A True LOVE [ Yandere-kun X M...

By MaviMaviGozler

25.4K 1K 219

Ayato has always had trouble feeling regular emotions. While he sometimes gets angry or feels sorry, real hap... More

[0] Playlist
[1] Ayato Aishi
[2] A New Friend
[3] Clubs or Not
[4] Choices, choices
[5] To be or not to be
[6] Stalker?!
[7] You help me, I help you
[8] Stranger Danger
[9] Mission Rescue Cat: Part one
[10] Mission Rescue Cat: Part two
[11] Where are you?
[12] It's a Secret
[13] Guardian
[14] Living Situation
[15] Plan B
[16] Acting Face
[18] Hungover or Hangover?
[19] Chocolate
[20] Cooking lessons
[21] Family Line
[22] Like Brother, Like Brother
[23] Preparations for the Festival
[24] Boy's Dinner
[25] Runner's High
[26] Sherlock and Watson? Osano and Taro...

[17] Game Over

936 42 19
By MaviMaviGozler

It was a spontaneous situation. Ayato understood that much.

As the boy rose, Ayato closed the door behind him, stealing a glance at the clock. He had enough time to settle this before anyone else interrupted.

Approaching the boy, Ayato towered over him and locked eyes. "You're Gema Takagaki, the club's leader."

It wasn't a question but a statement, leaving the boy unsure of Ayato's intentions.

Ayato sighed, momentarily closing his eyes before fixing his gaze on Gema. "You need to step down from your club."

"W-what?" Gema stammered, clearly baffled.

"Step down," Ayato repeated calmly, startling Gema.

"What are you saying?!" Gema exclaimed in disbelief. "Who do you think you are? Are you out of your mind?"

While Gema ranted, Ayato rummaged through his bag and threw the papers on the desk. The sudden silence caught Gema's attention as he hesitantly picked up the prints.

"Your decision to violate your club member's privacy put them in a dangerous situation," Ayato explained, nodding toward the papers. "Someone like you shouldn't lead a club."

"I..." Gema faltered, unsure. "I don't have to be intimidated by you." His tone betrayed his uncertainty.

Seeing Gema's resolve weaken, Ayato pressed on. "You don't want this exposed, do you? It could damage the club's reputation, not just its members. Quit, and I won't speak a word about it."

Lowering his head in defeat, Gema recognized the numbers and messages, realising the severity of the messages and their implications. Clutching the papers, hands trembling, he asked, "What happens if I don't?"

Ayato's expression remained firm as he replied, "Then I'll personally take those messages to the student council. You won't like their approach as much as mine."

"I understand..." Gema grew quiet. Ayato sensed the decision was made. "I'll step down by next week. You can count on that."

"Good," Ayato nodded. He could almost feel bad for him if it weren't for the fact that all of this happened because of him. To add fire to the fuel, he clasped the boy's shoulder, leaning in. "You deserve that much for what you've done."

The boy tensed, closing his mouth.

After watching him for a moment, Ayato stepped back and left the room. He walked into the hallway, the bell signalling the end of class.

Letting out a breath, Ayato felt the tiredness from today's activities sinking in. He had to do a lot today and hoped it would all pay off.

Taking a different route to avoid the busy sight of students, a thought crossed his mind. If the class was over, that meant his teacher was done with his job as well.

Freezing, Ayato realised he had little time before Mido would be coming home, expecting to see him there. As he rushed out of the building, he knew he had to make it home in time before his teacher did. Thankfully, he spotted the car in the parking lot as he crossed the school grounds.

As Ayato headed for the bus stop and got into the vehicle, he kept his eyes trained on the parking lot. It wasn't until the bus turned the corner that he noticed his teacher walking out of the building.

Ayato slid into his seat, blocking himself from view as he peered out the window. He might make it. If traffic was busy, there was a chance he would be home before him—at least, that's what he hoped.

The ride felt like it took forever as he finally reached his stop and got off the bus. Ayato hurried into the building, taking the elevator to his floor and heading for the apartment door.

The moment of truth had arrived.

Holding his breath, Ayato grabbed the doorknob, surprised to see the door open with ease. His plan worked, after all. As the paper scrap dropped to the floor, Ayato closed the door behind him, taking a moment to think.

What did he have to do now?

Glancing down at his outfit, Ayato realized he needed a change. His hair had to look more messy, considering his teacher's assumption that he'd been indoors all day. Getting to work, Ayato made his way to the bedroom, swiftly changing into more comfortable clothes and stashing his previous outfit into his bag. While sorting his belongings, he was surprised to find another phone as well.

In his hurry, Ayato forgot to put Osano's phone back, leaving it in his bag in the heat of the moment. Letting out a sigh, he put the phone back and hid the bag under the bed, planning to return it later. After a quick run of his fingers through his hair, Ayato stood up and looked around the room.

