Devotion In Ink - JJK

By digistarr

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"C'mon, a few kisses won't ruin anything." "That's against the rules, though." "Rules are meant to be broken... More

Devotion In Ink: Prologue
1. Not So Warm Welcome
2. Shades of Colour
3. A Proposition
4. Terms and Conditions
5. Night To Remember?
6. Empty Glasses
7. Here Comes The Ex
8. Blurred Lines
9. Elbow Grease N' Love
11. The Long Game
12. Feeling The Burn
13. The Little Things
14. Psychoanalyse, Much?
15. Air It Out
16. Total Eclipse Of The Brain
17. How To Pretend 101
18. A Decree From The Stars
19. Closing The Distance
20. Dreams *Come* True
21. New Rules
22. Ruse Of A Broken Lollystick
23. Misery Loves Company

10. Parallel Lines - Meeting?

1.4K 85 22
By digistarr


Jungkook is always a good fuck. A great one. Plenty of women would be grateful to have the opportunity to boast about being under him, bragging at brunch to their friends about faint scratches they would rake onto his back.

He isn't community dick, obviously, but he knows his way around a womans body. Knows how to make her cum. Guys make it harder than it seems, he thinks. Maybe because they don't pay attention, because they care about themselves. It's not exactly hard for him to get laid, either. If anything, it seems like he's shaking girls off of him left right and centre, a magnetic force around his waist attracts these women like lovesick honeybees, and Jungkook? He's the sweetest flower in the whole goddamn garden.

The relationship he has with sex could be sweeter. Considering she who must not be named used sexual intimacy as some sort of ultimatum, you can't really blame him for turning sex into some sort of hook to get people to stay. A tether.

Unsatisfied, he would always feel the same way waking up the next morning to an empty bed, it's nothing but a reminder. No matter how good you make them feel, they always search for better. Like he was the lowest class of drug there is.

The fulfilment he couldn't achieve in fucking until he passed out wasn't because he's bad at it. He's more than good. There's just no special connection there, and that isn't anybodys fault. You can't push polarising magnets towards each other. Sure, there have been plenty of attractive girls that can get him off pretty well, but they're nothing special. He can't put his heart and soul into something he knows wouldn't last.

Making love, to him, was a symphony, now there is no conductor, no beat or melody. He is alone, erratic in his tempo, plucking at the strings of his poor beating violin until his fingers bleed. There is no beautiful harmony, just irregular shrieks of untuned notes.

To him it's dirty, stress relieving of course, but disgusting when he's finished. Because he knows what comes next. Post nut clarity hits harder than you think. The sinking feeling in his stomach that nags at him when he sleeps, telling him that this is all his life will be now. One simple fuck after another. Again, making love and fucking someone are not the same.

So, after his muffled whimpers died down, his hips stuttering at the air once he came to the thought of his best friend, he figured he was absolutely, positively fucked.

It's best to forget about it, he thought. Yeah, that's it. There's no need for a stupid dream to take away anything from a friendship that means more to him than anything else. In his mind, he saw you in a way that he'll never get to see you in reality, and he's more than content with that, because it won't ruin anything. Right?

The morning sun kisses your forehead and boots you out of bed, you stretch, groan, yawn. Hiss at the cold wooden floor that jabs at your toes, you recoil back into the warmth of Jungkooks' duvets as if the floor was, ironically, lava.

It's awfully silent, and you can't hear any sort of hubbub from outside the door. Jungkook must be asleep. Reaching over for your phone, your eyes squint at the time, which reads nine forty-seven in the morning. Early start, but you never let yourself sleep in too late, plus you have some parents to visit today.

Firming the frostiness, you wince as the floorboard creaks beneath your feet, opening the bedroom door to the living room.

Draped with a blanket, Jungkook lays serenely in repose, his soft breathing and the noises of the city awakening being the only sounds around you.

Quiet, you head round the back of the sofa into the kitchen, not without peeking a nosy eye at his peaceful state first. Breakfast to you is a luxury, you always either forget to eat in the morning, or you just have no time. You prioritise other things.

