
By JadenSeptum

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Keep up with me and my current projects by diving into this unedited story written by myself (acting as the "... More



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By JadenSeptum

"Why do I feel like we're lost?" Tuffnut complained.

"Because you have no concept of direction?" his sister replied with sass.

The group trudged through the thick grass in the clearing between pines as they kept a straight path.

"You do know where we are going, right?" Hiccup asked his love as they took the lead.

"The house was around here somewhere. I'm sure of it. Let's just get to this next clearing," she replied.


Uriah walked beside Snotlout, eyeing the man as he seemed deep in thought. "I'm sorry about that trip, lad..." he told him, remembering when Snotlout questioned that terrified man about his father to see if he'd seen him. They found no clues as to where they could be. "At least we know who is behind it, now," he added. Though that did little for comfort. If Tempus Mora was the reason those scouts went missing then they'd be dead for sure.

"I'm gonna kill him..." Snotlout finally said in a sure tone.

Uriah didn't like him resorting to vengeance but he understood the amount of pain he was in far too well. He thought about what to say to that. As they walked he finally added, "Whatever you do... just remember who the real enemy is."

Breaking through the treeline once more, Astrid and Hiccup were the first to see the hut and she smiled with relief. "Keep the dragons here," she told everyone and they parted from their mounts to continue towards the house.


It was a small wooden cabin that was overgrown by all kind of plants. It almost looked like someone left it long ago. Moira looked around while they walked up to it getting a whole different feeling from this place. It just felt odd, light but not light strangely. "Are ye sure she still lives here?" She asked Astrid as she looked over at her. But before Astrid could reply a voice could be heard from behind them. "Well yes I only left for a few hours..." it was Melody who watched them amused but calm. So they really had come..


Arne jumped at her voice and Faelan chuckled at his reaction.

"Why is everything in this God forsaken woods trying to startle me?!" he complained.

Astrid smiled when she saw her. "Melody," she greeted and walked up to embrace her.

Most of the group was feeling neutral about this character. But Ruarrc was skeptical, understanding the rumors around witches and the other three Berkians knew these as well but didn't really care too much.

Uriah, however, felt his spirit shutter within. Warning bells were going off inside him about Melody and the darkness that he felt swoop over him being this near to her. And there was an unshakable feeling of presence around her. He knew they weren't alone. Unseen eyes were watching their every move. He wasn't scared, though. Just very cautious and more than skeptical.


The young witch let out a small laugh at Arne's reaction before turning to the blond. "Astrid! It's been a long time." Melody said smiling as she embraced her. " you brought friends with you." She said as she looked at the others. Her gaze stopped at Uriah as their eyes met. She just gave him a small smile. Moira watched the two of them before looking up at Uriah noticing how cautious he was. She gave his arm a small nudge as she wondered what he was thinking.


He tried not to acknowledge Moira's inquiry as it would be rude to express his thoughts in front of Melody. So he kept it to himself. When Melody had smiled at him he was polite to her and nodded a greeting. After all, he wasn't sure yet whether or not she had nefarious intent since he didn't know her. He also humored the possibility that she could not be aware of the darkness he felt around her and was trying to do her best in life like the rest of them.

But when Melody's attention was on him, Lyre spoke up to her.

This one brings with him... an old friend... I would think twice before trusting him, dear Melody, he said, but the way he uttered the word "friend" made it indeed seem like he wasn't talking about anything friendly at all...


She hadn't realized then that Astrid was speaking. "I know, I wouldn't have brought such a large group of people here if it wasn't an emergency. But they won't tell anyone where you are. They're a trust worthy bunch," she assured her.


Melody just broke eye contact with him then before letting Astrid go. "..I was told you were coming.." she simply replied as she opened the cabin's door and got inside. Moira looked a bit concerned when he reacted like that but let it be for now before looking confused At Melody's reply. How did she know they were coming? Then again this was a witch so probably that could be possible.


