What if???........

By Stasiaqueen

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This story is about That '70s show, what if somethings in the show where changed? Basically this what if stor... More

Chapter 1: That '70s Pilot
Chapter 3: Streaking
Chapter 4: Battle of the Sexists
Chapter 5: Erica's Burger Job
Chapter 6: The Keg
Chapter 7: That Disco Episode

Chapter 2: Erica's Birthday

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By Stasiaqueen

Author's Note: Firstly, I decided to change some of the scenes because some of them won't fit with certain stuff I have planned.

Secondly, I realized I wanted to make it somewhat more serious than in the original That '70s Show because there some stuff that should've been talked about more. Like when Casey Kelso recommended to Fez to sexually assault Big Rhonda and how Red treated Eric. Like Red is one of the best TV dad's out there but he does, probably without realizing it, treat Eric badly at times. And there's so much more.

Thirdly, I wanna add some characters that only showed up in the show once or a certain amount of times to become apart of the the story, as some of its main characters. Along with the basement gang.

That's all of my notes for now. Have fun reading this chapter!

Warning: This chapter has implied child abuse and sexual content.

Everyone sat around the basement, eyes glued to the TV. Fez sat in the lawn chair, Kelso and Erica on the couch, Donnie on the floor at Erica's feet. Hyde sat in his usual chair, Jackie on his lap, playing with his fingers and the sleeves of his hippy shirt.

Hyde's lips curled, "Does it bother anyone else that these women live in Hooterville?"

"Technically, Petticoat Junction lives down the track from Hooterville," Erica said.

"Okay," Hyde said snidely, "Does it bother anyone else that these women live down the track from Hooterville?"

"It bothers me that they bathe in the town water tank," Donnie said, eyes widened in disgust at the TV.

"With the dog," Kelso added.

"It isn't the drinking water, it is the water for the train," Jackie explained in her normal 'duh' voice.

"It's still three naked women and a dog," Donnie quipped.

"I wish I were the Hooterville dog," Fez exclaimed, awe in his voice, not noticing the look Donnie shot him.

"Yoo-hoo!" Kitty's voice called from the stairs, "Coming down!"

Jackie immediately shot up from Hyde's lap, knowing how Mrs. Forman reacts to public displays of affection.

"Don't mind me, just putting some clothes in the wash," Kitty added, setting the laundry basket on the washing machine.

"Erica, honey," She said, pulling out a dress that would be considered too fancy for a night in Point Place, "You should wear this for your birthday, it's nice, you look so beautiful in it."

"Why would I wanna dress nice on my birthday," Erica questioned slowly, already knowing what her mother was planning.

"It's your birthday?" Kelso asked.

"You've been friends with her for how long, Kelso?" Jackie questioned snottily, placing her hands on Hyde's shoulders.

"Oh, you never know what's going to happen on your birthday," Kitty said happily, not realizing how obvious she was being.

"Mom. Mom. Do not throw a party for me," Erica said sternly.

"Well listen to Miss Popularity, like I have time to plan you a party," Kitty said with her signature laugh, "Oh, and your sister's coming home from college for the weekend. For no reason. At all," She quipped before heading back up the stairs.

"Well," Donnie quipped, "You're getting' a party and best of all it's a surprise!"

"I just realized, Erica's younger than you," Kelso giggled.

"Only by a month," Donnie said defensively.

"Good for you, Erica," Fez said, patting Erica on the shoulder.

"Good for me what?" Erica asked.

"In my country, it is good luck to fall in love with an older man."

"Fez!" Erica exclaimed in embarrassment, Donnie holding his head in his hands.

"No, they come with livestock," Fez smiled, clueless.

Hyde smirked. Dear, dear Fez.

The next morning, Erica walked into the kitchen to see his dancing mother. Lifting her eyes up in embarrassment, she went for the fridge, only to have it slammed shut by Kitty. Erica pursed her lips at her obvious mother, going for the cupboard for a cereal bowl, only to have the same thing happen, but not before catching a glimpse of huge potato chip bags. Erica begged her to not throw her a party, Red agreeing with her, but she only replied with a flustered, "There is no party!"

"Look, I know money is tight, so I don't wanna have a big party," Erica said.

"I'll decide when money is tight," Red quipped, "Now, what do you want? Don't worry about the cost, as long as it's reasonable."

"Okay," Erica said, "I would like a cassette player for the car. A cassette, not an 8-track, cassette. Not an 8-track tape player. I don't want one."

"Then you won't get one," Red quipped.

