๐•๐„๐๐”๐’ - Dean Winchester...


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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "I fucking hate poltergeists."


VENUS LOCKED EYES WITH RICHIE THE JUICE JUNKIE as soon as Jenny opened the front door.

The toddler was holding his cup of juice with a tight grip, his eyes darting between all four adults on his porch before landing on Venus.

Venus didn't even listen as Missouri spoke to Jenny, instead furrowing her brows at the intensity with which the younger boy stared at her. The brunette's surroundings seemed to go silent as she prolonged eye contact with the child for a few seconds longer. But then she heard a small child's voice in her head say–

"I'm cold."

Venus froze, her eyes widening and chills racing down her spine. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence.

The boy smiled at her and looked away, cuddling into his mother's shoulder. 

Venus felt like she couldn't breathe. She must be going insane. That's the only explanation, it had to be.


Dean's voice and touch on her arm brought her breath rushing back into her body. The brunette folded over in a fit of coughs, feeling Dean grab her by the shoulders before she could fall to her knees on the porch.

 "Venus, look at me, what's happening?" Dean leaned in closer and whispered.

Venus eventually gained back control of her breathing and stood to her feet with his help. She looked ahead of her where Sam and Missouri were already walking up the stairs then turned to Dean. "I'm fine," she huffed with a strained smile.

Dean's brows knitted together in concern for the woman. "Don't lie to me, Venus."

"If you can pretend you're fine, then I can too," she waved him off and finally stepped into the house, marching up the stairs and trying not to dwell on what just happened. She'd worry about it when it became a bigger problem than whatever was threatening Jenny's life.

Missouri watched the two hunters enter the room together and raised a brow at them. Venus stared at her blankly, hoping that she wouldn't suddenly be able to read her mind at that very moment. She exhaled a sharp puff of air once the psychic turned away with a defeated expression.

"If there's a dark energy around here, this room should be the center of it," Missouri told them after looking around the room for some time.

Venus looked around as well, taking in the light blue paint that coated the walls, and the bookshelf in the corner with flower stickers covering it. This was Sari's room.

"Why?" Sam asked Missouri, an odd feeling dwelling in his chest.

"This used to be your nursery, Sam," Missouri explained, "This is where it all happened."

Venus watched Sam's eyes turn up to the ceiling, anxiety radiating from him in waves. She moved closer and placed her hand in his, squeezing it gently, a silent reminder that she was there.

Sam sent her a grateful look, her actions calming him slightly but not completely.

Dean looked around cautiously, then pulled out his EMF meter, turning it on.

Missouri seemed to sense the device and turned to Dean. "That an EMF?"



Venus released Sam's hand and took a step further into the room, deciding to try and look for any physical traces of another presence. But she heard Dean's EMF meter pinging and looked back to see it flashing red.

Missouri held her open palm over a few pieces of furniture before stopping and looking at the hunters with furrowed brows. "I don't know if you should be disappointed or relieved, but this ain't the thing that took Mary."

"Are you sure?" Sam spoke up, "How do you know?"

"It isn't the same energy I felt the last time I was here. It's something different."

"Got any idea what it is?" Venus chimed in.

Missouri walked over to the closet and threw both doors open, "Not it, them," she walked in, "There's more than one spirit in this place."

"What are they doing here?" asked Dean.

"They're here because of what happened to your family," Missouri approached them, "You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you," her gaze seemed locked in on Sam, "It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds, and sometimes wounds get infected."

The youngest Winchester shook his head. "I don't understand."

Venus looked down in thought for a moment then looked up at the psychic. "The energy left over from that night...it brought a poltergeist here didn't it?"

Missouri nodded firmly. "A nasty one. And it won't rest until Jenny and her babies are dead."

"You said there was more than one spirit," Sam reminded her.

"There is," she moved over to the closet, "I just can't quite make out the second one."