Unlike Moira's confusion, Uriah wasn't surprised at this statement. It just brought further proof of the invisible eyes he was feeling on them.

"Then I'm glad we didn't startle you like you startled Arne," Astrid remarked with a smirk as she entered, the rest of the group piling in as Uriah was the last to do so. His eyes lingered on a spot in the thin layer of snow as if he knew something was there watching him. He just gave it a narrowed eye before turning his back and shutting the door behind him.

The house was warm even without a proper fire as the embers of her last one were still glowing, giving support for her statement about her hourly absence.

Hiccup looked around the home in admiration of her attention to decoration. It was clear Melody spent a lot of time here perfecting the aesthetic of a homely cottage.


Melody took off her robe as she put it by the fire so it could dry being exposed to the snowy weather. She re-lit the fire after putting some wooden logs on the ambers that she had left. " can sit down wherever you long as you don't touch anything else.." she said calmly being quite protective over her herbs and other things she used for healing and protect herself like the crystals on the shelves. She then put a pot above the flames of the fire as she put water in it to boil. Moira looked around once she sat down on a stool Melody had besides a small table she used for cooking and preparing herbs. She noticed the frequent smell the home had.


As she was saying this, Gregor carefully put down the raven skull he was playing with, a childlike guilty look on his face as his eyes were locked with hers.

"That goes for you too," Ruarrc told Faelan without even looking at him.

Greenhood took the raw emerald from his pocket subtly and placed it back on the shelf, hoping Melody didn't notice.

"I love your skeletons," Ruffnut said about some of the various animal bones used for studying. "Do you have any voodoo dolls?" she asked with excitement like this was all incredibly cool.


Hiccup looked at the twin with a frown as if to say "really?"


Melody was watching the water seeing bubbles appear as she put a handful of herbs in she had grabbed from a shelf. She looked up at Ruffnut when she asked that and smiled shaking her head. "No...i don't do that kind of magic.." she stated calmly. "..I only heal and protect.." it was clear Melody didn't have much contact with other people judging by the way she behaved. She walked over to the table Moira was sitting in front of as she grabbed a bottle of another type of herb. Moira froze slightly when she did faintly feeling that darkness that was hanging over her. Melody noticed she did when she came close but ignored it and just did her thing as she walked back to the fire with it putting some more herbs in the pot. "Should be ready in about 5 minutes.." she mumbled to herself as she sat down on the floor by the fire.


"Aw," Ruffnut said in disappointment. "I always thought it would be fun to prick a doll of my brother."

Tuffnut raised his arms as if to ask what he did to deserve that.

"What about exes?" Snotlout asked.

"About what?" Astrid asked him with a frown.

"They're called hexes, moron," Arne told him like he was the dumbest person he'd ever met.

"Whatever," he said loudly and defensively.


"Not that this conversation isn't fun but can we get back to the reason why we're taking up this poor woman's time and save the stupid questions for later?" Hiccup said with attitude at his party.


Faelan spoke up with, "I agree. I think we should get back to the point--"

"Put it back," Ruarrc said again without looking at him.

Faelan hung his head in defeat and put the necklace he stole back where he found it.


Melody barely noticed them as she went over the details Lyre told her one last time while watching the mixture boil. She then took the pot off and put it on the table in front of the fire before turning to them. " about something to drink first?" She asked them out of the blue.


Gregor put a huge grin on his face as he was about to gladly stride over to drink anything and everything that was offered to him but Ruarrc grabbed his arm to stop him as if the big Scotsman was a child. "I think we should get down to business, first," he said coldly.

"But, thank you, very much," Uriah told her, reassuring her that her politeness didn't go unnoticed.

Oct 12, 2023, 1:38 AM


Melody just nodded then pouring some of it in a cup for herself and put the pot back over the fire so the rest wouldn't get cold. She wondered why lyre warned her for Uriah still. He clearly noticed lyre somehow which wasn't good. She then sat back down on the floor "..alright..what is it I can help you with?" She asked them while holding the cup between her hands.

