Death's Successor Completed.

By DanniParry

119 13 2

After the great calamity, Aerilon became split off from the rest of the magical world of Andreal. As a young... More

Chapter one The duel
Chapter two The welcoming ritual
Chapter Three Soul hunt
Chapter Four Chosen
Chapter Five Framed
Chapter Six Reunion
Chapter Seven The warlord's residence
Chapter Eight Eclipse
Chapter Nine The corrupted Market
Chapter Ten Showdown
Chapter Eleven: Contract Bound
Chapter Twelve The Leacher
Chapter Thirteen The Ambush
Chapter Fourteen Collective Nightmares
The Queen's return End of part one
Chapter sixteen Parting ways
Chapter Seventeen The Monastery
Chapter Eighteen Infiltration Shane pov
Chapter Nineteen Returning to Druantia Shane Pov
Chapter Twenty The thief's guild Racheal's pov
Chapter Twenty-One The master's secession Racheal's pov
Chapter twenty-two Enemies Gathered Shane's Pov
Chapter Twenty-Four Change Three months later...
Chapter Twenty-Five Time Travel
Chapter Twenty-six The trial of the unknown
Chapter Twenty-Seven Logan's POV The traitor exposed.
Part three The tournament Chapter twenty-eight Choices
Chapter Twenty-Nine The Tournament of lore begins.
Chapter Thirty Hide and seek
Chapter Thirty-One Death match
Chapter thirty-two Becoming Death

Chapter Twenty-Three Powers Awakened Racheal's POV

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By DanniParry

Racheal meditated on the back of . She tried to clear her mind before the ominous hunt. His gleaning wings made a beat each time they moved. Racheal inhaled and exhaled, her mind clamming.
cleared his throat. Gaining Racheal's attention, she stroked his scales with her gloved hand; they had been flying till drawn, Ignatius yawned finding a safe patch concealing themselves in a vegetated part of the Swamplands.
"Is something on your mind?" Racheal asked. She scratched his snout in concern. "Yes, but your blood shows one of your ancestors were dragon skins imbued with elemental power, the Iron swamplands holes the mysteries of the dragon skins. Please be careful on the hunt, Racheal. I'll survey things from the sky," Ignatius said.

He hovered above Racheal, the exotic plants ruffled against the ice dragon wings. He disappeared into the grey sky.
Racheal stared into the thick, growing trees, towing above her lush and vibrant green vines winding down from the trees. Racheal removed her blade. Slashing a pathway through the rare plants. Images flickered in her mind. She saw the ghosts of her killed guild mates stomping through the swamp.

Their memories guided her through the deepest parts of the swamp. She reached the entanglements of massive roots. Underneath a deep pond, the black indigo water bubbled with activity.

Racheal's heart pounded as her boots connected with the moss and tree roots. She gulped, a primal fear of hers became tearing through the surface of her conscious. She never returned to the Iron Swamplands since the tragedy during her younger years.
The humid air gave birth to various bugs and the annoying bite of thousands of mosquitoes. Racheal slammed her neck against her sweating neck. She drank from her waterskin, trying to cool her body down.

She slid the waterskin on her belt; the roots shook with movement from the lake beneath. Racheal stumbled backwards, failing on her ass. She stared down, seeing spines above the surface, the chirps of crickets and wildlife moved around the swamplands. Racheal covered her ears crouching on her knees.
Her breathing became erratic. She tried blocking out the intrusive memories. A growl drowned out the local wildlife, the wind ruffled the trees, spooking the birds. Racheal glanced around, searching for the sound.

Racheal jumped down towards the next cluster of roots travelling along their study structure. The moss released foul smelling spores. Racheal covered her mouth. The swamplands were vast, and without knowing the terrain, unsuspecting people would get lost. Racheal approached the lake.
The spines on the dragon's back shifted, producing a soft rustling sound. Racheal crouched down low, her muscles tensed and ready for action. As the colossal body of the swamp dragon rose from the trembling ground, the earth shook violently, sending shockwaves through the air. Racheal could hear the dragon's deep breaths as its massive body loomed over her. The lake beside them exposed the dragon's enormous form, and the water lapped gently against its clawed feet, sending ripples across the surface. The smell of damp earth mixed with the musky scent of the dragon, causing Racheal's nostrils to flare. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she prepared for the fight of her life.