"Well, one thing's for damn sure," Dean piped up, glancing at his worried little brother, "Nobody's dying in this house. Ever again. So whatever is here, how do we stop it?"

Dean's question took them back to Missouri Moseley's home.

Venus now sat beside Dean, helping him put together a few small satchels of special herbs and powders. The different smells of the ingredients before her hit her nostrils in waves but she could've sworn that among them she smelled her uncle, his scent a particularly earthy and cinnamony one.

Missouri noticed how she paused every few seconds to smell the air, clenching her jaw every time she did so.

Dean was mainly paying attention to how easily she measured out and mixed the different ingredients. "So what is all this stuff anyway?" he asked her.

The brunette shook away the thought of her uncle and answered him. "Angelica root, Van Van oil, crossroad dirt, etcetera etcetera," she quickly answered before scooping some crossroad dirt into the satchel she was making and tying it closed.

"How do you know about this stuff? We never really used anything like this on our hunts."

Venus shrugged, "Remember how John and my uncle wouldn't let me start going on hunts till I was like...seventeen? Well, I spent all my time before that doing a shit ton of reading. Plus my Tío wanted to make sure I knew about herbs and potions because 'we can never be too prepared', " she repeated the phrase she'd heard often over the years with her uncle's deep tone and accent.

Dean chuckled at her accurate portrayal of her uncle. "Well what are we supposed to do with it?" he wondered.

"Put 'em in the walls, right?" Venus replied, turning to look up at where Missouri stood watching them.

The older woman nodded in confirmation, now moving to sit across from them with a small box in her hands, "In the north, south, east, and west corners on each floor of the house."

Dean scoffed. "Punching holes in the drywall—Jenny's gonna love that," he said with a glance at his brother.

"She'll live," Missouri smirked, a double meaning to her words that the hunters picked up on.

"And this will destroy the spirits?" Sam asked.

"Nah," Venus shook her head, "These herbs aren't that strong. But it should expel them—" out of the corner of her eyes she spotted Dean dipping his finger in the jar of crossroad dirt and lifting it to his lips, "¡Oye cabrón! What are you doing?" she reached out with shocking speed to grab his hand. Dean's eyes widened like a deer in headlights. "It might be magical dirt, but it's still dirt," she continued with a teasing laugh before releasing his hand.

Dean rolled his eyes and flicked the dust off his finger, "Whatever."

"We'll each take a floor," Missouri said then turned to Venus, "You go with Dean to whichever one he picks."

Venus found her request odd but nodded regardless.

"We have to work fast," the older woman continued, "Once the spirits realize what we're up to, things are gonna get bad."

-ˋˏ [   ] ˎˊ-

The hunters made sure that Jenny and her kids were clear of the house before getting to work.

Sam took the top floor, Missouri took the basement, and Venus and Dean took the ground floor, starting with the kitchen.

She handed Dean a hatchet and watched him use his fingers to find a spot to make the first chop. While he began to make the small hole they needed, Venus cleared some of the items off the counter, trying to prevent the drywall chippings from getting on them.

Dean was about to throw the small satchel into the hole he made when Venus felt something in the air shift. Goosebumps flooded her skin and before she could even turn to see what it was she listened to the instinct telling her to pull herself and Dean to the floor.

"Venus what the hell–"

Dean's protests were cut off by a sharp slam of a large kitchen knife etching itself into the cabinet where his head just was.

Venus turned to see a handful of knives lifting themselves out of the drawer and lunged for the dining table, flipping it onto the floor in front of their faces just in time for the knives to land in the wood.

The two hunters exchanged bewildered glances once the air seemed to settle.

"The satchel," Dean muttered.

Venus sprung to her feet first, taking the discarded pouch and tossing it into the small hole Dean made. But she felt something strange again and suddenly reached behind her, her body moving as if on autopilot. She turned to see that she had managed to grab a fork in midair that was heading toward her head.

Dean looked up at her, his green eyes widening.