"Oh, but, honey, she wants one," Kitty said.

"No," Erica said, "I want a tape player, just not an 8-track."

"You'll get the Del-co," Red smiled, "A genuine GM part for a genuine GM car."

"It doesn't matter, it's just for music."

"See, there's your first mistake. Parts have to be compatible, Erica," Red narrowed his eyes, "You're not burning cheap gas in that car, are you?"

"No, sir," Erica stuttered, "Well, I'm going out."

"Oh, honey, could you run to the store, get a large can of frosting and fifteen small bags of M n'Ms, plain, not peanuts," Kitty said, handing her some cash.

"Why?" Erica questioned slowly.

"They're for your sister," Kitty quipped.

Erica shook her head.

"So," Jackie quipped, watching some of the boys play basketball, "What're you gonna get Erica for her birthday?" She hoped no one noticed the slight blush that marred her face when she got a nice view of Steven's stomach when his shirt flipped from jumping up and dunking the ball.

Speaking of Steven... he's been a lot more quiet and moodier than he usually is. Why can't he ever tell me anything?

"I don't know," Donnie said, eyebrows furrowing, "Nothing seems right. I wanna give her something... special."

"She kissed you!" Jackie exclaimed happily.

"Shhh!" Donnie hissed.

"Donnie. In the car. Now," Jackie ordered before settling in the passenger seat, Donnie going to the driver's side.

"Okay. What happened?"

"Jackie, I'm not gonna talk to you about this."

"Oh. Who else are you going to talk to?"

Donnie glanced out the windshield, catching the other boys making armpit farts with stupid grins on their faces.

"Okay," He said, eyes widened with his little bit weirded out expression.

"We got home from the Rundgren concert and I'm sitting on the hood of the car and I kissed her."

"French or American?" Jackie asked, eyes wide.

"I... can't believe I'm talking to you about this."

"Guys, no," Fez whimpered as Hyde and Kelso carried him by his pants, giving him a wedgie, Erica following with a little bit of a snicker as they walked toward the basement.

"Okay..." Donnie said, a lot more weirded out than before. Why am I friends with them?

"Look," Donnie started, "I've lived next door to Erica my entire life. We talk about everything together. We love the same music, we love the Packers. Then I kissed her and everything changed and now I don't know if she's my girlfriend or if she's my best friend or if she's my girlfriend and I lose my best friend and if I screw it up I lose my best friend and my girlfriend and I now I have to get her this gift-"

"Donnie! Donnie!" Jackie yelled, eyes wide in annoyance.

"I solved it," Jackie said, "Get her a scented candle."

"A scented candle?"

"Yeah. It's practical and romantic. Oh yeah."

Okay, Donnie mouthed silently.

At the same time, the others walked into the basement, freezing in their tracks when they saw Laurie bent over into the washing machine, wearing nothing but a sweater.

"Oh, God..." Erica muttered.

"Holy mother," Fez exclaimed in awe.

"Hello, Laurie," Kelso grinned, trying to deepen his voice and puffing out his chest.

"Hello Kelso," Laurie said pleasantly before deadpanning, "Hyde."

Hyde rolled his eyes.

"Erica," Laurie smirked.

"Laurie," She mocked.

"Who is the goddess," Fez questioned in awe.

"The goddess is Erica's sister," Kelso answered, still staring with an open mouth.

"Well," Hyde smirked, "She's not really a goddess, more the Earth Mother Whore type."

"Shouldn't you put some clothes on?" Erica questioned.


"Well, aren't you cold?"

"Nope. In fact, I'm hot."

"Oh, well then why don't you go upstairs!?"

Laurie rolled her eyes, "I am waiting for my jeans to come out of the dryer and I want you to stay off my case, it'll only take a minute."

"I don't think Kelso's gonna last that long," Erica said, looking strangely at his dazed friend.

"Too bad," Laurie smirked, "It's not like I'm completely naked under this. I'm wearing underwear. See?" She lifted her sweatshirt slightly, showing off her blue panties. Kelso's eyes immediately shifted there, not moving even after she re-covered herself.

"If we were at the beach, you wouldn't even notice me."

"If we were at the beach," Hyde interrupted, "Kelso would be in the water right now."

"I understand you have the wagon now," Laurie ignored him, "I wanna borrow it tomorrow night, I need it."

"Okay, but I need a favor first."

"For you? I don't think so."

"C'mon," Erica begged, pushing Kelso onto the couch, "Look, just tell mom I'm too old for a surprise party."

