#LoveSTAY - Stray kids x read...

By ih3artskz143

49.1K 715 1.7K

stray kids x reader scenarios, imagines and reactions that hopefully won't make you absolutely cringe and die... More

When they have a crush on you
How you make them blush
Morning cuddles
Them being bothered/upset
Your guys' song
Ways they show they love you
Late night texts
Stray kids in British secondary schools
You have a crush on him and he finds out
Someone hitting on you
You being upset
Christmas with them
You got your wisdom teeth taken out
2 months vs 2 years
Confessions and time taken
Them getting a bit too drunk
Getting ready together
You struggling to sleep
Movie night
Trips/ holidays with them
Them getting in a physical fight
You call them by their full name
You're sick
Arguments with them
How they like their kisses
You feel bad about yourself
Them getting clingy
Cooking adventures
Meeting their parents
Them meeting your parents
You end up in hospital
When they're away on tour
First 'I love you'
Stray Kids as friends to lovers tropes
Your outfit is revealing
Ideal date

Them as love languages

1.1K 16 4
By ih3artskz143


Giving: physical touch

-chan is extremely touchy with you and always feels the need to have some sort of physical contact with you

-it's his little way of reminding you he's always right next to your side and he's not going anywhere, even at times when you feel like you've drifted a little bit due to busy schedules

- whether he's running his hand up and down your back, resting it on your knee, or even just standing closer to you so that he can feel the warmth of your body resting against his, whenever he has the opportunity to just know he'll be right next to you

- it's gotten to point where you're so used to it that it has become a source of comfort to you and not having his hands somewhere on you almost leaves you feeling empty

- despite it being such a common thing and being normal by now, the intimacy behind it hasn't faded away the slightest bit. no matter how used to it you become, your cheeks still heat up a little every time you feel that extra pressure on your leg, waist, or wherever else

Recieving: quality time

-quite funny considering the fact he is ALWAYS busy, but maybe that's what makes every second with you count and your time is precious to him, it makes him feel important and special to you

-whether your doing your own things in the same room, simply healing from each others' presence or putting aside all distractions to only focus on each other, chan values any type of quality time he can spend with you

-on occasions where you've both had a lot to do and haven't spent as much time together as you wished to, you go all out in preparing special, meaningful evenings for the two of you to enjoy together

-on these special occasions, you plan things you know chan will enjoy and remember for a long time, your guys' dates are always the most unique and memorable

-also if you go out of your way to make some free time to line up with his schedule so you can spend time together, he will fall in love with you all over again, that to him is the most attractive thing you could ever do

Lee Know

Giving: acts of service

-it's the little things that matter the most to minho, which is why acts of service is his speciality

-grabbing you some napkins when you're eating, bringing you food on your break, always reaching for the best one of something for you before anyone else can, the things minho does are so subtle, but to you they're the most obvious and important actions in the world

-when you first caught on to the fact he used these little actions as a way to express his love and care for you, you briefly mentioned it to him and he acted as if he has no idea what you were on about. now, you just look him in the eyes and give him an endearing smile, which he returns right back

-minho genuinely takes such good care of you, anything you need is immediately taken care of by your boyfriend, who despite being such a busy man, always finds time to take care of you and put your every need first

-he refuses to let you take out the trash as he believes that he shouldn't be letting you touch such things, so whenever he sees the trash can even begin to get full, he does it for you before you can even think about doing it yourself

-although he does a lot more for you than for others, that doesn't mean it's just you he takes care of like this. he's always doing something for his 7 members and all the other people around him too. watching him take care of people like this and showing his husband material is in itself a sight to drool over and you love when he does so, you can't wait to marry him one day

Recieving: words of affirmation

-believe it or not, I think minho finds so much comfort in hearing sweet nothings and pure support from you

-he might not be one to express these things himself and he knows you're okay with that, but that doesn't mean he himself doesn't want to recieve affirmative and encouraging support from you

-especially after a difficult day, you can physically see him loosen up when you give him even the smallest of reassurance or a compliment

-he especially loves hearing you compliment on the little things he does for you, such as how much you love his cooking, or how sweet something was of him. praise him in front of others and he feels SO proud of himself, he'll be in a good mood for the rest of the day

