Ten Days with You

By hikari011

235K 8.3K 7.5K

A demon who was saved by a high school girl. A high school girl who was accompanied by a demon. For 10 days... More

Day 1: The Demon Lord
Day 2: A spark within the darkness
Day 3: Unexpected Visitors
Day 4: Taking care of a Demon
Day 5: Humans and a Demon
Day 6: A date with a Demon
Day 8: A Demon at the temple
Day 9: The truth behind His nature
Day 10: Just one last time..
Together Forever

Day 7: Two Hearts that beat as One

19.6K 668 447
By hikari011

October 29, Thursday

As the dark morning sky is being lit by the rising sun from the endless horizon, the demon in disguise slowly opened his eyes. He tossed and turn in discomfort, and tried to get back to sleep. Unfortunately, sleep wont come. He sat up in defeat and lazily went in the bathroom. It's his first time waking up this early in the morning for no reason. Turning on the shower, he let the heated water spray on his head. Its been seven days since he left Hell. He wondered in his thoughts and imagined his kingdom looking for him. "Maybe, I should return now.." he mumbled as he turned off the shower.

Drying his hair with the towel, Natsu walked back to the bedroom, already wearing a white trousers and a gray tactical shirt. Feeling lazy, he left his shirt unbuttoned which reveals his bare chest. As he sat himself on his current bed, he let out a groan at the softness in disappointment. His bed in his palace is bigger and softer than this. "Maybe I should really return now..." his voice trailed off when he saw the paper bag which consists of the yukata she bought for him.

"Oh yeah, Blondie. I completely forgot about her" he thought and decided to visit her room. He knocked on her door twice but received no response. "She's probably still sleeping" he thought and subconsciously reached for the doorknob. Entering the room, he noticed that the girl is still sound asleep. Was she really that tired?

Shrugging off the thought, he quietly and gently sat himself on the bedside to avoid waking up the blonde. His eyes widened as he felt the softness of the mattress. It was as soft as his bed in his room in his palace. "Unfair" he pouted. Just how unfair could she be?

His eyes wondered around her neat room and noticed that most of her things were colored blue and pink. "Girly" was the only description that he thought about her favorite colors. As he continues to observe the girl's room by just looking, his eyes glued on her pin-board. From there, he saw a familiar note pinned on the brown board. It was the silly note he made a day ago. His lips stretched into a smile as he remembers some funny memories together with the humans.

Suddenly, the blue alarm clock rang, jolting him back to his senses. He was about to turn it off, however, he was a second too late. Blondie turned it off herself. "Finally, she's awake!" he thought and watched the girl slowly reveals her hazel brown orbs.

Feeling light headed, Lucy stared at her blurry pink ceiling, "Morning already?" she asked herself. And as if like a dream, memories from the yesterday's event flashed in her mind. She sat up in a sudden upon remembering the terrifying incident that happened to her yesterday.

"Good Morning" the pinkette greeted but only received a shrill cry from the girl. Ignoring his greeting, "What the hell are you doing in my bedroom!" the blonde yelled, her heart throbbed in pain at the sudden appearance of the demon. "You fell unconscious yesterday. And I decided to wake you up since you have enough sleep. Now, make me some breakfast. I haven't eaten anything last night.." he stood up and crossed his arms, and continued talking about food.

The girl was not listening to what the Demon Lord was saying, her attention was at his bare chest which is peeking behind his unbuttoned shirt. Her face turning into shades of pink as she noticed his perfect curves. "Lucy, what has gotten into you?" she asked herself and averted her eyes to refrain herself from staring any longer. Bringing her back to her senses, "...and also the pudding you promised. You should start making--" she heard him say.

"W-will you please b-button up your s-shirt first?" she stuttered. Why is his shirt unbuttoned anyway? "Is he really that confident to show off his sexiness?" Lucy thought and watched him button his shirt. Finished, Natsu looked at the girl. He raised a brow as he noticed that the blonde in verge of laughing. "What's so funny?" he thought. His untold question was then answered by the blonde. "Seriously? Anyone at your age can perfectly button their shirt without any mistakes. But you? You're like a hopeless child" she said, and burst into laughter.

