33.2K 1.2K 295

She was careful He was careless she was uptight him, the opposite she was serious he was playful like fire an... More



1.1K 44 2


       With her 'Dirty Dom' in tow Rhea Ripley made her way to the ring, "Isn't this cute everyone."

"Quite the speech there Jey, it was cute, such a fan boy." Rhea smiles at him.

"But last night Leanne, you got lucky. Luck doesn't happen often with me." Rhea approaches the ring rolling in with Dom.

Jesse and Stacy stayed ready, guarded up to fight if needed, but Leanne stayed calm, Jey stood by her side but as of right now, she didn't mind it.

"So, I wanna enact my rematch clause right now!" She demands. The crowd began cheering wanting these two to put on another banger match again.

But in true heel fashion Leanne replies, "nope."

Everyone in the audience and the ring was taken aback.

"Hey, hey I don't think you get it alright, when mami-"

"Aye, aye, aye," Jey interrupts him. "Ain't nobody wanna hear from you." He points at Rhea, "or your b*tch." He points to Dom.

The crowd oohs, Leanne laughing at their faces.

Rhea smiled sarcastically before charging after Leanne.

Quickly ducking under the punch, Jesse and Stacy quick jumped Rhea as Leanne rolls out the ring.

Dominic tries to attack Jey but Mr. Mainevent ducks under the punch catching Dom in a super kick.

"Come on!" Leanne calls out to her partners.

The tag Champs quickly rolls out the ring joining Leanne as they watch Rhea who rolls over to Dom. The crowd was cheering as Jey stood ground in the ring.

Seeing that Leanne was already gone the Uso followed suit leaving with them.

When they got backstage the four dispersed. "Hunter what was that?!" Leanne asks him in gorilla.

"He said he wanted to talk, we trust him, I just didn't know he was gonna do that." Hunter responds.

"Why'd he do that?" She asks him.

"Don't know kid." She rolls her eyes walking away from him.

"You guys cool with this?" The outraged Leanne asks her friends.

"Didn't bother me." Jesse shrugs.

"I think it was kinda cute." Stacy replies.

"Ugh! Of course you do. I'll go deal with this myself." She tells them.

      Jey dapped up the group, one man at a time in catering, "you said five minutes, never told me if it was in or out of the ring."

"He's got a point." Cody agrees.

"Well played my friend." AJ says.

Each man pulls out ten dollars handing it to him making sixty in total.

He smiled stuffing the money in his pocket just as his name was called. "Hey Uso!"

"Uh-oh." Seth laughs.

"Somebody's in trouble." Jimmy sings.

Jey turns around smiling at Leanne which only ticks her off more.

"What the hell was that!" She folded her arms in front her giving no mind or care to the group watching.

"I just wanted to tell you congrats." Jey answers innocently.

"Well then do like everyone else and say it backstage, not in front of the freaking world interrupting my segment." She points at him.

"Calm down baby girl it was all in innocent fun." Jey replies.

"Oh please don't patronize me with your name callings ok, frankly it's ridiculous." She rolls her eyes, it wasn't the fact that he congratulated her that ticked her off, it's that he interrupted her segment to tell her something that could've been said in a post card.

It wasn't like he was someone important to her like a family member or some hall of famer that came every once in a while, to congratulated her.

No, he was a full-time wrestler just as she was, he saw her every day for work and could've easily pulled her aside and said congrats.

But as always Jey wanted to do something fun and for the hell of it. Well Leanne didn't roll that way and she wasn't gonna start now because this 'main eventer' got a little too high on his horse.

"You know what, I don't have time for this, you do whatever idiotic thing you do, but stay out of my way and keep the hell out of my business, got it?" She grits.

Jey held back a smirk, her face was red clearly from pushing herself to look intimidating which in Jey eyes she didn't exactly play the part right, her nose was scrunched and her eyes in slits as she glared at him. But Jey didn't see that, he just saw a fired-up Leanne who look more adorable that menacing.

"Loud and clear, mama." He put his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry, what?" She steps closer, her voice darker looking at the 6'2 man from her 5'1 height.

"My mistake, I'm sorry Leanne." Jey corrects.

She didn't reply again seeing that he got the point she walked with a natural strut that left him feeling hot. He had a small smile on his face looking at her as she walked away, a new motivation shooting in his heart making him want to explore this further.

"Oh snap!" Montez claps

"She ripped you a new one bro." Matt follows up.

"Looks like you're out the game man." Randy laughs.

"Nah man, I ain't out. I'm just getting started."

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