Oct 12, 2023, 7:02 AM


"...Melody..." Astrid began before taking a deep breath. "We... we need to know what your coven was protecting."


Melody firstly looked taken back a bit by the word use 'was protecting' but she then nodded slightly as she knew she was told to tell them by both that man and Lyre. "It's a riddle... 'The lost seek shelter but become more lost. The brave seek time but become terrified. Where laughter comes to rest. But fun comes to die...'"


As she told them the riddle, Uriah wrote it down in his notebook, borrowing a charcoal stick from Hiccup to do so.


"'...The final joke is to not escape. Or die when you try' ..." she said quietly looking down at her cup as she told them before looking up at them again. "..but what do you mean with 'was protecting'? They are still protecting it."

Oct 12, 2023, 7:48 AM


When she said this the party exchanged some looks, none of them knowing how to approach the news.

Suddenly the heavy weight in the room was from whatever wasn't being said as everyone but Melody felt a sorrow sweep over them.


Melody noticed the change in their behavior as well as the sorrow. Her mind started racing when that happened. "They are, right?" She looked down again and asked as if she was asking someone else to check but when it stayed silent her hands trembling as she suddenly was over-floated by fear as she slowly started to realize why they came to her instead of the tribe. She shut her eyes tightly feeling her magic react to that overwhelming feeling that only became more making the tattoos on her body starting to glow white.

Oct 12, 2023, 8:56 AM


They'd never seen this kind of magic before and seemed to not know whether or not to show sympathy or be frightened.

Ruarrc put a hand on his the hilt of his sword just in case.

Hiccup and Astrid looked broken as they took in the depth of this news and how it would feel to be told this.

Uriah shut his eyes as he remembered when Moira went through this exact thing...

Lyre hopped onto the bed and rested his head on her lap for comfort.

Astrid walked forward and sat beside her. "I'm... I'm so sorry, Melody..." she said, nearly kicking herself because how could "I'm sorry" make anything better, or even express how horrible this is was to an accurate degree?


Melody seemed to calm down all of a sudden when Lyre did that. She took deep shakily breaths as slowly her magic calmed down again. She set the cup away once she opened her eyes again as the glow in them disappeared as well. They could see the cup had started to crack under the pressure of the magic that had come out as it suddenly fell apart. "..I-I.." she didn't know what to say when Astrid came sitting beside her. Moira clearly hesitated to go to her as well knowing far too well how it felt. She gave a meaningful look to Uriah as she walked over to the two of them and sat down on the other side of the young witch as she just without saying pulled her into a hug. Melody's eyes widened in surprise when she did before she just completely broke down and accepted the embrace burying her face in the redhead's shoulder.

Oct 12, 2023, 9:24 AM


Uriah couldn't take it. As emotions began to overwhelm him, he left the house, not saying a word.

The others weren't sure if they should stay as they didn't want to overburden Melody with too many people present for such a devastating moment.

Astrid put her arm around the girls as this kind of crying was contagious and a couple of tears fell from her own eyes after a few moments of listening to the sobbing from Melody.

Ruarrc pulled the rest of his crew outside to give them privacy.


Moira stayed quiet as she laid her head against Melody's. Tears started to escape her as well as she closed her eyes while a faint feeling of her own pain and grief came to surface. Melody slowly started to calm down after a while just laying against moira in her embrace now as she had fallen asleep. Her exhausted from the healing and all the emotions had taken its toll on her making her pass out.


Hiccup had sat with them as well for a while and the twins and Snotlout lingered on the other side of the room whispering to one another quietly about what they should do now.

Outside, the snow had almost melted completely as nighttime had fallen on the grove, a blue light shining through the trees around them and creating silhouettes of tall pines.

Uriah had disappeared, and Ruarrc, Faelan, Arne, and Gregor stood out in the cold as their breath made clouds.

