Farm Boy

By __A_Burning_Hill__

362 13 5

Eyeless Jack x reader - What happens when Jack knocks on your window in the middle of the night in the rain? ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (slight smut)
Chapter 6 (SMUT)

Chapter 3

40 2 0
By __A_Burning_Hill__

About an hour later, you were finally done, and we both hauled the meat in. You placed access to it into a freezer, deciding on sandwiches for lunch.

"Can you eat raw organs of any animal?" You asked, slicing chicken up for the sandwiches in your kitchen, Jack sitting at the island. He hakes his head, looking at the chicken you were chopping up now.

"I am unable to eat raw animal organs. There's no value to me in consuming things such as that. I only consume fully cooked meat, and even then, I have my preferences. Why do you ask?"

"It has to be human? Or do you cook those as well?"

He seemed to consider your question for a moment before answering with a small shrug. "I prefer it cooked, I admit, but I do not need to cook it. The human mind is a strange one, and sometimes, even I feel like I need to cook my meat. Other times, I don't care for the taste difference and eat it raw when I feel like it."

"That's fair, I mean, heart is better cooked. I've found that flesh has a pig-like consistency, with a hint of alligator." You said, placing the chicken on the bread.

"Ah yes... flesh. I've definitely heard that before." He chuckled slightly, not quite used to referring to it in that manner.

Jack looks over at the cooked chicken sandwich and seems ready to eat it. The smell is tantalizing, and he can't help but get a little excited.

You placed the finished sandwich in front of him with a glass of ice water, starting to eat your own.

Jack digs into the sandwich without hesitation, devouring it quickly. He almost seems to be enjoying it, although it's hard to tell with his lack of facial expressions. He finishes in just a matter of moments, looking up at you and speaking with a mouthful of food. "That... was delicious."

You laughed, covering my mouth as you swallowed. "Chew, Jack. Don't choke on it, I can't have my best farmhand dying on me."

Jack swallows the mouthful down and chuckles once again as he hears the comment.

"Sorry about that. I just got a bit excited. If this is your cooking, then your meals are a great incentive for me to do my best work possible."

He shrugs and wipes some of the crumbs from his face with his forearm, seeming slightly ashamed for eating so quickly.

"Don't you have a home to go back to? I mean, I don't mind if you stay, but I don't want to keep you from your living situation." You asked, sipping your water.

Jack seems at a loss for a moment.

"I... don't really have a place to go back to at the moment. I've sort of been wandering around for a while. It's no trouble to stay here for a while, though... if you're willing to let me."

"Stay here for as long as you need. I've got food and a bed for you, as long as you earn your keep, which I'm safe to say I think you will."

Jack can't help but grin at your response. You were very kind-natured, in his opinion, and not as scared of his appearance as he had expected you to be. "Thank you. I really appreciate the kindness you are showing me right now."

"You don't have to thank me, really. I've taken a liking to you, Jack, so you're welcome here for as long as you like." You said, placing your plates and glasses into the sink, turning to look at him.

"I need a shower, and then I'm going to read for a while. There's another spare bathroom, and you can use the clothes in the drawers of the guest room, so if you want to take a shower, you can. I suggest you do. We both smell like death and blood."
You chuckled, walking to your room.

Jack chuckles and nods as you walk away. He's not used to being this appreciated before, especially not for the type of work that he does most of the time. He's not the most social person, but this... kindness... is truly heartening to him.

"I will take a shower then, yes. Thank you... again." He walks out to head for the spare bathroom, going to clean himself up and find something more fitting to wear.

You started your shower, finishing it quickly and then slipping on some undergarments, going through your drawers for something to wear.

Jack finishes his shower and walks through his guest room closet, rifling through the clothing options and picking out what he thinks looks appropriate: a plain tan colored hoodie with jeans to match the color. Though he was tempted to go with something more... flashy, he doesn't think that would go over very well with you.

You walked out of your room and into the living room in basketball shorts and a tank top, looking through your bookshelf to find something to read.

Jack appears shortly after entering the living room, now dressed in the clothes he selected. He seems relaxed and content in his outfit, although he can't help but feel slightly anxious about his appearance being off-putting to you.

"Hey-" you greeted, turning to face him as you stared at his face, processing his face without his mask.

Jack looks to you for a moment, seeing you staring at him, and feels a wave of self-doubt wash over him. He wasn't really sure of what you were thinking now that you're looking at him with no mask. He feels self-conscious and somewhat anxious, as if he's just made a serious mistake by revealing his face.