Cereal sounds good enough, you hum to yourself and mindlessly zip around the cabinets, preparing your morning fuel. As you whisk around, Jungkook's slumber isn't as peaceful as it seems.

Foreign thoughts carve messages and leave inky stains in the pristine white walls of his subconscious mind, things he wouldn't ever think about, things he wants to forget. It's like he's torturing himself on purpose.

Last night you had woken up from the couch to find him in the kitchen getting himself some water. He had changed into his pajamas.

"What time is it?" You barely held yourself up, squinting into the darkness. His voice was soft, yet cutting.
"Just gone half seven." He ran the tap over a mug. He wouldn't look at you.

"Okay," He heard you yawn, bringing the cup to his lips, "Could you wake me up in, like, an hour?" You lay yourself back down, his footsteps approaching.

"Mhm." You awaited the comforting warmth of his body beside yours as you curled your legs up to your chest, making space for him to sit back down. Took awhile, but he sat, nonetheless. You draped your legs across his lap and closed your eyes as the faint noise of the TV drowned out your thoughts.

"Hey, T?" He said, voice barely above a whisper.

"Hm?" You exhaled, drifting in and out of sleep. Silent. You're unsure whether he said something and you were too tired to hear it. "Yeah?" You spoke again.

He inhaled, "Don't worry about it, go back to sleep." Silence. Sleep.

Now you sit, in front of the sofa, cross legged and watching a basically muted episode of Regular Show, a sleeping Jungkook behind you. Always behind you.

Peeking through his eyelids, he starts to stretch and the crunch of your breakfast makes his mouth water. Stomach grumbling, you feel his fingers poke at the back of your head.

"Good morning to you too." Putting your empty bowl on the coffee table, you turn around and instantly smile at the sight. Cheeks puffy, his hair sticks out at every angle, and the wrinkle between his brows makes a guest appearance as he squints at you.

"Time?" Croaking through the blanket, he rubs his face, taking time for his brain to start up for the day.
"Uh," You check your phone, "Ten fifteen."

He's silent for a minute, you suppose he's snuggled back under the blankets and you're right. He doesn't allow himself to doze off though, stretches his arms out above him. He looks like a cat, it's adorable.

"You want some breakfast?" You coo, turning to look at him. He nods slowly, his features twisting as his eyes adjust to the light of day.

"Mm, please." He utters out between stretches and writhes, before perching himself up on his elbows. Finally, he gets a good look at you.

"You're lucky, I already made you breakfast." You're already on your feet and walking over to the kitchen counter.
"You made me breakfast?" He catches himself watching you walk away, and he lies back down, smacking a cushion over his face, yet you didn't catch it.

A plate sits for him, some steaming Gyeran Bap patiently waiting to be scoffed down. Familiar with his sleeping patterns, it didn't take you long to make, plus it's the least you could do, spending the entire weekend at his home and all.

"Of course I did." You watch as he sits up, eyes widening as the food comes into view.
"Oh, you did not." If his mouth wasn't watering before, it definitely was now.
"Oh, I did." He takes the plate from you with gentle hands, "Careful, it's hot."

He wets his lips with his tongue, watching as you hold out a spoon for him to take.

"You're so good to me." He muses.
You lift the blanket and sit beside him, "How could I not be?"

With his mouth full of egg, his brows furrow together and you smile in delight. Spoon in hand, he points it towards the plate and nods as he chews, "This—" he covers his mouth with his fist before he swallows.
"It's good?" You lean back into the sofa, eyes on the back of his head. He hums, turns back to look at you.
"Fuck, yeah." His hand envelopes yours in a firm handshake, the connection practically deafening. Both of your eyes widen and you're the first to laugh, to which he follows. Pokes your cheek.

Throughout the morning, you both sit in comfortable silence, bickering here and there as you do.

"How the fuck do these two always get into these situations?" You sit cross legged, hugging a cushion to your chest as Jungkook gets up to put both your bowls away.
"Uh," he drags out, his voice fading into the kitchen, "Maybe 'cause they're Mordecai and Rigby?"

Leaning your head further into the sofa, you screw your face, "That literally means nothing to me," and at the same time you can hear Jungkook groan, "Oh my god."

