The Night We Met (G!P)

By YazzG06

4.8K 103 7

You were on a night walk around the beach when suddenly you bumped into someone (Jenna Ortega) What will happ... More



353 9 0
By YazzG06

Jenna slowly began waking up. She looked over to see you still sleeping right next to her, she stayed as still as she could because she didn't want to wake you up. The sun was shining through the windows and light rays were hitting both of your faces. She felt warm and content, she began to stretch her body and she yawned. She looked at you and she noticed that you were starting to wake up, she smiled softly at you before she leaned over to kiss your cheek.

Y/n: "Mornin' beautiful"

Jenna: "Good morning"

Y/n: "How'd you sleep?"

Jenna: "I slept well better than I've slept in a while"

Y/n: "That's good"

You sat up in your bed and stretched yout arms out before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. While you were in the bathroom Jenna grabbed her phone and started checking her notifications , while she was still laying in bed alone, she was feeling so comfortable and satisfied that she really didn't care who would text or call her in that moment. She was in her own little world. Her mind began to wander off into her own thoughts, Was this what love feels like? She was starting to get confused about what she was feeling, she couldn't help but to feel happy, though she couldn't remember the last time she had felt that way. Suddenly she got a text notification from Emma.


Hey Jen 

I noticed that you didn't come home last night, are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine 

I just had an unexpected night with someone

Well as long as you're ok

Btw I talked with Tim last night and he said that he wants to see the both of us later today to talk about smth

What is he wanting to talk about?

All I know and all I can tell you it is smth to do with Wednesday

Okay thanks for letting me know

I'll see you their then

Np, I gotta go now but yes I'll see you their



Once she stopped texting Emma she got out of bed and then she started to make the bed and open your room's curtains to let more sunlight in. After a while you finally walked out of the bathroom.

Y/n: "Are you hungry?"

Jenna: "Yeah, I could eat something"

Y/n: "Ok then, let's go downstairs and I can make us some breakfast"

Jenna smiled as she nodded. She was glad that she had someone who took care of things like that. You were considerate and you were gentle with her. The both of you made your way out of your room and down the stairs into the kitchen where Sam was already sitting down at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal while looking extremely tired.

Y/n: "Mornin' Sammy Sam Sam"

Jenna: "Good morning Sam"

Sam raised her head as she turned to look at the both of you.

Sam: "It's morning yes but is it good no not at all"

Y/n: "Why not?"

Sam: "Because I wasn't able to sleep last night"

Y/n: "What do you mean you didn't sleep last night?"

Sam: "Maybe just maybe because the walls in this fucking house are so fucking thin that I could hear the both of you doing it all the way down the fucking hall"

Y/n: "Oh shit you heard us"

Sam: "Sadly yes"

Y/n: "I'm so fucking sorry about that"

Sam: "Sorry won't do shit, but you know what will"

Y/n: "No, what?"

Sam: "Therapy will, because what I heard last night was traumatizing"

Y/n: "Shut the fuck up its not like you haven't done it before with your bf and I've also heard you yet I don't complain" 

Sam: "......"

Y/n: "What I thought" 

Jenna just sat at the kitchen counter next to Sam as she listened to you and Sam while she tried not to giggle at your conversation. You turned to look at Jenna when she couldn't keep her giggles in anymore and just burst out into laughter.

Y/n: "Oh shit I'm sorry I forgot you were still here and that you had to witness that, anyways what would you like to eat for breakfast?"

Jenna: It's ok, I could go for some toast or pancakes right now"

Y/n: "Ok, some toast and pancakes coming right up"

You entered the kitchen and grabbed an apron before putting it on and grabbing some bread and putting it in the toaster while you also grabbed everything that you would need to prepare and make the pancakes with. Jenna just sat there and watched you prepare the food, she couldn't help but to think about how sexy it was seeing you in an apron. She felt herself become even more attracted towards you, which she found very appealing to see what kind of effect you had on her. You seemed so natural with the way you prepared the food and it was a turn on for her. After a few minutes you finished making breakfast and serving her some in a plate before handing it over to her.