The pinkette frowned at the description she has given to him. Annoyed, he unbuttoned and re-buttoned his shirt. However, the same cycle repeated while Blondie just laughed at the child like scene she is witnessing. Giving up, he left his shirt unbuttoned and frowned at the laughing blonde girl. "I give up" he groaned at his wasted effort. His stomach is empty and then he exhaust himself with this stupid buttons. He should have used his powers but his energy is running low.

"Here, let me help you" He heard her say. He stood still and watched the smiling blonde button his shirt. He lightly blushed in embarrassment, ashamed that a human is helping him out with this easy stuff. "That's why I hate clothes with buttons" he groaned in his thoughts. Natsu looked at the girl resulting him to blush even more when he realized their close gap.

Aware that he is blushing, he lowered his head to hide his red face with his pink bangs, and closed his eyes to calm the sudden emotion. "She is a human. There's no way I'll fall in love with such a weakling" he said in his thoughts to convince himself. "Done!" Natsu heard the blonde say in delight. He sighed in relief when the girl walked away from him.

"Now, will you please leave my room?" Lucy said and pointed at her door. "Whatever" the pinkette thought and rolled his eyes. But before leaving the room, "Don't forget my breakfast and also my pudding!" he said and headed downstairs, leaving the speechless blonde.

The blonde girl frowned as she shut her bedroom door and locked it for safety. This is the second time he entered her room without permission! Sighing, Lucy went in her bathroom to take a bath. She stared at her right wrist and recalled what happened yesterday, "But then again, he saved me.." her voice echoed throughout the tiled room. Stripping, she stared at her naked self on the mirror. Her eyes widened as she noticed what she was wearing.

The Demon Lord comfortably lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling. He groaned as he heard his stomach growl in hunger. "Ugh, I'm hungry" he said as his eyes stared at the kitchen. Giving up, he stood up and went to the kitchen. His eyes glittered with hope when he saw a bunch of bananas on the kitchen bar. "Finally, something to eat!" he exclaimed in glee and happily shoved the already peeled banana in his mouth while his eyes stared at the refrigerator in discontent. The blonde forbade him to steal food, but since he is hungry, his mind is totally blocked which made him forget the consequences that he was given. He was about to open the cabinet of foods but stopped midway when he heard his name being called.

"NATSU!" he flinched as he heard the blonde yell behind him. Facing the blonde, he bowed his head and looked on the floor in guilt like a dog who disobeyed his master. "I-I was just--" he stuttered and searched for the right word which would describe his action. "Will you explain me this!?" the blonde said and threw the pink pajamas she was wearing a few minutes ago on the floor in front of him.

The pinkette stared at the pink clothe which is lying on the floor. He looked up only to see Blondie wrapped in white towel. His cheeks lightly flushed as he saw her perfect curves but then faded when he saw the angry face she is making. Raising a brow, he asked the girl in curiosity, "Explain what?".

The girl in response pouted angrily as she explains what she was talking about. "You-! I don't remember wearing pajamas!" she said, her voice raising in every word she says. The demon looked at the panting blonde and blinked multiple times, "So that's what you were talking about".


Natsu flinched at the sudden outburst of Blondie, "You were drenched from the rain and I have no choice but to make you wear those to avoid you from getting sick" he explained as fast as he can. He doesn't want to be hit by the blonde, who would anyway? Wait, why is a demon like him being scared at a mere human? Shrugging off the idea, his eyes stared at the girl who is currently sitting on the floor. She held her head with both of her hands and mumbled something which he could clearly hear and understand what she is mumbling about.