What else?

Making sure the room looked decent, Ayato headed for the kitchen. As the sound of the doorknob turning caught his attention, Ayato glanced at the dishes. An idea popped up in his head as he turned the faucet on and let the water run over the plates to make it seem like he was in the middle of cleaning up.

It looks like his decision came in handy, after all.

With a click of the faucet off, Ayato dried his hands just as his teacher barged into the room, wearing a panicked expression. The teacher's gaze shifted from Ayato to the counter, his expression turning surprised at the sight of the clean plates.

Feigning a casual expression, Ayato faced his teacher. "I thought I'd do the dishes as a token of thanks for last night's dinner."

His teacher seemed to regain his composure, his initial surprise making room for confusion. "Thank you, that is very kind of you."

Ayato tilted his head as he observed him, "Is something wrong?"

"No," Mido said as he appeared in thought. Taking in the boy's appearance, he shook his head. "No, nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about something else."

Nodding, Ayato asked. "Is there something I can do to help?"

His teacher chuckled, walking over to ruffle his hair. "You've already been a great help by doing the dishes. That's plenty." As he touched his forehead, Mido smiled. "The medicine seems to have lowered your fever a bit. Do you feel any better?"

Pausing for a moment, Ayato nodded. "I feel a lot better, just a bit fuzzy from time to time." He recalled the scene with Kizano. The closeness in the room made it unbearably hot for him, and for a moment, he lost his composure. Luckily, he regained it as fast as he had lost it and managed to make it to his teacher's apartment.

Considering his words, Mido smiled satisfied. "That's good to hear. After a while, you'll be up and running again." As he stepped back, glancing at the clock, he clasped his hands. "Alright, you must be starving. I'll prepare dinner while you can go and freshen up."

"Can I help?" Ayato offered, wanting to pay back his teacher's generosity.

Mido thought his words over before nodding, "Do you know how to cook, or should I teach you?"

"I can cook," Ayato nodded. "My mom has taught me the basics, so there's plenty I can do."

"Sounds good," Mido chuckled. As he took out a pan and a few ingredients, he rolled up his sleeves, smiling at Ayato. "Let's begin then."

Time passed as the two prepared dinner, occasionally sharing a conversation.

Ayato kept himself busy cutting the vegetables and preparing the rice while Mido cooked. After a while, they finished their cooking, setting out the plates to eat. Mido began to clean up as Ayato put the food out, ranging from soup to rice and vegetables. There was also some meat that Mido had grilled, noting how Ayato needed to eat more protein.

As the two sat down to eat, Mido glanced at the boy. "What did you do today? Did you manage to keep yourself occupied?"

"It was okay," Ayato said, careful not to overshare. "I watched some TV and ate the food you left in the fridge. It was good."

"I'm glad to hear that," Mido smiled as he took a bite. His mind wandered to the occasion at school, wondering if he was mistaken. A sense of suspicion arose as he gazed at Ayato, asking, "Did you go outside today?"

Ayato stilled, staring into his soup. He lifted his gaze to look at Mido, shaking his head. "You told me to rest, so I didn't. I just took a nap and lazed around most of the day."

"Sounds nice," Mido commented, sighing as he leaned back. "I wish I could do the same. I have to work all day, or else I can't pay the bills."

"There's always the school break," Ayato remarked, and Mido nodded. "I suppose there is."

As the two continued talking, Ayato thought back to the phone. At some point, he was going to have to give the phone to Osano, and he wondered how he was going to explain the device being in his possession. Maybe if Ayato tells him he found it on the street, Osano might believe him. After all, they're friends, and friends trust each other.

Making up his mind, Ayato noticed there was another issue as he took in his teacher. Ayato was still under his guidance, meaning that he needed his permission to go out.

Hoping for some luck, Ayato decided to change the topic. "Teacher, I have a question."

"You don't have to address me so formally, Ayato." Mido chuckled. "We've shared dinner several times now. Please, call me Mido."

"Are you sure?" Ayato hesitated, not wanting to appear disrespectful.

Mido nodded, "I insist. Now, what did you want to ask me?"

Taking a breath, Ayato met his teacher's gaze. "There's something I need to drop off at a friend's house. Could I go out later tonight to do that?"

"At this hour?" Mido seemed surprised, checking the time. "It's dangerous to be out after dark. Can't it wait?"

"It's important," Ayato pressed, realizing he couldn't put off this task any longer. "Besides, this area is safe, and I'm familiar with it. I'll be fine."

His teacher paused, considering. "What if I drive you there?" But sensing Ayato's reluctance, Mido sighed. "It might be odd for your teacher to drop you off at a friend's house."

