Cocoa's Sweet Boy

By prettyygurrll

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I'a always be yo sweet boy Cocoa More



183 16 6
By prettyygurrll

The Next Day

Walking along the beach the group found there was going horse back riding in the ocean

Mike had booked this just for them to try something new. Mocha was fine until she heard it was in water

Cocoa on the other end was more on a panic spree. She couldn't swim to save her life

Especially being on a horse in the water was crazy. Not to mention she did just get her hair done

"I hope these horses know how to swim Mocha." Cocoa called out as they got closer

"Cocoa just chill we're all gonna be together." Mocha laughed as they walked on the boarder of the and and ocean

"That doesn't mean anything Mocha. Especially if they we're all gonna be on horses at the same time

The instructor grabbed onto the girls hands and led them deeper inside the water. Holding onto his hand tightly Cocoa Prayed that she was gonna be ok 

"You scared of dis to ma?" Wiic asked as he walked behind her

"Please leave me alone." Cocoa rolled her eyes as the man brought the horse near her

"Don't be mad at me cause you scared? He laughed before walking off

"That's not funny Wiic I could get hurt." Cocos turned her face up

"You'a be aight." Wiic waved her off

Taking the man's hand she got onto the horse. Holding onto the Tack Cocoa made sure she had a firm grip. Taking a deep breath the horse started to move

"Wi galang south." The instructor spoke

"What he say?" Tank whispered to Cocoa

"We're going along south." Cocoa laughed as they began to follow after him

"Oh I'm glad you Jamaican cause we would've been looking stupid." He laughed out

From the back Wiic watched their whole interaction. He wasn't mad about Tank speaking to her. He just didn't want him to think he was gone get her

In Wiic's mind she was already his

"Oou this water cold." Mocha said as the horse began to lower its body

"Unt un my horse betta not do that." Cocoa said as hers stopped walking

"You are so scary." Mocha shook her head

"You knew I was. I don't know why you thought signing me up for this wasn't wrong." Cocoa rolled her neck

"Everybody having fun except fa' yo scary self." Mike clowned

"Shut up." She waved him off

"I wanna record this for our traveling memories." Mocha looked back at Cocoa

"Do it so when we have kids we could show them." Cocoa smiled as she grabbed the camera

Turning the camera on she showed her and Mocha as they walked through the water on the horses. The water was clear and blue and you could see everything. From the sand to the fishes in it

"One day when I have kids imma bring them here for their first trip. We gonna do this and visit auntie." Cocoa spoke up as she stopped recording

"I know I was thinking about visiting them today. You wanna go do that?" Mocha asked

"Yeah we can. Just make sure you tell your bodyguard that we are." Cocoa nodded her head at Mike

"Girl boo." Mocha turned her face up

Wiic sat at the table with Mike and Tank as they waited for the connect to come out. They had been here ever since they left from horseback riding

Wiic was getting irritated as he sat in the hot sun waiting for this man

"Folks betta hurry up fa' I get to showin out." Wiic mumbled

"Facts a nigga hungry and tired." Tanka agreed

"Chill out he finna come." Mike spoke up

He knew exactly how Wiic could get when he was mad. They would've been having a shoot out on vacation right now. And Tank didn't make it no better being as they were both brothers with the same background raising

Walking out the room Chris came over towards them. Mike stood up and walked over to meet him halfway. Him and Mike talked for a little before Mike turned around and called the two

Getting up from their seats they walked over and helped Mike carry the black duffle bags

"What's in dese' bags?" Wiic questioned. It was too hot to be carrying these heavy bags

"Weed and more." Mike answered lowly

It was too many new ears to be hearing what they had going on

Getting inside the car Wiic loaded up the backseat and got in. Mike checked his surroundings before he got inside the truck. Pulling off back to the hotel Wiic spoke up

"How you meet ole' boy and how he knew we out here?" The questions started flowing in

"Cause he was coming out here the same time we was so we did the meet up here. And back in New York when I was doing business." Mike spoke up

"Mhmm folks seem like he was onnat fa' a minute." Tank added on

"Don't even say dat. Gone make crazy in the backseat go back to jail." Mike snickered as Tank joined him