"What do we do?" Arne asked again.

Ruarrc was sitting against the side of the house smoking his pipe. "We wait for Uriah to come back," is all he said.

"I know she's grieving but While we sit here, that lunatic is out there probably killing hundreds more," he replied with his hands on his hips.

"Please, Arne, tell us something we don't know already," Faelan sassed.


"She's lost everything. We should give her a day at least," Gregor added with sympathy.

"We don't need to. Just wait for Uriah to return. He wrote down the riddle and we can go from there," Ruarrc said after puffing out smoke.


After she was sure Melody was asleep deep enough Moira carefully pulled out of the embrace and helped her lay down with her head on the pillow. She pulled the fur blanket over the woman as she just without saying anything walked out. Once she saw the crew she walked up to them. "Which way did he go?" She asked them at a calm tone but she wasn't calm at all. This brought back too many memories and pain.

Oct 12, 2023, 10:21 AM


The crew were huddled with their dragons to keep warm now, a fresh fire made on the middle of their circle as they had wool and furs covering their shoulders.

They exchanged some looks with each other as none of them were sure where he ran off to.

That being said, she could see faint footsteps in the spots of snow that still remained, leading from the clearing.


When she saw those footsteps moira just started walking that way. Ikatere had lifted his head up when he noticed her as he was laying by Cailean to keep warm.

Oct 12, 2023, 11:06 AM


Walking into the woods, she found him sitting by the tree line of the next field, sitting against a boulder with his knees propped up, arms hung over them.

Hearing the feminine footsteps, he knew it was her but he didn't look at her yet.


Moira's heard broke seeing him like that as she just said nothing at first and went to sit next to him pulling her legs up as she put her arms around them. She laid her chin against her knees as she stayed quiet watching the sky. She honestly didn't know what to say..Uriah was always so good with his words even in terrible situations that she felt terrible herself that she couldn't.


He was quiet for a moment, trying to keep himself together.

"...This is all my fault..." he finally said, his voice nearly breaking.


"..Dinnae say's not true.." Moira said looking over at him a bit too bluntly. She just hated seeing him like this. It hurted her so much..he was the one who supported her through everything that had happened to her, getting her back from almost dying, she didn't want him to feel this way. "..Dinnae blame yerself.." she said much more softly then. Tears were burning behind her eyes as she watched him not sure what to do. She then carefully laid a hand on his arm. "..y-ye cannae..alright?" Her voice trembled slightly before she knew it showing how she really felt right now. Frustrated that she wasn't able to comfort the one person who always comforted her ever since they met and hurt to see him in this state.

Oct 12, 2023, 2:29 PM


"...I could have stopped him..." he continued, looking ahead still. "I could have listened to the voice that was telling me not to encourage him... ...but I think... I just wanted to... I wanted to know the truth about what happened in Stonehill same as him. We chased the mystery until it led us to this... to all this death..." As visions of the bodies all over Hekseøya plagued his mind, his emotions got the better of him and a tear fell down his cheek. "Whole families... children... and your entire family..." he said with pain in his voice before he finally shut his eyes and put his hand to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose and hanging his head as he finally let himself silently cry.

Oct 12, 2023, 2:52 PM


Her heart fell to pieces when she saw him break down completely. Tears started to form in her eyes as she put her arms around him pulling him into a hug as she let him cry. "D-Dinnae put the weight of the whole thing..of the whole world on yer shoulders..yer not responsible for his actions.." she said trying to keep herself together for his sake. "L-Listen to me..M-my family's death is not yer fault.."


He rested his head on her collarbone as the tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't get respond as he tried to let out the emotions, hoping it would help him to feel better but honestly he was just beginning to feel hopeless. Would he ever get his friend back? Would they ever stop this mad man from trying to conquer the whole known world?

It was all so... apocalyptic.

And he was tempted to blame himself, tempted to turn to anger and hatred, tempted to hunt the man down and make him suffer for what he caused, tempted to push people away and isolate himself...

