A New Dawn

By kimuyaiv

19.4K 1.9K 236

Jungkook has waited for 12 years, 12 years to meet his mate, he has searched everywhere. Imagine his suprise... More



1K 131 19
By kimuyaiv

"No fuck! this is not a fucking dream anymore" Taehyung manages himself to stand up pacing around. 

He stare at what he was wearing. He had screamed when he woke and saw what he was wearing, a garment with a robe around its waist but where is his clothes ? Well he came to the conclusion that that beautiful man had changed him which Taehyung wasn't complaining even if he did more but he would like to be awake for that.

Taehyung had been in and out of consciousness. He saw that handsome man every time he tries to open his eyes. He doesn't even know how long he was out of it for

Anyways someone changed and cleaned  him which he was grateful for cause his clothe was dirty and bloody. His wound wasn't hurting  him that much anymore, he doesn't know what they applied but he's grateful. 

Taehyung has screamed, laughed, cried, passed out and he has come to the conclusion that he wasn't dreaming. No dream can be this goddamn long. 

So he let his mind go through everything that happened to him finding himself in that open space where wolves and humans were fighting 

But wait which human in their right mind will willingly fight wolfs? Taehyung shook his head trying to concentrate.

He woke up from his bed, met his landlord like he usually does, went to work listen to his coworkers blab about humans who are also wolfs. Then his boss came Taehyung demanded for his money which turned out bad as he pushed the man takes his money and ran away

He's proud of himself for that one though

He had ran with thrills even as he was chased then he was approached when he stopped to catch his breath.

A woman actually two people saying strange things then he was falling through some kind of hole, The he was dropping through fire, he felt excruciating pain at some point he felt his body changing into something he wasn't sure of then he dropped in that open space where he believes a battle  was going on

He saw that wolf, that red wolf he has being seeing almost all his life. Taehyung was in shock but he could swear, he heard the wolf's voice in his head

God his memory is a mess

Did he fall into another world. The people he has seen so far dresses and talks differently. Maybe he came back in time or maybe he fell into another universe 

What are the odds he randomly fell into another universe right at the time he was chased and well could have been in serious trouble.

Or maybe he is still dreaming

No Taehyung really doesn't think so anymore.

God! Where is he, where in the fucking universe is he 

Taehyung decides to take fresh air outside, he really needs it.

He walks out of the tent into another bigger one that has chairs surrounding a table . Maybe they holds meeting there, he concludes looking for a way outside. He finds the door and walks towards it.

Immediately he steps outside two guards bows in front of him

Taehyung paused unsure of what's going on

"Good morning your highness "

Oh it's morning, ohh! Your highness?

Taehyung clears his throat memories of that other dude who saved his life calling him same flash through his mind and Taehyung concludes he is a king in this world.

Oh? he definitely has a kingdom right?maids and servants. He smiles, ok maybe he's going to like it here a lot.

He composes himself lifting his shoulder and deepens his voice even more.

"Stand up" He says unsure of what to do next 

The soldiers stood up and step to the side, heads down and hands behind their back 

Is he suppose to lead all these people? But he knows nothing about being a leader. Wait, if he's the leader now, where's the former leader?

Hold on a minute Taehyung has watch a movie where people switch universe, wait, is that what happened. Is the him that is a king in this world in his world right now?

That doesn't make sense

He doesn't know what to do so he starts walking again, he moves a little further to a jaw dropping site. There are tents everywhere, there's hundreds of them. 

Oh my god!

Is this his kingdom? This definitely is a fucking poor kingdom. What the fuck?

No he refuse to be king here.

"Couldn't have dropped me to a richer and cooler city really?" He mumbles hoping whoever or whatever is responsible for him being here will hear him

The more Taehyung walks further the more he marvels but the people bowing to him isn't making him think too much into things.

He is a king

"Your highness"  someone calls from behind him

Taehyung turns around and firstly notice the two guards following him. He smiles when he saw that horse dude 

"Hey horse dude what's up?"

Taehyung feels the paused in the air, what now but he didn't curse?

He ignores and focuses on the guy who seems to have gotten a little bit use to how Taehyung talks

"What are you doing out of your bed your highness, you're injured"

"Oh please, like I haven't gotten worst, I grew up in the street my guy this is nothing"

That shift the air again. Taehyung glance around to see everyone around looking at him strangely they immediately look down when they saw him looking at them

"My name is yoongi" Horse dude said

"Ok Yoongi, I'm Kim fucking Taehyung "

A loud gasps echoes around him

Taehyung let out a sigh turning around to give them a piece of his mind cause what they fuck they behaving like that for. None of them are kids here right?

"There's no way any of are virgins right?"

"And then the cough and throat clearing echoes everywhere

"Ok I uhmm your highness this way please "

Taehyung sighs following after Yoongi. The two guards follows far behind

He's really going to suck at being a king

But maybe

Maybe he could ask for help on how to be king, maybe he can come clean to horse dude, the dude looks like who he can trust.

"I really suck at this"

"At what your highness ?"

"Being king" He says

Horse dude pauses, he turns around and stares

Then he asked "what?"

Taehyung is confuse

"Something like that could get you hang your highness, that could be label as treason"

"What are you talking about?"

"Please be sure not to say that anywhere, even though your mate is the king it could still be considered treason by some."

Taehyung stares

"What are you talking about. What mate? What king?"

"Our king, Jeon jungkook, your mate"



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