By heeyjessl

1.3K 149 11

Pete had just lost his boyfriend in a very suspicious death, a few days later he meets Vegas, his new neighbo... More

#1 Sorrow.
#2 Nightmares.
#3 Rampage
#4 Drugs.
#5 The list.
#6 Unexpected Ties
#7 The lost son.
#8 The Unraveling Shadows

#9 "Revelations Under the Shadows."

259 14 0
By heeyjessl

With determination in my decision, I entered Korn's mansion, disregarding the tray of fine drinks he kindly offered. The feelings of confusion and betrayal still enveloped me, but the determination to uncover the truth remained. Korn led me to the living room, where shadows danced on the walls, echoing the whirlwind of emotions unfolding within me. The atmosphere was charged with tension as Korn turned to me. "Pete, I understand this is difficult for you. But there's something else you need to know," he said, his eyes revealing a mixture of seriousness and concern. 

Before I could process his words, the door opened, revealing the figure of Zach, my ex-boyfriend whom I believed I had lost forever. My heart raced, surprise marking my face as I stared at him. "Surprised, Pete?" Zach smiled, but there was something in the shadows of his gaze that unsettled me. "There's much more at stake here than you imagine." Confusion deepened, and I found myself facing an even more complex crossroads. Zach's words echoed like a disturbing echo, suggesting there was much more to uncover beyond what I already knew. Destiny now seemed to depend on the choices I would make under the shadow of the unfolding truth.

The surprising presence of Zach in that room added an additional layer of complexity to the situation. My eyes still fixed on him, trying to comprehend the reality of this unexpected turn of events. The tension in the air was palpable, shadows dancing in harmony with the uncertainties hanging in the atmosphere. "Zach, I thought that..." my words faltered as I tried to articulate the confusion settling in my mind. Zach raised his hands in a reassuring gesture, but the expression on his face conveyed seriousness. "I know it's hard to understand, Pete. But there are truths that need to be revealed."The sensation of being at the epicenter of an emotional storm overwhelmed me. My mind was filled with questions, and the need for clarity grew with each passing moment. I stared at Korn for answers, seeking to understand Zach's role in this intricate plot.Confusion and anger within me reached a critical point. Without much thought, I let myself be carried away by the tumultuous emotions permeating the room. My fists clenched automatically, and before I could ponder the consequences, I lunged towards Zach with a punch driven by the intensity of frustration and betrayal.The impact resonated in the room, blending with the heavy silence that surrounded us. Zach, stunned by the unexpected blow, took a few steps back, rubbing his jaw that had been hit. His gaze now reflected surprise and pain, an expression echoing the confusion I felt inside."Why, Zach? Why hide all this from me?" I shouted, my voice laden with anguish and indignation.The impact of the punch reverberated in the room, but anger and confusion still simmered within me. With Zach retreating, his answers were crucial to unravel the truth behind so many dark secrets. "It seems death didn't hold you back, did it, Zach?" I said, bitterness in my voice. "Why did you make me believe you were dead? And what are you doing in Korn's house? Did you kill Venice's mother?" Zach, still recovering from the punch, looked me in the eyes. A mixture of remorse and determination seemed to struggle in his expression.

 He sighed before starting to explain, his eyes now carrying a burden I could barely comprehend. "Pete, I didn't have a choice. Things are not what they seem. I needed to distance myself to protect you...." Zach hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words. "About the boy's mother, I... I didn't have a choice. Things are not as simple as they seem." Confusion grew even more within me. Each answer seemed to generate more questions, and I found myself trapped in a labyrinth of obscure revelations. The room was charged with tension, shadows dancing around us, witnessing the complexity of the secrets unfolding. As I absorbed Zach's words, the truth began to emerge in a way I could hardly anticipate. Destiny now delicately hung on the answers that would come next.

The tension in the air was almost palpable, and the room seemed to close in around us as Zach attempted to insist on a private conversation. Refusing his proposal, I kept my guard up, still processing the avalanche of information I had received."There's nothing we need to talk about alone, Zach. You've already messed things up enough," I responded, maintaining a firm tone, although confusion continued to dance in my eyes.However, Zach didn't seem willing to give up so easily. He advanced towards me, gripping my arm firmly. The sensation of his touch provoked an instinctive reaction, and I pulled my arm away, resisting his attempt at intimacy.He tried once again to grab my arm, this time with more force. I attempted to pull back, but unsuccessfully, which led him to pull me closer to him. I asked him to let me go, but he refused, his expression turning darker."You need to understand, Pete. There are things that are beyond my control," Zach said, his voice laden with urgency.