All of it was pouring into him and it was a lot for him to take in this one moment.

Oct 12, 2023, 4:11 PM


Moira was quiet for a moment just holding him in her embrace as she laid her head against his. "..Y-ye don't need to always put others are h-human as i-it logical this makes you feel hopeless and furious..b-but please don't lose yerself in this.." she said seriously but softly to him noticing how he had put himself aside for others which was now taking it's toll on him. She then heard a whimper not far from them. It was Ikatere who had come looking for them. He hesitatingly stepped closer letting out a sad rumble seeing them like this. He could feel the pain they were both in. A small smile appeared on Moira's face when he just laid down by them.


Uriah didn't have to cry for long. For him, it didn't take a lot of tears to get his emotions out. But sitting there, letting it die down, he took in her words. Of course she was right. And he stopped scolding himself for letting this out. All he wanted to do was be a rock others could lean on, but that didn't mean he couldn't lean on others too. His crew was there for him. Even some of the Berkians...

And Moira especially. He's convinced she would suffer greatly for his well-being... much like he would do for her if it came to it. She was such a sweet girl. He adored her... truly.

And her comfort and closeness really did make him feel that much better. He wasn't going through this alone and that meant the world to him.

His hand reached up to lay atop hers that was holding his shoulder, the tears stopping slowly now. And when Ikatere laid down beside them, he lifted his head to see the dragon there, warmth spreading through him at the affection he showed.


He placed his hand on Ikatere's Head as if the dragon was a dog. "It seems like only yesterday when I was telling you all of these things," Uriah said to Moira in a soft but ironic tone, his eyes soft and thoughtful as he watched his dragon.


Moira then wiped her own tears away with one of her hands as she chuckled at his comment. "A-Aye..feels like that." Ikatere immediately started purring when his rider laid his hand on his head. He turned his head to look at them with his big purple puppy eyes like if asking if they were alright now. "..he seemed to be worried about ye.." moira said smiling as she watched the dragon who was still shivering because of the cold but he didn't seem to care about that much at that moment.


"He's a loyal little thing. Regardless of how regretful I am that our crew made port on that island, I'm grateful I was able to rescue him..." he said quietly... this moment slow and calm as the wind blew the tops of the trees just enough to make a white noise around them.

His hand that was on Ikatere was now on Moira's arm that was still draped around him, thinking silently for a moment.

He was still... upset. But it wasn't as bad as it was before... thanks to her.


"..he seems to care about ye very much.." moira said to him as she just kept her arm around him and put the other back around him as well. Ikatere really did remind her off a dog they had but that dog was small, didn't breath fire and wasn't poisoness. Ikatere then laid his head against their sides as he laid down closer to them.

Oct 12, 2023, 5:03 PM


As Uriah sat there, he began to realize weeping would do them no good... and that he would continue to fight to make things right, letting God handle the rest...

As the silence lingered, his sorrow slowly disappeared as his mind began to fill with different thoughts entirely. He couldn't help but feel a contradictory emotion than the devastation he was in before. This feeling was a form of contentment and deeply rooted joy. For a moment it felt like the two of them were back in the house on Berk... when it was just them. And there was a time of tranquility despite the grief.

Even in those dark moments and in this one now, he couldn't shake the love he felt; the love of having Moira at his side. It felt... right to him that they were companions. Sure he hadn't known her for long. But now he just... couldn't imagine his future without her by his side like she had been since they met.


It was so natural to him. And he hoped she felt the same way.

Now he was always an open book and let himself be somewhat vulnerable around people, with intense honesty and a shoulder to lean on... and had many emotionally intimate relationships with all kinds of people because of this and his ministry work.

But... this kind of intimacy? It was... very new to him. He had been out there with a goal for so long that when women would try to show interest or flirt (or that horrible night with the whorehouse when he had to pull a drunk depressed Arne out of there by his leg... Long story), he just wasn't interested in that way. He was focused on other things at the time and didn't feel a spiritual pull towards those women in any capacity.


