Yes Coach Wilson

By Scissorsista

43.6K 954 149

"I want you" She grabbed my chin making me hold eye Contact "And I want you to be quiet" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29


1.3K 26 4
By Scissorsista


It was already 4:40am, I was almost done with my sketch but nowhere near the end of the project. All I could think about was sleep,how I had to wake up in less than 4 hours and Alex.

I really like her I do but I'm scared, I'm scared that she will leave me which is stupid since we haven't even gone in the date.

Don't fall asleep.
Don't fall asleep.
Don't fall asleep.
Don't fall asleep.

I kept repeating in my head. The next thing I knew was that I dropped my pen and closed my eyes.

After what felt like 2 seconds I felt light shaking and whispering.

"Lilith" Said the voice softly "Lilith wake up."

"No no no please tell me it's not time for school yet" I said with my eyes closed.

"No Lilith it's not. It's still early it's just 5" She said grabbing me by my hand. "Come here let's get you to bed."

"But I need to finish this" I said, my eyes still closed.

"No, you're coming to bed now there's no room for discussion. Get up" She said in a low tone, with her hand still grabbing my arm.

I finally got up, grabbing her arm and slowly making my way towards the bedroom.

I got in bed and so did Alex right after me. I snuggled closer to her making her put her hand on my back, slowly rubbing it. That's all it took for me to close my eyes and fall in a deep sleep.


The alarm that said 6:55am woke me up. I rushed to turn it off so it wouldn't bother Lilith. She was on top of me, her head on the crook of my neck.

I slowly tried to move her so it wouldn't wake her up. This girl hasn't slept more than an hour and a half she needs her rest.

I got up, grabbed her phone so her alarms wouldn't wake her up this early  and made my way to the kitchen,opening the fridge to see what I could perhaps make for breakfast.

After taking a good look at her groceries I settled down for pancakes but first I needed to go and freshen up a little.

After getting all clean and ready for the day I started making the pancakes, as quietly as possible. After a good 40 minutes I was almost done when I suddenly heard a phone ring. It was Lilith's. Jenny was calling and I answered it.

"Hello girliee, you ready??" She said.

"Jenny, This is Coach Wilson." I said keeping my voice down.

"Oh." She paused. "Where's Lilith because me and Emily are waiting for her downstairs."

"She's not coming today." I said quickly. "Since you guys are here do you want to come upstairs, I've made breakfast."

"We will be up in a second." Jenny said and hung up.

After a minute they were at the door ringing the bell, I ran to the door so they wouldn't ring it more.

"Ale-" Emily said but I gave her a death glare and  Jenny elbowed her.

"Coach Wilsooonnn" She said loudly.

"Shhhhhhhh Liliths sleeping" I shushed them. "The kitchen is this way." I said.

"Coach you know we've been here before." Jenny whispered.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I said as I walked to the kitchen as they settled down.

After setting the table I sat down in front of them.

"So" Jenny started. "Why isn't Lilith coming to school?"

"Because she  was up all night and is tired and hasn't gotten the amount of sleep that a person needs to start their day" I said as I was cutting my pancakes.

It was quiet for a moment and when I looked up I could see Jenny and Emily exchange glances with a smirk on their faces.

"Because she was working on the project" I clarified trying to hold in a laughter.

"Oh." they both said at the same time and let out a giggle.

We ate in silence and quickly since they had a lecture to go to.

"See you guys at practice." I said closing the door.

After they left I cleaned the table and washed the dishes. After making sure she had no upcoming alarms on her phone I went to the room and put it on the nightstand.

When I entered her room I saw a sleeping Lilith that had covered 90% of the bed. I chuckled to myself as I left the phone on the nightstand, taking a last glance and going to the living room and sitting on the couch.

All I could think about was last night on how she had reacted. Did I do something wrong? Did I make her feel uncomfortable or did I move too fast?

I tried not to think about it as I grabbed my phone and pass time. The time had just reached midday a beautiful rainy day when suddenly I heard a "OH SHIT I OVERSLEPT" Lilith yelled.

She came running to the door and stopped when she saw me. "Wait, you stayed?" She asked confused.

"Yeah of course I did, why wouldn't I?" I asked back.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She looked at me.

"Because you hadn't slept? Why would I wake you up when you fell asleep at 5?" I said standing up.

"Thanks for letting me sleep." She gave me a small smile as she turned around to go the bathroom.

It took her around half an hour  to freshen up and come to the kitchen again. I served her breakfast- well lunch since it was almost 1pm.