"But you're the baby," Laurie smirked, "And mama loves her baby."

"Well, if you do it, you can borrow the Vista Cruiser."

"All night."

"All night?... Fine."

"Then it's a deal," Laurie smiled, pinching Eric's cheek, "Baby." Erica mocked laughed as she made her way upstairs.

Kelso giggled as Hyde settled onto the arm of the couch, messing around with the basement guitar.

"Oh man," He grinned in excitement, lifting himself off the couch, "Your sister wants me." Erica looked at him funny before giving Hyde an 'is he stupid?' look. "I mean, you saw her coming onto me, right?"

"Let him go," Hyde said slowly before Fez could interrupt.

"Remember, I said 'Hello, Laurie' and she said..." Kelso went on to explain what he heard, his imaginary Laurie's sentences choppy and incomplete as he had drifted in and out of the conversation. By the time he was done, even Hyde was looking at him weird.

"What?" Kelso glanced around the room, "You guys didn't see it?"

Hyde watched Jackie from his seat on the small bench in the dressing room. She decided she wanted to buy a new outfit for Erica's 'surprise' party, dragging him with her. As annoyed as he was at first, he got over it when she let him come into the dressing room with her, letting him watch her try on her penning dresses. Despite her not paying any attention to him, but to the mirror, it was a little erotic, watching her. After all, so far in their relationship, she'd let him leave marks on her neck or slide his hand up her shirt, but she hadn't let him actually see her when he'd gotten to second, just touch, so this was a treat.

She was wearing lacy underwear as opposed to her usual cotton, and he couldn't help but wonder if she'd planned this.

"Steven," Jackie's voice broke through his thoughts. He looked up at her, she was undressed, holding onto a short dress. Her cheeks were flushed in embarrassment of his wandering eyes, but she didn't lower her eyes like she usually did; she looked at him with concern.

"What, doll?" He asked, his voice slightly lowered and a little husky, making her cheeks darken even more. He slid his hands over her waist, enjoying the feel of her bare skin, pulling her closer to him.

"It's just... you've been moodier lately," Jackie muttered as she settled onto his lap, her dress forgotten as she held onto his shoulders.

"Jackie..." Hyde sighed.

"Steven, please."

Hyde sighed, rolling up his right sleeve slightly, showing off a light, hand-shaped bruise.

"It's nothin', doll. Edna just... she brought home another one, okay."

Jackie looked at him for a moment before wrapping her arms around his neck, cradling the back of his head in her hands as he leaned into her.




RED: (smiling pleasantly at Laurie) "So. How's your friend, uh... Janice?"


LAURIE: "Pregnant."


KITTY: "Oh, and she was such a nice girl. How does that happen?"


ERICA: (smirking) "Well, first the egg travels down the Fallopian tube and-"


RED: "Erica for Godsakes. That's no language for a woman to hear or speak about."


LAURIE: "Relax, Red. I know what a Fallopian tube is. Pretty sure mom does too."


KITTY: "Well, I just don't like my little girl banding those words about." (leans over to wipe Erica's mouth) "You're still my baby."


ERICA: (staring at Kitty) "Thanks mom..." (giving Laurie a look) "Laurie."


RED: "Erica. Stop staring at your sister and eat your carrots."


LAURIE: "Oh, yeah, Erica wanted me to tell you that she thinks she's too old for a party." (looks at Erica and holds out her hand) "Keys. Now."


KITTY: (flustered) "There is no party! Laurie, loose lips."


ERICA: "Oh, Laurie, I just remembered. I can't loan you the keys to the Cruiser on account of I hate you."


RED: "Laurie, you're not driving the Vista Cruiser. It's old and undependable. That's okay for Erica. But you'll take the Toyota." (hands Laurie the keys) "Oh and um-" (digs through his pocket) "Here's twenty dollars." (hands the money to Laurie, smiling)


LAURIE: (pouting at Kitty) "Will that cover gas?"


KITTY: "Oh, well it shou- honey. Honey. Give her another ten just in case."


ERICA: (glances around at her family, wondering how in the hell Laurie became the favorite)

The next day, after a slightly violent wake-up call from a nice Donnie Dream by her family, Erica sat around the basement. Fez was in the lawn chair, Erica, Donnie, and Kelso on the couch. Jackie sat on Hyde's lap in his usual chair. They were all dressed nice and sitting quite stiffly, looking at Erica.

"I know what you're all doing here," Erica said blankly.

"What're you talking about?" Kelso said nervously, "We're just hanging out like we usually do. 'Cept we're dressed nice, but that doesn't mean anything."

Hyde rolled his eyes, sighing heavily in annoyance.

"Hi, kids," Kitty sat at the corner of the stairs, grinning, "I need your help with something. Jackie, Donnie, Michael, Steven, uh... young man with an accent, could you all come up here for a second?"

"Not you, Erica," Kitty said sternly, heading up the stairs.

The mentioned lifted themselves up, walking toward the stairs, glancing back at Erica. Hyde placed his hand on Jackie's lower back, leading her up the stairs.

Erica lifting her eyes in annoyance, listening to all the noises coming from upstairs.

"Okay, I can't do this," She muttered, quickly heading for the basement door. She jumped when she opened it, not expecting Red to be standing behind it.

"No," Red said sternly.

"Erica! Erica," Kitty smiled, coming back downstairs, "Could you come up here for a second?"

Erica looked at her father with a pout on her face.

"No," Red repeated.

Erica sighed, following Kitty in defeat.


"Wow..." Erica muttered at her parents' present, "I mean, yeah... an 8-track player."

"Just what you asked for," Red grinned.

"You made such a big deal about it, we wrote it down," Kitty smiled.

Hyde grinned at Erica sarcastically when she opened his present.

"Cassettes," Erica muttered, "Thank you, Hyde."

"Oooo," Kitty smiled, "Put 'em in the 8-track to play 'em."

"Hey," Erica smiled when she opened Jackie's present, "It's a makeup packet."

"Oh, no," Kitty muttered, snatching it from her, "She won't need that for a long time."

"Of course she will, she's almost fully like a woman," Midge said, causing Kitty to cry.

"Okay," Donnie said while the kids looked at Kitty strangely, "I got you something'."

"No!" Jackie interrupted, hopping from her seat beside Hyde, "Donnie, help me find my purse. Now." Jackie grabbed him by the arm, dragging him into the kitchen.

Erica turned to Hyde; Hyde just gave her a fake grin.

"Jackie, you didn't even bring a purse," Donnie complained when Jackie let go of his arm.

"Duh," Jackie said snottily, "You can't give her a present in front of her friends."

"Jackie," Donna said testily, "I am one of her friends."

"Look, Donnie, I have put a lot of thought into this gift," Jackie pouted, "Please do not wreck this for me."

"I'm sorry," Donnie said sarcastically, "I guess I was being selfish."

"It's okay," Jackie said, giving Donnie a hug. Donnie widened his eyes in exasperation.

At the same time, Red led the adults to the Pinciotti house, having to coax a freaking out Kitty to do the same.

"Okay," Laurie said, grabbing the Toyota keys, "I'd love to stay, but I'm leaving."

"If you buy us some beer, we'll pay double," Erica offered.

"Do you really think beer will make your lame little party better?"

"Yes," they answered at once.

"I admit it will give you young people a sense of maturity," Laurie said sarcastically, "But it would be a false sense of maturity and that would be wrong. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going out with my legal friends to a party. With a keg. Bye."

"So, Laurie," Kelso grinned, trying to look sexy but failing, "Where's this party, maybe I'll drive by?"

"Not even in your dreams," Laurie smiled pleasantly, shutting the door in his face.

"Okay, you guys had to see that!" Kelso smiled at his friends.

Good God, Hyde thought, looking at Kelso stupidly.

"Okay," Jackie decided, "Wait on the porch and I'll get Erica."

"But it's dark out there."

Jackie looked at Donnie stupidly, "And you're giving her a candle. Duh."

"Here," Jackie said, handing Donnie a pack of matches she made Steven get for her for this very occasion, "Matches."

"She might not wanna light it."

"Don't say that, don't even think it," Jackie said dramatically, "Okay, when she opens it, he'll say 'cool,' or... something, and then you give him a look, like this."

Jackie crossed her arms over her chest, tilted her head, giving Donnie a zen look she's been practicing to try out on Steven and to copy Steven. Donnie simply stared at her strangely.

"What did you get from Donnie?" Fez asked.

"Nothing yet."

"Ohhhh," Kelso smiled stupidly, "Maybe it's the Big Gift. You know, the really Big. Gift."

A small pause.

"You guys know what I mean when I say Big Gift, right?"

"Yes, Kelso."

"I am not even from here and I got it," Fez added.

"Oh, Erica," Jackie said slyly as she came in through the kitchen, "Donnie's on the porch waiting for you."

"She's getting' the Big Gift!" Kelso said happily.

"It's not the Big Gift, stupid," Jackie said snottily as she sank down onto Hyde's lap, watching Erica walk through the kitchen door.

"Then what is it?" Hyde asked.

"A scented candle," Jackie said happily. Hyde looked at her strangely. "What? It's practical and romantic, Steven."

"Whatever you say, Jackie."

"Oh a sand candle," Erica smiled when dhe opened Donnie's gift, "This is very cool."

"Oh, it's nothing," Donnie replied before trying out Jackie's zen look, only succeeding in looking even more weird than Jackie did. Erica stared at him strangely for a long moment.

"Are you okay?" She finally asked, making Donnie jump, lowering his eyes in embarrassment.

"I-I'm fine."

"Really, cuz... you look sick or something."

"It's nothing, I'm just being... completely stupid."

"Hey that's my job," Erica joked as she sat the candle on the porch railing.

"I was worried about the gift," Donnie admitted.

"Why? This is a very cool gift. I'd light it if I had matches."

"Oh, here," Donnie said in somewhat excitement, quickly setting the pack of matches on the candle.

"You thought of everything," Erica smiled.

"Happy birthday."

Erica smiled, placing a shy hand over Donnie's as they leaned on the porch railing. They looked each other in the eye for a moment before breaking apart quickly at the sound of Erica's drunken mother.

"This is it, she's going for it," Jackie said later on, leaning against the kitchen counter. Hyde was directly behind her, leaning on his arms so she was right against his chest, his chin resting on her shoulder as they watched Erica and Donnie on the porch.

"It's her birthday," Kelso said from beside them, "He should kiss her first."

"He did it last time," Jackie said.

"What?" Kelso, Fez, and Hyde exclaimed in surprise.

"Nothing," Jackie said, annoyed, "Shut up and watch!" She gave Fez and Kelso a look.

"C'mon, Forman, go for it," Hyde encouraged.

"The door's open, we can hear you!" Erica yelled at them. The occupants in the kitchen froze, glancing around the room. "We can see you!"

They immediately ducked behind the counter, Jackie unable to hold back her giggling. Hyde smirked into her hair.

"Is she kissing him?" Fez asked excitedly.

"None of us can see them, Fez," Hyde said patronizingly.

"Erica, are you kissing him?"

"Steven," Jackie moaned softly as his lips slid along her neck. They were lying on her bed, her beneath him, still wearing their nice clothes from Erica's party. The buttons of her dress were undone and Hyde pushed the flaps aside, showing off her light pink bra. Hyde began a trail of wet kisses and light nips down her neck, making his way over her collar bone, listening closely to the soft sounds Jackie made.

Hyde slid a hand along her leg, making his way up to her thigh, slightly lifting the skirt of her dress along with it. Skimming over it, he slid along her waist and stomach toward the small swell of her breast. Jackie hummed softly, arching her back, when he gently massaged it, rubbing his thumb over her nipple through the thin material of her bra. She squirmed beneath him, attempting to rub her legs together to ease the tension between them, but unable to due to Hyde's waist blocking them. She ran her hands up his back until they buried themselves in his thick curls.

Jackie gasped quietly, the hands in his hair tightening their hold when he unhooked the front clasp on her bra. He glanced at her face for a second before slowly pushing the material aside, revealing her chest to him, nipples hardened from both arousal and the slight chill of the room. Jackie flushed, biting her lip, both aroused and anxious as Steven saw her for the first time. She knew she wasn't exactly large in this area and could only hope he liked what he saw.

"You have no idea how good you looked in that dressing room, Jackie," Hyde whispered, his lips grazing the skin above her breast, "Were you just teasing me?"

Jackie let out a startled sound when she felt his lips on her breast, nipping at the sensitive skin. Jackie arched her back, moaning when he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and gently nibbling, while he stimulated the other with his warm hand. "You have no idea how good you look right now," He murmured into her.

"Oh..." She sighed, biting her lip again, squirming a little harder, gasping when she felt something hard rub against the apex of her thighs.


Somethings to say before this ends. I didn't really know how I was going to change anything here. Also yes, Jackie was being bossy towards Donnie because I think Jackie would be friends with Donnie, they're going to have a big brother and little sister type of relationship, same with Erica and Hyde.

I hope you liked this chapter. Please leave comments and likes. I'll also be putting warnings on the chapters as well.

Another thing is if you wonder how having it be more serious if it'll still be a sitcom, yes it'll still be a sitcom just think of Full House or Fuller House for a serious sitcom. :))) That's all, bye!

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