But to have such a sweet, beautiful, selfless, courageous, intelligent woman like Moira around whom he had an emotional and spiritual connection with... he felt so grateful to have her in his life and hoped he would never have to let her go...

As his negative thoughts began to be smothered with hopeful ones, taking in the good despite the bad, he started to feel more like himself again. Maybe he wasn't quite back yet but he felt better... truly.

He turned his head so that he could put his lips to her forehead lovingly, his fingers lacing with hers as his palm was still on the back of her hand. He shut his eyes and said in an affectionate whisper, "Thank you..." hoping she would understand the magnitude of his gratefulness to her in his tone for... well for everything she'd done for him.

Fri 1:39 AM


Moira didn't really say anything as she was watching him collect his thoughts. Her smile slightly grew when she noticed he was slowly getting through his sorrow and became himself again. When he leaned towards her like that and kissed her on the forehead moira felt her cheeks heat up and that overwhelming feeling of..well..she didn't really know what it was. But it felt great..She shut her eyes as well when he did and said that. " did the same for me..I would..I would do it again.." she said to him in the same way. She really did mean that. All of this was very new to her but it felt like she had known him for years and it was different with him.

Fri 10:26 AM


"Well... I could do without the circumstances in which we spent time together," he replied as he turned and faced ahead again, seeming more of himself but still a bit down.


Moira nodded in agreement when he said that before sighing deeply now laying with her head against his shoulder. "..we probably wouldn't have met then.." she said quietly knowing without them going to that island she probably would have gotten herself in more trouble and wouldn't be alive right now.


"...Why did you leave again?" he asked her thoughtfully.


"..I don't want to get married and be stuck there." Moira replied as she went to sit up straight again and looked away. She however did want to tell him but she didn't want to bother him with it with everything he had going on himself.


He noticed her shift in mood but didn't press her. Instead, he thought about her words and said, "Hm... does that mean you never want to be married?" He kept a smile at bay.


Moira was caught of guard by that question but it made her somehow relax a bit again. "..I don't know..maybe.." she said as she looked back at him.


He returned her gaze, his eyes admiring and for a split second, dropping to her lips before returning to her eyes again. "You don't seem very enthusiastic about the prospect do you?" he teased with a jokingly skeptical look, subtle amusement in his gaze.


"..well...I am not.." Moira said as she broke eye-contact again. But a slight blush had appeared on her face when he teased her like that. "Maybe with the right person.." she said quietly.

Fri 1:28 PM


"Ah, that's the key, isn't it? So what would your ideal person be like?" he kept the same expression on his face as he was interested in her answer.


Moira sighed softly. Did he seriously ask that while he was right in front of her? "Well..someone who.." she honestly had no idea, she never had thought about this. God why did this made her so nervous? And that look on his face. It made her cheeks heat up even more.


He began to chuckle a little. "Are you alright, lass? You look a little red," he teased, smirking at her hesitation.


Moira looked away when he said that only getting more red in her face as she quickly hid her face in her hands. "..aye..I am..fine..don't look at me that way.."


He let out a laugh at last. "Look at you what way?" he asked with amusement, as if taking offense and staying his innocence.


"All innocent with those big brown eyes of yers.." Moira said as she looked at him through her fingers. "And that bampot (stupid) smirk.." she said but honestly she loved that smirk.

Fri 2:29 PM


"My eyes? You can accuse me of this while having those?" he said with regards to her own. "You are adorable, you know that?" he said through a chuckle, his arm hung around her. "Fine. How about I just don't look at you any more? Sound like a deal?" he played along jokingly.


" deal..just..just give me a minute.." Moira said as she hid her face again but she did lean against him when she did. She knew he loved teasing her which was annoying but also adorable.