"What?" You watch as Rigby gets sprayed by a.. were-skunk? "It's so stupid, how are they not fired?" You feel his knuckle skim the top of your head and you just barely miss his back as you hit him with a cushion.

"I'm saying oh my God, 'cause you always do this."
"I dunno what you're on about."
"Yes you do!" He sits next to you with a laugh, angling his body away from you so he can lie his head on the arm of the couch, "Why are you bringing common sense into this? It's literally a talking bird and a raccoon with a gumball machine for a boss." His hand sticks out at the TV as you watch Rigby transform, "It's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to be funny, you knob."

Catching the cushion you throw at him, he puts it under his head and fakes a yawn. Dickhead.

"Well, if I was Brandon—"
"I would deffo fire them." You hear him chuckle under his breath and you poke the back of his leg with two fingers.

In another world, an alternative reality, you two are nothing like Mordecai or Rigby, but to think about still being together in an animated universe comforts you some way.

Soon enough, a hushed murmur about you being just like Mordecai solicited a five minute bicker between you two.

If I'm Mordecai then you're Rigby. Uh, no. Why not? Because he's short! I'm not short. Ok, Kook. You did not just say that. I think we're more like.. I dunno actually. I think we're more like us. Us? Yeah, us. So true, we're the fucking best. Damn right.

Cozy in the warmth of your casual repartee, Jungkook checks his phone, kisses his teeth.
"We've got an hour." He runs his palm over his face and purses his lips.
"What's the rush?"
"Nothing, but I mean, later we get there the later we leave." His eyes are still focused on the show, "You know how Mum gets." You hum in agreement.

He's absolutely right. One greeting hug leads to another, suddenly she's asking about university, your friends parents, job, your boyfriend, your girlfriend. "Times are changing!" She says, "We all fancy a girl at some point." Too right.

Don't even get her started on food. The minute she finds out you haven't had lunch, or dinner, she's Chef Ramsey, whipping out every ingredient in the entire pantry. Just like a mum. You remember popping over in the early afternoon to return a box of pens you'd borrowed for work once, you ended up leaving at midnight. It's not her fault, or yours, you just get to talking and time flies when you're with family.

"C'mon lets go." He kicks your thighs, "I'm booking a cab in a bit." Getting to his feet, he stretches, pulls up his pajama pants and smiles. "You wanna shower first?" His hand disappears under his shirt, and he yawns as he speaks. You nod, with a little 'yeah', standing to match him.

His smile quickly disappears, "Well too bad, move." The little shit is quick in his movements as he barges past you, making a beeline for the bathroom.

"Oh, you fucking— !" You're equally as quick with your reaction, you grab onto his arm and pull with all your strength. The image is hilarious, something out of a comedy sketch. Jungkook lets out a breathy giggle, dragging your body along with him as he trudges against your force. He screams, and you scream back, using one hand to pound at his shoulder.

"Fuck, why are you this strong?" He speaks, slightly exasperated.

Turning towards you, he pulls you into him, a tight grip on your waist, which drops as he bends his knees and hooks his free hand between your thighs, hoisting you over his shoulders. He ignores your shrieks, takes it as an incentive actually.

"Boy, put me down! I swear to God—"
"You wanna shower so bad? Let's shower." He storms towards the bathroom, the soothing feeling of your legs kicking at his shoulders making him laugh.

"No! No, no, no!" The doors open. Uses his foot to swing the shower door open. "Don't you fucking dare!"

He's still giggling, even as you hear the water run. Your body immediately tenses and you're transformed into a koala, Jungkook is your tree. "I thought you wanted me to put you down?" He kisses his teeth, "Make up your mind."

As soon as he puts you down, you're completely soaked. You yelp at the cold feeling, and you hit his chest. Droplets completely envelope you and your clothes, drenching you in a heavy rain. The door is shut, and he's there with you, a giggly dripping mess.

You hide into him, both of you getting wetter nonetheless. He's no kind of umbrella, comfort maybe, but he doesn't protect you from the rainfall, instead he joins and plays with you in it. His hair falls over his eyes as he keeps you trapped in the confined space of his little shower.

