You are in danger/The Hase

By KennedyCarroll6

198 13 7

This used to be the nicest warmest place on earth where there were different creatures in peace humans to! It... More

Before we start
Chapter 1
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5

Chapter 3

26 1 0
By KennedyCarroll6

After what happened last night bob couldn't sleep so when his alarm went off he quickly got up and started to bring his bags downstairs when he noticed that Kai was up it was kinda a little normal to see kai up this early so bob decided to have a little chat with him
"Hey kai!" Bob said
"Hey Bob where are you going?" Kai asked
"Well umm...when the others wake up pls tell them that I left to go to college" Bob asked
"Are you moving?" Kai asked
"I'm moving into my college dorm room" Bob said
"So you're leaving?" Kai asked
"Yeah but I'll make sure I will pay some visits" Bob said "But anyways I have to go bye Kai!" Bob said
"Bye" Kai said
Bob quickly went over to the front door and opened it Bob then went outside and locked it He then stood there for a few mins feeling bad that he just left without telling them

( Fun fact bob's little hat glows blue when he is upset because bosip made it like that )
Right before Bob walked away he looked back and saw the window open he looked closely and saw boweav

Staring at him...Bob quickly waved as he opened the trunk he started to put the stuff in the car and then Bob then closed the trunk and locked it and got in the driver seat and drove off
"I'll miss you guys...." Bob said as he kept on driving off
Boweav kept on looking out the window in confusion....
Meanwhile with bob
"Crap I'm getting a call oh it's bosip" Bob said
"So you just left?"
"I'm sorry!!!"
"Why didn't you come say bye?"
"Look I really had to go I have to find what my classes are who is my new roommate and other stuff"
"Well I will make sure to come visit if I can"
"You can't I think but I can ask!"
"That would be nice..."
"I will make sure to come visit"
"You better or else"
"Chill but it will be quite a long drive"
"How long?"
"3 hours"
"Well what do you want to know when I get there?"
"Everything- Boweav said that"
"Hehe tell boweav I said hi and tell the dog I said see ya"
"Bob really"
"What is true!!!"
"So you just left right?"
"Yeah so I won't be in a lot of traffic and I might arrive in 1 hour"
"That's nice I know this collega is what you want but what if you don't like it"
"It has what I want to be an actor for in the future I'll just have to take dance classes and other classes to become an actor"
"I wish you all the luck!"
"Thank you! I'm pulling up I have to go alright"
"Alright bye bob!"
"Bye bosip!!"
Bob hangs up
"Alright just have to park" Bob said
Bob parks his car and sees someone at the front gate
"Maybe that's where I get my key?" Bib said
Bob walked over to the person."Hi my name is Bob and this is where I get my dorm key?" Bob asked
"Hello Bob my name is Cadi! And your dorm room is 031" Cadi said
"Thanks can I pls have the key?" Bob asked
"Of course also your roommates with 032 which means their room is on the right" Cadi said
"Alright thanks! Bye Cadi" Bob said
"Bye!!!" Cadi said
Bob walked away
"So dorm 031 sharing it with 032h" Bib tried to say until he heard a voice
"Huh?" Bob said as he turned around "AMOR!?"

( Amor just has a lot of hair okay )

"I CAN'T F**KING BELIEVE THIS OUT OF EVERYBODY THEY CHOSE YOU!?" Amor yelled "You know what listen here BOB"
"What?" Bob said
"We go to our dorm room and you stay away from my side!" Amor said
"Okay but we can't argue or else we will get kicked out" Bob said
"WHY YOU- Fine..." Amor said
"Come on..." Bob said
"Ugh coming" Amor said
Bob secretly started to text bosip
"My roommate is Amor..."
"Yeah but I can to figure things out"
"I wish you luck"
"Hey dummy- Bob! Theres a note" Amor said
"Hmm it says "Dear Bob and Amor we found out that you two do not get along with each other so we decide to put you together and in the same classes and you guys both want to be actors so pls behave" WHAT!?" Bob yelled
"ARE YOU F-" Amor tried to yell until bob covered his mouth
"Come on lets just go in" Bob said
Bob put the keys inside and opened the front door and their eyes both open how pretty the room was
"Woah...My room is on the right..." Amor said
"Now your being nice?" Bob asked
"Shut the F*CK UP!" Amor yelled
"Okay geez sorry" Bob said
Amor then walked away towards his room
"Okay then..." Bob said
"I should start to unpack" Bob said
Bob walked over to his bedroom and opened the door
"Alright...I can start with the bed sheets!" Bob said
That's when amor walked in
"We have to go to class in 5 mins..." Amor said
"Hey you said stay on your side!!!" Bob said
"S SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!!" Amor yelled "Well come on" Bob said
"Ugh fine!" Amor said
They both walked out of bob's room and started to walk out of their dorm room
"Hey before we leave act normal..." Bob said
"WHAT.....F fine" Amor said
"Thank you" Bob said
"Hump!!! Your welcome..." Amor said
"Now come on!!!" Bob said
"Fine you dumba$$" Amor said
"Shut up!!!" Bob said
They both walked out of their dorm room to see a bunch of kids around their age or older were walking around
"Stay close because we have the same classes and both want to be actors" Bob said
"Fine...But don't act weird!!!" Amor said
"The first class we have is art!" Bob said
"Yes!" Amor said
"Then math, science, music, ElA, and other stuff" Bob said
"Wow...." Amor said
"Come in hurry were going to be late!!" Bob said as he ran off
"WAIT FOR ME!!!" Amor yelled as he ran after bob
They ran all the way until they got to art class when they got there they open the door and saw tons of kids were not here only like 10 or 15
"All Bob and Amor welcome p is sit down at table 8" ???? Said
"Thank you AHHh miss...." Bjb tried to say
"Call me miss Elhorn" Miss Elhron said
"Alright Miss Ephron come on Amor" Bob said as he walked over to his desk
"C c coming..." Amor said
"Miss Ephron looks like a dangerous person...Why do I feel demon magic on her...." Amor said to himself
Amor and bob walked over to their desk and sat down in their seats
"Is jt me or does she look like a demon?" Bob whispers to amor
"She does I can sense the demon power...." Amor whispers back to Bob
"You can what!? Nvm that come on we have to learn" Bob whispers to amor
"Alright..." Amor whispers
They looked at their teacher and back at each other they both have a bad feeling about their teacher.....When all of a sudden the door was kicked down....

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