"I suggest you do what he says," Vegas said, his cutting voice slicing through the air. He moved with a cold confidence, his eyes fixed alternately on me and Zach.

The tension reached a new level with Vegas entering the room. His impassive demeanor added a layer of mystery to the already charged atmosphere.Zach finally let me go, his expression of urgency transforming into something close to discomfort. The tension between Vegas and Zach was palpable, but no words were exchanged between them.Even in the face of Vegas's warning, Zach cast a mocking look in his direction. "You don't control Pete, Vegas. He can make his own decisions."Vegas's response was immediate, his patience seemingly exhausted. "I suggest you choose your words more carefully, Zach. If you keep talking, I'll make sure you don't get a chance to come back from the dead again ."The tense silence persisted, Vegas's words hanging in the air like an unspoken threat. Zach, despite his defiant posture, seemed to reconsider his next actions in the face of Vegas's unwavering aura. The room continued to be the stage for a silent dance between opposing forces, each move laden with meaning amid the shadows concealing the true developments of that night.Observing the tension between Vegas and Zach, Korn intervened with a touch of sarcasm. "Vegas, remember that Pete is here as my guest, unlike some who entered uninvited."

The exchange of words added a new layer of hostility to the already charged atmosphere. Vegas sarcastically smiled in response to Korn, saying, "I'd prefer death to being invited into this house, but thanks for the 'hospitality.'"The exchange of acerbic words continued to echo in the room, each sentence adding more fuel to the tense atmosphere hanging over them.Vegas, with his ironic tone, addressed Korn: "So, Korn, is this an important family meeting, or are you just arranging an arranged marriage for Pete? I'm curious."Vegas's provocation added a touch of sarcasm to the already charged atmosphere in the room, as everyone waited to see how Korn would respond to this insinuation.Korn chuckled, responding with a hint of humor: "Jealous, Vegas? Didn't know you had that side."Vegas laughed loudly in reply: "I could never be jealous of a ghost, Korn. Don't worry, I won't interfere in your matrimonial plans.""If there's nothing else to discuss, Korn, I'll take Pete with me," Vegas asserted, maintaining his impassive demeanor. The atmosphere in the room became even denser with this statement.Addressing me, Korn said, "Pete, there's something important you need to know." Curiosity and uncertainty danced in my eyes as I waited to hear the words Korn had to reveal.Korn, with a serious tone, continued: "Pete, I understand things are confusing now, but you need to stay with me to remain safe. There are forces at play that go beyond what you know, and only I can offer protection."Korn, with a grave expression, went on: "Pete, I tried to protect your mother, but I failed. I won't let the same happen to you. There are shadows in your past that need to be faced.""That's why I sent Zach to take care of you, Pete," Korn said, his voice laden with gravity. "I needed to ensure you were protected, even if you didn't fully understand at the time."

I looked at Zach, my gaze reflecting a mix of distrust and resignation. "So, I was just another name on a list for you?" I asked, my voice firm but devoid of emotion.Zach averted his gaze for a moment, his expression revealing a complexity of emotions. "Pete, it's not that simple. You're not just a name on a list. There's much more at stake than you can comprehend at the moment."

My patience was running thin in the face of evasive answers. "It seems like you and Korn have a lot of secrets. I'm tired of being manipulated and used as a pawn in this mysterious game."

Zach sighed, his eyes meeting mine. "Pete, everything I did was to protect you."

"Protect me? Or protect your own interests?" My question cut through the air, echoing the distrust settling in my mind.

I stared at him, my gaze reflecting determination. "I won't be manipulated by secrets and conspiracies."

Turning to Korn, my expression now a mix of challenge and determination, I declared, my voice firm cutting through the tense silence, "You have no right to touch my mother's name. If that's all, I'm leaving."

Korn tried to interject, his words sounding hurried, but I cut him off. "Enough, Korn. I don't want to be a pawn in this confusing chessboard you've created. If there's something I need to face, I'll do it on my own."

