Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

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To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 40

143 1 4
By deblaru


Reece Reece Reece, wake up," I feel someone shaking me. I groan, "Leave me alone," I mumble, trying to swat whoever it is away.

"Come on, bro, you need to get up and train. You've got a big night ahead of you later," Lance says, attempting to motivate me.

But I've lost all motivation,I even lost count the amount of times my dad put me on my butt yesterday, when we were sparring. He yelled at me to pull my head out of my ass, unaware of the details of my rift with Lorna. He thinks it's just a disagreement.

The day I went to look for her at school, I bumped into Samia and Sarah. They told me she left early and went home. When her mom later informed me she was meeting friends at the cafe, I grew concerned, wondering why the girls had lied to me.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I saw red when I looked through the window to see her with that dick, Nick, holding his hand. I wanted to kill him and pull her out of there.

She tried to explain but kept stuttering, as if hiding something. It took everything in me after I stormed off not to turn back, grab her, and throw her in the Jeep, taking her away from him.

I was so livid with her; the image of her holding his hand wouldn't leave my head. I drove straight to the gym. I punched and kicked the bag so hard it came off its chains; I pretended it was his face. Lance figured things didn't go as planned. He said we'd talk later because he had to grab something at his college after we finished our training.

After finishing at the gym, I hit the showers. Returning to my Jeep, I took out my phone and switched it back on; I had turned it off during training. Lorna had called me multiple times, and there were voice notes from her, pleading with me to let her explain, her voice sounding distraught.

I admit I was tempted to drive to her house, but then I remembered her reluctance to tell me why she was holding his hand and comforting him. The girls lying to me added to the confusion. It was all too much. Was he the real reason she wanted to break up? Was she using my history with other girls as an excuse to end things?

So many thoughts raced through my head; I couldn't think straight. I needed to cool off before contacting her again.

Yesterday was the same. I woke up to a message from her, asking me to please let her explain later, that she loved me and was sorry for how she reacted to everything.

Just I was about to text her back, my dad barged into my room full of energy, interrupting me, telling me to get ready for a long day of training. And it was indeed a grueling session that lasted till 5:30. I was exhausted ,and like I said, I lost count of how many times my dad had put me on my ass. He wasn't impressed with me at all.

He screamed at me that I needed to sort my shit out by tomorrow morning and to go home, get some dinner, and have an early night.

I wanted to call over to Lorna's, but I needed to shower and eat first as I was sweaty and feeling a little weak from the extreme training.

Entering my house I walked toward the kitchen, Nick was sitting there at the island, chatting with Lance. Lance got up, telling us he'd leave us to talk. I had filled him in on everything the night before.

I glared at Nick, demanding to know what the hell he was doing here. He said he wanted to explain everything. He explained the events at the cafe, and I listened, feeling like a complete  asshole afterward.

Nick revealed how upset Lorna was; saying that she hadn't even shown up to school today, intensifying my guilt. I also felt sorry for him as Mia was an absolute psycho for what she did to him. He also assured me he'd ensure Melissa never came near me or Lorna again.

He wasn't such a bad guy after all. I could tell he cared for Lorna, which irked me, but I didn't blame him. If we ever broke up, I know he'd be there in a heartbeat, trying to win her back – so how could I - when it's exactly what I'd do as well.

At the end of the day, she was mine, or at least I hoped she still would be after I groveled and apologised for acting like a maniac. I know I scared her unintentionally, but my possessiveness took over. I only wanted her to have eyes for me, and Nick clarified that she did, to my relief. I thanked him for explaining everything. We might never be friends, but I figured we could get along, as long as he didn't pursue Lorna again.

After Nick left, I tried calling Lorna, but her phone was off. I rang her home phone, and her dad answered, informing me she went to stay with her nana for the night as her nana had been unwell. He said she'd be home tomorrow.

I ate my dinner and then went up and had a shower, I tried calling her again but her phone was still off, I left a voice note, telling her how sorry I was, that Nick explained everything to me, I told her I didn't deserve her, but to please give me another chance.

I hoped that once she switched her it back on, she'd get my message and call me back, but I had got nothing, so I didn't sleep at all,  I tossed and turned all night, even waking up a few times to see if her phone was back on and checking to see if she had been online, but she hadn't .

So now I'm currently being shook by Lance to wake me up and start training as I have a fight tonight. I check my phone and theres noting there from Lorna. My heart sinks, " still nothing from her? Lance asks.

I shake my head, putting the phone to my ear as I dial her number again. Nothing!!

