my mother weighed on me like an anchor. I knew everyone was quiet because they didn't know what to say to me. So I spoke first.

"You guys saw Alias too, right?" My voice carried a mix of confusion and desperation. I was really hoping that what happened wasn't just in my imagination.

Yang nodded, her expression mirroring my turmoil. "Yeah, Ruby. That was unexpected. What do you think he meant by knowing Mom?"

"I wish I knew, kiddo. It's a puzzle to me too." Qrow chimed in.

My eyes searched their faces for answers, but the unease lingered. "Do you think Mom ever mentioned him? Did she know Alias?"

Yang sighed, a mix of concern and frustration in her voice. "Ruby, we've been over this. Mom didn't talk much about her past, especially not about people like Alias. It's all a mystery."

Weiss and Blake exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a shared unease. The vehicle carried the weight of unspoken tension, each member of my team grappled with their own thoughts.

"What if Alias is just messing with us?" Blake suggested, breaking the silence. "Maybe it's all mind games."

Weiss, ever the pragmatic, raised an eyebrow. "I doubt he would go to such lengths just for mind games. There's something more to this."

In the distance, the city lights signaled our approach to home. As we neared our residence, I suggested, "Maybe we should ask Dad about Alias. He might know something."

The suggestion hung in the air, and with a shared nod, we agreed it was worth a shot. After almost an hour on the road, we finally made it back to the city. My team, Qrow, and JNPR were exhausted. Ugh that long drive is a nightmare.

When we got home, I went to my room, pulled out my scroll and tried to call Dad. Yang and Uncle Qrow sat down next to me and waited as my scroll rang, waiting for a response. I had no idea what dad would say. Maybe Alias was a friend of his or an enemy? Maybe he's working for Salem or is one of Ozpin's associates? The unknown made my stomach turn. Finally dad picked up.

The holographic image of Dad flickered to life in front of us, and for a moment, his beaming smile transported me back to simpler times.

"Hey, my little rose!" he exclaimed. "How's everyone doing? Are you healthy? Is there a Grimm bullying you? Qrow, are you making sure these two eat properly?"

Qrow smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, you know, Tai, they've got appetites that could rival a pack of Beowolves. I'm doing my best to keep up, but they're a couple of bottomless pits."

Yang and I simultaneously hit Qrow's chest. "Coming from the man who drinks bottomless wine." I couldn't resist a snappy comeback.

Dad chuckled, a warmth in his voice. "Good to hear. Now, tell me, how's everything going? Any exciting missions or new friends?"

"Uh well things are getting interesting.'' I tried to sound upbeat but couldn't do it.

"What happened? Is something wrong with your friends? Oh wait did Ironwood say you don't have insurance because so help me if he causes you two to get hurt i swear to god i will tear-!"

"No no it's not him but we are having trouble with an individual."

"Who is it?"

" much do you know about moms past?"

That took him by surprise. It was rare for us to ask about mom's past. "I'm not sure sweetie." He looked forlorn, this time of year near her anniversary hit him hard too. "Some things she kept to herself, others she didn't mind talking about. But is this something serious or are you just curious about your mother? I know how you get around this time. Is there something you want to know?"

"Dad," I began, my voice carrying a weight I hadn't anticipated, "we ran into someone today—Alias. He mentioned knowing Mom." The thought gnawed at me. How could someone like Alias have any connection to her? I turned to my dad, desperation echoing in my voice, "Do you... do you know anything about him?"

Dad's brows furrowed in confusion. "Alias? I'm sorry, Ruby, but I don't know anyone by that name. Are you sure you got it right?"

My heart seized. Yang and Qrow joined in the inquiry, their expressions reflecting the shared concern. "Alias, Dad. He claimed to know Mom from before," Yang added.

My father's expression shifted from confusion to contemplation. "I've never heard of Alias, and as for knowing your mom... I'm not sure who that could be. Summer had friends and acquaintances from her Huntsman days, but this Alias person isn't ringing any bells. Why?"

We told him what happened the past few days with the gems, mutants, Alias and mom and he seemed astounded by this. "And he mentioned Summer by name?"

"Yes," I choked out, "he looked at me and said: 'you're Summer's daughter. Of course I knew her. She was my friend.' Then he just took off. Are you sure you don't know him?"

"I am sorry Ruby, I know no one by that name. I've never heard of mutants or meta-humans or anything like that. I guess your mom had more secrets than we thought."

My hands started shaking and my eyes burned with tears. My throat tightened up and it was hard for me to speak. "Thanks daddy, this was...helpful."

"Your welcome pumpkin. I just wish I knew more. Love you. Love you too Yang."

"By dad," Yang said halfheartedly.

"Look after my girls Qrow," dad said firmly.

"Of course Tai; and uh, happy anniversary."

"Thanks." Then he hung up.

I sat on my bed feeling defeated. I tried my hardest not to cry in front of my family.

"Uh, we'll just go and check in on the others." Qrow got up and pulled Yang by arm.

"Yea, we'll call you when dinner's ready ok Ruby?" my sister asked.

I simply nodded, lacking the strength to articulate my feelings. As the door clicked shut behind them, I crumpled onto my bed, burying my face in the softness of the pillow. Silent sobs shook my frame, the muffled sounds drowned in the fabric. Why did my mom have secrets? Who is this Alias guy really? What are the gems? The dust, the Grimm, the fact that my dad and Uncle don't know anything about Meta-Humans. Why mom why?

Alias' POV:

My heart was racing after today's events. I was rushing back to my hideout in the mountains so I could process everything that had been going on. Pain pulsed through my temples, each throb accentuating the weight of impending sadness. Ugh, one of my sad days is coming along. I need to get to bed and fast! I managed to barely make it back inside of my hideout. I could feel the sadness starting to creep in like it always does. I staggered over to the bed before it consumed me.