"Y-you s-saw it, y-y-you s-saw it, y-you s-s-saw it.." he heard the girl mumble the same words repeatedly. "I saw what?" he asked and squatted in front of the girl to see the cute face she is making. Lucy looked at him, making the guy to twitch his eye as he noticed tears evident in her brown orbs. "Now what?" was the only thing he thought and tries to comfort the already crying blonde. He can't stand to see her cry for some reason.

"Y-you" he heard the girl whisper. "You stripped me!" she exclaimed and suddenly stood up causing the squatting Pinky to lose his balance and to fall on his butt. "I did what? I don't understand what you're talking about" he said and stared at the girl who is towering him.

"You said you changed me into that" Lucy blushed as she points at her cute pajamas while Natsu nodded in response. "And in order to change me into that, you- y-you have to s-strip m-me which means y-you s-saw me---" her face red as she hesitates to say the adjective word.

"Naked?" Natsu continued causing the blonde to blush more in embarrassment. The demon burst into laughter. He rolled on the floor laughing at what the mortal was thinking. Seriously, who would like to see her nake--? "Pervert!" Lucy exclaimed making the pinkette to stop from his laughter. Being called evil is a compliment for him but pervert? He cannot accept that word which he truly isn't. "I'm not a pervert" he said, his face blank as he says those words.

Lucy bit her lip and ignored what the young man said, "I can't marry anyone anymore" she blinked and let her tears flow down her blushing cheeks. Natsu's eye twitched in displeasure of what the human girl just said, making him to explain start explaining what he did. "I did not strip you" the Demon Lord uttered causing the blonde to glare at him, but hope visible in her eyes. "I used my powers that's all. So you don't have to worry about seeing you naked because I didn't see anything at all" the pinkette explained causing the blonde to blush more in embarrassment for being assuming.

"B-but still, y-you're a pervert" her voiced trailed off as she said those words but the demon heard her clearly. Frowning, "Says the person who showed up only wrapped in a towel" he said as he points at her figure. The girl yelped in realization. She ran back to her bedroom while screaming "Kyah!" endlessly, leaving Natsu alone in the kitchen.

"K-kyah she said" Natsu said, his cheeks blushing as he witnessed another side of the human girl. "Cute" was the only word that he could thought off in describing the sudden action of the girl. Shrugging off the thoughts in his mind, his stomach growled once more, bringing him back to his suffering situation. Oh how hungry he is now. He would do anything just to have something to eat. "After Blondie makes the puddings she promised, I'm going home" Natsu groaned.

He was about to open the refrigerator door once more but stopped when the door bell rang. "Ugh! Why is someone stopping me from touching this damn cabinet!" the demon cursed and grumpily stomped his way to the door. "Who on earth would visit someone's house at this hour?" Natsu frowned when he took a glimpse at the wall clock which tells that it's 8 o'clock. He is such in a lousy mood because of hunger and he is starving for goodness sake! He hasn't eaten anything last night! What has he done to experience such hardship?!

Opening the door, shock washed away his anger. His eyes widen as he saw the familiar blunette, wearing an orange dress, standing before him. "Natsu?" Levy uttered in surprise, she was expecting her best friend to answer the door, not the guest. "Mcgarden!" the pinkette exclaimed and cried animatedly. Someone has finally come to save him from starvation!


An hour has passed and Lucy is still soaking herself in the bath tub. The frown she made earlier never left her face. She sighed deeply as she sank half of her face and breath out air under the water. Watching the bubbles arise from the surface, she drifted in her thoughts and recalled yesterday's events once more.

Comparing her previous arguments from yesterday with the argument she just had with him an hour ago, "I can never win an argument with him" Lucy mumbled under the water, causing more bubbles of air emerge from the water and muffling her voice due to its consistency. Raising her right arm, she looked at her right wrist. She blushed as she remembers the very last moment with him before she fell unconscious.

"Why is he being kind to me anyway" Lucy suddenly thought. Demons are supposed to be evil not do good stuff to a mortal like her. And if he is just going to reason out about saving his life, he already payed her more than enough. "He healed me from my amnesia, he healed my wounded wrist, he prepared a dinner for me, he took care of me, and he gave me happiness.." Lucy's cheeks flushed as she said the last word.

