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By 0thello_Von_Ryan

163 0 0

Maybe he's wrong for thinking about it, but he can't get her voice out of his head, the strange almost made-u... More

Arc l: Redemption (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Arc ll: Resurrection (Chapter 9)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

4 0 0
By 0thello_Von_Ryan

Big Mama smiled, watching the young turtles devour their food happily. She glanced over at Splinter, who merely nibbled and picked at his food as he stared blankly at the empty seat beside him. Poor Lou. . . I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be for his son to disappear again— She thought, before looking back down and taking a bite of her thorny-cricket salad (She is a spider woman after all).
She hummed in delight as she ate, having not had a cricket salad from this restaurant in quite a long while. She remembered trying to take Donnie and Frida here on the former's 4th week at the Nexus as a special treat. He absolutely loved the food he had gotten, devouring it not unlike the others were right now. She did vividly remember he had gotten a small array of fruits, vegetables, steak, and a single cookie for dessert.
She remembered his bright smile and his happy little stims as he ate. How him and Frida bickered about meaningless things like who the better opponent would be between two characters on a show that had played on a television earlier. Oh how he loved being here when he was. She remembered when they would talk about his tech, and when he began rambling about random stuff that she could only vaguely understand and somehow Frida could. She loved that little look she got when he realized she was actually listening.

She missed it. . .

She ended up being lost in thought, nearly forgetting to finish her salad before being snapped out of it by the blue masked one.
"Hey, y'okay? You've been. . Quiet." The slider noted, frowning. "A little too quiet, if you ask me."
"Oh! Yes, yes indeedy I'm fine!" She assured, nodding and waving it off. "Hey— I have an idea." She started, earning everyone's attention simultaneously.
"What is it?" The three brothers asked in unison, the other turtle and the human nodding in agreement at said question.
"What if we take purpley-boo here when we get him back?" She suggested. "I'm sure he would love to be back here again."

Everyone froze.

"Is. . Everything alright? Is it something I said?" She asked, clear confusion on her face. Why were they so quiet? It was only a lighthearted suggestion.
"Erm. . I'm not so sure that's a good idea—" Leo began, rubbing his arm and looking down, frown deepening.
"Oh? Why not—?" She blinked in confusion.
"Well— He might not be too well when we get him back—" Raph cleared his throat, having finished his food and pushed the plate away to rest his arms on the table. "Because—"
"Because it's Draxum, god knows what the guy is doing to Don right now!" Leo said, a little harsher than intended. He threw his hands up to emphasize his point.
"Oh, right—" She realized, then took another bite of her salad quietly. "My apologies, then. It was a mere suggestion."

"Who knows," Leo continued, not realizing he was still talking for a moment. "He could be dead by the time the stupid ass council does anything!" He snapped, glancing around the restaurant as they all let out a collective gasp. "What? It's true! Your stupid government doesn't do shi—!" He was cut off almost immediately by a hand over his mouth, scowling at Mikey, who had done so.
"Leo, calm down. . We can't afford to have the council hate us before they've even met us." The box turtle said quietly, slowly releasing his hand from the older's mouth.
"Baby blue. . I'm doing what I can. The council is not easy to meet with. There aren't many who would also be willing to help without the council to assist, either." She sighed.
"Well then that just says something about the council, now, doesn't it?" He countered, practically a snarl. "Maybe they just aren't really cut out for their job if they're allowing that hellspawn of a man to kidnap and use people for his stupid army."
"Bluesy—" Big Mama began, sighing and cutting herself off when he put a hand up to stop her.
"Please—" He interrupted, sighing directly after as he pinched his nose-bridge (Or where a nose bridge would be, it's moreso his snout bridge). "Please, don't call me that." He leaned back, glaring to the side with his arms crossed.
"As you wish bl- erm. . Leonardo—" She corrected herself quickly. "I'm very sorry for bringing it up—"
"Its- it's fine. . It's just a very touchy topic right now." Mikey replied, attempting to console her.
"Yeah— but I'm sure he'll be fine. He always is. Very soon, this'll all be back to normal." Raph said, not sure if it was to reassure them, or to keep himself from breaking down again.

