The slytherin Potter

By storiesbyjaylin

129 8 0

When the potter twins come to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to learn about magic for the next 7... More

Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone
Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone pt2


14 2 0
By storiesbyjaylin

At the station...

Hagrid, Harry, and me were walking on a bridge at the train station Harry and me pushing our trunks. "What are you looking at?" Hagrid asked looking at a muggle he looks away from the muggle and then at his pocket watch. "Blimey! Is that the time? Sorry twins I'm gonna have to leave you." Hagrid said looking at us and putting his pocket watch away. "Dumbledore will be wanting his uhh- well he'll be wanting to see me." He says patting his jacket "Now uh your train leaves in ten minutes, here is your tickets" he says giving us our tickets I looked at mine and got confused it says platform 9 3/4. "Stick to it, that's very important. Stick to your ticket" he tells us. "Wait Hagrid umm our tickets say platform 9 3/4 is there such a thing" I ask turning to where Hagrid was but he was gone.

"Sis what do we do now" my brother asks me looking at me " just look for the platform ig". We start looking around and we don't see the platform we just see 9 and 10 no 9 3/4. Harry went up to someone who works for the station to ask but they asked if we were joking and shooed us away.

We kept looking around until we saw a family of red heads with the same carts we have and with trunks like us. "Hey follow them" he told me like it if wasn't obvious. We watched them from a distance as what looked like the oldest boy went through the wall and then there two twins follow a little after. I went up to the women who had her daughter next to her "umm excuse me could you help me and my brother on how to well get to the platform" I asked her gesturing to me and Harry then pointing at the brick wall. "Yes of course not a worry dear, it's Ron's first time to hogwarts as well." She said while I look over at her son that just smiles and nods "Now, all you got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." She says patting our backs I get in position to run to the wall. Looked over at my brother and he had a nervous face I gave him a smile so he could calm down then turn to the wall and ran towards it.

I went right through the wall and looked around to see it says platform 9 3/4 I stood here for a while waiting until Harry finally came.

"Excuse me do you mind, every where else is full" red haired boy from earlier said opening the door of our cabin. "Not at all" Harry says "go right ahead" I tell the boy. As he sat down across from me and Harry. "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley" he said after he sat down "I'm Harry, Harry Potter and this is Harley by twin sister" my brother said looking at the boy and pointing at me when mentioning my name.

Ron's eyes widened when hearing our names " it's true I mean do you really have the, the" Ron says stuttering as if he was afraid. "The what" Harry asks him "the scar" ron whispered. Right after hearing that harry showed him the scar. "Are you really twins cause you don't look alike" Ron says pointing back in forth between us. "Just cause we don't look alike doesn't mean we are twins" I tell him . There was an awkward silence and I decided to stand up "hey harry and ron I'm gonna go change into my robe, and see if i also meet people" i told them while getting up from my spot. "go ahead" I heard harry say before i left the cabin.

i was walking around trying to find the restroom so I can change but I bump into someone.

"watch where your going" he says with an annoyed voice. "how about you do blondie". i say back to him before walking away I couldn't see his face but i did see his hair all slicked back by gel. I kept walking and bumped into this girl with blonde hair.

"hi sorry about that" she tells me "it's ok, my names harley, harley potter. whats yours?" I ask her after saying my name "oh umm I'm Layla , layla miller" she says looking at me she looked a little nervous and surprised at the same time it must have been from my last name. "Well I have to go get into my robe" I say starting to walk to where I saw the restroom. "Hey wait up I have to get into my robe too let's go together" she offered I nodded and walked with her.

I learned a lot about her on the way, her full name is Layla amber miller, her brother is a 3rd year and he is a slytherin, her and her brother are the only wizards in the family, she had a white cat as her pet, she is vicious and intelligent but won't show unless she needs too. I think I found my best friend.

"Hey do you wanna come sit with me and my brother and his friend" I ask as we walk out the restroom "sure , but let me go tell my brother real quick" she says as she walks over to a guy and talks to him. I wait for a few minutes and she comes back. "Ok let's go" she said letting me lead the way.

I led the way to me and Harry's cabin coming back to find seats full of treats. "Harry how much did you spend on this" I ask him looking at it all. "We have money left see" he pulls out some gold coins from his pockets. "Ok but give me some and give some to my friend her name is Layla" I say moving to the side so they can see her.

I was talking to Layla the whole rest of the way this girl came in and talked to my brother and Ron I think her name was Hermionie.

We got off the train and had to get in boats so we can ride them to the school. Once we finally arrived at the school all the returning years went some where and the 1st years which is us had to wait on some stairs out side of two big doors. My brother was on my left and Layla on my right while Ron was on the other side of Harry.

A professor was talking to us about when we enter we will be sorted into our houses and how we have to wait a little. "It's true then what they are saying in the train the potter twins have come to hogwarts, this is crabbe and goyle and I'm malfoy, Draco Malfoy" the boy says going to stand right in front of my brother and making me and Ron laugh at the name.

"Think my name is funny do you, no need to ask yours, red hair and a hand me down robe you must be a Weasley" malfoy says looking at Ron then turning to me. "You look just like him you could be his twin" he says to me "actually my name is Harley potter for your information" I say correcting him and looking him straight in the eye. Me and his car and centimeters away from each other until he gets cut off "Well Ms. Harley pot-."
He gets cut off by the professor that was here earlier coming back from the room.

"We're ready for you now, follow me"the professor says as the doors open and everyone is following her. We walk into the room it's a main hall with floating candles all over the ceiling m, it looks so magical. "Alright wait along here please" she tells us for all of us to stop walking. The headmaster started talking about places we couldn't go in the school when he was done the other professor started speaking again.

"When I call your name, you shall come up I will place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses" she says and then says the first name "Hermionie granger" she reads from the list. "GRYFFINDOR" the sorting hat called out after a few seconds everyone from Gryffindor started clapping for their new member. "Draco Malfoy" the professor read from the list the hat was an inch from touching his head and it screamed out "SLYTHERIN".

"Susan bornes" the professor called out as a girl stepped up. "HUFFLEPUFF" the sorting hat called out. After the girl Ron went and he got Gryffindor after him it was Layla and she got slytherin like her brother. Then she read out "Harry potter" as soon as she said his name everyone started whispering and looking around. "Hmm. Difficult very difficult, plenty of courage I see not a bad mind either, there's talent oh yes and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you.... Not slytherin eh? Are you sure, you could be great you know it's all here in your head, and slytherin will help you in your way to greatness that's no doubt about that. Better be GRYFFINDOR" the sorting hat finall decided.

But after Harry is "Harley potter" I walked up and sat down everyone staring at me they could have been staring at the wall instead not me. "Your different then your brother more vicious, more determined, but also very smart , you could be a ravenclaw but it has to be SLYTHERIN".


A/N: Draco and Harley finally met and they don't seem to get along right now but they will eventually.
Any ways how have yall been I had a test today and I hated it.

1701 words

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