"Lucy! What has gotten into you!" The girl suddenly stood up and hurriedly wrapped herself with a towel. "Don't tell me you're falling for him now, are you?" she asked herself as she wears her white blouse which pairs with the dark blue skirt that she is going to wear. "He's a demon. And there's no way I will fall for a wicked guy like him"

Her mind and belief continued to deny her throbbing heart and her blushing cheeks. "There's no way I'll marry a guy I barely know" she reasoned out in front of her human size mirror. "Wait, how did I get in this marriage topic!?" she said to her reflection and lightly slapped her rosy cheeks. Her conscious is already telling her that she's going insane but didn't pay attention to it for her mind is busy with denying her heart. Bringing her back to reality, her stomach growled in hunger. Right, she hasn't eaten anything last night and the Pinky hasn't also. No wonder he is in front of the refrigerator. Deciding to make breakfast, she quietly went downstairs.

Her mouth fell open as she witnessed the pinkette gobbling his meal. Then, her eyes widen when she saw her best friend cooking breakfast for them. "Levy?" she uttered, surprised to see her best friend. "Ohayo, Lu-chan~" Levy greeted only to receive a 'what-are-you-doing-here' look from the blonde. The pinkette continued to eat his meal and ignored the sudden appearance of Blondie. He was still angry about being called a pervert even though he is not and he is sulking about it.

"I-I feel guilty about yesterday so I came by to apologize. I mean it, I set you up with him~" the blunette explained and bowed down to her friend in apology, leaving the blonde speechless. Natsu's eating pace slowed down, he quietly munched his food and watched the girly scene in front of him.

"You know what happened?"

"Yeah, Natsu told me. He said you bought yukatas for both of you, ate lunch at a family restaurant, and went in the horror house at the amusement park" Levy smirked. "I bet you really did enjoy your date with him" the blunette teased causing her best friend to blush in embarrassment.

Lucy glared at the pinkette who is quietly eating his breakfast. She noticed that he only told Levy the embarrassing incidents that happened to her but then she sighed, thankful that he didn't tell her best friend about the punk guys and what happened on the waiting shed. Wait, why didn't he tell her about what happened on the Ferris Wheel? "Oooh! You sneaky demon" Lucy growled in her thoughts when she realized that he doesn't want to embarrass himself.

The Blonde glared daggers at the demon only to see him sticking his tongue out at her. Her brow twitched in anger and 'revenge' echoed in her mind. "Levy-chan, we also rode the Ferris Wheel and Natsu end up---" Lucy said but failed to continue when the pinkette suddenly shoved a toasted bread in her mouth.

"Why did you do that! You almost chocked me there!" Lucy yelled at the playing innocent Pinky. "And what?" Levy asked, her eyes gleaming in hunger, hungry for more details. Lucy was about to continue but then the pinkette butted in causing the conversation to be forgotten, "Oi, if you wont eat your breakfast, I'll eat it".

Heartfilia angrily munched her food and glared daggers at the pinkette for not being able to accomplish her revenge. At the same time, she also listened to her best friend's story about what happened to them yesterday. "..And then Loke sulked all day for knowing that you two were together" the blunette grinned while Natsu let out a hearty laugh in response. The blonde blushed upon hearing his cute laughter. O-oh, here comes her heart again.

The girl in love hurriedly gulped her cup of tea and went to her room in a flash leaving her two friends alone in the kitchen. "Natsu, did you do something bad to her?" Levy asked worriedly at the pinkette. Natsu replied by shaking his head no. "Then, why is she acting like that?" the petite girl asked once more while the demon shrugged his shoulders in response, "Who knows".

Blondie buried her face on her pillow. "Lucy you dummy!" she screamed through her pillow which end up muffling her voice. Punching her anger away at her poor pillow, "Just what is wrong with you Lucy!" she punched the soft thing in every word she says. Her heart pounded continuously whenever the image of the Demon Lord flash in her mind. She knows. She knows that she likes him, but her conscious is denying that unbearable fact.

