Emerald Saviors (DISCONTINUED)

By KateMWilson22

141 9 0

Knuckles youngest children are getting sworn in as the next Guardians. Yet after an odd artifact is dug up it... More

Ceremony Crash
Work together


9 1 0
By KateMWilson22

Locke's ghost nods as he approaches them. "Morgina was the first owner of the Master Emerald but would always abuse its power hence why it made itself vanish from her grasp. When Tikal found it and seeks its power to help her people the emerald knew her heart was pure and selfless. That is why it chose us to be its guardians. Yet Morgina found tikal with it before the migration and tried to steal it. Tikal fought her and the emerald summoned a mystic urn sealing her away. Now that she has return she'll seek and abuse its power once more. I was allowed to come back to place a special barrier around you four because you are the only ones along with Violet who can stop her." Locke said. "Why us?!" They said. "Because of the prophecy..... something I never got to tell your father and uncle...." Locke looks down. "What prophecy is that?" Chris asked. "When the witch has risen and cast her curse 5 hearts must come together and speak the prayer to take her down." He said and looked at his confused grandchildren. "Follow me" he said. They follow him into the museum where everyone was asleep as they walked past them. Then they head into a new area of old things that they never saw before. "Before your grandmothers death she foretold this as did her mother and her mother and so on. Each drawing and painting the same thing." He said and shows them the old paintings. "It's us....." zapella said as they looked at the painting of them around the master emerald and the witch above them. "I saw that last night....." Rikilee said tearing up. "Wait you said Violet too?" Rutan asked. "Yes" Locke replied. "Great... that's a problem because her and Zapella don't get along" Chris huffed. "Actually we made a truce back when I was at the academy." Zapella said. "Well good you don't got much time of the sun sets on the fourth day this will be forever. You must also find the dawn dust that will counter affect the sleeping curse along with the water diamond to release your father and uncle. The diamond I will tell you is located in the Sarasaland valley museum so be careful." Locke said. "Ok thanks grandpa" Zapella said and they four hugged the ghost before he starts to vanish. "Good luck my grandchildren" he smiled and disappeared. "Ok we need to find Violet and get that dust and diamond." Rikilee said. "But we don't know where she is" Zapella said. "Found her" their brothers said and they looked over at them. "She's at a party hall in Mushroom Square." They said and show their phones. "Then let's go" zapella said. "Wait.... Just hold on" Rikilee said and walks over to her husband and kids. "Mommy will be back...." She said and covers her children up with her shawl. She walks back to her siblings and they leave the island worried.

Later that night after the three changed into regular clothes the four siblings approached the hall. "Are you sure she'll even be here?" Rikilee asked. "It showed she checked in a hour ago." Chris said. "Ok let's go" zapella said. Once inside the music was pounding, people were dancing, lights were flashing, and the DJ was playing the tunes. "Allllllright party people let's give a warm welcome to the hot and sexy DJ Violet!" A male white echinda with green eyes, tattoos up his arms and neck, lip and brow piercing, rings on his fingers and strong body said. *Play Song*
The four watch the white female echidna with purple eyes howls at the beginning of the song. She was singing and dancing while the DJ behind her played her song. Her purple eyes glowed her blue wolf eyes as she sung:
You make me hungry like the wolves
'Cause I'm a creature of the night.

Then She flash her vampire fangs when she sung the line:
I wanna bite him like a vampire
'Cause I'm a kinky little freak

The crowd was cheering and dancing as the four echidnas snaked through to get closer. "Damn she's good!" Rutan yelled over the music. "I know!" Chris agreed. "Should've seen the party she DJ at the academy!" Zapella said. "Come on guys talk about this later!" Rikilee said. The song ends and they see her waving to the crowd then turns to the male DJ and gave him a flirty wink while licking her teeth and lips. He but his lower lip nodding before grabbing the mic. "Alright we're gonna take a quick break! Enjoy the playlist we got for you guys!" He said before playing the music. The two walked of stage and the four followed them. They find their cousin and the male DJ making out heavily in the back room against the wall. "Violet!" Zapella said and the two stop kissing. "The hell? What are you guys doing here?" Violet said. "Vi who are they?" The male DJ asked. "Cash these are my cousins. You might recognize zapella, but this is Chris, Rutan and Rikilee but we call her Riki." She said then turns to her cousins. "Guys this is Cash my Link." She said. "Whoa nice to meet you" Chris said. "You too dude" Cash smiled. "What kind of name is Cash?" "Rutan" Rikilee snapped. "Well Cash is my stage name and it kinda stuck my real name is Draco Stark." "Wait Draco stark?! I remember you now you graduated a year before me and bonestine. Didn't you blew up the alchemy lab?" Zapella said. "Yep it was an accident but I came back to repair the place and heard of a party so I figured why not. That's how o met Violet here." He wraps his arm around her making her smile. "Nice" "Now what are you guys doing here?" She said. "It's our dads" Rutan said and Violet starts walking away. "Now come on Vi I know you and your dad don't see eye to eye right n—" "Cash I want nothing to do with my dad" She said then looks back at her cousins. "So whatever it is I don't care now leave" she said and turns to walk away. "Violet our dads have been turned to stone!" Zapella yelled and Violet stops then turns to look at them.


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