Fear caused her body to freeze. The swamp dragon's swishing tail crushed the root cluster above the creature's head, smashing the sturdy bridge to pieces. The fearsome dragon hissed, tasting the air with the serpent's forked tongue. He rose, his head catching a scent, its nostrils flared, blowing smoke rings above the hardwoods.

Racheal inhaled. Crawling on her exposed waist, she crunched moist leaves under her weighted dragon scale amour. Wet leaves stuck against her exposed skin; orange fiery eyes burned into the experienced mercenary's back. Racheal's waver locks blew in the warm breeze. She froze, her next breath stuck in her throat.
Racheal blitzed into the dense pants, trying to conceal her scent. The raw mud hid her scent. The dragons' emerald wings blocked out the harsh sunlight, casting shadows over the plants until boiling scorching water tore down. Hardwoods standing alone, clearing a part of the swamp.

Racheal sky eyes widen in disbelief. Drooling saliva dropped from above, tarnishing the amour in a strange clear glue. Racheal cranked her neck up. Avoiding the dragon's jaws, she rolled away, sending saplings of dragon nip towards the snarling creature.
She jumped across three clusters of roots, heading deeper into the navy swamp waters, pools of water big enough to shallow her, consumed the ground.
Racheal caught her breath, hoping the addictive plants caused a distraction. She reached out, remembering parts of the area. Her magical scan burst from her plan, surging the area. She gasped, finding the long remains of a witch she accompanied and those she formally called friends.
Trees tumbled to the ground; a piercing roar silenced the noises of the swamp.

Before Racheal could steel herself against a stream of scolding water, the sound of flames erupting creating a veil of steam. Someone yanked her out of harm's way. She opened her eyes, her hands securely around Shane's waist on the black of a small agile dragon she'd never seen before. They flew over the trees.
"Glad I reached you in time. Hold on Racheal."
"The swamp dragon is acting territorial if we leave to another part." Shane held up a hand, silencing her.
"Normally your plan would work, but this ancient dragon has conquered the entire swamplands." Shane explained,
"So, any ideas?" Racheal asked. She searched the skies for Ignatius. Seeing the two fearsome dragons batting with a mix of ice and water,
"We persuade the creature we have left." Shane grinned. He dropped flying his steed, so she hovered above the ground.

Racheal slid down. Planting her feet. Shane came beside her, sending the dragon away with a flick of his fingers. Racheal watched the two dragon's claw at one other, butting the softy exposed leather skin. Ignatius and the swamp dragon tumbled into a cluster of ancient oaks. Racheal sprinted, closing the distance as terror enclosed her heart.
She never believed in gods or goddesses but prayed Ignatius survived the fail, Racheal reached one pound waiting through the icy water. Her limbs numbed inside her boots, she exited the lake, her lower half soaked she rushed to the piercing distressed roars of a dragon, Shane hurried trying to keep up with Racheal. He couldn't understand where she got the extra energy.

The siblings reached the crash site. The swamp dragon throws them backwards with a swipe of the creature's powerful tail, snarling at them. Crimson blood dropped mixing into the forest floor.
Racheal signed in relief, seeing no sign of Ignatius, meaning the ice dragon escaped. Racheal rolled herself and Shane before the massive muscles crushed their bones.

Shane clasped her wrist, pulling her into the forgotten ruins of a dragon skin temple. Shane bent over, gasping, inhaling the chilling air. The territorial dragon hissed and roared in disgust.
But refused to touch the brown stones, withered stone crumbled away, vines grew untamed, covering the hieroglyphics depicted on the dark walls. Shane activated a fireball, illuminating the surrounding shine. Racheal watched their fearsome foe disappear into the foliage. A sweet potent smoke filled the area, the burning incense a signal to Shane. Someone had visited the water-logged ruins.
Water leaked from the root, making a constant dripping sound. This irked Shane. He twitched, finding the dripping annoying. Racheal removed the overgrown vines, wishing she had caught something for breakfast.
Ignatius landed, checking on the siblings, before flying off to the haven where he first landed. His clawed feet left small droplets of blood, staining the ground with every step. Shane explored.
Finding a stone scroll, weathered and crumbled with age, but still readable.
"Four elemental children will be born with the blood of the dragon. One will have manipulation of fire. It will gift his sister with ice, an uncontrollable force of nature." The other two names faded with the ink: Racheal."
"I have an idea." Shane replied.
He removed Racheal's gloves, despite her protests. "Trust me, I'm your bother. There is a gathering pool of water inside a stone well, concentrate "Shane instructed.
Racheal grumbled, submerging her hands inside the freezing waters, small fish fluttered against her hands. She exhaled, wondering what crazy scheme Shane cooked up. She closed her eyes, her mind being tranquil, while in contact with the cherry blossom waters.