Venus couldn't come up with an explanation for him because at that moment she heard something heavy tumble to the floor above her head. Judging by Dean's face he heard it too.

So they took off running up the stairs.

The lights around them began to flicker but they ignored it, bursting into the room where Sam was.

Venus ran over to where Sam lay nearly unconscious with an electrical cord wrapped around his neck. "Sam!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, panic flaring within her. Dean ran to her side and tried to pull the wire from his brother's neck, using all his might, but it didn't budge.

"The bag, Dean," she urged him, her hand shaking as she pointed to the wall.

Once Dean moved to kick a hole in the wall, Venus tried her hand at pulling the cord off Sam's neck. She pulled and pulled, sinking her knees into the ground for leverage but it still wouldn't loosen. "Oh God, he's not moving!" she cried, moving to put Sam's limp neck in her lap.

Dean let the girl's sobs spur him on, kicking the wall only one time to get the hole he needed, and tossing the pouch in it.

A blinding blue light suddenly shone from within the room, causing him to cover his eyes with his jacket sleeve.

But as soon as the light came it was gone.

Venus stopped crying for a moment to look down at where Sam was wheezing in her lap. She immediately lifted his head and unwrapped the cord from his neck, finding the previous resistance now gone. Dean came over to kneel by her side and helped when her hands began shaking too much. "He's okay, Venus," he tried to soothe the woman.

Venus looked down at Sam to see his eyes flutter open as he gasped for air and grabbed Dean to sit up. She couldn't even speak, instead pulling the younger hunter into her arms for a hug. Sam reached up and squeezed her arms happily while continuing to fill his lungs with air. "I fucking hate poltergeists," she eventually spoke, sniffling away her previous tears.

Dean nodded and reached over to pat his younger brother's head in relief.

The hunters soon made their way downstairs to find Missouri waiting in the kitchen. It looked like a tornado had just blown through it.

Venus took a seat and messily ran her hands through her hair, calming herself down.

"You sure this is over?" Sam suddenly asked.

Venus looked up at Missouri expectantly.

"I'm sure," the psychic confirmed. But then she turned to look at Sam. "Why do you ask?"

Sam's jaw clenched. He looked away from the older woman. "Never mind. It's nothing I guess."

Venus sighed from where she sat. Seeing as it was Sam's prophetic dream that brought them there, if he thought it wasn't over then it most likely wasn't.

The hallway lights suddenly turned on, alerting them to where Jenny and her children had just entered through the front door. "Hello? We're home," the blonde called out to them. Venus watched as the small family entered the kitchen, their faces dropping at the sight before them. "What happened?" Jenny asked.

"Hey, Jenny," Venus tiredly waved at the woman, "We will totally pay for all of this," she grinned, ignoring the voice in her head that reminded her how broke she was.

Missouri shook her head. "Don't worry. Dean's gonna clean this mess up," she comforted the blonde.

Dean gawked from where he stood.

Venus burst out laughing but masked it with a cough once she felt his glare. She reached for a broom in the corner nearby and placed it in front of the hunter with a shit-eating grin.

"Don't cuss at her," Missouri scolded the older Winchester, having read his mind and hearing the insults he was loading up for Venus.

"Yeah don't cuss at me," Venus repeated with a dramatic pout.

Dean spent the next two hours cleaning the kitchen to the best of his ability, eventually gaining help from a reluctant Venus who claimed he was 'doing it all wrong'.

But even after bidding Jenny and Missouri goodbye, the hunters still sat in the Impala parked outside the house.

Venus had no problem with doing so. Better safe than sorry.

But Dean did not hold back on voicing his frustration...every few minutes.

"So tell me again, what are still doing here?" he said, turning to where Venus was dozing off with her head on Sam's shoulder in the backseat. The young woman had insisted that she not leave Sam's side, the events of the night still weighing on her.

"I don't know," Sam sighed, "I just...I still have a bad feeling."