Big Mama nodded, silently finishing off her salad.


They returned to the Nexus, which had still been under repair from the Draxum attack just a week ago. Big Mama was glad her bellhops worked quickly, as they were already nearing being finished. She decided that she wasn't reopening the Nexus until she got Donnie back and in stable, healthy condition, and until she can ensure she has a much stronger and much higher security under the possibility of anything trying to take him or the others again.

They walked into the long patterned corridor, filing into their respective rooms without so much as a peep or even a grumble from any of them.
Normally, Big Mama was one to just brush it off if someone was being abnormally quiet, thinking nothing of it. She guesses some things can change, though.

Big Mama felt her heart ache, a sudden dread washing over her as she sat on her bed in the dimly lit room. She didn't like this feeling. It made her feel horrible. Guilty, even. Oh what is she saying of course she feels guilty! I just severed all bonds or trust I possibly had with them. . . She thought sorrowfully. And I quite possibly have severed all bonds I had with Purpley-boo, too. And now— Now I am back to nothing. . Wincing at the thought, she pushed it aside to be dealt with later. She couldn't wallow in her shame for long, she has work to do; a child to save and others to care for and protect.

A small creek was heard at the front of the room, a subtle shuffle shortly after. The bedroom door opened, light pouring in wherever it could reach.

Big Mama lifted her head, blinking in confusion at who could possibly be here at this time. Usually her bellhops knocked, and her other staff members never usually bothered her—

"Big Mama. . ?" A familiar voice spoke; it was Leo.

She snapped out of her train of thought and shook her head. "Erm— Yes, Leonardo?"
The slider was standing in the doorway, which was illuminated by an almost blinding light from the outer hall (perhaps she should change that, she distantly thought). He rubbed his arm, looking down towards the ground with a seemingly embarrassed- no. Was it a shameful look?
Big Mama scooted aside, patting her bed as an invitation for him to sit. Surely something was wrong, and moreso than just being upset with her from the buffet conversation.
He quietly obliged, sitting beside her as he continued rubbing his arm and staring at the ground.

Big Mama didn't ask, as she didn't want to push the child. He would talk when he was ready. She just sat there, waiting for when he was ready to tell her what was wrong.
The two sat in silence for a while, before Big Mama finally went to break it with her own thing to say. Might as well apologize now, while she still had the chance.
She turned to him finally, opening her mouth to speak. "Leonardo I—" The slider suddenly enveloped her in a tight hug, trembling lightly as she sat in shock, trying to process what was happening.
"I- I'm sorry. . For yelling earlier—" The young terrapin spoke, continuing the practically bone crushing hug.
Big Mama slowly wrapped her arms around his shell, gently returning the gesture. "It's alright, little Leonardo. . You were understandably angry. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have suggested such an idea so soon—"
"No, it was a kind offer. But I'm just not sure how well up to the task Dee would be willing to be—or can be—when we get him back." Leo responded, sighing and breaking the hug as he let out a small sniffle.

"You're right there, young one." She smiled, though it quickly faded into a solemn sigh.
Leo nodded, looking away for a second as he tried to think of something else to say. ". . Can I sleep with you tonight—? I'm pretty sure Mikey and Raph are gonna be with Dad in his room." The young slider asked slowly, it was a quieter tone than before. It seemed more hesitant, maybe even downright reluctant.
"Sure, Leonardo. I absolutely don't mind." She smiled kindly, nodding.
"Thanks, Big M. Can I call you Big M?" He grinned, attempting to lighten up the mood with whatever humour he could muster up.

"Call me whatever you would like." She replied, humming and chuckling a bit. Such interesting nicknames children give her.
"Alright, fair. Oh- and you don't have to call me by my full name, it kinda feels weird and- ew- formal." He snickered drily, rubbing his eyes and biting back a yawn.
She couldn't help but softly chuckle as well. "Alright, then what do I call you?"
"Leo, Leon, Blue I guess, best twin, faceman, or I guess whatever nickname you give me." He shrugged, grinning smoothly.
"Getting a bit bold, aren't we Bluesy?" She chuckled, catching the whole 'best twin' remark.
"What? I'm the handsomest, can actually break a watermelon, the best dancer, and got the best color scheme." He stated pridefully, puffing out his chest and pointing to himself with a smirk. "I mean what's not to love?"

