Love Bites

By Elliegamer123

163 6 0

Octavia Salvatore a vampire that went back to high school with her brother she told him to leave the girl alo... More

"Mystic Falls Grill "
"brush up on your facts"
"Party falls"
"Hello, little sister"
"I dont get the guy."
"Cheerleading practice"
"Next time I see you Gilbert"
"Friday night bites"
"Witch one"
"Respectable young lady"
"Founders party"
"Goodbye Damon"
"Uncle Zach"
"Damon got to her"
"We used to be human too."


30 2 0
By Elliegamer123

I frowned in the mirror in my room. It was my first day of school. I never been to school and I was nervous I licked my lips.

"Are you ready yet? we have to go."Stefan said with a smile. I looked back at him."Is this outfit to old?"I asked turning around so he can see it.

"You look beautiful, little sister."I raised my eyebrow"I'm gonna change."I walk over to my clothes."I need something they are gonna like."

He sighed"Don't be so scared you'll be more liked than me."I scoffed looking back at him"As if look at you your handsome everyone is gonna want to be your friend."

He stood there just watching me as I pulled out my leather jacket and a shirt that matches with it."I'll be down stairs, your going to have lots of friends to."

He walked out and as soon as he was gone. I walked over to my bed and kneeled down. I pulled out my cooler and opened it.

I never wanted to drink in front of Stefan he could never have a taste. He would kill people he would not be himself. I grabbed a bloodbag out and sipped it down.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as the taste slid down my throat. I couldn't blame Stefan for wanting more it was like we could never get enough.

I threw the bloodbag into my trash can and then got dressed I thought the outfit I chose looked so much better then the last outfit.

              (What she's wearing)

I walked down the steps where Stefan was waiting looking at an old picture of us that was on the fire place ."That was a good day."He looked over at me

"Yeah, we don't need to focus on the past. today is all knew be happy."I sighed looking over at him."Even if it's happy memories."He nodded"yeah. Let's be new people."

I think that's a good idea but I missed the past when Damon was not who he was now. when we ran in the forest by the house. When we played football.

Well when I watched the boys play and made fun of them. They always told me 'girls can't play' I proved them wrong once and they never said that again

I smiled looking down."your remembering."I frowned tears forming in my eyes."I miss how it was Stefan."He rubbed my arm with his hand.

"That's never gonna happen again not unless Damon changes let's not talk about Damon."I agreed nodding my head."Yeah."I followed him out of the house.

"Want to race?"I questioned he chuckle."Oh yeah, I'll beat you and you know it."

I chuckled"One, two. Three go."I ran as fast as a vampire can run. The smile I had was one of the biggest one I had in awhile.

The wind hit my face there were so many perks of being a vampire the feeling of freedom when you used your vamp speed was one of them.

Before we got to the school we stopped a block away from it."We should walk from here make it more normal."I told him with a smile.

He nodded in agreement"Smart, what should I say to Elena?"I rolled my eyes"just tell her your name."He gave me a nervous nod.

"She'll love you Stefan just talk about how much you love me."I pointed to myself. He rolled his eyes playfully. I nudged him shaking my head.

"Girls love when a man shows them how much they care for their sister trust me."he nodded I should probably tell him to not talk about me to much.

"Just don't talk about me too much, she will think you don't have time for her."He put his arm around my shoulder."It's great to have a sister for girl advice."

I snorted as we finally got there kids were all over the place playing on the grass patch they had in front of the school everyone was staring at us as we walked towards the entrance.

"Damn that girls hot"I heard some of the kids say some of the girls were already hitting on Stefan from a far.I rolled my eyes "who is that?"A guy asked he wore a black hoodie.

I think that was Elena's brother Stefan told me about. He spent months watching her after he saved her so he knows who she hangs out with and who her family is

Jeremy had gotten into drugs. He told me one day. The pain of his parents must have been to much. He wasn't like us so he couldn't turn it off

He stood next to a girl with brown wavy hair. She looked like a it girl a girl that thinks she can get whatever she wants."Some new girl why?"

he didn't answer her but I felt his eyes on me. We got into the school and walked down the hallway and into the office.

"Hi Im Stefan this is my sister Octavia we want to inroll."He handed her the papers."Let me take a look and then we can have a meeting."I rolled my eyes that's gonna take forever.

After she spent 20 minutes on reading the thing she looked up at us. I ignored most of it knowing we would get in no matter what.

Elana was behind us she looked just like Katherine. I didn't have a right to hate Elana but she looks like the girl I most hated in this world

The where talking about how hot my brother back was which grossed me out to the max

"please, look again. I'm sure everything you need is there."Stefan said taking off his sun glasses. The lady looked at him longingly and I couldn't help but smile

Another perk of being a vamp mind control."well you right."She agreed looking down at the paper again"here's your schedules."she handed them to us.

I read the paper History was first my favorite subject"Thank you"Stefan turned around and I followed his action. A girl with darker skin stared at us as we walked out

"I see you made her give us all the same class."He nodded stone clod face the hole way down the hall trying to act cool.

"I'm going to use the restroom. If you want to head to class I'll meet you."I nodded"I'll just go find my locker."He looked over at the boy we seen earlier.

He was looking at us actually he was looking at me."Um okay, I'll uh meet you in a little bit stef."He patted my arm."okay have fun."

I gave him one more smile before I looked down at my paper locker 320. I walked down the hall. I should look for history while I'm at I-

My thought was interrupted when someone ran into me I gasped when my books fell to the floor"oh sorry."I bent down to pick them up."No it's okay."

For a vampire who was supposed to have and in heightened senses, I was sure clums."here let me help."He bent down and started to pick up the books

I looked up at saw Jeremy bent down."You don't have to do that."He shrugged looking away from me "Normally I wouldn't help."I raised my eyes at him.

"So why help me?"I questioned he shrugged from the moment I meet him I knew he does that a lot the shrugging thing."You're new."I hummed.

He picked up the last book and handed it to me"I'm Jeremy."He said as we stood up"I'm Octavia"I held out my hand and he shook it.

He did something surprising he didn't let go of my hand after a minute and to be honest I was okay with that. I smiled up at him"uh I should find my locker.

He took his hand away from mine"Oh yeah totally see ya."I nodded and walked away from him. In my 162 year old life I've never felt the feeling I have in my stomach and I couldn't help but think

Was it a good thing or a bad?

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