You smiled, looking back at what you were doing, searching the shelf. "You're quite handsome, if I do say so myself."

He pauses, his heart pausing for a moment as well. That's the last thing he was expecting to hear from you. Jack looks away for a moment, feeling himself blush slightly. Finally, he looks back up at you with a small smile on his face. "You... I really think so?"

"Yeah, I like your facial structure. Where are you expecting me to recoil? I don't judge, I thought you knew that. Jack, I'm happy that you're comfortable enough to show your face to me. Thank you." You said, patting his arm softly.

Jack nods and smiles, taking in your words. You're extremely kind-hearted for accepting him despite his... unconventional... appearance. He feels more comfortable now than he has been for quite some time, actually. Finally, he seems to have found someone who is willing to accept him for who he is. It's a comforting feeling to say the LEAST. "Thank you.... you've shown me more kindness than I really deserve here."

"You've shown me kindness as well, I mean, I knew you were thinking about me being one of your victims, and you decided to let me live." You shrugged.

Jack pauses, nodding in agreement. He was indeed thinking of attacking you and eating you for a while now, but he decided to restrain himself and allow you to live instead.

"I decided to spare you, yes. You have treated me with such kindness and respect. You were one of the only ones to talk to me like a regular person rather than an animal."

"You aren't an animal. Despite your appearance and your abilities, you're still human. You deserved to be treated like one."

Jack pauses once again. Those words hit him deep. He wasn't sure he deserved to be treated like a human being still, but he was extremely happy to hear you say them.

"That's very kind of you to say. And, you are not afraid of me?"

You huckled, shaking your head.
"No, I'm not. I've met people who would make your skin crawl."

Jack nods and smiles once again, chuckling as you make that comment. So, you're not afraid of him now that you see his face? That's very good news for him.

"So... I suppose I do not make your skin crawl either?"

"Nope, even last night, when you knocked on my window, I wasn't scared in the slightest. Did you know I can bench 300 pounds? I could pick you up and throw you, you scrawny string bean." You poked his arm with a smile.

He couldn't help but laugh at your friendly, teasing pokes to his arm. He seems quite comfortable with this level of friendliness from you, as if he's truly being accepted.

"I'd like to see you try a move like that on me. I'm sure you'd be able to, but I'd like to see you physically lift me at least once."

You shrugged, getting into a stance and then wrapping your arm around his torso, throwing him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Eyeless Jack laughs as you easily throw him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It's not every day someone does something like this. He has to admit, it's pretty amusing.

"Hm, it seems I underestimated you, didn't I?"

"I can also hold you like a princess."
You said, easily maneuvering his legs over one of your arms, holding his upper back with your other arm.

Jack laughs again, trying not to make it too obvious that the attention you're giving him is enjoyable. It's a nice change of pace from people being terrified of you all the time. Finally, he's found someone who is actually willing to treat him with kindness.

"You're quite the strong little thing, I have to admit. You're almost stronger than me."

"Little?! You jackass, what'd you mean, little?" You said, putting him down gently on to his feet.

Jack laughs once again, this time at your reaction to being called 'little.' He shakes his head, but he's still smiling, clearly amused by your reaction.

"I meant your height, of course. In terms of appearance and muscle, you are far from little. You're a lot stronger than one would assume considering your frame... at least, I assumed that."

You rolled your eyes, placing your hands on your hips. "I'm like... 5'10. You're, what, 6'8?"

Jack nods at the observation of your height. He's actually 6'10, but he's not too upset at the fact you were mistaken about it.

"I'm six foot ten inches, yes. So, in comparison to me, you are pretty short. It is a strange observation to make, for sure, but it's simply the truth."

"Holy shit, no wonder you're bending down to go through doors." You said, looking up at him with amazement.

Jack laughs at the way you're expressing your amazement. It's quite funny to him that someone is reacting this strongly to his height.

"Yes. It is a little inconvenient to have my height be so high. However, it does have its benefits. Mostly that I am able to be very intimidating. It makes the most sense when I am hunting people, though it is nice here as well. For example, I am able to help you reach things on the top shelf without you needing to grab a stepstool."

"That means you can clean on top of my cabinets, right? I need to dust up there, but I can't really reach without knocking down my plants." You said, pointing with my thumb towards your kitchen cabinets.