"Alright, whatever you say Bluey-boo." She replied, rolling her eyes mockingly at the statement the overly confident turtle made.
"Yeah. ." He gave a short smile. "I'm just kiddin' though, obviously." He deflated a bit at that, sighing before smiling warmly and staring off. "Don's the best twin anyone could ask for, even if he doesn't want to admit to us being twins. I mean, he's got brains, can do so many cool things that no one else ever could, and hell; he knows almost everything about me, Raph, Mike, and even pops." He chuckled.
The spider woman smiled. That was sweet, he pays careful attention to everyone he cares about. She wondered if he knew a lot about her or Frida, too.

Leo slowly frowned, looking off to the side with a small sigh. "He cares, he just doesn't know how to show it other than doing things for others and building things. I mean, there are times he tries showing it through hanging out with us and even physical contact like hugs and head and shoulder pats, but I can tell he just feels. . Out of place. We've tried helping to make sure he feels welcome in his own home, but I guess it just never worked. All he felt like to us was a repair man, a tool that had to earn his right to stay." He teared up, taking a shaking breath in, which broke the woman's heart to hear. "He- he's a good brother, he is! But with Dad being absent most of the time in favour of his shows and such, he wasn't completely reassured about it. He probably thought we were just saying it so he wouldn't leave, which isn't true at all. We love him so much. I just. . I just wish we could have convinced him enough for him to stay. . ." He choked up, eyes watering as he fought the urge to cry. No, he shouldn't be the one to cry. It shouldn't be him, he didn't have a reason to. He didn't deserve to.

Big Mama frowned, slowly pulling him into a gentle embrace as she stroked his head in a comforting motion. "Hey, hey. . It isn't your fault, Leo. You tried all that you could, and that's a wonderful thing. He was having a difficult time, and you didn't know how to help, so you did what you knew you could as children yourselves. You had no control for what happened, and it wasn't your faults at all. It was unfortunately Lou's doing. Your brother craved something you three couldn't provide, something that only your father could; he craved a parent's validation. He thought that if he did work for you all, he would get it. At least that's what I'm hearing. I think that he assumed that he had to earn such praise. That he had to earn his keep. And he didn't, did he?"

"N- no, why would he? You said it yourself—" The slider's eyes widened, shaking his head quickly. "He shouldn't have to earn his place in the family—"
"Exactly, but that's what he thought he had to do. He thought that if he worked, he could keep his place in the family and be noticed by your father. You want to know what he did as soon as he came to me?"
"I- I mean we looked at the cameras but I don't really remember—" Leo frowned, shrugging slightly.
"He offered to work to gain my praise. He even offered to fight in the Nexus. Even after I told him he didn't have to. He chose to. In his mind, he thought that he still had to impress me to earn his keep. He's not broken or anything, he's just. . In need of a lot of love. He needs a break." She smiled gently. "I told Lou already, and he realized his wrongdoings and wishes to fix it. He's already learning so he could be better for you kids."

Leo hiccupped, hugging her tight and sobbing into her shoulder. God he wanted his brother back so bad. He wanted Dee-Dee back, and he couldn't wait until he saw him again.
"It's okay, it'll be okay, when I go and visit the council tomorrow I'll get us our help. We'll get him back. I promise." She cooed, gently rocking the younger side to side.
He slowly nodded, sniffling and rubbing his eyes with his fists. "Okay. . Okay I hope they can."
"That's all you can do right now: hope." She replied, glancing at the clock on her nightstand, which read 12:00 AM. "Let's get some sleep, though. Wouldn't want to be tired tomorrow."
"Oh yeah, forgot about that—" Leo chuckled quietly, drily, before clambering under the covers comfortably once he was guided to his spot.

Big Mama hopped off the bed, walking around the side and climbing in after. "Goodnight, Bluesy." She turned, spotting the slider out like a light with his arm draped over his face and his mouth hung open in a light snore. She couldn't help but chuckle softly and shake her head, turning off the lamp and laying down. She, too, fell asleep.