"See? You got what you wanted." He flicks his fingers at you, water dusking your cheeks.

"You're such a dickhead, I swear."

"Yeah, yeah, keep talking." Difficult for you not to notice what the water reveals beneath his shirt. You're quick to avert your eyes back up to his, only to see them already looking down at you. He's quiet, his smile slightly falters. You wonder why, then it hits you.

Your shirt is white.

You have no bra.

You clear your throat and hit his chest again, "You wanna let me shower now?" Were you two this close before? You must be hallucinating.

He tilts his head and brushes a few strands out of his eyes, dryly smiles about.. something he's thinking of. Eventually nods.

"Yeah, um. I need to—" He closes his eyes, "Need to book the cab." Still dripping. He looks at the floor, then smiles. Leaves. Alright, you have no idea what the fuck that was. You exhale, turning off the shower and stepping out to rid yourself of wet pajamas and actually get yourself clean.

All the while, Jungkook has his back pressed against the other side of the door, pinching the bridge of his nose. Grabbing his phone off of the sofa, he walks into his room. Doesn't face plant into the bed, it's covered in your scent. Plus, he's drenched.

He shuts the door, curses at himself, what the fuck is going on? It's like his entire world has suddenly been flipped on its head. If he stared at you for any longer underneath that running shower, things would've quickly become awkward. And hard.

He could feel a familiar knot in his tummy, thank God you couldn't see how flushed his pretty cheeks became. Your pretty eyes, your soaked top, those wet lips—

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He covers his face, body still dripping yet completely on fire. His hands run through his wet hair and he begins to dread that he'll have to mop up this mess later. Mind racing, each thought is a newborn tadpole, swimming chaotically through the muddy pond which is his brain.

Quickly, he discards his soaked clothes, using a towel from his drawer to dry himself. It was only when he was about to put on a dry shirt when he heard your voice.

"Kook? You there!?" Your voice is muffled as you yell for him. He freezes for a minute.

"Yeah?" He opens his door to find your head peeking through the bathroom door.

"Could you get me a towel? Please?"

Fuck, alright you can do this. He nods, with a smile and you thank him. You watch him disappear for a few seconds behind the door, not knowing he's taking deep breaths to face you. Lips pursed, you wait.

Come on man, just give her the fucking towel. But she's naked. So? She's got no clothes on. You sound like a fucking idiot. But she—

"Koo? I'm kinda freezing here." You call out to him and he immediately appears, grinning all sheepish, like. He's confident in his stride as he holds out a blue towel, eyes elsewhere. Nothing but a door separating the two. Preventing havoc.
"Thank you." You smile up at him, he makes the mistake of looking at you and he nods. Purses his lips and his cute little dimple winks at you.

He turns on his heels, headed for his room, 'no worries' he calls back before you close the bathroom door.

Sweet Jesus. Again, he curses at himself for being a stupid idiot. Even more so when he realises he strolled up to you with no fucking shirt on. "Oh my God." He catches his frazzled self in the mirror. It's funny, really, the way he facepalms and turns away from his reflection. Flops himself into his desk chair. Please, please don't be this awkward the whole day. Just, calm down.

Thankfully, the cab ride wasn't awfully silent. "I'm so excited to see everyone." You nudge his side, this is the umpteenth time you've said that since you both got in the car. You're sure the driver would've told you 'we get it!' if you said it again.

Jungkook pokes your cheek, "She's gonna be so happy to see you." he hums, "Pretty sure she loves you more than me." He pouts to himself, rolling his eyes in false jealousy.

Of course his mother loves you as if you were her own, however Jungkook was a real mamas boy, nothing could take him away from his precious mother.

"What about Haeun and Jiyeon? They there too?" His older sisters, spitting image those two. Sometimes even now, you still get mixed up between the two, even though they aren't twins. They might as well be.

"I think Jiyeon's at her boyfriends, but Haeun's there." At least you get to see one of them, and you won't get anyone mixed up.

"Okay." Ropes tangle in your tummy, and you let out a breathe, "Why am I always so nervous to see your family?"