"Why? Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubenstein thing," Dean retorted, holding back a smile at the way his joke made the half-asleep girl smile, "The house should be clean, this should be over."

Sam maintained his pointed stare at the house, not wanting to miss even the slightest indication of something wrong. "Yeah, probably, but I just want to make sure. That's all."

Almost as if on cue, Sam spotted a familiar sight in one of the upstairs windows; Jenny screaming and slamming her fists against the glass for help. He shook the girl on his side while fumbling for the car door, "V! Dean!"

Venus jumped awake, her eyes barely opening before she followed Sam and Dean out of the car.

"Venus and I'll go get the kids, you go get Jenny," Dean called out to Sam.

The hunters burst into the house, racing up the steps to grab their assigned person. Dean ran to Richie's room and grabbed him quickly then turned back down the hall to see Venus kick in Sari's door.

The brunette was met with the sight of a human-shaped figure with fire around its body. Sari sat on the bed with tears streaming down her face. "Help, please!" she cried out.

Venus carefully slipped into the room and reached for Sari's hand. The fire figure didn't make a move for them, surprisingly, but Venus decided not to question it and used it to her advantage. "Come on, sweetie don't look at it," she said to Sari as she picked her up from the bed and held her in her arms.

She ran out of the room to see Dean waiting at the top of the stairs with Richie. "Let's go," she nodded.

The hunters barreled down the stairs with the children in hand before Venus came to a stop in the foyer. She got that feeling from earlier again, sensing the poltergeist behind her. It was preparing to grab one of them. Better her than one of the kids or Dean.

She shoved Sari into Dean's free arm and gestured to the door. "Take them outside, and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!" she bellowed feeling the poltergeist get closer.

Dean shook his head adamantly, his chest constricting at the familiarity of her words. "I'm not leaving you!"

Venus, upon feeling a hand on her ankle, shoved Dean closer to the door with all her might. He watched her get yanked away, foot first, by an invisible force.

"Venus, no!"

"Get them out of here!" Venus managed to shout before being pulled out of sight.

The older Winchester turned and sprinted out the front door, placing the kids onto their feet by their mother and Sam.

"Where's Venus?" Sam frantically questioned his older brother.

"That thing took, her–"

Dean hadn't even finished his sentence before Sam took off sprinting to the door. But it slammed shut in his face.

"Dean!" Sam shouted, panicking.

Meanwhile, inside the house, the poltergeist continued dragging Venus through the house. The brunette stretched her hands out, trying to grip anything and escape the creature's hold. But soon felt herself be thrown against the wooden chairs she helped fix mere hours earlier.

"Motherfucker," she groaned at the ache in her ribs. Before she could move another muscle, the poltergeist picked her up and slammed her into a wall. Her eyes widened once she felt the force pick her up and hurl her body into the counter across the room. "Oh come on," she cursed as her body made impact with the rack of Jenny's dried dishes.

Venus felt her body flop onto the floor and flipped her hair out of her face, crawling on her hands and feet to grab a piece of broken wood to fight this thing.

She secured a sturdy piece and staggered to her feet, looking around the room. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her instincts were seemingly predisposed to sensing this thing so she might as well try to use it. Her surroundings went silent before she felt a hand launch itself at her neck.

Venus quickly sidestepped the invisible hand then turned and swung the wooden chair leg at the area where the hand was. She scoffed in disbelief when she felt the wood hit something solid. "That was for almost killing Sam earlier, bitch," she scowled, seeing something large fly into the wall across from her.

The hunter prepared to swing her wooden weapon at it again only to feel it slip from her grasp and be tossed across the room. She tried to reach out and grab the poltergeist but her hand touched nothing. Suddenly the poltergeist didn't have a body. "I guess I pissed you off-"

Venus' sentence went unfinished as a strong force grabbed her neck and slammed her body against the nearest wall. She felt the air get knocked from her body yet still tried to wiggle her neck free.