Subject V jolted awake to a loud noise being heard from across the room that his cell was in. He groggily sat up, wincing at a sudden sharp pain washing over his shell. . Maybe it was just sore from training earlier. He stood, stumbling over to the cell entrance and peering down the direction he heard the noise.

He watched as another experiment breached containment (much like a few others he had seen), but was quickly taken down with a loud thud and dragged away. Why was this one's head so bloody? Why were there slash marks across it's throat? That hasn't happened before. . Had it done something more worthy of punishment than the others? Why did it disobey the Baron? His mind raced with a million different thoughts per second, frowning slightly and sighing through his nose.
Footsteps began towards his cell, and he stepped back, falling backwards with a small, startled (and thankfully quiet) chirp. He winced again, looking up at the tall sheep man peering down at him judgingly.
"I see you have just witnessed an escape attempt from experiment four-five-O?" The alchemist spoke, moreso a statement than a question.
Subject V couldn't answer, of course. It was forbidden unless ordered, he would never forget that. He would never defy his commander so ignorantly. He just nodded, realizing he was trembling and attempting to stifle it before the Baron took notice (he couldn't risk punishment, what if he was still upset from that escape? Too risky). He glanced down at the sheep-man's claws, which were dripping with a bright pink liquid of some kind. He wasn't sure if that was the creature's blood or what, but he sort of hoped it was the latter (it wasn't, he knew. That creature's blood was pink). He also noticed a surprisingly large gash in the man's shoulder. Surely it didn't manage to get that lucky—
"Good. Let that be a swift reminder to you not to attempt an escape, or you will meet the same fate it did." The alchemist growled, catching Subject V's attention and causing him to glance back up at him. They made eye contact, which felt like an eternity before it was broken by the sheep man. Shit, he noticed. . .

A sick feeling washed over the softshell as Draxum walked off, causing him to cover his mouth instinctively as he felt bile and some of his earlier breakfast make its way into his throat. The Baron was mad, he noticed him look at the wound— He probably thinks he got ideas, shitshitshitshit!

Don't vomit don't vomit don't vomit don't—

Too late.

He hunched forward, letting his insides spill out onto the cold concrete floor beneath him. It felt neverending, and made him feel lightheaded. Really lightheaded— Was he supposed to feel this way? Why was everything suddenly—

. . . He collapsed to the side, falling into unconsciousness.


"Alright, let's rehearse it one more time!" Huginn chirped, raising his tiny, pocket sized metal stick up into the air and grinning dumbly.
"Alright, one more time. A-one, A-two, A-three four five six!"
"WAKE UP V!!" The two goyles suddenly screeched at the top of their lungs, banging on random loud things as noisily as possible.
"Yeah! I think we got it down!" Munnin replied with a thumbs up, earning a prompt nod and a cheery hum from the former.

"Alrighty let's go! Boss is so gonna be so proud of us!" Huginn said as the goyles flew towards the cells.

They came to a stop beside the cell labeled "Subject V", hiding behind the pillars beside the bars and counting on their fingers, before promptly leaping out and getting ready to bang on the cell bars with their sticks. "GET U—" The duo was cut off, blinking and spotting the unconscious turtle laying on his side beside a puddle of- ew was that throw-up?

"Uh-oh— d'ya think he's dead?" Huginn asked, frowning. He held the stick within both claws nervously.
"Dunno. Let's poke him and find out." Munnin replied, making his way towards the unconscious form.
The two goyles slipped between the bars, landing beside the turtle and poking him a few times with the metal sticks.

No response, the child laid still, breathing light but stable.

They blinked, turning to each other with worried expressions painted on their faces. "Boss ain't gonna like this—" They quickly darted out from the cell and down the corridors, towards Draxum's lab room.


"Subject V, awaken." Draxum ordered, standing in front of the cell door with his hands clasped behind his back.
The boy shifted a bit, groaning and opening his eyes drowsily. He looked up at him, blinking a few times to make sure he was seeing right. What happened? Had he done something— Oh.
"Sit up." The alchemist snapped. Subject V obliged, unsteadily sitting up and rubbing his head as it started to throb.
Draxum threw a mysterious looking thing in front of the terrapin, pulling his hand back behind his back and earning a small flinch from the latter.