"We have this conversation everytime, T." He laughs and pokes the side of your head, rolling his eyes as you swat his hand away.

"Yeah, but it's—"

"But nothing, you're gonna be fine." He takes your hand in his, "Confidence, remember?" He thumb caresses your knuckles and you're instantly calmed.

"Right." You hum, nodding to yourself. There's no need to be afraid, maybe it's just your undying need to please people or be likeable. Working on it.

Jungkook must've texted his mum to let her know he's outside, either that or she's got spidey senses because once you two got out of the car, the front door immediately opened and there she stood.

Dressed in a flowery blouse and beige trousers, Eunji grinned at the sight of her beautiful son, and gasped at the sight of you.

"Is that my little Tiger?" She beams, her nose scrunches as she holds out her arms, making her way over to you two. "It's been forever!" She gasps, her black hair tied up in a bun, a few wisps framing her apple cheeks.

Her nails are neatly manicured, and her wedding ring shines on her finger. The warmth you feel is unmatched, you embrace her in a loving hug and she rubs your back.

"Hi, Mama." You coo as she pulls away and gets a good look at you. Her brown eyes are what Jungkook stole from her. They're beautifully round and dark, like a black hole, pulling you into an abyss of stars and nothingness.

"Look at you Horangi, so beautiful as always." She soothes your arms and holds your hands, "It's been so so long," her eyes suddenly dart to Jungkook who stands beside you "Why has it been so long?"

Like him, she kisses her teeth, "Why are you gatekeeping her? She isn't just for you." She tsks, hitting his arm before pulling him in for a long hug.

"I haven't been gatekeeping her Mum, she just rots in her room."

"Lies." You add, watching the interaction with a smile.
"So what? God forbid a girl sleeps these days, huh!" She taps your arm and rolls her eyes, as if to say 'get a load of this guy.'

Jungkook smiles at you both, even though he's the butt of the situation, it's nice to see how close you are with his mother.

Taking Jungkook by the arm, she interrogates him as you all head inside. Mahogany floors greet you, along with warm lights and portraits of the kids, the pride and joy of the house.

"Haeun! Your brother's home!" Eunji yells up the stairs, leading you both to the kitchen.

"Is that my son?" A deeper voice rings from down the hallway. Jungkook's father, tall and broad, walks towards you both with a large grin. A dimple sits idle in his cheek, much like Jungkook.

You smile, watching as he brings his only son in for a tight hug, patting him on the back. He asks him about work, how schools going, the usual. You watch them joke with each other about something you don't understand, but you don't expect to.

Watching Jungkook with his father is otherworldly, raised with the good love and kindness of his mother, he's softened by his dads presence, and it's beautiful.

Whilst Eunji fixes you both a drink, Jungkooks father turns his attention to you, "Picasso!" He calls you, taking you in his arms for a tight hug, "You look well, Jungkook treating you well?" You stutter out a laugh and you hear Eunji stifle her laughter.

"Hoonie leave the poor girl alone. We made so much progress!" She refers to the early days you met them, they were dead set on you and Jungkook getting together, much like everybody else.

"What? You're always talking about times changing, feelings change too." He raises his hands, and you laugh at how much him and Jungkook are alike. Jihoon winks at his son, who just shakes his head. Jungkook flashes a smile at you, "Here they go."

"Here you go, baby." Eunji hands you both glasses of pineapple juice with a sweet grin.

"Thanks, Mum," Jungkook takes a few gulps before placing his glass onto the marble island in the middle of the kitchen.

"I gotta get some stuff from the attic." He gives his mother a knowing nod and she nods back, granting permission even though he doesn't really need to ask. Just respect, that's all.

"So, Ms. Da Vinci," Jihoon starts, "You still working at that, uh, what's it? Black Dragon?"

You smile, taking a sip before speaking, "Yeah, I am. Getting many more customers now, so the pays getting better."

"I've always wanted a tattoo." Eunji chimes in, placing a hand on your forearm, "Right here." She turns and points to her lower back. A tramp stamp.

"Really?" You can't help but smile, and her husband smiles along with you, as if he's heard this a million times before.

