Falcon Feathers

By iceman0116

13.9K 380 86

Derek Sky has just turned fifteen and finally gets his totem and becomes an adult in his tribe. But he did no... More

Falcon Feathers
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 2)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 3)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 4)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 5)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 6)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 7)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 8)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 9)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 10)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 11)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 12)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 13)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 15)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 16)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 17)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 18)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 19)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 20)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 21)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 22)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 23)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 24)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 25)

Falcon Feathers (Chapter 14)

415 11 2
By iceman0116

HEEYYY EVERYBODY!! LONG TIME NO POST! I just realized that I never made a name for the school. (or if I did I can't find/ remember it.) So I am taking suggestions on a school name. The one I like the most will be the official name of the school. Or I may mix some suggestions. Anyways whoever gives me the best name gets the next chapter dedicated to them. To enter a suggestion, comment on this chapter. So please, by now you know what to do: read, comment, and vote! :)


Chapter 14


I said my good-bye's to everyone at the door and decided to take a look around. The front door opened up to a large hall filled with long tables with chairs all around them. At the back of the hall there were two corridors on the left and right sides of the building. In the center of the back wall there was a large staircase that lead to the upper floor. I took a look around the ground floor. There were mostly dorms on this floor. Some of them were just plain as if they were any college dormitory, while others had odd pieces of furniture. One room had a tree growing in the center of it. Another room had plain light blue paint on the walls. Instead of having furniture, the room had a large pool of water. I took a step to the edge and kneeled. Looking into the pool I could see a bed, couch, and bathroom. There was even a tv. ( I wonder how that works.)

Occasionally I bumped into a few of my guild mates as I finished with the first floor. Eventually I came back around to the front. I went up the stairs to find that the second floor was much like the first with the only exception being there were fewer dorms up here and there was a meeting room at the back of the floor. I walked the oaken hallway around the back of the guild pausing to look over the railing of the balcony that over looked an open lounge area at the back. I noticed a few people had already begun taking advantage of the little cafe' area. A girl spilled a smoothie on the cobble stone floor. I smiled as she dashed to clean it up. (I don't blame her. Akita seemed pretty adamant about keeping this place clean.)

I walked a bit faster as I made my way to the front. I paused at an open door. Inside was a dorm that had high trees inside. I stepped in to look up at the top. The far wall was rock. As I gazed up I noticed a ledge on the wall. On it there was a bed. (No way.) I released Gagan and he perched on my arm. I tossed him up to the ledge and he flew around it a few times before going up to the top of the room and landing on a tree branch. I conjured a small gust of wind under my feet lifting mysef up to the platform.  The ledge was pretty large and there was a small bedside desk with an alarm clock on it.

( I think we'll take this one.)



"Follow me" he said and flew to the top of the room and then disappeared into the wall. I jumped off the ledge bearing myself up on another gust and brought myself to the mouth of a small cave. I hopped into the little cave and walked a few feet to the otherside. I exited on the outside over looking the back right side of the building. There were a few large rocks jutting out above me. I kicked off my shoees and grew my talons. With them I climbed up above the cave entrance and looked out from my little perch.

"This is pretty nice" said Unule as she appeared on the ledge below. She began waving her hands and muttering something.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Shielding this entrence from sight" she replied.

"Oh" I said.

"Only you, Gagan, and I will be able to see the entrance" she said.

"Nice" I replied looking out over the forest that surrounded our guild.

"Don't you have some place to be?" Unule asked smiling.

"The guild dinner, I completely forgot! What time is it?" I asked.

"You have two minutes" She replied.

"Crap! I gotta go!" I said as I jumped off the rocks unfurling my wings and flew around to the entrance.

"Aren't you coming?" Unule asked looking up at Gagan who was perched above her.

"No" he replied.

"I'll bring you some food" she said and disappeared.

I had just gotten into the grand hall when I noticed that Akita was at the top of the steps. Nala waved over to me and I quickly walked around the edge of the room to one of the tables near the steps. Akita began adressing us as I sat down.

"You all fought well today especially considering that a fourth of you have never been in battles like this. I am proud to say that this is the most promising guild that I have been in since I have been here." she said.

"Where were you?" Nala whispered.

"I was exploring" I replied.

"Well you sure were taking your sweet time" she said.

"These four are my new generals. The others that you served under for this battle were place holders until I could better decide upon who would lead under me." Akita said gesturing to the four people sitting at the table across from us. They all stood up and everyone began clapping and cheering.

"Well at least I'm here now" I said.

"You were almost late though" Moses chimed in.

"Who even brought you into this conversation?" I whispered harshly.

"Since when do I need permission" he replied.

"In addition to these generals, I have put together a special elite team-" said Akita.

"Since I began this conversation" I replied.

"You did not begin this conversation, I did" Nala whispered.