It was a small slab of something, kind of looking similar to a slice of bread, although it was pinkish in color. Subject V looked up in confusion. Was it a test? It was food, he knew. He's had it before.

"Eat. I do not want to risk you ruining my plans with your useless fear vomiting." Draxum stated, there was a subtle hint of agitation in his tone, the turtle caught it easily.
Subject V nodded, shakily picking up the slice of the mystery food and biting into it. It tasted bitter, and felt just like stale bread. He didn't complain, though, it was food, and outside of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, he never had anything. He tried to eat it as slow as possible, but his hunger overwhelmed him from his stomach being emptied not long ago and he ended up eating it far faster than he should have.

Draxum left, scoffing in annoyance. "Pathetic creature. . " He muttered under his breath. "Training is postponed until after lunch. Be ready then. I will not wait." He called.
Subject V froze mid bite, looking down shamefully at the before comment. Apologies, sir. . He thought, not daring to even try speaking. It didn't matter how far away the man was, he would find out.


Leo awoke to a sick feeling, as if he was going to throw up. He practically leaped out of bed, running to the bathroom and leaning over the toilet. He gripped his plastron, feeling a large sense of dread pool in his stomach. What the hell was going on. . ?

Big Mama had woken up as well, getting up and going to the blue clad with a worried expression. She was confused as to why he had gotten out of bed so quick, until realizing he was leaning over the toilet like he was going to puke. She kneeled down beside him, patting his back with a frown.
He looked up at her for a second, then back down, teeth gritting. He had expected to throw up by now, but it never came, which further confused him. What the heck. . ?

"What's wrong Bluey-boo?" She asked, concern prominent. She tilted her head slightly.
"I- I don't know— my stomach just suddenly started feeling so weird, and I felt like I was gonna throw up— Still do but I don't know why I'm not—"
"Maybe it's because you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Come come child, let's go get some food in your stomach." She patted the young terrapins back and stood, holding her hand out for him to take. He took the offer, standing up and following her out of the room with a frown.


Subject V trudged out of his cell, towards the training room and not daring to look at the other cells he passed by. He was mildly confused, having not been punished for his stupidity or his lack of dignity. He wondered if he was going to be punished in the form of harsh training instead.

He stepped in.

"Subject V. At attention." His commander immediately said, causing the turtle instantly stand straight with his arms at his sides. The man noticed the younger glance at the goyles, who were holding something far too big in their much too tiny hands. "There will be no training today." He stated simply.
The turtle's eyes widened in shock and confusion. No training. . ? But he said earlier. . . He always had training around this time— What was going on???
"I have something for you. To solidify your place in my ranks." The Baron continued. "Hughin, Munnin." The two turned their heads to the goyles, who were playing with some sort of spikey, armoured fabric. Said goyles quickly flew over, grinning dumbly and holding the strange fabric out to their boss. They flew over to a bunch of similarly coloured things, though V couldn't tell what.

"This," Draxum started, showing off what turned out to be an armoured fullbody suit with boots and. . A battle shell on it? How did. . ? Oh. . .
"Is your uniform. Since you are practically useless in terms of defense without protection of some kind, I have incorporated your newly remodeled artificial shell into the back. These," He pointed to the large, rigid, not-quite hook-like spikes on the sleeves. "You will use in close combat. Or if you stupidly allow your weapon to be taken from you." He informed, holding it out to the younger. "They can be swung both ways, with both points being sharpened. Utilize that."
The turtle carefully took it, examining it curiously as he ran his fingers along the armour plates.
"Go, put it on. I will be waiting for when you return." The sheep man waved him away, earning a prompt nod as the softshell ran out to go put it on.