"Oh yeah, those were so hot back then. Everybody had 'em." She pretends to fan herself, daydreaming about the early days of piercings, low waisted jeans and crop tops.
"Well they're back in, y'know."
"Don't give her any ideas—" Jihoon starts but she's already off like a cannon.

"Really? Maybe I should get one now, what do you think? Maybe like a butterfly?" She teases, a cheeky smile on her lips as she watches her husband come round to stand behind her. Holds her shoulders.

"A real minx, this one." He whispers to you, pretending she can't hear him. She rolls her eyes and hits his chest, telling you not to listen to him. He pokes her cheek. They're so sickly sweet, you can feel your teeth decaying.

Jungkook searches his way around the attic for the big purple box he came for. You coming with him slightly did throw a wrench in his plans, however he's glad you get to see his family. A special day is coming up, and he's been planning this for quite a while, he won't let anything stop this now. Not his feelings, not a stupid dream, not a wedding, nothing.

Once he finds it amongst a few other boxes full of old revision material, he claps to himself, "Yes~"
He takes it up, and finds a bigger brown carboard box to put it in. Just so it's tattered and unimportant. Inconspicuous. Once that's done, he nicks a large tote bag to put the box in, just so it's easier to carry.

The sight that greets him when he gets downstairs makes his heart swell. The family's moved to the living room, you sit on the sofa beside his sister who captures you in conversation, your smile is as wide as ever as you laugh at something she says. His parents sit together on the other couch, talking with each other, occasionally contributing to your conversation. Family. The people he cherishes the most, all in one place.

You notice his, and you give him a smile. He catches your gaze and returns the grin. Walks over to you.
"I was telling Haeun about Jia, turns out they know each other! Isn't that weird?" You watch as he leans over the back of the sofa, nodding.

"She knows everyone in this city, she's a slapper."

Jungkook dodges the jab she aims at his neck, running around the couch, yelling apologies and shielding his body from her. Despite him being taller and stronger than her, sibling fear isn't something to be messed with, he is the youngest after all.

"Little bitch." She scoffs, after making him cower to the floor, the little pussy.

She tucks her hair behind her ear, it's been dyed from a dusty blonde to a light brown, and it compliments her features so much more.

Jungkook takes it upon himself to be annoying and sit right on top of you, the weight causes you to open your mouth, but no sound comes out. You pinch at his sides and he slides next to you, right between the conversation.

"You're so annoying." You groan, his parents watch fondly, but he's blocking the view.
"Yeah, he is." Haeun grumbles, folding her legs up into her chest.

"I didn't do anything! You're the one stealing her from me."

"She's not even yours!"

You're almost speechless, "Do I get a say in this?"

"No." Responding without missing a beat, Jungkook looks right at you, then somewhere else.

You can hear Haeun call him an asshole and you try your best not to laugh when Eunji tells her to watch her mouth. Meanwhile his parents across from you three tune out the rest of the noise and speak amongst themselves, they seem more than used to this, it's standard routine.

"Oh, Jungkook." Jihoon stands to his feet, "Come."
Seriousness masking his features, Jungkook immediately gets up and follows his father out the back door, seemingly towards the garden.

"Horangi," Eunji starts, turning herself towards you. Your eyes dart from the TV to hers.

"Don't think I've forgotten," Wiggling her eyebrows, you tilt your head in confusion, "Your birthdays coming, isn't it?"

Ah yes, that. You had almost forgotten, so focused on everybody else.

"Yeah, it is." You chuckle awkwardly.

You're excited, but not particularly fond of the last birthday you had. Even though Jungkook made it as enjoyable as possible, your parents conveniently left the country the week of your birthday.

At least they sent a birthday card. Two weeks later.

Jungkook sort of held a grudge against your family once that happened, he remembers your expression, and how you tried to hide your disappointment. You didn't allow yourself to be upset, because you felt like you had done something wrong, so you had no right to feel any type of way.

Neither one of your parents have texted you to arrange anything about your birthday, you don't really expect them to either. The last time you celebrated it with them as a family, was before you started your first year.

Even now, if you were to enjoy your birthday with them, some sort of arguement would break out, you know it. It always happens. You're both in the wrong, so you can't blame it all on them.