-sometimes, when he's in need of you saying something affirmative to him but feels too awkward to directly tell you so, he'll do his usual little gestures and look at you with big eyes and a straight face, which makes you giggle at how soft he actually is

-minho is so used to naturally doing little things for you and he doesn't expect anything in return, so whenever you say little things in return and compliment him just the way he deserves to be, just know it melts his heart


Giving: words of affirmation

-though physical touch is one of his main love languages, I don't think it's his biggest one. changbin is EXTREMELY good with his words and his mental maturity is on a next level, which is why whenever he's expressing his love through giving you words of affirmation, it hits deep

-he never half-asses his compliments or waters them down, even if he comes off as cheesy, because he truly means every single word he says to you from the bottom of his heart

-if he sees you getting ready in front of the mirror and looking a bit unsure about your makeup or hair or whatever, he won't just give you a 'you look fine' or 'that's pretty', he pulls out the big words like 'you look ethereal baby' and 'that outfit is breathtaking', which immediately boosts your confidence back up

-also, changbin is amazing at giving advice and consoling you when needed. he knows exactly what to say and what you need to hear, not to mention he's also great at calming you down enough to get you to speak in the first place

-it's moments like these where you're truly reminded of changbin's strong love and care for you, because he only wants the best for you and doesn't want any harm to come your way, but when it does he'll always be right next to you with the exact comfort you need

Recieving: physical touch

-he's a sucker for your touch; hugs, tickles, kisses, even just a hand on his shoulder, he'll accept on form of touch from you very gladly

-whenever possible, he'll be finding a way to recieve your affection, because the feeling of any part of your body on his is the best feeling in the world to him and actually helps him to relax in uneasy situations

-sometimes you don't even notice when he quietly takes a hold of your hand from your knee and relocates it to his, where it then stays for the rest of the time you're sat down, or he might gently pull you in by the shoulder so that you're resting against him

-his absolute favourite it when his hair is wet after taking a shower and you come and ruffle it with your fingers or finger coil his tiny curls, to him it's the cutest thing in the world and he has no explanation for why, he just craves your touch THAT much

-since he takes any given opportunity to earn a hug or kiss from you, any little deed or action he does for you immediately results in you 'owing' him one and he will never forget how many you owe him, so that he can use them anytime

''thank you binnie,  you know what that advice really calmed my nerves''

''I'm glad it helped, now come here you owe me a hug''


Giving: gift giving

- hyunjin loves giving you presents and gifts and as a result of this, your whole apartment is filled with things you've gradually collected from him over the months; everything you look at is an instant reminder of him and you're most definitely not complaining

- whether it's handmade or he brought it somewhere, he makes sure he never comes empty-handed when he knows he's going to see you, he ALWAYS has a little something for the love of his life

- he's really attentive to what you like and what you don't like- one time, you bought a chocolate bar whilst you were out with hyunjin and mentioned that you really like this specific brand, the next day he rocked up at your door with plenty of chocolate for you

- he also enjoys giving you typical romantic gifts, such as huge assorted flower bouquets that he picked each flower out for himself, intricate paintings he does himself or if he sees any jewellery that reminds him of you, he'll buy it straight away

- even when he is on tour abroad for a longer period of time, he'll make sure to order some flowers and chocolates to be delivered directly to you with such a sweet, mushy note

- he just gets happy seeing you happy, so if he thinks something will make your heart flutter and give him an opportunity to get an ever bigger smile out of you, he won't think twice about whether he should get it or not

Recieving: physical touch

-please please please show this boy some physical affection, that's all he asks for

-whenever you pull him closer to you, plant a soft kiss somewhere on him or welcome him in to your embrace, his heart starts racing and reminds his brain of how crazy in love he is with you

-the idea of you loving him so much that you feel the need to express it to him physically is so endearing to him, he loves being held by you and doesn't think he could cope without it

-as much as he values any sort of touch he can get from you, just know that if you give him a quick hug it wont end there. he will suddenly get so needy and wont stop complaining about wanting more time in your arms than just a hug