My decision was made.

I turned and began to walk away, leaving behind the room steeped in secrets. Vegas followed me in silence, maintaining a respectful distance.

Before disappearing through the door, Korn issued a warning to Vegas: "It's not over, Vegas. Pete will come to me one way or another. Don't think you can avoid the inevitable."

The echo of his words reverberated in the hallway, but I ignored it, determined to uncover the truth on my own. Each step I took distanced me not only from the room but also from the manipulations that had intertwined with my life.

We entered Vegas's car, and heavy silence hung between us for a few minutes. The tension from the previous moment still echoed in our minds. Vegas broke the silence with an unexpected outburst.

"Are you crazy, Pete?" he asked with his sharp voice inside the car. "Going to see Korn alone? You have no idea what you're facing. He's dangerous, and this decision could cost you dearly."

I looked at Vegas, my eyes reflecting a mix of determination and challenge. "I need answers, Vegas. I can't keep being manipulated by lies and secrets. If Korn knows something about my past, I need to confront him, even if it's risky."

Vegas continued to shout, calling me irresponsible and expressing his concern. "Do you realize how worried everyone was? Korn is not someone to be taken lightly, Pete!"

I ignored his shouts, maintaining my determination. "I need to face the truth, Vegas. I can't live in the darkness anymore. How did you know I was going to see Korn?"

Vegas sighed, trying to calm his frustration. "All my cars have GPS, Pete. That's how I found out. You can't just act on your own without considering the consequences. We're dealing with dark forces, and your safety is at stake."

As the road stretched ahead of us, the tension in the car rivaled that left behind in the room filled with secrets.

"Vegas, slow down. We won't get anywhere if you drive like a maniac," I requested, feeling the need for some calm after the whirlwind of events.

Vegas let out a sarcastic laugh. "Now you're afraid of death, Pete? Didn't seem so concerned when you decided to face Korn alone."

"It's not about fear, Vegas. It's about facing the truth without being led by manipulations," I replied, maintaining my firm stance.

Vegas continued to drive fast. "You can't go alone against Korn. He plays a dangerous game, and his moves are unpredictable."

"I understand the risks, Vegas, but I can't live in the darkness anymore. I need to know the truth, even if it's risky."

"You're being selfish, Pete! You didn't think about the consequences for others when you decided to go see Korn alone," Vegas shouted, his voice echoing inside the car as he maintained the speed.

"It's not selfishness, Vegas. It's a need for clarity amid lies and manipulations," I defended my decision, despite the accusation.

Vegas continued to express his frustration. "This quest for truth may cost more than you imagine. Consider the lives around you before acting impulsively."

A few minutes later, we arrived at the mansion. I hurriedly got out of the car.

Entering the ransacked room, my heart raced. The traces of chaos evidenced that something had happened in my absence. I looked at Vegas, concern etched on my face, and asked, "What the hell happened here, Vegas?"

Vegas shrugged, finishing straightening the chair. "Apparently, I had a moment of anger. Things got out of control for a moment," he explained, his expression filled with discomfort. "It wasn't supposed to happen while you were away."

I looked at the wreckage, skeptical. "This seems like more than just a moment of anger. What's really going on, Vegas? And why did this happen in my absence?"

Visibly irritated, Vegas began to explain his explosive reaction. "Pete, initially, I thought you were taken against your will. I was willing to start a war for your sake," he said, his voice filled with frustration.

"Vegas, I didn't ask you to start a war for me. I'm not your prisoner; I can make my own decisions," I declared, emphasizing my independence. "I need to understand what's happening, but that doesn't mean I want a bloody battle in my name."

Vegas let out a sarcastic laugh, his eyes meeting mine. "Well, Pete, it seems you enjoyed finding your ex-boyfriend still standing, didn't you? Must have been an emotional scene."