After a moment's thought, Mido relented. "Okay then, being a boy, you should be okay for a quick walk outside."

Ayato nodded, relieved to have gained approval. "Thank you."

Mido continued, "Please, don't take too long. You're still too young to be out late, and I wouldn't want to cause worry for your parents."

"Sure," Ayato agreed. "I won't be gone for long. You won't even notice I'm out."

That assurance made Mido chuckle. "That's reassuring. I trust you'll be back soon without causing me any concern."

"Absolutely," Ayato replied. With that, dinner ended.

As Mido set the plates aside, he noticed Ayato putting on his coat, which seemed unfamiliar. Shaking off his suspicion, Mido reminded himself not to misuse his student's trust. The last thing he wanted was to push Ayato away.

Approaching Ayato, Mido zipped up his coat to ensure he stayed warm. "Stay safe, and don't catch a cold."

"Okay," Ayato acknowledged, stepping back once his teacher was done. Securing his phone in his pocket, he headed for the door with Mido following close behind. Pausing at the threshold, Ayato waved. "I'll see you later."

"Return soon," Mido waved back with a gentle smile. As he watched Ayato disappear around the corner, he felt a growing sense of worry. There was a nagging thought in the back of his head that he couldn't shake off, uncertain why he was feeling this way.

Stepping back to close the door, Mido was surprised to find a scrap of white paper on the floor. Kneeling, he held the paper between his fingers, examining it as confusion resurfaced.

"What is this doing here?" Mido muttered to himself as his eyes trailed past the scrap to the door. Putting two and two together, Mido decided to test his thought. Placing the paper between the door and closing it, he reached out to open it, surprised at how easily the frame gave way.

As the paper scrap fell to the floor, returning to its original position, Mido's mind concluded. His hands were shaking, and he stared at the white scrap, knuckles whitening as he balled his fists.

He didn't know the sensation that washed over him, but he knew he was far from happy about his student playing tricks on him. After all, Mido couldn't help but wonder what else Ayato might have been lying about.

Oblivious to his teacher's inner turmoil, Ayato stepped out into the street, the cold air instantly hitting him. Recalling Osano's address, he made his way over to the residence, getting on the bus to reach his destination.

Once he got off his stop and walked over to the house, Ayato considered his words. He'd play it casually, saying he found Osano's phone on the street and hoping Osano wouldn't ask any more questions. There weren't many lies he could tell without oversharing.

Knocking on the door, Ayato waited, hearing footsteps resounding behind it. The frame opened to show Osano. Surprised by his appearance, Osano lit up. "Ayato! What brings you here?"

Ayato reached into his pocket and handed his phone over. "I found your phone. You need to be more careful."

"Oh!" Osano sounded in surprise. "I didn't realize I'd lost it. Thanks!"

"You're welcome," Ayato nodded as the conversation turned silent.

The situation dawned on Osano as he gazed at the boy, a feeling of shyness coming up. Ayato was in front of his house in the middle of the night, and the thought made his mind race with possibilities.

"I heard you were sick...Are you feeling any better?" Osano gently asked, peering at the boy.

Ayato gave a small smile, nodding. "Much better. I'll be back at school by Monday."

"That's good!" Osano breathed a sigh of relief. As the wind blew past, a shiver ran through his body, prompting him to snuggle into his sweater.

Noticing his discomfort, Ayato stepped back. "I won't keep you outside any longer. See you next week."

"Wait!" Osano called out as he grabbed his sleeve, stopping him. As Ayato turned to him in surprise, Osano felt his cheeks warming up. "Do you want to come inside? Taro and his brother are staying over. Maybe we can hang out together."

Ayato paused for a moment, his mind flickering back to Mido. "I have to go. I'm not supposed to be out too long."

"Is that Ayato?" Taro's voice echoed through the hall, and after a few seconds, the boy joined Osano in the doorway, happy to see him. "What are you doing here?"

Before Ayato could answer, they were joined by another voice that he didn't recognize.

"Who's that, Big Brother?"

Glancing aside, Ayato noticed a young boy walking up to them, standing between the two with a curious expression. From his facial features, with black hair and eyes, Ayato figured he must be Taro's younger brother.

On cue, Taro smiled at Ayato, gesturing towards the younger boy. "This is my younger brother Hanako."

Following his introduction, Hanako smiled and waved. "Hi, you must be Ayato. I've heard so much about you!"

Hitting his head, Taro scolded him. "That's Aishi-san for you."

"It's fine," Ayato assured. "You can call me Ayato if you want."

Hanako seemed to take a moment to think as he placed his finger on his lips. Tilting his head, Hanako smiled. "How about I call you Senpai?"

