Kidnapped by vampires... on m...

By aimeebal

2.8K 32 20

Bella, Princess of England has been arranged to married the 'handsome and charming' Prince of France. Bella d... More

How To Kidnapp A Princess

Chapter 2 - Highway to hell

768 22 15
By aimeebal

I was shoved violently into the back seat of a car. My head jerked against the car door. Jeez... That hurts!

And my dress was going to ruined! My hands were tied incredibly tightly together, it hurt just to move an inch. I took the whole back seat as my dress was really long and puffy. Well the bright side was... I wasn't going to marry Lance? That's good right?

Wrong! Hello Bella! YOU'RE BEING KIDNAPPED! Or murdered... Some one sat beside me. He placed me upwards, so I sat upright. He untied my hands but handcuffed my left wrist to his right.

"What the hell?" I complained. I looked over to the guy next to me. It was Justin. He smirked.

"Just in case." He replied. Another guy sat next to me. He was big, bold and redheaded. Haha, a redhead! But strangely, he was slightly attractive.

He gazed at me and raised his eyebrows seductively. "Hey, I'm Brad." He whispered huskily, holding out his hand. He was waiting for me to shake it, but I didn't. Haha, he got owned!

He was taken back and said ,"Fine, fine," and groaned.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned. Everyone looked at me but nobody answered... Waiting for an answer I impaitently moaned.

"You sound so english." Justin said, looking over to me. He didn't even answer my question!

"Er, maybe cause I'm the princess of England? Or am I the Princess of France? Is that why I talk so english?" I said stating the obvious. He rolled his eyes in annoyance, at my sarcasm.

"Americans," I muttered under my breath. I sat in silence. I looked at the two men in front of me. The man who was driving had Justin Bieber hair, the exact same colour. He had brown eyes too. The next man beside had spiky hair, but his hair was blue! I'm in a car with mad people... But I was so calm. If anybody had been kidnapped they would scream their heads off, but I was kind of happy I was being kidnapped. No - sorry wrong thing to say! But it was kind of true, I didn't have to marry Lance now!

I don't even love France. That's why I'm so happy! I don't need to marry him! But I wasn't really worried about me being kidnapped. I mean... If the kidnappers were mean or abusive, they would have tried something already... Right? ... Or am I terribly wrong?

We sat there for hours, in blind silence. (see what i did there ^^ )

"So how come you're not scared or anything?" Justin asked curiously staring at me. His glare made me uncomfortable, so I looked away.

"I... I just..." I didn't know what to say. I looked around the car cluelessly.

"You what? It's your wedding day! Aren't you mad?!" I didn't answer. "Princess!" he sang. I hated when people called me that.

"Bella! The names Bella!" I yelled.

"Okay, Bella. Answer!" Justin demanded impaitently.

"Just Chill Justin!" Brad defended me. I gave a small smile to him. "Leave her alone. This is business, not talk to the Princesses all day." PrincessES? There were more princesses?!

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, crap. I've exposed the plan..." Justin said looking away. His eyes turned bright red. What? He has contacts surely. "Well. We have been kidnapping Princesses from all over the world." He said simply. What?

"But how?" I asked in rage. They not only have me... They have other Princesses too?

"Well, Frank here," his eyes pointed to the guy with blue spiky hair. Frank looked back and waved. I certainly didn't wave back. "Frank knows everything! Hes a genius! And you know the Princess Protection Progamme? Frank hacked into it! So we know where every single princess is." He smirked at me.

"And why do you want to do this?" I asked.

"Simple. We want-" Justin jerked him with his elbow in his rib.

"Ouchh!" He complained.

I gulped. The car jerked forward, making me slam into the front seat. I rubbed my forehead. I heard the car door being opened. Justin tugged my hand. I didn't move.

"Come on!" He yelled in anger. I moved to the door, looking down. The floor was wet and full of mud. I shook my head.

"No, no. I'm going to ruin my dress! Just move the car more forward or something!" I begged.

"No can do missy." Justin smirked. He slipped his hands swiftly under my legs and carried me, the bridal way.

"Haha, very funny," I said scarcastidly. He walked carrying me until there was dry land. I was waiting for him to put me down.