"Let me do the dishes." I said as we were cleaning the table.

"No." She said

"What do you mean no?" I asked.

"I mean that you're not doing them. I am." She said sternly.

"Lilith." I looked at her.

"You've done enough and this is my house now go sit down until I finishes these." She said.

I giggled thinking that it was useless to argue with her and I sat down.

After a couple of minutes of her washing the dishes and me just watching her I spoke.

"You know that we're going to practice right?" I questioned.

"Well I figured, that's why you stayed." She said shortly.

I looked at her confused. "No? That's not why I stayed." What's up with her?

"Then why did you stay then?" She asked.

"Because I wanted to?" I said as I stood up, getting closer to her.

"Oh." She said shortly.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped slightly.

She cleared her throat before talking. "Yeah why wouldn't it be?" She said, getting away from my grasp. "I got to go and get dressed." She speed walked into her room, leaving me there, confused.

"We're going to be late if you don't come in two minutes" I said. She had been getting ready for 40 minutes. What was taking her so long.

"I'll be there in a second." She said from across the door.

Another good 8 minutes passed and I made up my mind to go in but the second I tried to open the door she came outside.

"Let's get moving, we're very late." She said bursting out of the door.

"Oh now we're late!?" I said laughing as I walked right behind her.

As soon as we got out of the apartment the cold start of December breeze hit us.

"Oh fuck it's so cold" Lilith said out loud.

I faced her, looking at her outfit that contained a t shirt underneath a normal sweatshirt."Where did you think you were going out like that?? With just a shirt on??? No jacket,no gloves,no nothing?" I said taking off my jacket.

Her eyes widened as she shook her head no.

"Lilith take it." I said glaring at her as we got inside the car.

"No, you're going to freeze" She said putting her belt on.

"I probably have another one in my office." I said as I handed her my jacket.

She was hesitant at first but then took it. "If you don't have another one in your office, you're getting this back." She said.

"You can come in my office and see for yourself." I said giving her a smile and starting the car.

We drove in silence and in no time we pulled up in the parking lot after stopping for coffee and arguing since Lilith didn't want me to pay for her but she had no other choice than to let me pay.

Most of the students had already left campus and the only ones that hadn't were the athletes.

We went inside as we made our way to the gym yet again in silence. This girl was always talking and this worried me. Either she doesn't want to see me again or she's enjoying the silence. I'm hoping it's the latter one.

Her voice calling me pulled out of my thoughts. "Alex? Hello?" I saw Lilith waving at me.

"Oh sorry." I said looking down at her. She finally started laughing after a whole day and I could feel my chest get warm.

"See you later?" I asked.

"Later Alex." She said laughing and  giving me a quick hug and leaving me standing in the middle of the hall looking at her.


I had to talk to her about what was going in my head, sooner or later, but not now, I needed to enjoy this while it lasted.

I entered the changing rooms not in the mood for anything. Honestly I was hoping that this practice would go smoothly. I had no time in my hands to be pissed or mad at everyone.

Until an annoying voice called me.

"Good afternoon Lilith." Said Olivia.

"What do you want." I said as I put my bag down.

"Why weren't you in school today?" She asked.

"That's none of your  business." I said calmly.

"Oh did someone wake up in a bad mood? Poor you." She said fake pleading.

By this time everyone in the locker room was looking at us. Most of the besides the new students knew what had gone down between me and her and most of them were on my side while the others were indifferent towards the situation.

I tried to ignore her but then she spoke up again. "Oh, Is that a new jacket? Look at you."

"Yet again none of your business." I said as I was getting changed.

"Is this  someone's jacket, it doesn't look like yours. It's too long to be yours and you don't prefer that color." She spoke once again.

"You know if you put this much effort when we were dating, we wouldn't be here right now" I said while all the other girls started to chuckle.

"Oh don't tell me you're still hurt by that." She said crossing her arms. I decided not to say anything anymore but Emily had other plans.

"Girl shut up, the fuck you even doing in here? Who invited you." Emily joined.

Honestly I loved them, they had my back about everything at anytime.

"Aww your friend cat speak for herself so she let her dogs handle it?" She said in a funny tone.

"That's it." I snapped at her as I faced her agrabbed her by the collar of her shirt and slamming her on one of the lockers.

"I've been tolerating you and I give no fucks what you say about me, but say one other word about my friends again. One. and you're dead" I gritted through my teeth.