-if you're having some alone time with him, just know he will leech on to you and refuse to let you go anywhere. even if you get up just for a moment to get snacks from the kitchen or something, he'll follow right behind you with his hands on your waist

-his day is immediately better and his worries magically disappear after getting a bit of affection from you, he just loves your touch and adores the way you look at him when you pull him in for a cuddle


Giving: quality time

-han simply loves being by your side doing whatever, even if it's something small that doesn't require another persons company

-any second of his life spent with you is a second well spent, he always says

-whenever you've got some errands to run, he always tags along and honestly, it turns boring tasks into something entertaining and it's almost like a fun little date

-han is like your partner in crime, you go everywhere together and all your regular destinations like shops, cafes and even the post office know about this, since everyone always sees the two of you together. it's gotten to the point where if anyone sees you guys solo, they immediately ask where the other is and if they're okay

-on occasions where he feels a bit more clingy and wants to do more than just run errands, he will not stop pestering you to do something fun with him, he's like a mosquito that does not want to leave you alone

-even when you agree to watch a movie, go for some food or whatever else he's picked out to do, he'll still be feeding off of your presence and energising himself even more, just being able to spend time with you in any shape or form is enough for him but you agreeing to doing whatever HE wants to do puts him on a whole new level of happy

Recieving: words of affirmation

-to jisung, your encouragement, support and advice is the most comforting thing to ever exist

-hearing that you're proud of him and just listening to you try to solve his problem when he's struggling is enough to put him at easy and forget what his problem was in the first place, you verbally expressing that you're always by his side is when he feels most loved

-even if it's something little, just like saying 'you're doing okay' or 'I'm proud of you today' or 'you looked really handsome just then', the security he feels from your words just do it for him, and it's enough to recharge him completely

-his favourite time you do this is whenever it's really quiet and you suddenly blurt out your admiration for him, it turns him into a blushing mess and he wont be able to stop thinking about what you said, grinning to himself like a fool

-''say that again, [name]''

''what? that you looked really attractive on stage earlier?'' you reply, to which jisung responds by burying his face in his hands and resting against your shouder, all giggly and shy


Giving: physical touch

-such an affectionate and touchy boy

-he absent-mindedly always ends up having his hands on your waist or rubbing circles on your back, I guess that's just where his hands belong

-he feeds off of giving out his physical affection to you, watching you smile softly at him when he does gives him such butterflies in his stomach but also his love for you is so strong that sometimes he doesn't know what to do with all of it, so he can't hold back from showing it to you physically. this is why he doesn't care when or where, if he wants to he will have at least a hand on you

-he is the definition of a cuddle bug. yes he stays close and touchy with you in public to an extent, but when you're alone and nobody is around he will trap you in his embrace. most of his physical affection is in the form of holding you in his arms which yes, is comforting for you but even more comforting for him

-seeing you rest your head on his chest and being able to inhale your scent in the comfort of a quiet place with just the two of you is the perfect way for both you and felix to de-stress after an eventful day

- knowing that you love and trust him enough to vulnerably hold you puts felix's mind at ease. being able to show his affection to you like this is also a reminder for him of how much you love him, even though you're literally doing nothing at that very moment

-also, he definitely holds your hand when you guys are sleeping

Recieving: words of affirmation

- felix has too pure of a heart to not feel down by the negative events happening around him once in a while

-he has such a strong mentality yet can be so sensitive and vulnerable at the same time. either way, you know that no matter what his mindset for the day is, your affirmations and comforting words are something he always needs

-he doesn't necessarily seek out for huge compliments, but he's more looking for you to verbally express your unconditional love and support you have for him, as he often finds himself worrying that maybe he's not doing good enough for you or others

-tell him that he's doing a great job and that everyone's supporting him since day 1, you'll see him beaming from ear to ear. he doesn't know how to respond to you because at that moment he's lost his ability to form a sentence properly but he'll give you the cutest energetic nod before doing back to whatever he was doing

-he needs that constant little reminder and encouragement from you that he's doing well, which he was a bit worried about at first, thinking that maybe you'll think he is too needy or insecure. but it's not a problem at all, you're his hype person, his backbone, and you wouldn't change it for the world