"Works for me," Ayato shrugged, and Osano returned to the topic. "I wanted to ask Ayato to come in since we're all together now."

Taro's smile grew as he nodded, facing Ayato. "We haven't seen each other at school. You must be feeling better now."

"I am," Ayato confirmed, and Taro glanced at Osano. Recalling their conversation at school, Taro proposed to Osano. "If you're okay with it, how about we ask Ayato to stay over as well? That way, we can all catch up together and have fun."

Osano's eyes brightened at the idea as his gaze flickered to Ayato. Nodding, Osano grew excited. "That's fine. We have enough room for guests." As he stepped closer to Ayato, Osano beamed. "What do you think, Ayato? Everyone would like it if you stayed over. It'd be fun!"

"I am staying at a relative's house," Ayato reluctantly said, noticing Osano's face fall. Not wanting to upset him, Ayato traced back. "But maybe I can ask them if I could stay over at your place?"

"Can you do that?" Osano's eyes lit up again as he grabbed Ayato's hands.

Ayato nodded, "I gotta go back first. My stuff is there, too. I'll call you back if it's okay."

"Alright!" Osano said with a satisfied smile, quickly letting go of his hands. "I hope you can stay. I would like it if you could." His voice lowered as he uttered the last part, and he gazed at Ayato with a hopeful expression.

"Us too!" Taro added with a smile, and Hanako enthusiastically chimed in. "You should come, Senpai! We're gonna watch a movie next. You gotta be there."

"I'll do my best," Ayato promised, and the rest seemed satisfied. Taking his leave, he waved at the boys, bidding goodbye. "I'll text you later tonight."

"Okay!" Osano was quick to reply, waiting as the boy left. With a tug, Taro asked him to come back inside as they all retreated to the living room.

As Ayato made his way back to the apartment, he wondered how he should go about asking the question. Getting permission to go outside seemed like a hassle, and now he was going to demand the same thing to stay over at a friend's house.

After everything his teacher had done for him, Ayato felt rude to ask, but at the same time, he figured it would give the man some rest. Having to cook and take care of must be exhausting, and if Ayato were to take himself out of his care, he wouldn't have to deal with his sickness anymore.

Ayato made up his mind as he stepped into the elevator, reached the floor, and walked over to the apartment. After a knock, the door opened to reveal Mido wearing comfortable clothes, stepping aside for Ayato to enter.

"You came back soon," Mido commented as the boy walked in, turning to face him.

"It didn't take that long," Ayato remarked as he unzipped his coat.

Mido nodded, closing the door and stepping back. "What did you have to deliver?"

"I borrowed some notes. I figured he would need them to study over the weekend, and I didn't want to put the task off any longer." Ayato watched as Mido's face turned surprised, letting out a small laugh.

"What a good friend you are, going over to their house in the middle of the night to return some notes," Mido said, amused by the story.

Ayato wasn't sure if he believed him or not as he hesitated to ask the question. "There's something else."

Mido perked up, "What is it?"

"When I was at their house, there were a couple of other friends as well, and they invited me to stay over," Peering at his teacher, Ayato asked. "Is it okay if I stay there for the weekend? That way, I'll get out of your hair, and you can enjoy your time off."

"Ayato," Mido sighed, frowning at the boy. "Like I said before, you're never a bother to me, so you don't need to worry about that."

"I know," Ayato nodded. "But is it okay if I go out?"

Mido paused for a moment as he thought the words over. To Ayato's dismay, he couldn't read his expression as the teacher shook his head.

"It's too late to go outside now. You told me you needed to bring something back to your friend, and I allowed you. Aren't you asking for too much now?"

Ayato felt embarrassed as he gazed at his teacher, "So that's a no?"

Mido took in the kid's expression as his eyes softened. "How about we discuss this tomorrow? Take tonight to rest and recover from your fever. That way if you happen to stay over, you don't have to worry about being sick."

"Okay," Ayato nodded, pleased with the agreement.

As the two proceeded to the guest room, Mido paused at the door. "I'll bring you some water for your medicine. Go to sleep and focus on recovering."

"I will, thanks, teacher," Ayato replied before correcting himself. "Thanks, Mido."

Mido smiled at him, "It's nothing."

As Ayato watched him leave, he retrieved his bag from underneath the bed, rummaging through the contents. His fingers touched the plastic bag of chocolates, and Ayato pulled it out, having forgotten all about it. He figured they wouldn't stay good for too long if he left them uneaten, so he decided to have a few. He wouldn't want his teacher to stumble upon them as well, so he better finish them now.

After taking his medicine and getting into bed, Ayato closed his eyes and fell asleep. It wasn't until the middle of the night that he woke up, and that was when his sickness took a turn for the worse.

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