Per ghost_liNi

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Adaptation of the most beautiful stories.. Credits to the original brilliant author.. just love this story of... Més



797 35 6
Per ghost_liNi


“No, I don't want you to leave.” Lisa said, looking at me with glossy brown eyes.

“And I don't want to, but you know I have to.” I said holding her face in my hands. We were currently at the airport waiting for my flight. I have to be back in LA and then visit a few more states.

“It'll only be 3 weeks baby.” I tried to make the blow as painless as I could.

“It gets harder every time you leave.” She frowned. I nodded.

“I know.”

I wasn't going to be okay without her for so long. These next 3 weeks are going to be hectic with album signings, press and performances. I'm going to miss her so much.

I pressed my forehead against hers.

“I'm going to miss you so much baby.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mines around her waist, pulling her close into my body until there was almost no space left between us. I nuzzled my face in her neck and placed a gentle kiss there.

I heard a small sniffle. I stepped back and tried to look in her eyes but she wouldn't make eye contact with me.

“Hey,” I said grabbing her chin with my thumb and pointer finger.

“look at me. It's going to be okay.” I kissed her forehead.

“I know, I'm just going to miss you.” She said and I smiled sadly at her.

“I'll be back before you know it. I'll text or call you whenever I miss you.” I tried lightning the mood. Over the intercom I heard my flight being called, Lisa held onto me tighter.

“I have to go.”

I let go of her but her arms were still wrapped tightly around my neck. I felt warm tears there and I knew I had to keep strong because the sight of Lisa crying will have me breaking down.

“Baby, I have to go.” I said once more.

She loosened her grip on me, I cupped her cheeks and wiped away a few straw tears that made its way down her beautiful face. I stared deeply into those chocolate orbs.

“I love you. Like I said, I'll be back before you know it.”

I connected our lips in a passionate kiss. It lasted for only a moment before I had to pull away. I embraced her in one last hug and pecked her lips one last time before boarding my flight.

I'm going to miss this girl so fucking much. 3 weeks. That's it.


I watch Jennie board her flight, I don't know what came over me before and why I was crying. I guess I'm really going to miss her.

“Come on monkey, it'll be okay.” Seulgi said placing her hand on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze.

I felt my phone buzz, I grabbed it out of my pocket.

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: I miss you already. :(

I smiled.

ME: I miss you too babe :(

I locked my phone and walked out of the airport with Seulgi. We hopped in the car and went back to my house.

I sighed, I'm going to miss her so much.

I groaned hearing my alarm go off. I got up and walked into Lia's room. She was laying peacefully in her bed.

“Come on munchkin, time for school.” I whispered in her ear while stroking her dark brown hair. She whined but got up nonetheless, looking dishevelled. I laughed quietly to myself.

I got her ready for school and then myself. Her bus came and she left. I decided I would walk to school today and get some fresh air.

It's been 3 days and I still miss Jennie. I miss her sparkling feline eyes, the little freckles on top of her nose, that smile, those lips, God those lips. I miss her warmth and the way she held me. I miss everything about her and it's only been 3 days. She has such an affect on me.

I've never met anyone like Jennie before. I guess, in a weird way, I have to thank Nancy for that. If she hadn't of slapped me that day I probably wouldn't have met the girl of my dreams.

I walked into school, no one bothered to mess with me, it feels extremely good not to be picked on anymore.

I saw Seulgi at her locker, she had headphones in. Looks like it's time to scare her. I walked up behind her quietly, not that she would be able to hear me anyway, and grabbed her shoulders roughly. She jumped, startled. I laughed so hard I was close to tears.

“Shit! monkey what the hell! Next time you do that you'll get poly beat down I swear.”

I clutched my stomach from laughing, she pushed me and I almost fell over.

“You should've seen your face!” I laughed she just glared at me.

Her boyfriend Hanbin came up behind and did a shushing motion with his finger.

“Boo!” He yelled and she jumped again.

“Ugh!” She punched him in the shoulder.

“What's up with you guys trying to scare me today?” We both toppled over laughing.

“Trying? More like succeeding!” I gave Hanbin a high-5 and Seulgi was still glaring.

The bell rang for first period. I jetted off to class.

“Bye Bear, bye Hanbin!” I yelled going down the hall.

I walked into first period and got a few smiles. It was nice. I looked at the board and started on the work that was written there.