Giving: acts of service

-like minho, it's the small things that make your life slightly easier that are most important to him

-the gestures he does for you are almost unnoticeable for others but you pay attention to them A LOT and your heart flutters whenever he takes care of you

-he'll wipe the corner of your mouth discreetly for you when you've finished eating, snatch your shopping bags from you so you don't have to carry the weight, he'll even drive you around to wherever you need to be so he knows you arrive safely

-if he sees you struggling to do something, he'll make fun of you so much, yet still somehow always ends up doing it for you. his balance between being a gentleman and tease is perfect

-when you mention that his little gestures are sweet, he will turn into a blushing mess and say it's nothing, but the fact you notice will make him so happy on the inside, knowing you appreciate them only drives him to do them even more often

-when he does all these acts of service for you, it's the best reminder that your love doesn't need anything grand or luxurious, just the thoughtfullness and concern he has for you and you for him is worth more than anything else even could

Recieving: physical touch

-it definitely was a while before you figured out what way of expressing your love is the most liked by your boyfriend, so when you eventually found out it definitely took you by suprise, considering he's never the one initiating physical affection towards you yet somehow enjoys it so much himself

- he won't admit how much he truly loves being in your arms or ever ask for it himself, but you've noticed that he's never rejected it or said a single complaint about being embraced

-he is so soft when he's around you and despite being an absolute menace during his usual daily activities, it's like all of that chaos in him suddenly disappears the moment he's in the warmth of your arms

-every now and then he'll give you a slight hint at his desire for you physical affection, for example when he comes home after a long day, throws all his stuff on the floor and stands in front of you, sighing dramatically. there's a few times like this but most of the time they're so unnoticeable that you have to use your own judgement on what he wants

-he doesn't even need to be all cuddled up next to you all the time, putting your hand on his shoulder, holding onto his sleeve in a busy crowd or ruffling his hair when you're out doing stuff is equally as special to him, as long as he's got a part of you on him, he's content

-to him, it's so beautiful that you love him enough to give him the touch he's hungry for without him even having to ask, it's like a bond so strong you communicate through telepathy


Giving: quality time

-you and jeongin are two peas in a pod

-you can tell how much jeongin loves you by the amount of time he spends with you and the sacrifices he's willing to make just to be by your side whenever possible

-being with him allows you to really let out your inner children and show your true self with nothing to hide. it's never boring when you're together and every minute ends up being a hilarious memory to be permanently engraved in your mind

-even on his days off, instead of resting from the difficult previous days he chooses to arrange ways to spend precious time with you. whether that be just staying home and relaxing together or going out to have fun, you'll always be doing something whenever you have the chance to

-I'd like to add that you two love letting your inner children out and going to places which are more 'fun' when you're feeling a bit spontaneous such as amusement parks, bowling, arcades and aquariums

-jeongin doesn't like the idea of being all over you, showering you with hugs or saying long speeches about his love, making your day more enjoyable and watching you fall asleep with a smile after a lively day with him is much better. it shows to him that he suceeded in showing you his love today and he can't wait to do it again

Recieving: gift giving

- little gifts from you will make jeongin fold for you all over again

-he's not one for huge, expensive gifts as these put him on the spot and make him feel like he owes something huge back to whoever he recieved a gift from, but when it's small offering that come straight from the heart, they really make his day a thousand times better

-that's why he loves the small, thoughtful gifts you get him. it could even be something as simple as treating him to his favourite drink somewhere after a hard practice or getting him a new phone case after he mentioned his was getting old, even though he had no intention of trying to make you buy it for him

-he adores it when you show up with your hands behind your back and a bubbly smile, making it obvious you've got a little something to suprise him with again, he feels like the luckiest guy alive to know he's always on your mind and shows you his gratitude by perfectly matching personalities with you in the moment, being just as excited as you are

-though it may not be very obvious, he's also very sentimental about all the things you get him. he'll see something even remotely similar to the gift you got him and it will immediately remind him of the time when he recieved it from you, resulting in him smiling like a fool to himself multiple times a day

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