icarus falls • felix catton

By babyimtheiliad

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'Icarus laughed as he fell. Threw his head back and yelled into the winds, arms spread wide, teeth bared to t... More



6.7K 168 6
By babyimtheiliad

eight's theme - you make loving fun - fleetwood mac

It was weird, having Ollie at Saltburn. He sat in Achilles place at breakfast, lunch and dinner which made Ariadne's heart ache. 

She was sat in the bath, Felix behind her as she combed through her hair, washing away the sweat from the summer heat. Songs blasted through the stereo playing in the other room, the door was ajar. 

Felix drew mindless patterns on the girl's back, humming along to the tune as she turned her back to ask him something. 'Do you ever feel like you are being watched?' 

Felix's face grew perplexed, unsure of what she meant. 'I mean, yeah, I do sometimes but it's probably the maids, looking for something to report back to my mother'. 

Ariadne had an unshakeable feeling in her mind, that it wasn't the maids, that it was something else, something sinister waiting to make itself known. Ariadne shifted in the bath, now under Felix as his hands locked in around her waist to steady her. He leaned down to kiss her, gently and passionately at first, then the kiss became rough and heavy, full of unsaid desire and want for one another. 

As their commingling of bodies continued, Ariadne's head tilted to the side, towards the door facing Oliver's room, one that had been shut when she had drawn the bath, but it now slung slightly ajar, causing shards of sunlight to fall through. A shadow had danced in the light as she snapped her head towards Felix, who captured her lips again in a fury of passion. They carried on, until both of them had met their breaking points and released all the pent up need for attention and want for each other. 

Felix helped her up out of the bath, pulling his bath robe over her sodden body as he revealed to her.

'I moved all of Achilles' things back to his room, Mum had Duncan chuck it all in the attic and it felt wrong, and I had a feeling you got upset when you found nothing, it's all there.' he looked nervous, fearing the suggestion might bring unwanted feelings and heartache for his golden girl. 

Ariadne's face was blank for a few moments. Then she broke out into a radiant smile, one brighter than the sun as she flung her arms around her love. 

'Thank you.' she breathed out, grateful for the kind, thoughtful boy in front of her. His expression matched hers as he lifted her up, spinning her around as she let out a chorus of laughs, they were happy, really happy. 

Ariadne had made her way to the Eastern wing, where Achilles' belonging now presided and she was full of joy to finally have more happy reminders of her beloved brother. 

But when she reached her brother's room, she was in for a shock, Oliver Quick was in the room, snooping through her brother's drawers. She steeled herself, ready for the confrontation. 

Ollie hadn't noticed Ariadne's presence by the door and was shocked when he heard her angelic voice. 

'What are you doing here?' asked the blonde girl, staring daggers as if she could see right down in Ollie's soul. 

Oliver was stuttering trying to come up with an excuse that would land him in her favour. 

'I um... Farleigh said that...' she cut him off. 

'Even Farleigh isn't stupid enough to send people on fools errands to my dead brother's room of all places, so tell me, why the fuck are you in here?' she spat out, words full of venom. 

Oliver, couldn't or wouldn't reply to her, her body shook with fury. Her brother had valued privacy in life and now that was being squandered in his death. Oliver Quick had really pissed the girl off and he didn't want to make an enemy of her. 

'Get out you freak' an interval of silence coated across the room as the word 'freak' sunk into Ollie's head, she called him a freak, he hadn't been called that since he became friends with Felix. 'I said get out!' her voice grew to a crescendo of pain and fury as Ollie bolted past her, leaving the shrine to a dead boy behind. 

Ariadne lost her composure then and began clawing at the drapes, wanting to salvage a sense of privacy that had been lost. She fell to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably, all of the feelings that had been bottled up were unleashed like a tidal wave, drowning anything in its path of destruction. 

Ariadne missed dinner, as she had exhausted herself from all the crying and was in no state to socialise. They had all questioned her disappearance and Felix promised that he would go and retrieve her after dinner, knowing where she went. 

Felix had found her, curled up on the hardwood floor of the room, using her brother's shirt as a shield from the nightly chill that seeped through the window as he coaxed out of a fitful dream. 

'Hey, darling, sh it's okay, c'mon let's get you back to bed' he murmured as he picked her up, like a bride on her wedding day. He leaned down and placed a comforting kiss on her forehead, a loving gesture towards the distraught girl. 

He would get to the bottom of what caused the meltdown in the morning but before he could, Farleigh rudely barged into his room. 

'Mate, you won't fucking believe what I saw last night, was fucking disgusting it was.' 

