No where to hide (SEQUEL TO P...

By BrookeBates607

65.1K 2.2K 788

I was currently held at gun point by a guy who claimed to love me. He smirked before speaking. "I told you th... More

No where to hide
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Betrayal Cover
Betrayal Cover pt.2
Chapter 58

Chapter 55

673 30 19
By BrookeBates607

~ Calum's P.O.V ~

I don't know how it happened but Eliana and I were both in my room, her grinding on me only wearing her panties and her bra as I only wore my briefs. This felt wrong, so wrong. I know Ryder has cheated on me but I can't do this.

"Eli stop." She looked at me with a look I couldn't quiet understand but continued grinding and moaning against me.

"Just let go Calum, it'll be our little secret." Eliana moaned finding pleasure as she grind against my leg. She leaned down and placed a kiss to my lips but it didn't feel the same. Her kiss was rushed and her lips weren't as soft as Ryder's.

"Eli fucking stop." I grabbed her hips and brought her to a complete stop. Her eyes filled with tears but she wiped them away.

"She keeps doing this to me, Calum. First it was Ashton now Luke. Who's going to be next, Niall? She's Fucked almost everyone in this Damn house but you feel bad about fucking me? Just let me take care of you Calum." She stated before kissing my neck. She leaned back up and was about to unsnap her bra but my room door was kicked opened.

~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

"Just let me take care of you Calum" I heard when I slowly approached my room door, still in pain from what happened earlier. My eyes filled with tears. Is he fucking serious? Is he really cheating on me?

I immediately kicked open our room door ignoring the extreme pain I felt in my lower region. Once I did I saw a half naked Calum with a half naked Eliana on top of him. Calum's eyes lock with mine and grew wide. I would cry but I can't, I'm too confused. How could she do this to me?

I felt myself lose all control of my body as I charged at Eliana and pulled her off of Calum and on to the floor. Her eyes grew wide In fear but I didn't care. I kicked her in the stomach causing her to cry in pain. I could see Calum scrambling for his clothes from the corner of my eyes.

"Baby it's not what it looks like. Please let me explain." Panic clear in his voice. His statement caused me to briefly give him my attention which gave Eliana just enough time to jump up and run out of my room and into to the bathroom in the hallway.

I basically growled in anger as I stormed over to my closet. I was throwing everything on the floor as I searched for the one thing I had been hiding from everyone just in case of emergencies. An angry smirk crossed my face when I saw the shiny metal of my gun. I grabbed it and walked out of the closet as Calum was pulling on his jeans

"Baby please you don't want to do this. You don't understand, please just let me explain." He held up his hands showing that he surrendered but I didn't care I pulled the trigger causing one of the bullets to bury itself in the wall directly above Calum's head.

"How dare you fucking cheat on me, you low life bastard. How long has this been going on? How long have you been fucking that Slut?" My hands started to shake with anger.

"Just put the gun down and we can talk about this." Calum started to approach me causing me to aim at his arm and shoot. He immediately clutched his arm in pain as a gap left his mouth out of disbelief that I could shoot him. Calum took off running with me following close behind.

"Run Calum run." I heard Zayn yell laughing hysterically. Calum has just opened the front door and ran out as I shot another bullet that missed him by not even an inch.

I let out an angered growl as I stomped to the bathroom holding my stomach in pain. Once I got there I started banging on the door.

"Open the door Bitch." I yelled banging my gun against the door

"I'm sorry" I heard Eliana whimper from the other side of the door

"You're sorry? Bitch Fuck you're sorry. You better open up this mother fucking door before I break it open." After my statement everything went quiet. I could tell Eliana was to scared to speak so I did the only thing that i could at a time like this

~ Eliana's P.O.V ~

"You're sorry? Bitch Fuck you're sorry. You better open up this mother fucking door before I break it open." I heard Ryder yell, The pure rage made clear by the raspy undertone of her voice. I stayed quiet as I buried my face in my knees crying harder. How did it get this far? Why the Fuck would I do something this fucking stupid without expecting Ryder to react the way she did? I heard Ryder take a deep breath before the metal of what I assume to be her gun hit the door one last time