Jack nods once again, smiling at the prospect of cleaning for you.
"Of course. I do not mind using this height advantage for something more productive than hunting. After all, why not? I could probably do that right now if you wanted me to. Would you really want me to make sure to dust the top of the cabinets for you?"

"Yeah, the supply closet is next to the front door, and while you're here, can you get that book up there, the big-ish one that's titled, 'Ulysses'?" You asked, pointing to the shelf that's next to his head.

Jack nods once again, heading over to the shelf and grabbing the book. It feels a little odd to be asked to do so little work, but he's enjoying it so far. He then walks back to you, handing you the book.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to reach while I have my hands up here?"

"Nope, that's it. Wow, it's like I have a maid! A really tall, flesh-eating, handsome maid!"
You said, chuckling as you walked over to your armchair, crossing your legs and placing your glasses on your nose.

Jack laughs once again, seeming extremely amused. You're enjoying your jokes and puns quite a bit, it would seem.

"I'm happy I can be of service to you." Jack then looks around for a minute before making a suggestion.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" You asked, glancing up at him from your book.

"The one thing that's still confusing me about you is... why aren't you scared of my nature? Many before you have died because of it... so why do you still stand here, in my presence, without a care in the world?" Jack seems curious and fascinated that you would remain so calm despite him being a man-eating demon.

"Honestly? I've taken out guys similar to you before, but they were pure muscle. I fought them two at a time, there where about 6 total. It was in a bar fight, and I even killed 3 of them. So, in short, I could kill you in a few minutes with my bare hands if I needed to."

He was taken aback, even more impressed by you now than when you threw him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It's very clear that your strength and agility are far beyond anything he's ever seen before.

"I don't doubt that you could kill me if you are so pleased. But I still cannot get over how you just... don't seem to care about the fact that I am a flesh-eating monster."

"I ate human before too, and you're not a monster, you're just a guy who gained a taste for it. I like lamb better, honestly."

Jack blinks a few times before processing what you just said.

"You've... eaten human before? Who was unfortunate enough to meet their end at the hands of you? And did you also... enjoy it?"

"I tore out his throat after he almost gang raped me, so yeah, I enjoyed it. I tore out his heart with my bare hands after crushing his ribs with my boot, so that was satisfying, too. I spat his heart in his bodyguards face. He pissed his pants, he was so scared!" You laughed.

Jack is amazed by this story. You clearly have a knack for violence, one that he's more than impressed by. In fact, he seems almost as impressed by your feats of strength as he does by your casual attitude about the whole thing as well.

"How old were you when this happened, if you don't mind me asking?"

"22. I was going to the gym every day since I was 15, so I was almost 90% muscle by that point. Now its kind of mixed, I've gotten older."

Jack nods at this, impressed by your commitment to strength training. It was something he had been meaning to get around to himself, though being a demon and all, he never really found the time to do so.

"How old are you now, if you don't mind me asking?"

"33. I hope I don't seem like a grandma to you." You chuckled.

Jack chuckles as well, though he shakes his head quite adamantly.

"Absolutely not! You're actually far younger than I would have guessed. It's clear that you're still in your prime, so to speak. Honestly, I am just impressed by your dedication to keeping healthy, even at your age, which isn't very old at all."

"It isn't like I want to make babies any time soon, or ever. Two was enough for me." You said, chuckling.

He laughs as well, shaking his head. "I can understand that. Personally, I am not one for procreating either, in my case, because I do not desire to pass my genes on to another soul. I wouldn't wish my monstrous nature on anyone."

"You've got to stop with that monster talk. You aren't a monster, Jack. You're a person pushed past your limits."

Jack freezes for a moment. Your words... they almost make him feel comfortable with himself. It's a strange feeling to feel comfortable when he has always viewed himself as a monster, but he can't help but smile at what you just said.

"I didn't realize I'd needed to hear that, but I suppose in a way you are correct. It's just... I always felt I've become too far gone to really be classified as human anymore."

"I was like you once, thinking I was a monster for the things I've done. But we aren't our past. I am not the triple digit body count that I've racked up."

Jack is once again taken aback. You really aren't afraid of the things you've done, it really is quite fascinating.

"You've killed over 100 people... yet you're confident in who you are, even now, and you're sure of it? What changed for you? What made you see yourself as more than just a monster?"

"My kids. My wife. Well, ex-wife. Having my girls in my arms for the first time... it just... made all of my thoughts of being a monster go away. I was a human mother, with her kids in her arms, not some monster that was capable of killing 200 people."