I rolled my eyes, responding with irony. "Yes, Vegas, it's exactly what I dreamed of. Finding my ex-boyfriend coming back from the dead and coming home to find you with a penchant for destruction and a crazy desire to start wars."He let out a cynical laugh. "Well, at least it seems your ex is alive and kicking. Apparently, you enjoyed the surprise.""It seems you're having a lot of fun with this, Vegas. I didn't know my personal life had turned into entertainment for you," I retorted, irritated.Vegas shrugged, maintaining his sarcasm. "Life gets more interesting when things go off the rails, Pete."I huffed in frustration. "This has nothing to do with Zach, Vegas. You need to grow up and understand that you can't solve everything with explosions and destruction."Vegas exploded, his words filled with anger. "This is who I am, Pete! If you don't like it, you can run back to your little boyfriend and leave the explosions to those who know how to deal with them.""You're going too far, Vegas. If you wanted to be with Zach, you wouldn't have come back home with me," I responded, my patience reaching its limit.Vegas crossed his arms, maintaining his defiant tone. "So, what are you doing here, Pete? If you're expecting a relationship without explosions, maybe you're looking in the wrong place."]

"If you don't want me here, Vegas, just say so!" I yelled, frustration taking over. "I won't stay where I'm not welcome."

Vegas remained silent for a moment, watching my explosive reaction. The room, once in disarray, now seemed calmer compared to the emotional storm unfolding between us.Still irritated, Vegas let out an exasperated sigh. "Are you an idiot, or are you just pretending not to see why I'm so angry, Pete?"Vegas, taking a deep breath, continued in a more subdued tone. "Pete, you have no idea how I felt. Searching the entire house, unable to find you anywhere. I thought something terrible had happened, that you had been kidnapped or something. I felt helpless, unable to do anything to protect you."Vegas's words carried a mix of frustration and genuine concern. The tense atmosphere began to ease with the revelation of his true fear.I lowered my guard a bit, understanding the sincerity in Vegas's words. "I didn't want to worry you, Vegas. You're still recovering, and I didn't want my absence to cause more stress for you."Vegas seemed to lessen the intensity of his irritation a bit, his gaze now reflecting a mix of relief and exhaustion."I know I acted impulsively, Vegas, but all I wanted was to keep everyone safe," I murmured, my voice softening. "I don't want anything to happen to you, Venice, Macau, or any of us."Vegas relaxed a bit with the proximity, and for a moment, tensions seemed to diminish. We were caught in a fragile moment of understanding, where words weren't necessary to convey what we felt.With a gesture of contained intensity, I moved even closer to Vegas, gently pressing my forehead against his. Our eyes met, and for a moment, the distance between us seemed to lessen. Our noses almost touched, creating a closeness laden with meaning.In a surprising move, Vegas began to slowly trace my face with his fingers, delicately following the line of my jaw. His voice, now soft, whispered, "I would burn the whole world to save you, Pete."

Before he could continue, I preempted him, interrupting his words with a kiss on the lips. It was an impulsive gesture, an attempt to transcend the complexities of the moment. The kiss carried a mix of passion and desperation, as if we were trying to find solace and understanding in what words couldn't express. Engulfed in this fleeting moment, emotions flowed between us.

The kiss between me and Vegas became a moment of pure passion, as if our lips were vehicles for silent confessions. Each movement was charged with intensity, a plunge into the depths of feelings that had been hidden until then. Vegas's hands gently caressed my face, while mine sought a closer intimacy.

Our lips moved in harmony, a dance of emotions unfolding in that bold gesture. The kiss was the purest expression of the complexity we were living, a blend of desire, desperation, and a silent revelation of feelings not yet verbalized. Engaged in this passionate moment, the world around us disappeared, leaving only the fiery exchange of emotions between two individuals lost in the complexity of their own lives.

In a fluid motion, Vegas guided me towards the office, not breaking the kiss. The touch of his hands was firm and secure, as if we were immersed in our own reality, oblivious to the rest of the world. The kiss persisted, a silent narrative that led us through the corridor to the office.

Upon entering the office, emotional tension persisted, but now there was a new layer of understanding between us. Vegas, with a determined touch, began to undo the buttons of my shirt, revealing the skin as our lips remained connected. The gesture was loaded with urgency and desire, as if the contained passion was finally finding a way to express itself.

Guiding me through the office, he led me to the sofa. The intensity of the moment increased as Vegas's hands explored every inch of exposed skin. The sofa became the stage for a deeper connection, a place where our desires intertwined in a fervent embrace.