The whole room was quiet as I loosened my grip around her shirt and slammed the door on my way out. What a way to ruin my day I thought to myself as I made my way towards the gym.

I rarely got mad but when I did I'd be mad at everything and everyone for the rest of the fucking day.

I entered the gym  going straight to the court and started to warm up. When I turned around  I saw Alex looking at me with a confused look on her face. I gave her a quick smile and turned around.

The girls started to get out of the locker rooms and Olivia went straight to Alex whispering to her something. Alex took a step back and shook her head looking first at Olivia then at me.

I've had enough, this bitch is going to catch these hands. I was making my way towards them when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"It's not worth it"

I turned around to see Emily??
I looked at her surprised since she was the first one that would always tell me to slap some sense into her.

I sighed. "She just needs to learn when to shut her mouth." I said.

"She does, but next time I'll punch her." Emily gave me a small smile and we both went to the center of the court.

Practice ended really quickly and we were finally done. We have a game on Friday. A relatively easy one. This is one of those games that I really hope I'm on the bench. Just thinking about this week makes me want to go home and get under my blanket and never leave.

"Lilith." Someone was tapping my shoulder.

I turned around to see Alex towering over me.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Practice ended five minutes ago. You okay?" She asked looking worried.

"Yep, I'm fine." I said.

She looked at me but didn't say anything. I looked back at without talking. We were staring at each other with a silence that was hurting my ears.

"You seem like you want to say something." I said breaking the silence.

She thought about if for a moment and said. "Yeah but come to my office."

"Alex I don't have time." I said.

"I'll make it quick." She said as I groaned and followed her to her office.

"What was this important that you couldn't tell me there." I said the second the door was closed.

"What, I just wanted to get some alone time with you." She said giving me a smirk.

I got closer to her. "I'd love to spend more time with you, but you know I'm very busy right now." I said as I got closer to her and wrapping my hands around her neck. "So what is it?" I asked.

"Uh." I could see her cheeks starting to turn a light shade of pink.

"Oh my god are you blushing?" I said smiling.

Her expression changed immediately. "No of course not what do you mean." She said as she got redder.

"You definitely are." I giggled.

Silence fell once again as we were looking at eachother.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat.

"Oh yeah." She said. "Olivia stopped and said to get you under control? What did she mean by that?" She asked.

My face dropped and she looked at me confused. "What did she tell you exactly." I said as I took my hands off her neck.

"She said  Get your girlfriend on a leash coz she's going crazy." She paused. "And I asked her what happened and she told me that you had punched her."

"Oh this bitch is going to get it for real now." I said turning away and making my way towards the door when I felt an arm pull me causing me to spin around and crash with Alexis.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Going to give that bitch an actual punch." I said with furrowing my eyebrows.

"Hey easy with the words." She said."So you didn't hit her?"

"She deserves it and I never swing first." I said angrily.

"So what actually happened."

"Well you know her, shit talker and all but she really crossed the line when she mentioned Emily." I said taking a deep breath in. "I don't care if someone talks shit about me but if they go low and mention people I care about, I'm going lower." I said in one breath.

"Oh? Is that so?" Alex said.

"Yeah, and I grabbed and slammed her on one of the lockers, I think."

"Lilith, you need to control your anger. I know that you were trying to protect your friends but violence is never the solution." She said calmly.

"Teach me how to be as calm as you." Lowering my tone.

"Welll the first thing you need to do is breath." She said wrapping her hands around my waist. "The second thing is to never let what they say get to your head"

Now it was my time to wrap my hands around her neck. "And last but not least." She said pausing and looking down at my lips. "I want to kiss you so bad right now." She said.

"Then why don't you." I whispered, trying to ignore all the butterflies that were roaming my body.

She pulled her head away but still her grip remained on my waist. "Because we need to go on the date this week first."

I gave her a smile."Yes you're correct." I said.

Honestly she's right, we need to wait for the date first. I feel like we are moving a little too fast. We haven't been out once and almost slept with each other.

"Hello?? You there?" She said waving her hand in front of my face, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry, I just zoned out." I said giggling.

"Yeah I figured." She said giving me a smile as she removed her remaining hand  from my waist.

"So uh, I have to go?" I said not knowing what to say. I don't even know why I was being awkward.

"Yeah you have to do your  project." She said flashing me a smile.

"OH SHIT, the project." I said as I immediately grabbed my bag and ran out of the door yelling a goodbye.


KIDSSSS happy new year!!

Also I'd love it if any of you had any plot ideas that you find interesting I would love to make something out of them

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