"Please give a warm round of applause to our special forces!"

"That's us!" I said. We stood up and smiled at the rest of the guild and recieved our applause.

"This group broke into the enemy team's base and took the main building. Thanks to them we were able to win despite the fact that the fight came all the way to our gates. In the future I don't want to have to rely only on their skill. We barely won today. Next time we will crush them!" She yelled raising her fist in the air. The crowd shouted and cheered in agreeement.

After that the feast began. People dug into thier plates of food with vigor. Throughout the party there was  music playing on the radio. Someone in the crowd began singing Friday which got the whole room singing along. Most of the animals covered thier ears or hid under tables.

"Someone kill me" I said. Despite my hatred of that song I couldn't help but smile. (This is where I belong.)


Lance's POV

I casually looked around the room from my seat at the bar. I drained the last bits of my milkshake from the cup.

"It's Friday Friday-" a parrot sang as it stared at me from its perch.

"Shoo!" I said and it flew away. I looked down at Jekyll who was sitting at my feet tapping his tail to the beat of the song. I looked at him in disgust. (How dare you do that in my presence) MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES MASTER. (come it is time to get to work.) We got up and headed to the front door. Quickly and quietly we slipped out the door and hurried down the steps. Once outside I ran to the edge of the forest. I stole a glance back at the building to make sure that I wasn't being followed. Then I ran into the woods.


Gagan's Pov

I stood there looking up at the sky waiting for Unule to come back with my food. I took stock of the scenery.

"Such a pretty planet,huh?" said a voice from behind me. I turned and saw Unule standing with plate full of roasted rabbit.

"Indeed" I replied.

"Bon appetite'" Unule said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"I think it's what humans call French. Anyways they say that before they eat" she said smiling. I looked away, the equivalent of me rolling my eyes, and saw Lance running to the edge of the woods.

"Looks like that will have to wait" I said and flew after him. "Don't tell Derek!" I screeched back.

"Okay" she called back to me giving me a thumbs up.


Unule's POV

"Hmm. Well now what am I going to do with this?" I thought aloud looking at the roasted rodent that lay beside me. I conjured a fork from the kitchen inside. Then with a quick look around to make sure no one was looking, I cut off a piece of meat and ate it.

"Yeah,Gagan won't be gettig this back" I said laughing to myself.


Lilly's Pov

"AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH" I screamed as I shoved the maps off of the table in the board room.

"How could we be beaten by them?" Blaine said tossing a magic orb back and forth between his hands. "I can't believe that girl was able to figure out how my shields worked, much less take them down. I thought they were flawless."

"Well maybe you're not as good as you think you are" said Zeke looking out  of the window.

"No comment" he said.

"Well what about Zack? I thought he was supposed to be the best swordsman on campus. He got beaten by some smoke bombs" said a brown haired girl. She looked at him with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes. Zack just stared at her.

"What the truth hurts? Well that's what you get for getting beaten by smoke bombs" she said as a throwing knife lodged itself in the wall next to her face. She hissed and bared her fangs.

"It doesn't make sense!" I yelled pacing over too the wall.

"Lilly please not the-" Blaine began as I kicked over the vase, "vase. That costs money you know. You do understand that right?" He asked as he began picking up the shattered pieces.

"Obviously, but what I don't understand is how we, the best in the senior class, could be humiliated by freshmen" she spat the words out.

"I know why" came a voice from the doorway. We all turned to look at the boy standing before us.

"And who might you be?" I asked.

"Someone who can help you" he said.

"You have alot of nerve coming into my guild and speaking to my elite this way" Zeke said his voice rumbling through the room. "You say you can help us, how?" said Zeke.

"By giving you power you never even dreamed of" he replied.

"And why should we listen to a freshman like you?" I asked.

"Because you have all been made fools. Soon your reputations will mean nothing and you will be a laughing stock. What you want, I can give. Revenge and redemption, just think of that" said the boy.

"And how exactly would you be able to do this?" Blaine asked. The boy drew a totem from around his neck. Immediately something seemed wrong about the totem. It was covered in black chains.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you what this is" he said.

"Th-, thats impossible" said Mary as she bit her nails nervously with her fangs.

"And yet here I stand before you presenting this" the boy said.

(There were only a handful of accounts of chained totems and all of them were dark tales)

"What is your name?" Zeke asked.

The boy looked at him and replied, "Lance".

"Well Lance," said Zeke, "It looks like you have a deal".

"Excellent" he said.

"Wait a minute. As I recall the stories say that there were seven of those totems. There are only six of us here" said Blaine.

"We will need one more person" Zeke said.

"Not to worry. Leave that to me" Lance said and bowed disappearing into the hallway.

"Looks like this year will be interesting after all" Zeke said with an evil glint in his eye.

(I know that look. What have we gotten ourselves into?)

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