This has been happening to me for years and it makes me feel sick. I mean as a metahuman I never get sick but still, I felt unwell. I managed to make it to my bed and crawl under the covers. The wave of depression fell over me as I went to sleep.

When I next opened my eyes, there was light creeping in the window. I still felt depressed but I could still move. I miss them. I wish they were here again. I checked the clock on my scroll and saw that the date ws actually-two days! I've been asleep for two days!? Oh well I've been down longer. I guess I should go back out. Nah, I'll take it easy for a while. I rubbed my eyes and saw they were stained blue. Oh, it must be emo-fluid again. Sometimes being a meta can be such a hassle.

As I struggled to get out of bed, I remembered the meeting with Ruby I had yesterday-i mean two days ago. I couldn't believe how much she resembles her mother. Wait, if Ruby looks like Summer, then the blonde...Yang. That has to be her. Wow my head is a mess right now. No heavy thinking after a sadness wave. Ok, I need to clear my head with something simple. Grimm hunting! Oh yea imma fun with this!

I flew back to the city as fast as I could. I found an abandoned area on the outskirts where a horde of Grimm was located. Strangely, the city was abandoned because of a problem with affordable housing and a collapse in the governing system that caused people to leave. Why would they be here when there's no residual negativity to lure them here? Heh, no matter, time gets crazy!

I landed on the outskirts of the abandoned area and morphed into my T-Rex form. The Grimm started to creep up on me and were about to pounce when I gave them all a glare. My glare always sends the running, at least when I want it to.

The Grimm started to cower at the sight of me and I couldn't help but laugh maniacally. I felt another one of my episodes coming on and I taunted Grimm. "Let's do this, you shadowy nightmares!" I roared loudly and began chasing them through the empty streets. I snapped at their feet, lashed out my tongue and broke their wings. I continued my chase and rampage as the little monsters ran for their lives.

I cackled crazily and blasted fire out of my mouth incinerating the monsters with ease. I curled into a ball and spin dashed my way through the streets. I took down the last of the Grimm and felt completely refreshed.

"Hide! Hide now!" echoed a voice.

Wait a minute, I know this voice. I turned back to normal and searched the streets for the source until I saw a familiar figure. "Mr. Watts?"

3rd Person POV:

"Come on," groaned Torchwick, "can you move any faster you nerd?"

"Don't rush me Roman!" snapped Watts. "This sort of operation requires delicacy. One wrong move and it all falls apart."

"What are you a doctor?"

"Why yes I am, which means I'm smarter than you. Thats why im doing the science work and you are not now quiet and let me work!"

"Ok sheesh. So touchy." Roman leaned against one of the destroyed buildings and twirled his cane.

Arthur went back to work but when he faced down, he saw a blade pointed at him. It was Neo. She didn't take too kindly to Arthur insulting her boss.

"I'm not apologizing," Arthur remarked.

Neo readied her umbrella to attack.

"Put it away Neo," said Roman, "the boss wants his little toy to be completed soon. Maybe if we hadn't spent the past couple of days goofing off-"

"That wasn't goofing off!" Emerald snapped as Cinder and Mercury emerged from behind a building.

"You guys were doing nothing but horsing around while we had to lift all this annoying equipment onto the ship and travel to this empty dump in a lame city! Ugh this cold is annoying me too." Roman tried to light his cigar but Emerald swung her weapon and cleanly wiped out the flame on the lighter.

"Oh my what a move!" Tyrian cackled as he also emerged from the shadows. "Careful Roman, we wouldn't want her blowing you out like a candle now would we?" Then he laughed wildly.

"Enough of your chattering!" The others froze as Salem and Hazel arrived seemingly out of nowhere like they did. "I swear, your chattering was as bad as Tock's and that insipid lion's quivering. Arthur, how much long until you are done?"

"If there's no distractions i should finish by-"


There was an explosion in the distance and an evil laugh even crazier than Tyrians. "Let's do this, you shadowy nightmares!" the voice bellowed as Grimm ran away. Then a weird looking monster ran through the city chasing them and violently blasting them with strange energy.

"What is that thing?" Mercury asked disturbed as the monster crunched Nevermore in pieces.

"There's a million, gruesome ways to die!" sang the monster, when he said "die" he roared and released a major bright blue fire blast that illuminated the area melting the street and the last of the Grimm.

"Wait a minute," said Arthur, "that thing can it?"

"Is it what?" demanded Cinder.

"And you go squish!" yelled the monster again.

"This voice, I know this voice," said Arthur.

"Yea so who is it?" asked Tyrian.


"Wait what?" asked Roman.

"All of you need to hide! Hide now!" Arthur hissed.

"Who is it?" inquired Hazel.

"Yes, explain yourself Arthur," said Salem.

"There's no time to explain, Neo, hide everyone with your semblance in that alley now!" Arthur said frantically.

"Mr. Watts?" said the voice.

"Friend of yours?" teased Cinder.

"Just hide!" seethed arthur.

"Fine, Neo, hide us."

Neo rolled her eyes at Cinder and gathered everyone in the alleyway where she used her semblance to make a wall to camouflage them. Arthur turned back down the street to see if anyone was there but it was empty. He looked around worriedly when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, but no one was there. Then he felt another tap but still no one was there. Then, a shadow whooshed past him. It zig-zagged around him until it wrapped him up in a huge black tornado, then just as it appeared it vanished causing him to fall. Before he hit the ground, Arthur floated, landing safely on his feet. He scanned the area once more, feeling a finger poke his cheek. Startled, he turned around to see-

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