Falling for Snow | OC x Corio...

By admiringbarnes

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In the hallowed halls of Capitol Academy, where ambition and privilege intertwine, two souls find themselves... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

446 8 12
By admiringbarnes

The hands of the clock seemed to dance forward, marking the culmination of countless shared hours as Coryo and I triumphantly completed our essay. Tomorrow held the promise of success as we prepared to submit our carefully crafted masterpiece. The pages, now worn from relentless examination, whispered the undeniable truth—we had woven a tapestry of brilliance deserving of a high grade. Yet, an unexpected melancholy tugged at the corners of my heart as the realization dawned that our collaborative journey had reached its conclusion.

I pondered, in the quiet recesses of my mind, whether I would long for his presence once our academic endeavor would be over. The uncertainty lingered; a delicate mystery yet to unravel. The inexplicable pull he held on my thoughts left me questioning the nature of our connection. Why did his absence cast a subtle gloom on our achievement?

Lost in contemplation, I was abruptly pulled back to reality by Festus, a classmate, who nudged my shoulder playfully as we strolled through the school's echoing hallways. His sly grin and wiggling eyebrows betrayed the mischief in his words. "I didn't know you had a liking for Sejanus, huh?" he teased, casting a knowing glance my way. Halting in my tracks, I met his gaze with a perplexed stare.

"What are you talking about?" I inquired, genuine confusion etched across my face, oblivious to the unforeseen revelation that awaited me.

"You and Sejanus, a match made in heaven," he declared with a wink, punctuating his words with a thumbs-up. With that, he sauntered into the classroom, leaving me trailing behind him, engulfed in a cloud of bewilderment. The air was thick with mystery, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Festus' words than a mere joke.

As I stepped into the room, a hush fell over the crowd, and all eyes converged on me as if I were the centerpiece of a captivating spectacle. The weight of their gazes bore into me, leaving me uneasy and questioning if I had unwittingly become the source of their amusement, all thanks to Festus and his cryptic remarks. Amidst the sea of curious onlookers, I sought refuge in the gaze of Sejanus, silently pleading for answers. His response was a nonchalant shrug, a gesture that spoke volumes about his lack of insight into the unfolding mystery.

Desperation led my eyes to the person closest to me, none other than Coriolanus. However, his attention seemed occupied by something far beyond the confines of our shared space. "Coryo," I called out, but he remained oblivious to my presence, his focus locked elsewhere. "Coryo, what is happening?"

His response was a curt and dispassionate, "Congrats," uttered without sparing me a glance. The chill in his demeanor sent a shiver through my heart as if it had been subjected to an unexpected and bitter frost. The mysterious atmosphere surrounding me deepened, leaving me yearning for an explanation and grappling with the unsettling emotions that now clouded our once-familiar connection.

➶ 𓆉。˚ ✧ ༉‧₊˚.

In the quest for answers to the unsettling rumor that bound our names together, I approached Sejanus after class, our classmates inadvertently making us the center of attention. The constant scrutiny became unbearable, and I longed for a chance to dispel the whispers and sidelong glances that followed me.

As I neared Sejanus, he spoke with a hint of regret, "I'm sorry about the rumor." My curiosity peaked, and I eagerly awaited an explanation to unravel the web of falsehoods surrounding us. Sejanus continued, "I talked to Festus, and he said Clemensia was the one spreading that we are together."

The revelation sent a surge of anger through me. Of all people, I hadn't expected Clemensia, with her misguided dislike of me, to be the mastermind of this falsehood. Everything suddenly clicked into place. Her lingering dislike from the time Coriolanus and I were paired together had fueled her desire to tarnish my friendship with him. The realization fueled the fire within me, and I couldn't fathom why Coryo would allow himself to be swayed by such baseless rumors without seeking the truth from me first. As the cold distance between us grew in class, I grappled with the unsettling truth, desperate to reclaim the warmth that had once defined our connection.

In my frustration, a low groan escaped my lips, unable to bear the swirling chaos any longer. "Why would she spread such lies?" I questioned aloud; my voice steeped in irritation.

Sejanus, sensing my distress, sought to comfort me, offering reassurance. "Don't worry about it. I'll handle this and talk to her."

Yet, a determined flame flickered to life within me, and I vehemently shook my head in defiance. "No," I declared, my resolve unwavering. "I'll handle her." The thought of facing Clemensia directly loomed before me like an uncharted path.

Without a second thought, I made up my mind to confront Clemensia. I searched every nook and cranny of the school until, at long last, I found her amid a group of friends, deep in conversation. As I drew near, the chatter dwindled, and Clemmy's face transformed into one of uneasiness. The tension between us lingered in the air, a silent challenge waiting to be addressed, and I braced myself for the impending showdown.

"What have you done, Clemensia?" I questioned her. "Is it true that you're the one who spread the rumor about Sejanus and me being together?" My voice wavered on the brink of tears. It was always like this when I was angry—my voice teetered on the edge of breaking whenever frustration took hold.

Clemensia's eyes avoided mine as if a cascade of thoughts tumbled through her mind. After a brief silence, she summoned the courage to meet my gaze. "Remember that afternoon we shared our thoughts over lunch?" she began, and my nod acknowledged the memory. However, her revelation diverged from my recollection; my answer was meant to be Coriolanus, not Sejanus. "I linked your words about finding Sejanus attractive and jumped to conclusions," she admitted, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Distrust lingered, compelling me to press further. "I need the truth. What did you exactly tell the class?" I inquired, the weight of my words hanging in the air.

With a hint of defiance, she finally conceded. "Alright," she confessed. "I told them that you and Sejanus are together."

I shut my eyes briefly, attempting to rein in the whirlwind of feelings that threatened to overwhelm me. It was beyond belief. "Why?" I asked, my heart wrestling with the startling disclosure.

"Don't probe me for reasons," she retorted sharply, and a scoff involuntarily escaped my lips.

In the hushed atmosphere, fraught with unsaid desires, Lysistrata couldn't bear the suspense any longer, so she intervened. "Tell her, Clemmy," she said, her expression filled with worry as she watched the unfolding drama. In that charged moment, the air thick with unspoken emotions, our fates hung delicately in the balance.

Clemensia hesitated, her vulnerability painted across her features, a subtle blush betraying her embarrassment. In that charged silence, a truth unfurled itself like a delicate blossom, impossible to ignore. It was my turn to step into the confessional of emotions. Unable to bear the weight of the unspoken, I mustered the courage to breach the quietude. "Do you harbor feelings for Coryo?" The simplicity of my words belied the complexity of the emotions that enveloped us.

Clemensia, her eyes reflecting a mixture of affirmation and trepidation, nodded in admission. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "It's just you and Coryo seem so close, and..."

Amid the palpable tension that hung in the air like a heavy mist, I struggled to contain the bitterness that seeped into my voice as I spoke the words meant for her ears alone. "Why tell stories about Sejanus and me? Why drag him into this web of rumors?" I questioned; my words charged with emotion. As I glanced into her eyes, searching for answers, I couldn't escape the realization that Coryo, too, had fallen prey to the rumors that circulated like wildfire. The gravity of the situation weighed on me, and with a sigh laced with regret, I admitted, "I can't bring myself to forgive you, at least not now. It's just too much for me to bear in this moment." The words lingered in the air, leaving a trail of unspoken emotions and unresolved tensions between us.

With a heavy heart, I turned away, feeling the cool air on my face as I left them behind. The revelation hung in the air, leaving an acrid taste of betrayal swirling around like an uninvited guest at a masquerade ball. The echoes of my departure resonated, creating a palpable tension that only added to the complexities of the distress.

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