Questions And Answers...

By NikkityNakNoo

25.4K 690 288

A collection of stand alone chapters of what, if, when and why's of Chicago Fire episodes that have left more... More

What About Rene?
Take My Breath Away
The Scars We Hide...
The Lieutenant's Test..
Put My Focus Back Where It Belongs...
Whose Shadow You Walk In.
We've Come A Long Way
The Man You Deserve
It's Her Home Too...
Give Me Everything I Need
My Girl..
Funny The Things You Get Used To..
You Were Made For This..
Pictured Rocks
Wake Up The Rest Of The Building
Lieutenant Kidd
Not Like This...
Don't Ever Let It End
Just Give Up
Saving Water
Sub Zero Temperatures....
Important Person Stuff
No One Like You.
I can't go through this again...
Help Me Forget
At Last
I've Got You
.................The Epilogue...( to the last chapter!)
Mistletoe And Wine
Christmas Wish List
The Perfect Christmas Gift
Happy New Year, Babe.
The Bachelor

You've Lost That Loving Feeling

454 19 9
By NikkityNakNoo

S8 Ep 19. Light things up.

Some sweet person asked for the missing scene from Cruz's bachelor Party, but I lost their name..🙈😳.....but here it is...


Do you really think it's a good idea? I mean, seriously, who has a bachelor party the night before shift?"

"It'll be fine.... don't worry." Kelly dismissed his girlfriend's reservations and continued to scan through his cell for last nights sports reports.

"Oh, trust me, I'm not worried because I shall be waking up with no hangover, AND having had plenty of sleep."

Kelly put his cell down and rolled over towards her, amused by her holier than thou expression, wrapping an arm under her and pulling her towards him.

"Why do you think we're starting so early? Brunch...A game of golf and a few beers, and we'll be back home in plenty of time for you to kiss me goodnight." Kelly kissed her, his hand snaking under her camisole.

Stella rolled her eyes and stopped his hand and pulled away from him, sitting up cross-legged, detangling her hair with her fingers.

"Cruz doesn't play golf! And nor do you, so I'm betting you sink beers all day, and end up at a strip joint.... or Molly's."

"Number 1. I do play golf! I just haven't for a while. And for your info, I'm actually very good at it! Number 2. The only person I want to see stripping off is you. And number 3. If we end up at Molly's, then I will have seriously failed Cruz."

Stella shrugged carelessly, climbing out of bed while Kelly ogled her ass in her snug black pyjama shorts, which Stella didn't miss. Leaning over him, she whispered.

" How about we have this conversation again this evening, when you're hammered....... at Molly's." She challenged, convinced she was right.

"How about you stop talking and get back in this bed, and we can stop wasting the free couple of hours I have before I go out." Kelly went to grab her wrist, but she snaked away laughing.
"I need to get showered, and unlike you, I have things to do, like visit the dental clinic, and then work this ass at the gym." She gave her butt a tap, but as she left the room, she reached for her camisole and took it off, dropping it on the floor.

"Just in case you do end up at a strip joint, this is what you've got for comparison....." She backed out of the room, winking as she disappeared from his view.

Kelly's face split into a grin, throwing off the sheets, racing after her towards the bathroom.


Twelve hours later, the door to Molly's was flung open amid noise and staggering bodies falling in, everyone inside the bar turning as one towards the sounds of raucous laughter coming from the entrance.

Stella's first instinct had been for her guard to go up against a potential unruly group, and then the next instant, she was shaking her head to Sylvie and Emily, sitting at the bar in front of her, and all three watched open mouthed as the boys from shift two staggered in, all in various states of dishevellement.

Cruz's shirt was undone and hanging out of his pants, red lipstick drawn on his face, which really was not a good look on him, and slung over his shoulders, was a purple velvet coat with a wide fur collar..... but surprisingly, Cruz seemed to be embracing it. And wait....was he carrying a gold colored cane?! A pimp stick?!

"Oh my god..." Stella groaned as they all stumbled forward, headed by her boyfriend, who grinned at her, glazed blue eyes pretty much declaring his lack of sobriety.

"Hey, Stella." He slurred in a heavy but loving voice.

Emily sniggered, and Kelly turned to her.

"W'as upp, Foster?"

Emily quirked her brows. " Severide."

"Stella's my girl......friend. My friend.... and my girl." Grinning, he pointed towards Stella, who made apologetic eyes at Foster.

"No shit." Foster nodded. "But, I'm pleased to hear that, Severide."

"So, am I..." Kelly reached for Stella's hand, and tried to lean over the bar. "Don't I get a hello kiss, gorgeous?" Now he sounded whiney, and both Sylvie and Foster laughed loudly, neither having seen this completely sappy side of Severide before.

"So you said something about, if you ended up at Molly's, you will have failed Cruz...?"

Stella ran her thumb over his hand, leaning forward to give him the kiss he was asking for, not expecting his hand to clamp around the back of her head so he could kiss her thoroughly.

"Kelly! Jesus! How much did you drink?!" Stella pushed him away, trying to be stern, but her eyes were soft.

"Only a couple. So We need more beer....... Hey Casey! Cruuuuz! " Kelly shouted across the bar. "More beer?!..."

Cruz staggered over, the girls staring at him with fascination.

"Yeah Lieutenant...more beer needed...and shots!. Tequila shots!!" He slammed his hands on the bar, chuckling when his purple pimp coat slid off one shoulder.