Y/n: "My lady your breakfast is served, also would you like something to drink?"

You said playfully. She laughed softly and grabbed her plate. In all seriousness, it was very appealing for her when you called her that. It made her a little bit excited, but she couldn't express that to you just yet.

Jenna: "Your lady is thankful that she has gotten a proper treatment this morning, your service is very admirable. As far as something to drink goes, I could go for some orange juice"

Y/n: "One oj, on the way"

You turned around and walked to one of the kitchen cabinets getting a cup and then towards the fruit bowl that was located in the counter and got two oranges before grabbing a cutting board and knife to cut the oranges and then putting them into the juice maker and pouring it into the cup before handing it to her.

Y/n: "Here ya go"

Her eyes lit up as she took the cup of juice into her hand. She took one sip of the orange juice before she looked up at you. You were able to do simple things and make it appealing to her, she was just so attracted to you and she wanted to show you but it was too hard for her to do that. She wanted to make you feel good the same way you were making her feel, but she didn't know how to do it, all she knew was that she wanted to keep this feeling as long as possible.

You served yourself some breakfast alongside a cup of coffee before taking a seat next to her and starting to eat.

Jenna: "Hey, um I've gotta ask you something"

Y/n: "Sure go ahead"

Jenna: "There's this one thing that I've been wondering"

You gave her a look signaling for her to continue. She sighed softly and took a deep breath before she started speaking again.

Jenna: "I know that we just met a few nights ago but I was wondering if, well I was just wondering if this is a one-night kind of thing for you or maybe something more?"

Y/n: "Well if you wish to know, the answer is no I don't consider this a one-night thing or anything like that"

Jenna: "Really? Would you consider something more with me?"

Y/n: "Yes really, wait is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend ?"

Jenna: "Yes it is, so what do you say will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/n: "Yes I will"

Jenna: "Good, can I ask you one more thing?"

Y/n: "Of course go ahead"

Jenna: "Will you kiss me?"

Y/n: "Is that even a question, of course I will"

She laughed softly and smiled, her heart was pounding right now because of all her excitement.

Jenna: "Come here you"

You were quick to turn towards her and start leaning in for the kiss when suddenly Sam starts to speak.

Sam: "That's cute and all but could you guys please not I'm trying to finish my breakfast here"

Y/n: "Yeah sorry, though you can still finish your breakfast we ain't holding your hands preventing you from eating we are just trying to kiss"

Sam: "You did not just say that"

Y/n: "Oh yes I did"

Sam: "You bitch"

Y/n: "Aww thank you I learned from you"

Sam: "Whatever"

Jenna covered her mouth to withhold her chuckles. She had forgotten that there was someone else in the room with the both of you. After she made sure that she was silent, she looked back at you and shrugged. She leaned into you and whispered into your ear.

Jenna: "We can always finish the kiss later, right?"

You nod your head in agreement. 

Jenna: "Ok"

There was something so comforting for Jenna about being close to you. She looked at you with a soft smile and then looked back down to finish eating her breakfast while you finished yours. After a few minutes Sam finishes eating breakfast and cleans up her mess before walking upstairs to her room leaving both of you alone in the kitchen.

Jenna finished eating the last bite of her pancakes and picked up her plate while walking over to the kitchen sink to rinse it out. 

Y/n: "You didn't have to do that; I could have washed them out once I finished eating"

Jenna: "You already said you would make me breakfast, the least I could do is help clean the dishes. It's only fair"

Y/n: "I guess"

You finished eating your breakfast and picked up your plate taking it to the kitchen sink. Jenna washed both her plate and yours and then she began to dry them off. She placed the plates on the counter, after that she wiped the the kitchen counter and then she put the dirty towel in the bin. You took the apron off and placed it back where you got it from before getting out of the kitchen and walking upstairs to your room as Jenna followed behind you.

Jenna: "So what do you have planned for today?"

Y/n: "Well I gotta get ready to got to work in a few hours, how about you ?"

