Book 4: Backwoods

By twilightpony4

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Please read previous stories to understand better. Birthday celebrations take an abrupt turn as Karai returns... More

1. Green Power
2. Bouncin' Around
3. Blossom
4. Just Schlept
5. That's Just Lazy Writing
6. Toy
8. Double Back
9. Are They Asleep?
10. Masters

7. Screw Up

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By twilightpony4

 The smoke was starting to cloud their lungs. Each mutant did their best to cover their nostrils whether it was an article of clothing or their hand. Leonardo, somewhat immobile and trying to assist Mikey in holding him by grabbing him back, dug his face into the back of his mask as cover. Even coming from the inside and now outside, the smoke was still prevalent and damaging. Donatello was already on the shell-cell, however Casey was more than ready as he swerved up to them with his eyes wide open as they were fixated on the burning building. All six mutants piled into the truck in a messy fashion.

"What happened to 'stealth'? Where's Splinter?" He yelled as he switched gears and started to gas up.

"Dude, we're hurt! Get us out of here!" Mikey yelled as he sat down in order to let Leonardo down. Leo winced in pain from his ankle and brought it up so that he could try to examine it while it sat in his hands. This hurt more than any sprain or twist he's ever had. The leader bit his lower lip and took a deep breath. Upon its release, he looked around to his team.

"I can't believe they got me again." Venus groaned. She held her side in a similar place where the Foot had harmed her with a pole years ago. Mona moved her hand, which was covered in blood and replaced it with a cloth she had found.

"At least it isn't as bad as it was before." Donatello commented.

"Oh, Donnie!" Mona exclaimed. Venus took over holding her side with the cloth and let Mona attend to him. She inserted pillows behind him as he was slouched against the side of the truck and tried to keep him stable.

"How many of you are hurt?" Leo demanded. Donnie took a short breath in order to aleve the pain.

"I have a fractured or broken rib."

"How the shell did they get my nose!?" Raphael yelled angrily. He sat up front with Casey who was making his way to the much smoother streets than having to toss the wounded warriors any further. The brute outlined his nose with his hands as it slowly dripped down to his lap. "Ain't shit to hit!"

"We still have cartilage." Donnie commented. So much did Raphael want to say something back in anger, but using his facial muscles were not helping his nose problem. He quieted down and tried to lay back in the passenger seat. Leonardo was mortified. He had no idea that his team was wounded.

"Are you ok, Mikey?" The young turtle turned over with his eyes up to the ceiling.

"I'm still winded from when that chick tripped me. She was worth more trouble than I thought."

"Yeah, so was the one I was fighting. They were incredibly strong for such small women."

"That's what we get for underestimating the enemy." Mona chimed in, still holding fast to Donatello so that he didn't shift too much. "Where do we go from here? We have no Splinter, the "no-plan" didn't work, and we've got real injuries. It will be near impossible to get all of you back down without causing further damage." She referred to how not only was it already going to be a challenge to move their big, injured bodies all the way down and past the sewer system, but their way home was designed to show some athleticism to get to it.

"I think you guys should go to the police station." Casey suggested. "We're nearby and maybe they have ideas for you all." Leonardo nodded.

"Ok, take us there. Can we also get April to meet us there?" Mikey reached into his pocket.

"On it." He dialed the number and put the shell-cell to his ear as it rang. Leonardo breathed with some relief as some of his team members were taking the initiative to fix this situation but he was also stuck on himself.

Mona was right. He didn't make a clear plan and only did it on the go. It was very uncharacteristic of him, but he knew why it occurred. Leonardo was so focused on getting his father back that he was clouded. It didn't matter what exactly they did as long as they were able to get Master Splinter back. Now look at him. He was injured, his teammates injured, caused a crime scene and still without their goal.


"Doctor, I'm fine. It's my family who needs all this help." Mona stomped in frustration as the in-house physician checked her over.

"I understand but you may be experiencing symptoms that are unseen right now. Adrenaline is easy to mask this." They explained as they felt around her arm, looking for pain.

Casey had brought them safely to the police station. Since they called ahead, the back was cleared out from those who had no clearance and the mutants were escorted into a board room. Mona sighed as she let them continue their job and gave vague answers to their questions as she looked at the rest of her family. Leonardo was sitting on a sturdy table. He had a depressed expression as he stared down to his now booted up foot. The turtle had a broken ankle. A small woman really broke his ankle. It was unbelievable! That was running in his mind on top of his own thoughts of carelessness as a leader. Venus was sitting on the floor all patched up from her side. In her lap was Raphael, whose nose was also patched up but since he was experiencing a major head ringing Venus had him laying face down in her lap (her crossed legs keeping his nose from being touched) and used what she called her "healing hands" in order to relieve him. Donatello was still being checked out, but they could hear that he received a fractured rib in his midline and they were going over aftercare for his treatment.

Mikey came back into the room holding April's hand. Casey sprang up from his chair to greet her.

"So, uh..." Her expression paused his train of thought as she looked up to him. "What are we doing?" Mikey put a hand on the man's chest to move him back.

"Hey dude," He lifted up the arm that still had April's hand in his. "She's with me." The woman smiled to herself and shook her head.

"I mean what are we going to do about this? Your injured brothers." He replied snarkily. Mikey nodded and sucked his lips into his mouth.

"They can't go back down home and they pose too much of a risk to stay at police headquarters. It's way too often that civilians come around here." April explained. Mona overheard and took a step towards their direction.

"We're going on vacation!" He told her, which was much to her dismay as she was taking this far more seriously than him. Upon seeing this and not wanting any further ridicule going towards his misunderstanding, she pushed the young turtle behind him.

"You guys are going to my family's old farmhouse. We haven't been there in years, no one visits, and you'll be safe."

"How safe?" Mona questioned.

"You won't be in the city anymore. All wilderness so you'll be alone. You'll be some miles away from where Yujin and Nan are. That's how far."

"See, a vacation plus your pretty ponies!"

"Mikey! It's a safe space for all of you to heal up and rehabilitate. Is donating supplies for you all, casting and bandages, everything. Even if you run out, we'll make the drive to deliver."

"You're not coming, babe?" Mikey stuck out his bottom lip.

"I have a job here. And I refuse to let Angel be alone for however long I'll be gone."

"I won't have my babe or my bestie?!" he cried "Why don't you just leave me at home?" Mona grabbed his arm.

"Because it is our responsibility to heal this family. We are the only ones who aren't hurt. This is a job for the both of us and it's also the time to show how responsible you can be." Mikey slowly nodded as he realized this was going to be one of his more defining moments as not being a screw up.

"Ok." he agreed. April seemed impressed too. Double points!

"We can ship you guys out of here as soon as they are done examining everybody. Casey, they'd like to start loading up supplies into the truck. Would you like to drive it over to the nearest hospital?"

"I've got it." With that, he left the room immediately.

"Angel is already heading to the sewer and I'll be meeting her there. If there's anything in particular that anyone wants, just text us, ok? We'll be grabbing clothes, blankets, anything essential."

Mona stuck out her arms to which April walked into a hug.

"Thank you so much. We really appreciate it."

"You guys are my family. Nothing I wouldn't do for you all."

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