Jack seemed to get taken aback by this, as he had certainly not expected you to say something so wholesome. This is the true power of motherhood, huh? It clearly changed you for the better. The way you speak about your kids, it's almost heartwarming.

"That's incredible. You're right... that is a very human thing, being a mother. And having people depending on you, and who you care for so much, can make all of your previous sins seem trivial, right?"

"Their lives were in my hands, and I didn't have to... kill, for once. Pure balls of joy, my two girls. They loved me, and I loved them so much."

Jack can't help but smile in response to what you just said. You really do care about them deeply, and that is commendable. In a way, that's even more impressive than your prowess in battle, honestly. He thinks it is adorable how much you cherish your children.

"I'm sure they were wonderful children, as they had such a loving mother. I hope they are doing well now as they grow older."

"I hope so too, Cecilia won't even send me pictures. I sent a letter a while ago begging her for some pictures of the girls, anything, but she sent back a restraining order, and that's it. Nothing else. Despite her vindictive nature, I still can't be angry at her. I was so in love with her that I can't even think about harming her or having harm come to her."

Jack was caught off guard by your revelation about the restraining order. It's clear there is a complicated history between you two, and that the feelings are very strong. She sent you a restraining order despite you admitting that you're still in love with her.

"That's a shame about the restraining order. I suppose there's a whole history there between you two that I don't know about. Has she moved on to someone else at all? Does she have a partner now? Or is she still single?"

"I have no idea, I can't come in contact in any way with her or the girls unless it's in a court setting. I- I'm not still in love with her, I loved her. That's different. I wouldn't- I can't forgive her. Not even if she begged me to."

At the revelation that you are indeed not in love with her, he does a double take, making sure he heard you correctly. You aren't in love with her anymore? What happened to make your feelings disappear?

"What made you fall out of love with her? Did something happen between the two of you that soured the whole relationship? Was it the restraining order, or something else entirely?"

"She just... I don't know, she scared me. I don't normally get scared, but I did. She really hurt me. Our relationship was not perfect towards the end, I said some things, she said a lot of things. The restraining order was the nail in the coffin. But, I still would be devastated if i found out anything had happened to her. That's the mother to my children."

Jack nods at this, clearly understanding that the whole situation is far more complex than he had first understood it to be.

"I see. It sounds like you have a complicated history with her, then. But the fact that you still worry about her and would be devastated if something had happened to her, despite the circumstances... it seems as though these feelings ran very deep between both of you. How did you two meet?"

"I met her on a job, I was 18 and dealing to a college kid in one of the dorms that I frequented to because they were the best places to unload weed and blow. She came out of her room in a tank top and jeans and asked me what my prices were, and I just fell in love right there. I was such a stuttering mess, she laughed at me. She asked me on a date after a few minutes, and the rest is history."

Jack nods as you tell him how you first met. It's very cute how flustered you became in the beginning, all of the stuttering and the awkwardness. He couldn't help but find it adorable.

"I see. It's quite the sweet story, honestly. But... you did say the end of the relationship was toxic. What caused it to become so toxic, if you don't mind me asking?"

"She found out that I was a hitman right when the girls turned 3, and for the next two years, she looked at me like I was some kind of... monster."

He can't help but feel bad now, as he realizes he might have accidentally rubbed salt in the wound of an obviously traumatic past. He hadn't thought how difficult it is for you to even speak of these things.

"I'm sorry, I think I'm asking too many personal questions. I just found it fascinating to hear about you and how you think, but I suppose I should be more considerate. After all, it's obvious that this is a sensitive subject for you."

"It's okay, you have a right to know who you're living with. It seems like you don't like opening up easily, so I didn't want to pry as well."

Jack is a little taken aback by your ability to understand other people so well. You almost seem like a psychologist with how well you're able to handle this conversation.

"It seems you're very perceptive and good at reading people. Maybe that's part of the killer mentality, being able to see people for what they really are like you seem to be able to. I'm usually not very open, so I'm glad that you understand where I am coming from. Thank you for that."

"Can I ask a few questions? You can stop me if I dig too deep."

Jack nods once again, not minding the questions at all, as you've already said he's allowed to deny your requests if he wanted to. It's a nice way of going about it, honestly, one he respects. In addition to this, it seems like you'd make for an entertaining conversation.

"Of course, I don't mind. Go ahead."

"How old are you?"

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