Lunch came around faster than expected. I walked to my usual table where Seulgi and Hanbin sat, along with a few more jocks, one being Hanbin's cousin, Sehun.

“Hey Lisa.” He greeted with a smile.

“Hi.” I faked smiled back.

“You look hot.” He said and winked.

I rolled my eyes and sat by Seulgi. She was in a heated discussion about Beyoncé with Hanbin. He apparently think she's overrated and she's literally going ham on him.

Sehun keeps eyeing me like a piece of meat, it's so annoying. It kind of sucks that I still have no friends at school except for Seulgi and Hanbin.

I'll just text Jennie.

ME: how's your day babe?

Not even a minute later she replied.

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: It's better now that I'm talking to you.

I couldn't help the smile that made its way across my face.

ME: ur so cheesy

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: Aw do you not like my cheesiness? :(

I laughed, she's so cute.

ME: no I find your cheesiness really cute 😊

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: I find you really cute 😁

She's such a flirt, she makes my heart do jumping jacks. Even though she's not here to see it in person, I'm blushing.

ME: I’m blushing because of u

PLANET FELINE EYES 💕💍: Are you from outer space?

Wow that was random.


PLANET FELINE EYES 💕💍: Because that ass is outa this world!

PLANET FELINE EYES 💕💍: I miss your ass babe 😔

“What's got you giggling and blushing like that Lalesa?” An annoyed Sehun asks. I looked at him and back to my phone.

“Jennieeee!” Seulgi dragged out in a teasing tone.

“Shut up!” I blushed.

ME: gasp! is that all you miss?

“So Lalesa, whatcha doing Friday?” Sehun asked looking at me. When will this boy get my name right. And when did he start going here?

“I don't remember you going here.” I said to him.

“Um I don't, I'm just visiting. So Friday?”

“Um, I'll be hanging out with my sister.” I replied.

“How about I take you out instead.” He smirked.

“Sorry, but I have a girlfriend.” I said and he looked shocked.

Even if I didn't have a girlfriend I wouldn't give him a second of the day. He's a fucking Dorito and not my type for obvious reasons.

“You're a dyke?” I grimaced at the word.

“Uh, I prefer lesbian.” I said and he only smirked.

“But I do remember you calling me one the night of the dance when I wouldn't kiss you.” His smirk dropped but then he smirked again.

“You just haven't found the right guy yet.” He said moving closer to me.

“Let me show you a real man.” I nearly gagged at the cocky look on his face.

“No, thank you.” I said politely.

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: Okay I might miss you a little bit, just a little bit…

I laughed.

ME: well I might miss u just a tiny bit too

“Come on, Lalesa!” He persisted.

“Sorry, but you're not my type.” I shot him down, but he would not let up.

“Babe, you just need a real man. Let me show you one.”

Okay I've had enough. I got up and walked away to the restroom.
I walked in to the bathroom and my phone rang.

Incoming call from Planet Feline Eyes💕💍

“Hello?” I said into the phone.

“Baby!” Jennie's husky voiced filled my ears.

“I missed your voice.” She said and my heart melted.

“I missed yours too Nini, what are you doing?” I asked.

“I have a few minutes before this interview so I thought I'd call you because I missed the sound of your voice.” She's so sweet.

“There's no one messing with you is there? You know I'll hop o..” I cut her off.

“No one is messing with me babe.” I could hear her relax even though she's not here.

“They just called me, I have to go babe. I love you.” I smiled.

“I love you too, bye.” I said and hung up the phone.

I walked out and to my disappointment, Sehun was standing there. I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my wrists forcefully.

“Go out with me.” He demanded and I could feel his little friend poking me through his pants.

“Uh-uh I-I have a g-girlfriend,” I stuttered.

It wasn't that he was making me nervous I was just scared as hell. He's gripping my wrists so tightly I know they're going to bruise.

“Let go of me.” I said but it came out as a whisper.

The bell rang and saved me. Thank god! He let go and told me this wasn't over then winked at me.

I hurried back to class trying to forget what just happened but I know won't.


“Ladies’ and gentlemen, let's give a hand for Jennie Kim!” The interviewer introduced me. I walked out and the crowd erupted in applause.

“Hey, Jennie, how are you?” He asked.

“I'm fine, thank you.” I smiled at him and clasped my hands together in my lap.

“Today, you're performing a song off your number 1 album!” I nodded.