Jenna: "I have something planned for later today"

Y/n: "Oh nice" 

You made your way towards your closet to get a pair of clothes and some socks as well as some shoes and then starting to get ready. Jenna chuckled softly as she watched you get dressed, she couldn't take her eyes off you, you looked very attractive and she had to admit it.

Jenna: "May I ask you what time you got work today?"

Y/n: "I got work at 11:25 am" 

Jenna: "Okay, so that gives us a few hours until you have to leave for work"

Y/n: "Yup"

Jenna: "Can I ask you something?"

Y/n: "Of course "

Jenna: "Could we possibly do something together before you go to work?"

Y/n: "We could watch a movie or go to the park together if you'd like"

Jenna: "The park sounds nice"

Y/n: "Sounds good, do you want to borrow some of my clothes or do you want to stop by your place on our way to the park?"

Jenna: "Let's stop by my place on our way to the park"

Y/n: "Ok"

You finished getting ready by adding some finishing touches such as some jewelry, cologne, brushing your teeth and doing your hair.

Y/n: "I'm all ready now, shall we get going"

Jenna: "Yes, let's go"

Jenna grabbed all her stuff as you headed out of your room and down the stairs and finally out the house. 

Y/n: "I notice that you brought your car, if you'd like I can follow you in my car to your house like that you can leave your car over there and then we could just go in mine to the park if you'd like"

Jenna: "Yes, that sounds like a great plan"

Y/n: "Perfect"

Each of you got inside your own cars and turned them on and driving away. You turned your music on as you drove. For the next couple of minutes, you were completely in your own zone as you just focused on driving. Jenna noticed your car behind her as she was about to turn on the driveway and parked her car. You on the other hand you parked in front of the house and turned your car off as you got out and walked towards her. As soon as she noticed you walking towards her car she got out and closed the door behind her.

Y/n: "I can wait for you out here if you'd like while you go inside to get ready"

Jenna: "You could come inside with me while I change I don't want you to have to stand out here all by yourself for a long time"

Y/n: "Are you sure?"

Jenna: "Of course I'm sure I don't mind you coming in"

Y/n: "Ok then"

You locked your car before following her inside, once inside you noticed someone sitting down in the living room watching TV.

Jenna: "Hey Emy"

Emma: "Oh hey Jen you're home, question who is she?"

She said as she pointed at you as you were standing behind Jenna as she stood up from the couch and walked over to the both of you.

Y/n: "Hello, I'm Y/n nice to meet you"

You extended your hand out for her to shake as you gave her a small and awkward smile.

Emma: "Hello, nice to meet you too, I'm Emma, so Jen is she the reason you didn't come home last night?

Jenna: "Yes, she is"

Emma: "Ok, then if you don't mind I would like to talk to Y/n privately if that's ok with you"

Jenna: "Yeah, that's fine you two can talk privately"

Jenna left to head towards her room to get ready while Emma and you went to the living room and taking a seat on the couch.

Emma: "So Y/n how did you meet Jenna? Are your intentions good or bad? How old are you? Do you work or study? Where are you from? Favorite color, movie, food, and animal?"

Y/n: "I met Jenna on the beach a few nights ago, my intentions with her are good, I'm 19 bout to be 20 in two weeks, I work, I'm from Miami, favorite color well it's actually a shade is black, favorite movie is Friday the 13th, favorite food is Korean bbq, and my favorite animal is a red panda"

Emma: "Thanks for answering all my questions"

Y/n: "You're welcome I guess"

After a few minutes Jenna finished getting ready and made her way to the living room. 

Jenna: "So did the two of you get to know each other? Or did she just ask questions and you were answering them the whole time?"

Y/n: "The second option"

Emma: "What!? I just wanted to make sure she was a keeper and lucky for you Jen she is"

You smiled softly when you heard Emma say that. You were glad that she thought that because you indeed were a keeper. 

Jenna: "I'm glad to know you passed Emma's screening test"

Y/n: "Yeah me too" 

You all burst out into laughter.

After a while both of you said your goodbyes to Emma before heading out and making your way toward the park.

You and Jenna are officially gf's now, and you got to meet her bsf Emma who interrogated the shit out of you but nevertheless you got her approval, what will happen next though?

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