"You know what, I'm so fucking done with this Shit. I thought I could trust you but I guess I was wrong. I can't stay in a house full of people that only hurt me and piss me off. I fucking hate you, you are a piece of Shit that only cared about herself and no one else. If you ever wondered why Ashton left you for me it was that reason. I might have been a Bitch but at least I've always have been a Bitch, nothing has changed except you. I'm leaving, I hope you're fucking happy. Don't try to contact me and don't try to get anyone else to apologize to me the bond that we had before is gone." I heard Ryder's foot steps descend towards the door before I heard the door being whipped opened and slammed moments later.

Pure silence took over the house as I stood to me feet and walking towards the mirror. I looked at my pale almost sickly appearance in disgust. I wiped away the running tears that was mixed with mascara before splashing cold water in my face. I slowly made my way out the bathroom to see all the guys except Niall sitting in the living room looking directly at me. I gave them a confused look when there eyes diverted towards the corner directly beside me. My gaze followed theirs until my eyes met Ryder's. Before I had a chance to runaway she hit me in the nose with the bottom of her gun causing me to fall to the floor holding on to my now bleeding nose.

"You didn't expect me to let you get away with it that easy, huh? Get your Shit and get the Fuck out of my house." A hard kick was delivered to my ribs causing a gruesome cracking noise to echo through the house as sheer pain shot through me causing me to cry

~ Luke's P.O.V ~

I watched from afar as Eliana packed her things and left. Her nose was covered with a bandaged and her ribs were wrapped up. Part of me feels bad and believes that this was all my fault but part of me is pissed at the fact that once Eliana saw Ryder and in bed together she immediately decided it was a good idea to try to fuck Calum. She brought all of this on herself.

I heard whimpering coming from right beside me causing me to look down at Ryder who was cuddle up against me. I gave her a confused look as she cupped her pregnant belly in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked causing her to shake her head no as tears ran down her face. I pulled the blanket from around her legs to see that they were covered in blood. I immediately picked her up and carried her to the front door.

"Everybody come to the hospital, something is wrong with Ryder." I yelled causing everyone to practically run to their cars and get in. Michael climbed in my car and pulled Ryder on his lap as she cried in the crook of his neck and rubbed her belly trying to soothe some of the pain.

"It hurts so bad." She cried as Michael kissed her lips causing her to momentarily calm down and pull him closer to her. I'm kind of jealous of their relationship. No matter how much crazy Shit happened between them they still can't stay away from each other and they don't care what people think or say about them. Yeah they have quite a bit of problems but at least they know how to fix them or at least deal with them.

"I love you, everything is going to be okay just breath baby." Ryder nodded before kissing Michael's lips again

~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

I was currently sitting in a hospital bed wearing a hospital gown as Michael kissed my cheek trying to get my mind off of everything thing that had happened. The pain that I was feeling earlier had subsided and the bleeding had stopped but I know that there is something wrong with me. I have never felt a pain like this before even when I was pregnant with my other children.

My doctor walked in with a synthetic look on her face before speaking

"I would like to ask all of you to leave the room, I have something important to say to Mrs. Hood." Michael nodded and was about to leave along with the rest of the guys but I stopped them by speaking

"Anything you would like to say to me you can say in front of them." She let out a sigh before speaking

"As you wish." Everyone sat back down before the doctor started speaking again. "The pain and the bleeding you were experiencing is something far more severe then we expected." I raised an eyebrow in confusion

"What are you trying to say?" Michael squeezed my hand in reassurances. The doctor let out another sad sigh before speaking again

"I'm trying to say that giving birth to these babies is going to kill you"


  Sorry if the last few chapters have sucked I've just had a lot of stuff to handle and I couldn't exactly think straight when I was writing. I also wanted to know if you think I should continue writing 'Dark Temptations' and 'Addicted' or not. Thanks for reading :)

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