"It's still off," I sigh.

"Maybe she's lost her phone?" Lance suggests.

"No, she went to her Nana's," I reply. "Her phone hasn't been on since 6:30 yesterday evening."

"Well then maybe she forgot her charger," he comments. "Or maybe she's given up on me after I ignored all her pleas and messages. I don't blame her."

"I don't think she's like that, bro," Lance says adamantly. "You should know that."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish I could talk to her before my fight. I'm not even sure if she's going to come to it now," I groan.

"She will be; have some faith in her, okay?" Lance says, throwing me my shorts and T-shirt. "Now, come on, get up, and let's get training. I'll wait for you downstairs; I have your shake ready to drink in the car. Dad said he'll meet us at the arena."

"Ugh, fine," I moan, throwing my legs over the bed. "I'll be down in five."

Once ready, I met Lance downstairs. He handed me my protein shake and gave me a granola bar. I will train for at least an hour, then eat, and back to training before resting and preparing for my fight.

We drive straight to the arena, where I trained and sparred with dad and Lance. The fight wasn't the main event, just a friendly one, but there were many agents here to watch me. Dad kept telling me to concentrate as we sparred, but my mind kept wandering.

At lunch, I checked my phone and saw that Lorna's phone was switched back on; she had seen my messages but hadn't replied.

It played with my head, and Dad, as much as he loved Lorna, told me to snap out of it. He said we could sort out whatever argument we had after the fight and advised me to channel any anger and frustration into the fight.

So I did. I tried to put it in the back of my mind, and my training improved.

It was now 5:00 pm, another two hours, and I'd be fighting. I sat in my private locker room. Connor and Austin stopped by to wish me good luck, and Dad swung by with some food. He told me to try to get some rest after, that I needed to relax before the fight.

I tried my best to relax. I ate my food and then went to lay down, but Lorna consumed my thoughts. My phone buzzed, and I jumped up to see if it was her, but it wasn't; it was the team informing me I had to start getting ready.

I walked over to the locker where my special shorts were, a pair Lorna had bought me for my birthday last year. I put them on, sitting back down on the bench, with my head between my arms. I closed my eyes, praying that I would do well tonight. Hopefully, this would be the start of my career as a professional fighter.

A knock on my door interrupted me. Assuming it was Lance or my dad to help me mentally prepare, I called out, "Come in."

The door opened. "You're a little early," I said, expecting Lance or my dad, but all I got was silence. Then, the sound of heels clicking on the floor. Strange!

I looked up, about to make a comment about the noise of their shoes, but my words caught in my throat.

"Hey," Lorna spoke, standing there like a goddess in her little leather dress, with a zip down the front and strapless. She wore black heeled ankle boots, her hair cascading over her shoulders with a braid at the front, flawless makeup completing the look. Damn, she looked like a temptress.

Her cheeks flushed as I looked her up and down, clearly checking her out. Finally, our eyes met.

"Hey," was all I could say, and she smiled shyly.

"I'm sorry," we both said at the same time, causing us to laugh. She walked closer, and I was about to stand up.

"No, please don't get up," she said. "I just wanted to come and wish you good luck. I'll be rooting for you, along with the others," she smiled gently.

"Lorna, I-" She places her finger on my mouth, shushing me. "Let's just forget everything for now, okay? Just concentrate on winning your fight. We can talk after," her hands gently cup the side of my face as she looks down at me. "Just promise me you won't get too hurt; otherwise, I'll have to take care of you," she says, throwing me a sexy smirk.

I wrap my arms around her waist, smiling back at her. "Is that a bad thing?" I quirk my brow at her, pulling her tighter against me, my head eye level with her chest.

She shakes her head, smiling and biting her bottom lip. "No, I don't mind looking after you," her hand brushes my hair from my forehead. "God, how did I get so lucky to have you?" I sigh.

"I'm so sorry, baby," I say, pulling her down onto my lap so she's straddling me.

"I'm sorry too," she says and places a small kiss on my lips.

I kiss her back, but this time I deepen it. It's intense, passionate, and explosive. I put all my emotions into it, wanting to let her know how much I missed her and how sorry I am. She kisses me back with just as much intensity. Our tongues intertwine, dancing with each other. My hand goes to the back of her head, holding her closer to me, sucking on her bottom lip, and she moans out. I can't get enough of her; her tongue feels so soft against mine, and her pillowed lips taste so sweet. I'll never get enough.