"Really? You look like you need more than that," he remarked with his eyebrows raised, still chuckling as he poked her side with his hand that was around her, his grin huge now as he found her absolutely precious. That smile of hers was incredibly contagious for him and he was now convinced that he could be on his death bed and smile if she was there.


Moira let out a surprised yelp when he did poke her. "Ey! Don't do that!" She said as she gave him slight hit against his shoulder. She couldn't help but laugh at that. "Ye are an (idiot) dafty!"


"Oh I am? And how do you propose to stop me little canary?" he continued to try and poke her annoyingly.


"Hey! Stop!" Moira said laughing as she tried to grab his hands to make him stop. "Ye are..a-.." she said looking up at him once she managed to before she stopped mid sentence when they made eye contact. The look in his eyes made her stop as she just stared back into his eyes.

Fri 3:34 PM


His eyes danced in hers with adoration, a soft smile lingering on his lips as he was filled with a content joy. She was the only thing he was thinking about right now... The whole world had faded away.

His hand came up so that his fingers brushed her cheek gently, removing the strands of hair that fell in front of her eyes that he loved. "Well... dear Moira... here we are; you and I, in the midst of a war, where we should be stricken with constant grief and fury in a darkened and jaded soul... ..." His hand fell to take her own, pressing his lips to the back of her hand before he said, "and yet..." he began to smile, alluding to how happy he was in spite of where they were...


As her cheeks started to heat up again and his words started to get through to her as well as the intense unknown feelings rising again a smile appeared on her face when she saw he started to smile. "..I am glad ye are smiling again." She said to him softly.

Fri 4:04 PM


As his eyes looked over her pale delicate face, he found himself admiring every aspect of it: the pink cheeks, the rose petal lips, the long lashes, those big beautiful eyes, her freckles... and even the small and barely visible scar by the bridge of her nose. "...Only thanks to you," he replied in a soft tone, speaking in almost a whisper as his eyes glanced at her lips and his heart began to beat faster, drawn to her...


Moira couldn't take her eyes off him as she got lost in his eyes and smile. She also felt this pull between them. Slowly she leaned in towards him..she felt her heart beating like crazy as she was now so close to him some of her curls brushed his face..their lips inches from touching..


His hand dropped to curve around her waist as his other came up touch her jaw and chin, pulling her in as he shut his eyes and leaned forward to—

"Oh! There you two are," Tuffnut said with relief in his tone, startling them both as they nearly jumped and backed away from one another, looking up at his sudden entrance.

"You found them?" his sister called to him from the woods behind him.

"Yeah they're just swapping spit!" he replied to her.

Uriah shut his eyes and clenched his jaw with irritation.


"It's about time!" Ruffnut called back

Fri 4:37 PM


Moira immediately looked up at Tuffnut, shooting him a glare. She couldn't believe he just walked in on them like that. "Well congratulations ye found us! Now get out of here!" She shot at him irritated now.


Uriah raised his brows, entertained by her anger.

"Yeah, get out of there!" Ruffnut called.

"Yikes, no need to bite my head off," Tuffnut said defensively.


"Oh just piss off ye eejit!" Moira said to them both going full Scottish on him. She was surprised herself by her own reaction but she didn't show it. She just glared at Tuffnut still. (Eejit = idiot)


"What's an E-jet?" he said cluelessly.

Moira moved to--

Uriah grabbed her arm before she could get up. "Tuffnut, get lost before I let her go," he threatened.

"Fine fine. Go back to what you were... doing," he gave them an amusing and weird look before backing off and leaving them there.


"I really should have punched him in his face.." Moira mumbled watched him leave as she sat back down


He chuckled at her anger as he reclined against the boulder behind them.


Moira sighed deeply as she looked over at Uriah again. "..I guess..we should go back to the others then.."


There was a pause before he spoke up. "Or... we could just stay here for another minute..." he suggested, glancing her way with a hint of a grin.

She looked at him as a gentle smile slowly spread on her lips.

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