#5 The list.

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My house? What the hell is this? And the apartment he lives in across from mine? Bodyguard? I was extremely confused.

We climbed the stairs with Vegas pulling me by the arm; he led me to a room at the end of the hallway.

- You'll stay here tonight; tomorrow, I'll have them prepare the guest room for you. Vegas spoke as soon as we entered the room.

The room had a huge window and a spacious bed; most of the lighting came from two bedside lamps on either side of the bed.

- I don't want to stay here; I want to go back to my apartment. I had no intention of staying there that night or any other night.

- I already told you that you can't go back there now, and besides, everyone will suspect you when they don't find their boss.

- Did you kill him? It was almost an assertion, but I still wanted to hear his answer.

- I don't give warnings.

Upon hearing his words, I involuntarily sat on the bed.

- Now I have blood on my hands. I spoke so low that I didn't think he could hear.

- You didn't do anything; this has nothing to do with you.

- How does it not? You have a lot to explain to me. How do you live here? Who is the child crying?

- You ask too many questions for someone in danger. He replied, walking towards the door. Job and Bas will stay at the door; you can ask them for anything.

The door closed, and I was sitting on the bed in that huge room, thinking about how my apartment might be. A few hours passed, and I still couldn't sleep. I decided to explore the house a bit, looked at the clock, and noticed it was 3:30 am. When I opened the door, two men were standing on each side. One was very tall, and the other not so much.

- Do you need anything? The taller one asked with a smile; he seemed friendlier than the other.

- I want to take a walk; I can't sleep.

- Orders are not to let you out of the room. The other bodyguard said, but he addressed his friend rather than me.

- I'd accompany him.

- Suit yourself. If he runs away, you'll have trouble with Mr. Vegas AGAIN.

They argued as if they had been married for years and as if I weren't right there.

- I won't run away; I just want some fresh air. I said, interrupting their argument. They looked at each other and apparently reached an agreement. The taller one smiled again and pointed the way for me to go first.

- Which one of you is Job?

- I am Job; what's your name?

- My name is Pete. Where is Vegas?

- He must be sleeping in Mr. Macau's room.

Mr. Vegas, Mr. Macau, all of that sounded very strange. So, Vegas is rich? Why does he have so many bodyguards? My head was throbbing from all the things I had to think about at that moment. My thoughts were interrupted by the crying coming from the room at the end of the corridor.

- Who is this child? And why does he cry so much?

- Long story; he is under Mr. Vegas's guardianship, and he doesn't sleep well at night.

BAD LIAR - VEGASPETE ( ENGLISH VERSION)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora