Totally Not Cliche

By Ariadiannne

154 0 1

"Where's the fun in rules if you can't break them?" **** More

CHAPTER 1/Prologue
The Deal
The Plan
The Meeting
The Encounter
Early Issues
It's Not The End of the World
The Date
No Questions
Tell me you're lying
I Am Running Crazy
Abandoning the Job Now Are We
We Sound Like All Those Couples on TV Don't We?
Oh I'm Such a Good Friend.
You Really Want To Know?
Pretty Obvious
Are You Quoting Harry Styles Now?
Cool Right?
Only For You
Let's Gossip
Mr. Random
My love...
Shall We?

Are You Nervous?

3 0 0
By Ariadiannne

"Babe you got it wrong
Just turn your fears into trust"


My phone rang from my bedside table where I discarded it, and when I finally mustered the energy to get off my bed and pick it up, a smile stretched on my lips instantly. By now, I'm used to Xavier's random calls, so instead of wondering what the heck he wants, I eagerly tapped the green call button.

"Hi." I said as I laid back down on my bed, getting comfortable. 

"Hey." He replied, and I couldn't help but gush a little over how different his voice sounded over the phone. "I have a question."


"What would you say to going out with me again." He drew out, but I could tell he wasn't done.

"I feel like there's a second part to this."

"Cause there is. I want you to finally meet my friends."

My smile immediately faded. Meet his friends? I am no good with socializing, meeting new people, and talking to them like I've known them for ages, but now he's asking me to meet his friends? His cool, hot, popular friends?

"Oh..." Was all I could say.

"You don't have to." Despite his words, I could hear the unfamiliar down of his voice. "It could be another time when you're ready."

"No it's fine, I was just surprised." I sighed. "I'd love to meet them."

"Good, cause I was going to drag you there anyway."


"In fact, I'm already outside your house waiting for you, so get ready and take your time." Now I could hear the smirk.

"You know what? I change my mind."

"Too late, Butterfly. Bye."

Then he hung up.

I jumped off the bed and changed quickly into something more comfortable but cute at the same time, before spraying a little perfume, jewelry, and finally, my phone.

I rushed down the stairs, spotting Andrew lazying on the couch. He glanced at me curiously, but I just waved at him before rushing out. Once I got outside, I slowed down and walked till I saw Xavier's car parked outside the gate.

He was leaning on the passenger seat door, and once he saw me after I closed the gates, he smiled and just watched me walk over to him.

"Hi again." I spoke as he wrapped his arms around me in a light hug.

"Hi." He whispered, his breath tickling my neck.

He opened the car door for me, and when I entered he circled around his car to the driver seat.

"Are you nervous?" He asked, glancing at me as he began driving down the road.

I took a second to chose my words. "I was never good with socializing."

"I know." He grinned. "Just think of it as a time to step out of your comfort zone."

"What if I don't want to? It was comfortable for a reason."

"We all have to once in a while." He glanced at me again, sending me a reassuring smile. "They're chill, it's gonna be easy talking with them."

"I hope." I muttered.

The drive, like always, was filled with comfortable silence and short, funny conversations about nothing. Once we got there though, I was reminded why I was nervous in the first place. Xavier can make it so easy to forget stuff for a while.

"You didn't tell me it was a party." I opened my phone to check the time. It was 8pm. The muffled sound of music rang in my ears as I stared at the cozy looking house in front of me.

"Its not like a party party." He replied. "That's kind of their idea of a 'get-together'."

He opened the front door for me, and once we got in, I didn't feel so nervous anymore. There were tons of people, but not enough for it to be a real, full blown party. He used our interlocked fingers to guide me through the sea of people in the living room, to the kitchen where it was more quiet.

There were only like, five people there, and immediately we stepped foot in the kitchen, three of them smiled at us.

"Finally." The first guy to get to us said as he had a kind of bro hug with Xavier. He had messy brown hair, and a pair of beautiful green eyes, which shifted to me and made my insides burn with nerves. "You must be Amy." He smirked.

"At this point, everyone knows me." I smiled. At least, I tried to.

The other two finally came up to us. One had brown, caramel eyes which matched his also brown hair, and the other had blue eyes, lighter than Xavier's, with tame black hair.

After all the introduction, which seemed to last for years, I learnt green eyes was Tyler, brown eyes was Alex, and blue eyes was Kevin. Like Xavier said, they were all chill and easy to talk to, and we all got along fine. We spent a long time in the kitchen just talking, and at some point, Tyler got drinks for all of us seemingly from nowhere.

The night seemed to go by quickly once I began having fun, and before I knew it, we were all outside. It was Tyler's house, though I didn't get to see his sister. He walked us all to our cars, as the good host he is, and I and Xavier were the last people he escorted.

"I hope I see you again, and this guy doesn't keep you all to himself." Tyler smirked at us, and it wasn't long at all till Xavier hit him on his arm. That only made him chuckle.

"I will make sure he doesn't." I grinned.

"Whatever, let's go." Xavier rolled his eyes, giving Tyler one last hit before we completed the walk to his car.

Once seated, he started the car, and I waved to Tyler as we drove out.

"That was fun." I sighed with content as I sunk into the comfortable seat.

"I told you." He boasted, shooting me a sly smirk.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Im happy you guys got along." He admitted. "I was kinda nervous myself that you wouldn't."

"Really? You? Nervous?" I teased with a gasp. "Oh wow."

"Seriously?" He chuckled, nonetheless.

In no time, we were parked at my house. I didn't want to go, as usual, and for a second I was thinking of inviting myself to his house. But I decided against it, deeming it as a stupid idea.

"Well, goodnight I guess." I spoked slowly, focusing on just twiddling with my thumbs and not on Xavier's steady, burning gaze on me, studying my every move.

"Yeah." His finger went to my chin, lifting it up, forcing my eyes to meet his. With a small smile, he closed the gap, kissing me softly and slowly. I guess, like me, he didn't want to part ways, but we did anyway when I pulled away after a while, my cheeks red and slightly out of breath.

With one last kiss, I finally hopped off the car. I turned back to see him waving at me, which immediately brought a grin to my face as I waved back at him.

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