Draxum turned to the goyles again and gestured to a mask of some sort, wordlessly asking for it along with the weapon beside it. He turned forward once again once the teen returned not long after, humming. "I see it fits?" V looked up at him, nodding quickly and humming.
"You may speak. Just this once." He stated, retracting his hand once the goyles gave him the mask.
"Y- yes sir, it does." The subject corrected, voice hoarse and raspy but as firm as he could physically make it, which resulted in a few minor voice cracks. He stood at attention again.
"Excellent. Now, for your next piece of your armour. And your. . Reminder, to never speak out of turn." He held out the mask for the warrior to examine, not allowing him to touch it just yet. "I will put it on for you. Only I can take it off, as I have insured it is impossible for one to take it off themselves." He walked around him, carefully slipping the mask onto his snout and clasping the back. "If you dare talk out of turn, consequences will follow. I will make sure you do not disobey again if such happens, by using the mask, tightening it, and preventing your conversing. Do I make myself clear, Subject V?" The sheep man walked back in front of him, earning an obedient nod from the younger.

"Good. Now, for your last item." He turned his head to the goyles again, holding his hand out as they handed him the weapon with a bit of struggle. He took it with ease, looking back at his soldier with a slightly less deadpan expression.
The child looked up at him, standing at attention until told otherwise. He noticed the look, the expression. It seemed. . . Accomplished? Proud, even. . ? No, stop it. He would never be proud of him, V knew. Hope for that was dead, hope for anything was dead, crushed by his third day here. It's been a week.
"Subject V," The Baron began, a hint of pride within his tone. "Do you wish to know why that is your name? Why you were deemed such a letter?"
The subject nodded, confused. He wouldn't dare show his confusion, though. He couldn't risk disappointment from his commander. Wasn't the name because he was the 22nd experiment. . ?

"It was because you were my twenty-second successful experiment," Ah, so that answers it. "But also because you were my most successful."
The subject's eyes widened, surprised. He was the most successful. . ? That couldn't be right (he mentally slapped himself for such thoughts, The Baron was always right).

"Subject V stands for Subject Victory. You were meant to be the one to lead the yokai to victory alongside me. Your brethren as well, yes, but you specifically were meant to be second in command." He began walking around the soldier, weapon held securely in his grip as he spoke proudly, with purpose. "I purposely selected you, from the moment I acquired you as a turtle to the DNA engraved into your very cells. You showed a fighting spirit, a defiance unlike one I had ever seen. You have many skills, V. Many natural skills, not just brains and obedience." He noticed the incredulous look V had given, continuing to pace. "Your species has bravery, caution, protection, fierceness, and aggression. All of which will be needed for this revolution." He stated, stopping in front of him and holding the weapon horizontally in his clutches. As if presenting a knight his sword.

Subject V looked at the weapon, then back up at his commander, a mixture of all sorts of emotions sifting around within him. Did the Baron just. . Compliment him? But what about all of the things he said a while ago. . ? That he was pathetic, that he was nothing? Was that just to break his spirits? Perhaps it was just so he didn't risk a revolt. . . Yes. That's what it is. Wait a minute, that weapon seemed familiar—
"This is a Halberd. You will use it to assist in battle." He began, gesturing to the weapon. "It has a flail at the end, as you can see. That can be removed when not needed." He dragged a finger up the hilt of the weapon, the flail fading away into a deep purple glow, before nothing. All that had been left was the halberd weapon. "Like so. And to return it, just do the opposite. Understood?" He asked, watching the Subject nod, eyes sparkling with a sense of curiosity and amazement.

"Excellent." He hummed, holding it out to him. "Subject Victory, you have been officially selected to become second in command. You will now officially become general of our army. You will command them with an iron fist, you will make sure they obey and they show no mercy. You will help me train them in the ways I have taught you. Do I make myself clear? I want to hear you say it."
The newly equipped general nodded fiercely, carefully taking his weapon and resting it on its end as if it were a spear. "Yes sir. I will help train them in your image." He rasped, internally wincing at how weak he sounded.
"No," Draxum responded firmly. The general gave a confused look. "You alone will be in my image. You will help to train them to be loyal soldiers. You are my warrior, you will not risk them being superior to you. Understood?"
"Yes sir." He nodded once again, frowning at such a mistake. It won't happen again, he'll make sure of it.

"Well then, let us get to rebuilding. . ."

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