The poltergeist brought more force onto the brunette's body, now keeping her hands and legs from moving.

Venus sighed in defeat before hearing two familiar voices shout her name. She turned to look down the hall where the Winchester boys were running in her direction. "No! Go back!" But they didn't listen.

Feeling another presence looming, Venus looked around to see a figure present itself, fire surrounding it. But it was different from the one she had been fighting. She could tell for some reason.

Sam and Dean came sprinting into the room with their shotguns aimed at it. But Sam held a hand out and grabbed his brother's gun. "Dean, don't," his brows furrowed as he locked eyes with the fiery creature.

"What? Why?" Dean looked back at Sam.

"Because I know who it is. I can see her now."

Venus' eyes widened at Sam's words, turning to look closer at the fiery spirit.

The three hunters watched the fire surrounding it fade to reveal blonde hair, a white nightgown, and familiar blue eyes.

The spirit of Mary Winchester now stood before them, a pleasant smile resting on her face.

Dean shakily brought his gun to his side. "Mom?" his voice was barely a whisper.

Sam stood glued in place, tears instantly forming once he locked eyes with his mother for the first time in more than twenty years.

Venus' jaw slackened as she watched Mary take slow steps to stand by her eldest son.

"Dean," Mary spoke, her voice gentle, "Sam," she walked over to take a closer look at him.

Venus smiled at the events unfolding before her. At least the boys got a final moment with their mother. But her smile fell when she heard Mary apologize to Sam.

Sam's brows knitted together at his mother's words. "For what?"

Mary left her son's question unanswered, instead sending Venus a fleeting look and turning to look up at the ceiling. "You, get out of my house, and let her go." She then disappeared in a sea of flames.

Venus fell onto her two feet seconds later, the poltergeist's grip on her no longer there. The brothers stood in front of her, staring at the spot where their mother just was.

"Now it's over." Sam declared, the last of his tears falling along his face.

-ˋˏ [   ] ˎˊ-

Missouri Moseley sent the hunters on their way the next morning with a lie to Sam, a lingering glance at Venus, and a promise from Dean that they'd all stop by sometime in the future.

She entered her living room with a deep sigh. "That boy, he has such powerful abilities," she placed down her purse and turned to the couch where the fatigued old hunters sat, "Why he couldn't sense his own father...I have no idea."

John Winchester pinched the bridge of his nose and deeply inhaled.

"But that niece of yours, Arturo," she looked over at where he sat beside John, smiling at the mention of his girl, "She plucked your scent out of the air immediately. If she is what you say she is, she might be of some use to you two in finding this demon you're looking for— even with that magical warding she's got locking up her abilities."

Arturo clenched his bearded jaw, looking over at his best friend. "I know."

John sent him a knowing look and then turned to Missouri. "Mary's spirit. Do you really think she saved our kids?"

Missouri nodded, a sad expression on her face. "I do."

John sniffled, holding back tears as he looked down at the silver wedding band on his finger.

Arturo watched him keenly and reached over to press a calloused hand on his shoulder, reminding the older man that he wasn't alone.

"John Winchester and Arturo Castillo, I could just slap you," Missouri exclaimed, "Why don't you go talk to your children?"

Arturo asked himself that very question every day. And he was getting closer to simply ignoring John's arguments and picking up the phone to contact his niece.

"God, I want to," John mused, "You have no idea how much I want to see them. But I can't," he paused and looked over at where Arturo sat uncharacteristically quiet, "Not yet. Not until I know the truth."


A/N: Hi.

So sorry for ditching yall for like two weeks but school was
kicking my 
ass. I'm hoping to start updating regularly again
in the next few d
ays, so don't give up on me yet!

Thank you again for all the love and support on this story
so far, I really do appreciate all of you.
Keep reading, voting, and commenting <333

¡Oye cabrón! - Hey, dumbass

EDIT 01/28/24: Lovely GIF banner up above made by the crazy talented prodigybitxhhh 


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