"I have a little early gift for you." Eunji gets up and goes over to one of the drawers the family photos lay on top of. She filters through each drawer, humming softly to herself.

"You didn't have to, really." She waves you off, shaking her head as she pulls out a small red box.
"Girl, hush. We celebrate life in this house. You deserve to be celebrated." She hands you the box.
It's a deep ruby red, and tied with a silk bow. If you're not mistaken, this is a jewellery box.

"Open it." Her eyes sparkle at you, she nods at Haeun who grins and clasps her hands together. Somehow everyone's in on this. With gentle hands, you untie the bow around it, silk falling into your lap.

Once the lid is lifted, your heart stutters out of your chest. Prim and pretty, a Yin and Yang bejewelled necklace sits on top of black velvet, sparkling up at you.

Your mouth, slightly ajar and eyes wide, Eunji holds her face, "You like it?"

"This is," Your fingertips are scared to touch it, it's so pretty, "Thank you so much." Your face hurts from smiling so hard, Haeun claps from beside you, squealing. She tells you she helped search for it, but the whole thing was her mums idea. You pull her in for a hug, then get up to hug Eunji next. As always she rubs your back and gives you a sweet 'happy early birthday, lovely.'

You smile at the necklace. In the dance of existence, life unfolds as a delicate tapestry woven with the threads of Yin and Yang. Yin, the serene shadow, cradles the essence of stillness and introspection. Its energy is the tranquil moonlight, guiding us through the quiet realms of reflection.

In harmonious contrast, Yang, the vibrant sunlight, bestows the vigor of action and illumination upon the canvas of existence. Together, they perform an eternal ballet, a cosmic equilibrium that underscores the interconnectedness of opposites. Like the ebb and flow of tides, Yin and Yang teach us that balance is not a static state but a rhythmic dance, each complementing the other to create the masterpiece of life's intricate harmony. United forever more, always with you.

"Tiger! Come look at this!" An out of breath Jungkook explodes into the room, his eyes searching yours. His expression barely readable as he rushes back out the door, you get up and follow him, making sure you encase your necklace within its box.

Slipping your gift into your pocket, your feet carry you past the rows of flowers in the garden, you notice some have been newly planted since you were last here. Some new dahlias and lillies bloom proudly, waving as you rush past to what seems to be the garage.

Jungkook awaits you, practically buzzing with excitement, he points to whats next to him. The car, weathered by the passage of time, sits patiently like a seasoned storyteller with tales etched into its worn exterior.

Its faded icy blue paint echoes the hues of memories, and the rusted edges bear witness to the years it has weathered. Beneath the peeling chrome, however, lies a resilient spirit eager for rejuvenation. The engine, though grizzled, whispers promises of revival, a symphony of creaks and hums that hint at the potential within.

With the hands of a particularly skilled mechanic and the tender touch of restoration, this vintage relic yearns to reclaim the roads, showcasing a timeless elegance that only the passage of time could bestow. It's not just a car; it's a testament to the resilience of craftsmanship, awaiting the transformative touch that will breathe new life into its soul.

"It's mine." Jungkook exhales and you shriek, your hands covering your mouth. You know how he's longed for an actual car, fixing them all day only made his desire grow stronger. Jihoon stands on the other side, smiling with his hands in his pockets.

"No fucking way!"

He nods frantically as you wrap your arms around his shoulders in disbelief. He laughs into the crook of your neck and gently sways you as his hands caress your waist. He deserves this more than anything.

Whilst you beamed over your gift, Jihoon had told Jungkook there's no need for him to keep such a silly piece of clutter, that if he fixes this old bag up, it's his.

"This is amazing, I mean," You pull back and glance at the car, then back at Jungkook "Wow."

He nods, then arches a brow, "You gonna help me fix her up?" He holds his hands behind your waist and you hum to yourself.

"Mechanics are very expensive."

"Are they? How much do you charge, beautiful?"

"Flattery gets you nowhere." It's your turn to poke his cheek, courage running through your veins "I'm way too expensive for you."