Before her wide eyes, ice particles froze the fish, who flapped inside the well. Racheal yanked her hands out, the water's surface frozen solid. Sweat. Clouded her eyes. She blinked, rubbing the moisture out on her sleeve. Her body weighed her down. She sat, the urge to puke her empty stomach, becoming unbearable. "For your first-time channelling magic that was impressive, with training you could improve," Shane laughed breathlessly, his own body shivered. Perhaps he is cold. I cannot believe I froze as well. Was this always inside me? Racheal questioned?

She touched her trembling, scarred hands. Shane presented her with a steaming pie. Witch, she devoured. "I am working with the king of Aerion again. I'm here searching the stones, telling us how to seal, The Abyss Queen. Instead, I discovered Dragon skins can connect with the Hellfire Crystal, a magical artifact," Shane said.
"I'm here searching for Luke before returning to Luna. My friendship with the reaper is unexpected. She doesn't care if I act cold heart2edly, or I built a reputation as a mercenary. Luna accepts me for myself." Rachel states, ignoring the gravy dripping down her chin.

"She is pretty freaky." Shane replied, brushing into fits of laugher, "Giving up the need for knowing root?" Racheal asked
"No, but I unlocked my dragon skin transformation."
Racheal giggled, "I can't imagine your body covered in scales, but congratulations bother. I hope I see it someday." Shane embraced Racheal in a tight hug. She relaxed, enjoying his company.
She cleared her throat. "Never say a word about that." The sunlight broke through the cover of grey clouds.
"Stay safe, Shane," Racheal said, waving goodbye.

She remained amongst the dense foliage, hiding herself from the territorial swamp dragon. Winter power flowed though her veins, she couldn't shut off. The awakening magic. Her primary aim was learning Luke's whereabouts. She followed the destructive dragon. The domain male scared Racheal, but he didn't remember her scent. Racheal could use that in order to find Luke.
The swamp serpent led her into the heart of the swamplands containing wet islands. The dragon dropped into the lake, its spines disappearing beneath the water. Racheal couldn't believe her own gaze. She never saw the massive creature vanishing. Racheal removed her dragon scale. Amour and her travelling boots, she slid them beneath a tree trunk,

Pinching her nose, she gagged at the revolting stench emanating from the murky swamp. The foul odour was suffocating, making her eyes water. The water was teeming with fish guts, and every time they jumped, she felt a shiver run down her spine. She dove deeper, feeling the sand grains slip between her toes. The lake was a sickly shade of green that looked like it hadn't seen the light of day in years. It was so murky that she couldn't see her hand in front of her face. She knew the dragon could hide anywhere, perfectly camouflaged in the thick muck.

Racheal searched the lake in vain. She couldn't see two meters in front of her. Rachel's body locked with fresh tension. Swift currents of water pushed the mercenary off her feet. A massively slimy tail grabbed a hold of the women and threw her against the sharp rocks. Racheal gasped. Disgusting water filled her lungs, knocking the wind out of her bubbles filtered from her mouth.

Racheal slipped into the darkness. Uncertain about how much time had passed, she woke up. She coughed, expelling the water from her burning lungs.
She inhaled rapidly, feeding her breath starved body. Racheal screamed, seeing a pile of bones of consumed humans and other species, rancid meat rotted in the corner. Sending a sickly smell lingered around the hidden cave.

Luke couched down beside her, rubbing her soaked back. Racheal lashed out at him, scratching him, drawing blood, which froze upon contact. The young man screamed, throwing her off.
His soaked hair, stuck on his face, he looked sick and thin, meaning considerable time passed since the dragon captured him. Racheal rung out her hair, shaking the excess water out. The dragon captured the fluttering fish; the seafood was fresh, but nothing either of them ate, but Racheal wasn't picky about food. She gathered rocks and dry wood, making a campfire, cooking the fish.