“If you haven't heard Jennie's album, go buy it now! It's what the teenagers call these days,” He snapped his fingers trying to recall,

“on fleek!” He yelled and everyone laughed.

“So Jennie, tell us about this song.”

“Well it's about someone you like and basically telling them you're the only one they want.” I explained and he nodded his head.

A tech guy came out with a microphone and set it up.

“How about you go perform that song?”

The crowd cheered extremely loud. I got up and went to the mike-stand. The music started playing and I began to sing.

‘Oh oh, just as sure as the stars in the sky
I need you to shine in my life
Not just for the meanwhile, for a long long time
Better believe it'

I wrote this song before I met Lisa, but it really had no meaning until Lisa. Like now that I have Lisa I feel like if it's for her. I'm not sure if that makes any sense but it makes sense to me. I feel like I wrote it but it was meant for her and how I feel about her.

‘Oh oh, whenever you're not in my presence
It feels like I'm missing my blessings, yeah
So I sleep through the daylight, stay awake all night
'Till you're back again, oh yeah, yeah'

I was so into the song. I hope when Lisa watches she knows this performance was meant for her.

‘You think I'm biased
To my significant other
You hit it right on the head
Only been missing my lover
Got a whole girl or boy texts in my phone and I don't reply
The next eight bars tell you why'

‘You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah,
Aren’t worried about nobody else
If it aren’t you, I aren’t myself
You make me complete'

‘You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah,
What's a king bed without a queen
There aren’t no "I" in team
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me'

‘Take the gas out the car it won't drive
That's how I feel when you're not by my side
When I wake up in the morning up under you, and only you'

‘Oh oh, grateful for your existence
Faithful no matter the distance
You're the only girl I see
From the bottom of my heart, please believe'

'You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah
Aren’t worried about nobody else
If it aren’t you, I aren’t myself
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah
What's a king bed without a queen
There aren’t no "I" in team
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me'

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You're all that matters to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You're all that matters to me'

I finished up the song and I got an extreme round of applause. I walked back to my seat.

“Wow, that was great Jennie!” He said.

“Thank you.” I politely replied.

“Was it dedicated to anyone in particular?” He smirked. A faint blush rose to my cheeks,

“My girlfriend.” I said and the crowd aww'd.

“This is your girlfriend right?” He asked and pulled a picture of Lisa on the screen.

“Yeah, she's beautiful isn't she.” I said and he nodded.

“Tell us about her.”

“Well, she's honestly the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, she makes me smile so much, even when I'm pissed or stressed she manages to bring a smile to my face.” I gushed.

The pictured was now a picture of Lisa and I. The crowd aww'd again. I chuckled lightly.

“She makes me feel normal and makes me the happiest in the world. I love her and I hate being away from her.” I continued to gush.

“So Lili, if you're watching this, I love you baby!”

“Aw Jennie that was extremely adorable, she's a lucky girl. Now tell us what it's like being away from her.” He asked.

“Fucking dreadful.” I covered my mouth realizing the profanity. He laughed along with the crowd at my slip up.

“I hate being away from her. I miss her and her voice. I miss cuddling with her, ugh, I just miss everything.” I said and he gave me a sympathetic smile.

“Okay guys that's all we have with Jennie today. Make sure you guys check her album out!” He said, I walked off the stage.

I signed a couple of autographs and took a few photos before leaving.

It was later in the day and I just got back from an album signing in Burbank. My phone rang and it was a call from Lisa.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Lisa, you have to tell her.” I heard Seulgi say. Does she know she's calling me?

“I can't Seul, she'll will break up with me.” My heart is beating so fast, what can't she tell me.

“No she won't. She's not like that Lisa.” Seulgi said.

“Seulgi, I can't lose her, what if I tell her and she doesn't want me anymore?” I heard Lisa sob.

“Lili, baby?” I said through the phone. No reply.

“Lalisa.” I said sternly. Still no reply.

“Lisa, Jennie loves you, she wouldn't leave you especially over something like this.” I was silently thanking Seulgi.


“No buts Lalisa, you're going to tell her. You can't keep things from her.” Seulgi said strictly.

“Lili?” I said again. I heard shuffling on the other end.

“Jennie?" Lisa said in a whisper.

“What's wrong?” I asked and she broke down over the phone. She was crying and I wanted nothing more than to hold her.

“You're going to hate me.” She said through sobs. Oh boy.

Continua llegint

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