Wiic waved them off. He was chillin till it came down to it. He ain't have no plans on living his old lifestyle unless somebody tried his baby brother Tank

That was his world. Wiic was always taught to protect Tank from any and everything. That's how it's been since they were kids

And Tank felt the same way about Wiic

Cocoa held a grin on her face as her aunt sat the plate of homemade curry chicken with white rice down in front of her

Cocoa bowed her head and Prayed over her food. Rolling her eyes back she savored the food as it hit her tongue

"Hungry gyal." Celine laughed out as she took a seat

"Mi nuh had a home cooked meal since moms." Cocoa said truthfully

"Ow shi bin?" Celine asked thinking of her sister

"Gud. Still dealing wid poppa." Cocoa mumbled as Mocha didn't say anything

Their parents had been having a rocky relationship since their little sister Peach was born. That was well over fifteen years ago

Mocha was all for taking her fathers side while Cocoa and Peach agreed that both were wrong but their father stepped outta line

"Well just Pray. God always cum through." Celine tapped her niece hand

"I know I have been. Just Praying on it." Cocoa answered

"Kip a guh di Lord ave di final sey suh." Celine pointed her finger as she spoke

Cocoa smiled before looking back down at her food. This was gonna be hard subject to talk about

She loved she parents so much it hurt her to see them go through this. They always showed Mocha and Cocoa how to be loved and how to be treated by a man

Just for the girls to find out how their father really was behind their parents bedroom door

Cocoa stood up from the table and placed her leftover food into her aunts hand. She gave her a soft smile as she packed the food up

"Mek sure yuh sista bring dat boy by tomorrow." Celine pointed out

"I promise auntie." Cocoa said before walking out the kitchen

"If I bring Mike you better bring Wiic." Mocha said slickly

"Girl I don't have nothing going with him. How many times I gotta tell you that?" Cocoa said with a attitude

"Mi luv yuh girls." Celine called out

"We love you too auntie." Mocha said blowing her a kiss

Celine blew it back before going in the house

"I said what I said Cocoa. And stop telling family business." Mocha rolled eyes

"She is family Mocha. She's literally moms only family left besides us." Cocoa started to get mad

"You heard what I said." Mocha waved her off

"No you heard what I said. If me and you were in mom and aunt shoes you would wanna know what's going with me." Cocoa fussed and Mike and Wiic looked between the two

"Cocoa you about to make me spazz yo." Mocha slammed the car door

"Well spazz then." Cocoa said

"Aye y'all chill. Y'all supposed to be sisters." He said getting between the two

"That's doesn't mean anything Mike. Some times you gotta check family." Cocoa stared over at him

"Not no more." Mocha smirked

Cocoa scoffed before walking off. She was done with Mocha. All she ever did was let Mocha run her and always choose how she should think about things

She was too grown for that and now she had to think and stand up for herself 

"Slow down ma." Wiic said while grabbing her arm

"Not right now Wiic." Cocoa mumbled as she pulled away

"Talk to me Cocoa ma." Wiic stopped her fully

"I just don't wanna be around her right now." She mumbled as the tears fell down her face

"Whea' you wanna go?" Wiic asked

"It doesn't matter I just don't want to be in the same place as Mocha. She really irritated me yo." Cocos said walking off

"Aight we ca' chill in my room." He volunteered

Following after him Cocoa placed the Louis Vuitton sunglasses over her face. She didn't want anyone to see she was crying

Cocoa laid asleep in the California King size bed as Von sat at the edge. He was sketching the picture in the black small notebook

The sketch was a drawing of Cocoa. He drew the smile that was plastered on her face from earlier when they went horse back riding

Her smile was so beautiful to him. Wiic made sure he had every detail down pack when it came to her sketch

Wiic didn't know nothing about Cocoa or where she came from. But he knew she was going to be his by the end of this trip

Closing the book back he stood to his feet. Wiic put the notebook on the dresser before getting inside the bed

Wiic made sure he kept his distance from her. He didn't wanna over step his boundaries

Wiic licked over his lips as he stared at her. Even while sleep she was beautiful effortlessly

Closing his eyes Wiic let his mind run till he dozed off

Last chapter of 2023 🥹

Y'all liking Wiic and Cocoa?

Do y'all like the nickname he gave her? Cocoa ma.

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