Vegas interrupted the kiss only to remove his own black shirt, revealing a series of defined contours. His eager lips found my neck, depositing a succession of kisses echoing a mix of passion and desire. My skin tingled under his lips, each kiss seeming to leave a permanent mark.

The sensations were intense, and every touch, every kiss, fueled the blazing flame that consumed us in that moment. Driven by the intensity of the moment, Vegas began to gently bite my neck, as if seeking to mark his territory ardently and possessively. Each bite was loaded with a mix of passion and desire, leaving a sensation of warmth and belonging in the wake of his passage.

The bites were like a seal, a silent declaration, leaving a physical mark of the fervor that consumed us at that moment. An involuntary moan escaped my lips, echoing Vegas's name amidst the intensity of the moment. However, in response to my sigh, Vegas intensified his bites, as if seeking a deeper and more visceral connection.

After a moment of fervor, Vegas interrupted his actions, his eyes fixed on mine. In a husky voice, he requested, "Call my name again, Pete."

Vegas firmly held my masculinity, sending a shiver down my spine that ran through my entire body. Their attentive perception of my response indicated a shared desire, and giving in to this connection, Vegas decided to grace me with their warm mouth. 

Vegas enveloped my masculinity with their skilled mouth, and louder moans involuntarily escaped my lips. The overwhelming sensation of pleasure made my body contort, completely surrendering to the wave of sensations. Each movement they made was a symphony of pleasure. Each moan that escaped my lips provoked an intensified response from Vegas. Their skilled mouth increased the rhythm, tuning in to the growing melody of my pleasure-filled sighs. I called out Vegas' name in an increasingly louder tone, fully surrendering to the ecstasy unfolding between us. Vegas' skills were evident, their tongue exploring every inch, provoking intense sensations. When they found my entrance, Vegas intensified their use of their tongue, creating an explosion of pleasure that ran through my entire body. "Ah Vegas!" 

The involuntary cry came as their tongue touched that sensitive spot. In the midst of the intensity, I impulsively pulled Vegas' hair, making them look directly at me. With a pleading look, I begged, "Vegas," calling their name through gritted teeth. Vegas smiled satisfied, realizing my evident plea. With a determined movement, they removed their pants and underwear in one go, exposing their erect masculinity. Vegas positioned themselves between my legs, tension in the air reaching its peak. Their wet and eager masculinity met my entrance. Vegas entered slowly, every inch of their masculinity welcomed by my entrance. Moans escaped both of our lips, a symphony of pleasure unfolding in the silence of the office. A hoarse moan escaped Vegas' lips when they finally entered me completely. We both remained still for a few seconds, absorbing the intensity of the moment. Then, Vegas began to move. Vegas' movements increased, synchronized with my intensifying moans with each thrust. 

My body, completely surrendered to Vegas' touch and passion, responded in harmony. Vegas intensified their movements, going deeper and faster. My moans became more intense, calling out their name, while my hands gripped the couch in search of something to alleviate the excitement pulsating through my body. Vegas reached their hand to my masculinity, initiating synchronized movements with their thrusts. A wave of pleasure ran through my body, further intensifying the overwhelming experience we shared. Each touch, each movement, was an expression of shared passion in that moment of surrender and ecstasy. Continuing their intense movements, Vegas hit my sensitive spot, provoking an intense response from my body. Noticing the proximity to climax, I informed them that I was about to orgasm. "Ah Vegas, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to cum.

In response, Vegas intensified their movements, bringing me to the peak of pleasure in a powerful orgasm. An explosion of sensations took over me as I experienced the ecstasy that Vegas skillfully provoked. After my climax, Vegas continued their movements for a few more moments until finally, they themselves reached climax as well.

 Together, we experienced the peak of pleasure, the moment of ecstasy that sealed our intense passion in that magical moment. Breathless, our sweaty bodies intertwined as we regained our breath and sank into the reality of what we had just shared. A feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction filled us as we looked at each other, wordless but with a deep understanding of what this meant for the both of us.

Vegas leaned over me, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. It was a kiss filled with love and gratitude, a way to express everything that words couldn't convey. And in that moment, we knew that this encounter was just the beginning of a journey of pleasure and passion that would take us to unknown places, but seemed promising. Entwined and satiated, we stayed there, in the silence of the office, enjoying the powerful vibrations of what we had just shared.

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