You're both interrupted by Jihoon pretending to heave, hand on his chest, he holds his other hand out and shakes his head, "Sorry you guys are, what is it? Gross." He scoffs, walking over to you two, laughing at how you both stand away from each other now.

Patting both of your shoulders, he walks between you and tells you he's going inside if you're coming. You're both left alone in your silence. It's comedic, almost.

"He's never gonna let us live that down, is he?"
"Absolutely not."


Then you remember. You dig in your pocket for that special something. Ruby box flat in the palm of your hand, you turn to Jungkook and wiggle with happiness.

"Eunji gave me this." You watch as he takes it from your hand, lifting the lid and smiling to himself knowingly, with a nod. "Did you know about this?" You ask, he shrugs. Oh, he definitely knew. You wouldn't be surprised if he made the damn thing.

"It's so pretty." He mumbles, fingers tracing the design.

You hum, the cicadas agreeing with you.

You face away from him, tucking your hair to one side, "Could you put it on me?" You inhale, "Please?"

He swears to high heaven that if you keep asking him to do things for you, he might pass out from cataclysmic stress. To your unknowing eyes, he hesitated, your gift in his hands, bearing the weight of unspoken emotions.

"If you know how." Your laughter echoed, creating ripples of warmth that hung in the air as he approached, an unknown connection threading through the quietude.

Feeling his warmth against your back, the flowers seemed to hold their breath as he gently placed the necklace around your neck, fingers brushing against your nape.

"There." He gulps, closing his eyes for a moment, opening them to see yours staring back at him. Flashes of what he shouldn't think about pierces holes in his mind, and he swears his knees weaken a little bit.

Time hung suspended, the necklace becoming a silent witness to the quiet cadence of your heart. His eyes mirrored vulnerability, and you have no idea what's happening.

Suddenly, it's as if you flicked a switch as he gives you a friendly smile and pats your shoulder.

"Looks good." He takes a step back, creates space. You try looking down at the jewels on your neck, then you nod.

"Let's go back inside before they start wondering where we are." You smile briefly, your heart thundering in your chest as you turn on your heels and walk back inside.

Little do you know, Jungkook fucking kicks himself, closing his eyes to rid his mind of the sinful reflections he had of you. It's not that simple. He had you. Experienced you. Now he knows he's in for a world of trouble.

The rest of the night, you tried ignoring the unspoken issue. Back in Jungkooks room, a whiteboard of rules shrugs its shoulders. Seems like they're slowly being ignored along with everything else here.

So, you enjoy yourself, eat some good food and make great conversation. Jungkook still drapes an arm round your shoulder when he's loose enough, yet the warmth always leaves just as quickly as it's arrived. This little elephant isn't just a grey blob for you two, but for everybody else too. Eunji observes the way Jungkook laughs at your jokes, but doesn't look you in the eyes, she nudges Jihoon and he lets her know he's already sussed it out.

Jungkook battles himself, the vivid echoes of that subconscious reverie lingered, casting a shadow over your platonic connection. Desperately, he sought refuge in the corridors of forgetfulness, grappling with the tension between the dreamworld's illusions and the reality of your camaraderie.

You hadn't noticed when he slipped away to the bathroom, he splashed water onto his face. Shit, water. The shower. Your face. He uses his shirt to dry his face, he's a fucking mess. What have you done to him? How did you do this?

As far as he's concerned, he's the only one in his head right now, the only one confusing the boundaries. He watches two parallel lines slowly merge together, he's unsure what such a friendship could turn into if he's not careful. This all depends on him.

Unbeknownst to him, you fidget with your necklace, wrapping your own arm around your waist, looking for the same comfort he gave you when his hands light a flame against your skin. You don't even realise you're doing it either. Maybe you won't realise until it's too late.

No, it's alright. It's alright because you're not necessarily acting on anything. He's not acting on what he dreamt about, and you have nothing to act on in the first place. So, it won't ruin anything. Right?


So fucking wrong.

Authors' note:
Oh.. oh wow. Well, that happened. Funny how a dream can really change things. As always thank you for reading! (Apologies for any typos.)

— DS

[WORD COUNT: 6568]

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