Farleigh shuddered at the sight that he had witnessed the night prior. Ariadne stirred at the loud voice as she sat up in the bed, watching the interaction between the two boys in earnest. 

'Farleigh, spit it out then' Felix grew impatient, he wanted to figure out what had caused Ariadne to go awol last night, not listen to trivial gossip from Farleigh. 

'Venetia was getting off with Oliver in the garden's last night, it was fucking graphic mate, eating her out, the full bloody works!' Farleigh wildly gestured around the room as to convey his disbelief as Felix was rendered speechless. 

'I knew he was a freak.' muttered Ariadne who was next to Felix, who whipped his head to face hers. 

'What do you mean, I thought you liked Ollie?' he was confused about where this sudden hatred for the boy had grown from. Farleigh looked intrigued, he found it riveting to be the main cause for the breakdown of Oliver's friendship with Felix, it was thrilling. 

'I caught him snooping in Achilles' room for stuff, I don't know what he was looking for but he was there when I got there.' she ranted, still harbouring a simmering anger towards the event. 

This was the start of her dislike for Ollie and it would only grow. 

Felix looked shocked, clearly unable to explain his friend's actions. Oliver Quick had just angered Felix Catton by messing with his dead friend's things and there would be hell to pay. 

Farleigh for once was quiet, as his face remained slack at the revelation. 

The trio's frostiness towards Ollie extended all throughout breakfast, Felix ignoring the boy and Ariadne point blank refusing to even look at him as they conversed with one another. The Henrys, all of them, were coming for dinner and Pamela was gone, back to whatever hovel awaited her in London.

The conversation turned to what Oliver wanted to do for his upcoming birthday, Elspeth suggesting a party while Ariadne thought to suggest that he should fuck off back to wherever he came from and leave them alone forever. 

Ollie was confused, Felix wouldn't look at him, Ariadne had practically turned her body away from him and Farleigh was thriving off of the chaos and discord that had partially been created by himself. 

Felix was out, lounging in the sun, waiting on Ariadne's return. Farleigh had dragged the girl out into town to go and buy some cigarettes and more lighters since they seemed to go missing all the time around the estate. 

But Oliver had caught Felix first. 

'Hey' he spoke as he flung himself down to one of the lounge chairs adjacent to Felix. Felix didn't react, not even looking up from his book that Ollie knew he had no interest in. 'Hey. Felix. Is everything ok?' 

Felix was growing agitated by the boy and his unwanted presence as he slid his sunglasses down his face 'Yes. Why?'. He couldn't be bothered to deal with Ollie, not after what he had done to Ariadne and his sister. 

Ollie had an inkling about what he could have been pissed off about 'You seem annoyed about something.' He said, choosing his wording carefully, to not blow up Felix's short fuse. 

'I'm not annoyed about anything.' Felix was on the defence, denying any feelings to do with Oliver. Ollie muttered out a barely audible ok, hoping that would urge Felix to carry on talking. 

'It's just slightly bad form that's all.' Felix spoke, finally glancing over at Oliver as the sun beat down overhead. 

Oliver was confused, surely Felix couldn't know about his clandestine tryst with Venetia the previous night. 

'What's bad form?' he played innocent, not knowing what direction this would head in. 

'What do you think? Getting with Venetia and snooping in places where you don't belong Ollie.' Felix was annoyed by the innocent front that Ollie had so carefully crafted. 

'What makes you think I got with Venetia?' Ollie brushed over the snooping part, Felix would never believe what he had to say, not with Ariadne in the picture. 

'Farleigh saw you' was all that Felix said, disappointment heavy in his tone, he did not want Ollie to end like Eddie. 

'It's just fucking cringe, mate. I mean, really, you're my friend and she's my sister' he let out, grateful that he could get it off his chest. 

Ollie states that he didn't want to embarrass Venetia so that's why he went along with her wishes as Felix chimed in, describing what Farleigh said he saw. 

'Thank god. You know, I thought I had another Eddie situation?' Felix exhaled in relief, he was thankful that he had sorted the situation out. 

Ollie enquired about who Eddie was and Felix was more than happy to tell him, 

'Yeah, Eddie was my best friend at school. And he came to stay with us. And he kind of...developed a little thing for Venetia, and everything just got so awkward... Yeah, it kind of ruined our friendship.' Felix allowed his arms to fall into a resting position, behind his head, his eyes fluttered and closed, ending the conversation between the pair. 

a/n: all ready for you! things are heating up and i know eliot's character seems quite irrelevant now but he gets really important at the end, i'm also changing his fc to max irons after i watched the riot club, i felt max fits better into the story for looks etc!

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