"You can put me down now. I can walk," but he didn't answer. Idiot. I took a glance at the house. It was HUGE.

It was a mansion! All in a creamy white colour, with grand windows and doors, with dark tall trees surrounding it. He carried me up the stairs and up to the front porch. He still didn't let me go. I rested my head into his neck. I was very tired. He opened the door and carried me inside, towards my doom...

We were in a living room. A huge living room. There was a fireplace, couch, T.V, open bar kitchen. Everything! Maybe it wont be so bad afterall! But then he turned to his left, in a corridor. At the end of the corridor there were stairs going down. He walked down those stairs. In america do they call it a basement or a cellar or something? I had no idea. It was quite a big room, but no sunlight creeped in here. There were lights though. There were a few girls lying on the couch. There was one small T.V. And a few magazines beside it. This is hell. There was a door, and Justin walked through it. Another corridor. He passed a few rooms. I peeked in and saw that they were bedrooms. But why are there girls on the floor then? The end of the corridor was coming up, and there was a room there too. He carried me into it. It was nothing wow. Just a simple room. The walls had a few holes in them, and there was a bed. Great. A bed. He laid me down. He uncuffed me but then quickly cuffed me to the bed.

"What?!" I was really mad now... "Can't you lock the door or something?"

"Nope," he said slumping onto the bed. "Oh, and heres your clothes." He said throwing them to me. How did he get my clothes? "I got your clothes from the chair." He answered my unsaid question. Wait, how did he do that?

"Well?" I asked. He looked at me with a blank expression. "How am I supposed to change with a hand cuff?"

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled. He walked over to the door and locked it. And came back to me. He uncuffed me. I moved my wrists in circular motions and they were clicking by their stiffness. Justin shivered.

"Don't do that. It freaks me out," he said. Good, something he was freaked out about. I waited for him to leave the room.

"You can leave now," I said, pointing to the door. He grinned.

"I didn't say anything about leaving." What was I supposed to change in front of him? Sicko. I reached to the back of my now wrinkled white wedding dress. And pulled down the zipper, but it got stuck in the middle. I tried to pull down but it wouldnt budge.

"Here let me help you," I heard Justin say. His cold hands touched my back, sending chills down my spine. He pulled the zipper down with no difficulty. My dress sprang down to the floor. I was left in my bra and undies. I reached my hand over to grab my clothes. Justin grabbed my forearm and pushed my body to the wall, gently pushing his body to mine. I shivered. He was cold. I looked away. He stared into my neck. He held out his teeth, exposing their sharpness. I shuddered. He touched them with my neck, but nothing else. He pulled it away and then kissed my neck. Up and down my jawline. Following up to my mouth. His cold, rock solid lips pressed against mine. He pushed in his tongue, touching mine. Once again, his tongue was icy cold. I pulled away, catching my breath. I went to my bed and started putting my clothes on. He was staring at me. I turned face to face to him.

"What?" I asked cluelessly. His eyes turned back to brown. Weird contacts. I lay on the bed, just looking at the ceiling. I knew he was still staring at me. He walked to the bed, and leaned over. He took a breath in. What was he doing? He jumped on top of me. Leaning in again. I looked away, away from his eyes, away from everything. His frostly cold breath came to my neck. I felt his teeth, and his tongue. But then moved over to my right shoulder. He growled, and thats when I felt it.

A shot of pain shot through me. I felt his teeth slice into my shoulder.

I screamed in pain. My eyes widened, nearly coming out of their sockets! I yelped for help. He pulled away. Justin licked his lips in pleasure and got off me. The pain still lingered in me. I looked at my shoulder. Blood was smeared all over it...and it had the deep bite marks. I rolled over, falling to the floor. I crouched into a circle position, craddling myself. I put my hand to my painful shoulder wimpering at the touch of it. I felt his cold hand on my back.

That wasn't my blood was it? I mean... Why did he want my blood?...

"W-w-what are yo-ou-u?" I tried to say through the sobs. He flashed a smile and chuckled.

"Isn't it obvious?" He carried on laughing.

Suddenly his face went serious.

"I'm a vampire girly," he simply said.

I screamed.

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