I can feel myself growing underneath her, and so does she. She pulls away, her chest rising up and down as she catches her breath, her swollen lips tempting me once more.

"Reece, we need to stop. You have to prepare for your fight," she says. I groan out, resting my head on her bust, and reluctantly say, "Okay."

She pulls away, getting off me, but I gently pull her back. "I need to go," she whispers, rubbing her hand through my hair. God, that feels heavenly. I exhale a breath.

She chuckles. "I promise to do this again when you win your fight."

"And other stuff," I say, giving her cheeky grin.

"Only if you win," she says, winking at me. "I better go; otherwise, Lance will be in to drag me away from you."

"Yeah, he can try," I growl. I stand up, towering over her now. I cup her face and plant a tender kiss on her lips.

"Thank you for stopping by to see me before I fight. I don't think I would've been able to concentrate without you here."

"I'll always be here for you, Reece," she softly says, her eyes glistening as she looks into mine.

"I love you," I whisper, kissing her lips once more. I know I can't resist, but I really need to stop because otherwise, I'm going to say forget the fight and take advantage of Lorna right here.

A tap on my door disrupts us. "Reece, you've got 30 minutes left; you need to be ready, bro. Dad's on his way here," Lance hollers from the other side.

"Okay," I shout back.

I let Lorna go, and she kisses my cheek. "I love you too," her smile almost brings me to my knees. "Now go kick some ass," she holds up her arm, shaking her fist, causing me to laugh out. She's too cute, even when she's trying to pretend to act tough.

As she goes to walk away, I call her back, and she turns to look at me.

"You look smoking tonight," I say, giving her a devilish smile. "I can't wait to unzip that dress and see what's underneath," I throw her a wink.

She turns fully around and slowly unzips her dress, giving me a little pre-show. "Just something for you to look forward to, so win this fight fast," she seductively says while zipping it back up.

"Holy shit," I groan out. "You're killing me here," she giggles and turns to walk out the door, giving me a little wave. "I'll see you later."

Lance then walks in, with a big smirk on his face. "Eh, you might want to sort that out before you go out there," he says, pointing at my shorts.

"Shit," I curse Lorna for riling me up. "Think of something gross," I tell myself.

Lance just stands there, laughing at me. "Shut up; it's not funny," I growl at him.

"Oh, but it is," he laughs harder.

Nothing's working. All I can think of is her sexy body under that dress, and the lingerie she was wearing. I couldn't wait to tear it off her later.

Crap, stop thinking like that! Dad walked in, strolled over, yanked at my shorts, and dumped a load of ice cubes down there.

"Ahhh, what the f-u-c-k, Dad? Why would you do that???" I exclaimed.

Lance was now in hysterics. "Don't think for a second I don't know what's on your mind after seeing Lorna," Dad's voice, annoyed with a hint of humor. "Now's not the time to be thinking with your dick," he threw at me.

I went to retort, asking him if that's what he was thinking when he saw her, but by the look he threw at me, I closed my mouth shut.

"Right, you feel better now?" he asked with a glimmer of a smile. "Yeh, thanks for that, I think it shrank into my stomach now."

"Good, I'm glad, because now it's time to get serious. The crowd is starting to get hyped up; it's almost time." He cups my face; his forehead leans against mine. "This is your time to shine, son. You've got this," he says, looking into my eyes with pride.

I nod in agreement, "Let's go," he says back to being serious. Lance looks at me the same as my dad, giving me a hug. "Show them what you've got, bro. You can do this."

"Thanks," I say as we walk out towards the arena. The music starts playing as I step inside; The energy from the crowd electrifies the arena as they cheer my name, (Vortex) I take a moment to absorb the excitement, realising that this could be a glimpse into my future as a professional fighter.

With determination in my eyes, I step into the spotlight, ready to show them my best. The cheers grow louder, pushing me forward. It's my time to shine, and I'm prepared to give it my all in the upcoming fight.

I already see my opponent in the cage. His face is stoic, showing no signs of nerves. As I get closer, I look around for her; I need to see her one more time before I step inside, just for encouragement. Lance tips my shoulder, whispering, "Over to your left." I look over, and there she is, looking at me and smiling. I know she hates watching me fight, so the fact that she's here, especially after everything, gives me all the motivation I need. She gives me a small wave, and I throw her a wink as I enter inside, ready to fight.

Who will win ?
How cute was there apology to each other 🥰

Please leave a comment or vote it would mean a lot to me. Thank you hope you enjoy this chapter..

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