" .... I the best, man ever!"
His eyes were bloodshot, his words slurred, and Stella suspected he was hanging on to standing upright by a thread.

"Yeah..he did us proud!" Capp hollered. "The girls in that club Severide got us into were shit hot!"

Tony standing next to Capp dug him in the ribs, and Capp just shrugged. "What?! I'm only saying. They were nice girls."

Stella had come round to collect some glasses, fixing Kelly with a long stare, brow raised, one hand on her hip.

Kelly smiled sweetly. "They just waited on our table...nothing more. I swear." He explained, reaching for her, swaying.

"Shit hot?"

Kelly grinned and then didn't grin, looking sheepish.

"Not as shit hot as you, Stella Kidd. No one is as shit hot as you..."

"Hmmm... " She replied, letting him squirm while both Sylvie and Emily watched on.

"Oh, Severide, guest room for you tonight!" Sylvie giggled as Stella walked away in a fake huff.

Kelly staggered after Stella, weaving from side to side as he went, everyone around the bar watching him with amusement.

"Kelly.. you're so drunk!" Stella warned as he advanced towards her as she went back to the bar, and took her face in his hands.

"I love you." He said, trying to be solemn before kissing her.

There was cat calling and jeering from the other men as Kelly held Stella to him.

"Severide, put her down. She's on Molly's clock." Hermann shouted over.

"Yeah... she needs to pour the beers!"
Capp called, getting another dig from Tony.

"You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips."
Casey yelled in the direction of Kelly and Stella, and there were hoots of laughter from around the bar.
A moment later, Casey and the others, after a bit of shuffling, had all surrounded the bar. Ritter and Gallo fell to their knees in dramatic fashion, followed by Mouch, who tried and then not much liking the hard Molly's floor came back up again to reenact one of Hollywood's most iconic rom scenes.

"And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips."
Shift broke into song, making Stella Sylvie and Emily laugh out loud. Kelly grabbed Stella from the waist and lifted her up to sit on the bar, keeping hold of one hand, joining in on the singing with the rest of them, his eyes locked on hers.

Other patrons in Molly's leaned forward, clapping and enjoying the show.

"You're trying hard not to show it
But baby, baby, I know it."

Hands clutched their chests, expressions proclaiming love to anyone and everyone, the men sang their hearts out.

"You lost that lovin' feelin'
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
You lost that lovin' feelin'
Now it's gone, gone, gone, whoa-oh. "

"You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips
And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips
You're trying hard not to show it
But baby, baby, I know it"

Hermann put one arm around Mouch and the other around Boden, while Cruz conducted the assembled choir swinging his cane from side to side.

"You lost that lovin' feelin'
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
You lost that lovin' feelin'
Now it's gone, gone, gone, whoa-oh."

Mollys erupted into rapturous applause and laughter, feet stamping, the shift turning towards each other, fist pumping or chest bumping, the spirit of Cruz's happy occasion sweeping them up.

"Tom Cruise, eat your heart out!" Emily yelled.

"51." Cruz leaned against the bar. "I....lovvve you!..... But
.." He held his hand up. " I may have to resign from Squad and become a pimp instead. This coat sure looks good on me.." He hiccoughed, tapping the floor with his cane.

"Do I need to remind you that promoting prostitution is a class 4 felony in the state of Illinois?" A chilly, female voice said next to Cruz, who instantly paled, the color draining from his face.

Trudy Platt was glaring first at Cruz, then at the rest of them.

"Sargeant Platt!" There was a chorus of salutations from behind her, and Ritter, Gallo, Hermann, Mouch, and Casey were all standing, or swaying to attention, and saluting her. Only Boden stood silently, his eyes closing in despair at the rib taking.

"Oh, for Christ's sake.." She muttered, well aware that everyone else in the bar was holding back laughter.

"Randolph... I think it's way past your bedtime."

"Yes, Trudy." Mouch replied meekly, instantly dropping his hand from his forehead.

"And given that you lot will be representing the fine Chicago fire department tomorrow morning, I suggest that maybe you might do with calling it a night?"

" Yes, Sargeant Platt." The men all replied in unison.


"Aghhhh.... turn it off! Pleaase babe." Kelly put a pillow over his face to drown out the ear, splitting alarm hammering through his skull.

"Morning, beautiful. It's time to get up..."

Stella pulled the pillow away and smiled into his face, and Kelly covered his eyes with his forearm.

"Five more minutes...please....."

Stella had a glass of water and two Tylenol in her hand. "You said that fifteen minutes ago, and now, sweetheart, there are no minutes left. So unless you wanna call Boden and ask him to get a floater in..."

"I feel like shit." Kelly groaned, opening one eye and staring at her morosely, taking the glass of water and pills.

"Baby, I gotta tell you, you look like hell... so you might wanna get under the shower in the next sixty seconds to give yourself half a chance of making shift on time."

"A little sympathy?" He grumbled, struggling into a sitting position.

Stella huffed. " I told you not to have that round of shots after Trudy and Mouch left... I had to undress you and put you to bed last night... and you kept me awake half the night, snoring... so sympathy is in short supply."

"Sorry..." Kelly mumbled, swinging his legs out of bed, and sat on the edge holding his head.

Stella shook her head, chuckling, taking his hand and pulling him up.

Twenty minutes later, Stella handed a miserable looking Kelly a coffee in his "to go' cup and gave him a sweet kiss.

"I did warn you..." Patting his cheek, she picked up her bag and walked out of the Loft, humming, 'You lost that loving feeling.'

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