"Glad to see you're alive, scarlet blade. Here I gathered some fresh water. It comes out in droplets through the cracks."
Racheal ignored his praise, seeing nothing they could use to escape except chewed bones. She sighed.
"I won't kill a man who's been through hell, but fair game when we leave the Iron Swamplands. But why didn't the dragon devour you?"
Luke sat beside her, bathing in the fire's warmth. He coughed, gooseflesh covered his bare arms and ripped legs, fresh and bleeding scars covered the healed ones. "Even beats have standards, Scarlet Blade." Luke remarked.

Luke coughed, moving closer to Racheal, taking comfort in her warmth. She tabbed her link; the screen flicked but nothing worked. The devices were waterproof and sealed. "Another branch of lies told by the capital." Racheal grumbled.

She huffed, standing, searching the interior of the cave. Junk washed up from the currants. Luke frowned, taking one fish. His chocolate eyes followed the mercenary. Luke wouldn't live another day. Racheal paced, deciding how to escape. She checked her head, red laced her fingers.
"Shit, I'm bleeding." Racheal cursed herself for never carrying around the medical bag. Taking the second fish, she sat down. Her time was running out before she passed out again. She ground her teeth together. She couldn't contact her magical brother for back up
Luke kept glancing at her wrist.
"Speak before you lose your tongue, trader. Racheal replied, getting irritated by their situation. Her knuckles cracked when she crashed her fist into the thin natural wall. Cracks appeared within the rock and a small dent.
"I don't remember you ever getting a tattoo, Scarlet Blade."
"Tattoo? It's a blood oath, you uncultured crime boss."
"Former crime, boss, thank you."
"After your companions destroyed the corrupted market, Blacksail stood me down and fired me for losing out the biggest export. You're not the only one with a score to settle." Luke said.

Her heart sank, feeling spreads of sympathy for Luke, but she swiftly squashed the feelings which bubbled from her subconscious. Luke's hands trembled as he fumbled with the slippery fish bones. Suddenly, he dropped them with a loud clatter, causing the still waters of the swamp to ripple and churn. Rachel jumped at the sudden noise and turned to face Luke just as a powerful burst of water erupted from the murky depths. The swamp dragon emerged, its scales glistening in the dim light. He fixed its fiery eyes on Luke, and it let out a deafening roar that shook the ground beneath their feet. The stench of rotting vegetation and decaying fish filled their nostrils, making it hard to breathe. Luke's heart pounded in his chest as he realised he was the dragon's next target.

Luke blotted to the other side of the cave. Where the colossal serpent tried to corner him, the long fort tongue licked its greedy lips as he dived into the pile of gleaming treasure, the dragon drug with sharp claws.
Racheal climbed the sensitive spines. Being careful not to alert the dragon to her present, she hid in the creature's blind spot nearly in the left wing. The Dragon roared, frustrated, unable to eat Luke. Racheal hoped he somehow escaped, but she couldn't pass up the irritable chance.
The serpent flared around, searching for Racheal, his nostrils flared, his nose blocked with swamp water. Unable to find her delicious flesh, the dragon returned to the horde of jewels. A pale hand poked out. Coins guggled from Luke's locked jaw. His hiding place suffocated him. The dragon clammed out it with powerful jaws and pulled Luke's lifeless body, which threw the shiny coins everywhere along the cave floor.

Racheal shut her eyes. The serpent stole the gleaming emerald soul. Before returning to the tunnel's entrance. Racheal inhaled, holding her breath as the creature ventured through the lake, breaking the surface.
Racheal slipped off the spines, unable to hold her. She splashed into the swamp, saved by a pack of vines. The swamp dragon ignored her presence., finding a patch of sunlight to dry its gleaming scales.
Racheal rushed back to her beloved Ignatius. The ice dragon snarled at the movement, thinking it was the serpent until Racheal emerged from the vegetation. He nuzzled her with her snout with joy.
"Racheal, you alive!" he exclaimed.
"You doubted me?" She gasped, surprised. The ice dragon nodded. "I'm afraid Shane left a few hours ago. He seemed distracted.
"That's normal. Please fly me to Estonia. I desperately need to speak with Silvius, if his residence still stands. Racheal said. Climbing on his back, leaving the swamplands. "It will take some time to returned to the village." Ignatius. Warned.

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