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"Mom are you sure?!" Zapella hollered from the dressing room. "Yes Zapella we got the black and silver flower petals for your niece to throw down the aisle." Katherine said. "I'm glad Issac and I had a backyard wedding" Rikilee giggled. "Even though mom wasn't happy about you doing the planning behind her back." "Whatever zapella" "Now girls" Katherine said. "Well you did rock mom's wedding dress." Zapella said kindly. "Thanks sis!" Rikilee smiled. "Sisters" Ivy giggled before sipping on champagne. "You would know Ivs" Emma giggled. "Ok ladies you ready to see her?" Blaze smiled. "Please! She's been keeping this dress from us forever!" Emma and Rikilee said. Zapella walks out and shocks them with tears.

"Zapella you look so stunning but I'm shocked it's not all black" Katherine said

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"Zapella you look so stunning but I'm shocked it's not all black" Katherine said. "Oh don't worry she's got an all black version for the reception" Blaze said. "There it is" Katherine said tears falling hugging her daughter. "You want to see it?" Zapella asked. "Of course baby" Katherine said and zapella smiled before disappearing into the dressing room. "God where did the time go" Rouge said sipping her glass. "I know right" Katherine agreed.
Knuckles was looking through paperwork in his study from a project on hold. The door opens grabbing his attention and sees his wife walk through the study door. "Hey how was the fitting?" Knuckles asked going back to the papers. "Surprising honestly she's walking down in a white dress" Katherine said walking up to her husband. "Really? Our goth rockstar daughter walking down in a white dress?" He looked up rising a brow. "Yep" Katherine said then sat in the corner of his desk. "What's that?" She asked and he hands her a paper then leans back into his chair. "Well they're remodeling an area near the Master emerald altar and dug up something odd that put the project on hold. It appears to be an artifact that could've been in the ground before the island was made." He said crossing his arms. "Wow" she said reading the report. "I been trying to look through the archive papers to see if there were any artifacts not accounted for. So far nothing." He said. "Could it be a new discovery?" She asked setting the paper down. "Probably I'm going to call Luigi Silver and Tails to see for sure." He said and rubs his eyes. "Maybe I could ease that tension I clearly sense in you~" Katherine said and say in her husband's lap. "Oh really well I have a certain area tha—" "Yo mom, dad I Claire wants to kno— Whoa" Rutan turns away as Katherine gets off her husband's lap. "Boy you're 21 and should know how to knock" Knuckles growled. "Yeah sorry I'm Claire wants to know if she should bring anything for the ceremony" Rutan said still not looking at his parents. "Rutan we're not naked look at us" Katherine said and he does. "Now no she doesn't but you need to make sure you request three days off. One for the rehearsal, the ceremony and the day after to relax." Knuckles said. "Already got that done dad." Rutan said. "Alright anything else?" "Yeah make sure you both use protection" he smirked and left. "RUTAN!" His parents yelled and heard him laughing. "So our son" Katherine smiled.
The following day Knuckles looks at the Master Emerald alter from the dig site. Memories of him training with his father, helping his mother tending to the flowerbeds, playing with his older sister before the fallout between them after their mothers death and Mace and him hugging each other after Lockes death passes through his mind. "Hey knux!" He turns seeing Tails and Luigi walking up. "Hey guys. Where's silver?" knuckles asked. "He had to go help Blaze with an emergency repair at the shop." Tails explained. "Ah ok" he said as they walked closer. "That it?" Luigi asked as they looked at the large urn shaped capsule. "Yep" he said. "Looks big enough to hold a body" he points out. "You be right Luigi my scanner is picking up skeletal remains. Human type skeletal remains not echidna." Tails said and shows them. "Holy shit...." Knuckles said. "We better call the historians on the island and mushroom kingdom" Luigi said. "I agree" knuckles said and starts calling the historians on the islands while Tails gets a hold of the ones in the mushroom kingdom. Luigi looks closer at the urn and sees a crack that was made from the dig with something sparkling in the crack. "Odd..." he said and films the sight. As knuckles was talking on the phone a vapor like mist glides over him then flies away before it snakes into a hidden cave in the mountain on the island.

"At last I am finally free and I will take the emeralds power from Tikal's family once and for all!"

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