Exhausted, she hugged her pillow and buried her face on it like a stuffed toy. She lay down on her soft bed and sighed deeply. She has just given up in denying. Her heart and mind is telling her that she likes him. And its two against one. Her conscious has given up in denying that unbearable fact. And now that she is aware of her own feelings, she doesn't have the guts to face him anymore. "What should I do now? I'm falling in love with a demon" the blonde said and sighed deeply once more. She closed her eyes and thought of something, however, she end up falling asleep.

"Natsu, I also made lunch for you and Lu-chan" Mcgarden said as she wears her blue sandals. "Really? Thanks" Natsu replied and followed the petite girl to see her off. "I did that for your sake. Lu-chan will never leave her room for hours when she's acting like that" the blunette explained making the pinkette to raise a brow in curiosity. "Just leave her alone and wait for her to come out. She just needs some time to think" Levy winked and waved good bye to the demon leaving him speechless.

Dragneel went back in the house. His eyes stared at the staircase as he remembers what the blunette told him. He pouted in defeat as Levy's words continuously echoed in his mind "Just leave her alone and wait...". "Wait she says. Now that makes my stay here longer. I want those puddings she promised" Natsu said to himself as he went back to the kitchen. "She just needs some time to think" the pinkette repeated Levy's words mockingly. "That's why humans are so complicated" he sighed and rolled his eyes as he reached for the handle of the refrigerator. At last, he has finally opened the cabinet of foods!

His eyes searched for food that is suited to be called his dessert because his meal cannot be called a meal when his dessert is missing. Snaking his hand in the refrigerator, his eyes saw the red fruit and suddenly took it as if its going to ran away. He hummed happily as he washed the red berries and placed them on a bowl. Bringing the bowl of strawberries with him, he lay down on the couch and quietly ate the fruit.


Heartfilia drowsily opened her eyes upon hearing the annoying sound which disturbed her from her slumber. Reaching for her phone on the bedside table, she squinted to see the vision of numbers and letters which tells the purpose of the alarm. Soon, she jolted up as she just realized the time and noticed what day is today. "Oh no! I completely forgot the day today!" she exclaimed and left her phone on her bed.

She quickly wore her black jacket and dismissed the snooze alarm on her phone which was set 4:05 pm. Putting her phone in her black shoulder bag, she hurriedly went downstairs and wore her leather boots as quickly as she can. "And where do you think you're going?". Screaming, Lucy lost her balance and fell on her butt, her scream made the dogs from a neighbor's house to bark in response.

"Can't you show up normally!?" she yelled while Natsu covered his ears for protection from her loud voice. Dragneel ignored the girl's reaction and asked once more, "Where are you off to?". Frowning, Lucy continued her action in wearing her knee-length boots and wondered in her thoughts. "Ugh, I hate him so much!" she said in her mind as she felt her heart throb painfully, making her forget her feelings for him.

"I said, where are you going?" the demon asked the third time as he snatched the blonde's shoulder bag. "Give it back!" the short girl demanded as she jumped multiple times to reach her bag from his raised arm only to fail because of the height difference. "He is so taking advantage of his height" she growled in her thoughts and pouted. Exhausted, she stopped reaching for her bag and frowned at the pinkette, "I'm going to the Cemetery".

Natsu lowered his arm, allowing the girl to snatch her bag from him. Is she going to visit her parent's grave? "It's probably their Death Anniversary" the demon thought as he watched the girl shut the door and lock it from the outside. The urge of following the blonde took over his mind and so he allowed himself to pass through the door like it was nothing.

"Why are you following me?" Blondie asked, annoyed at the pinkette's presence. "Just to make sure you wont run away" he reasoned out only to receive a puzzled look on the girl's face. Why would she run away, and run away from what? Natsu sighed for forgetting the important thing she promised to him. "The puddings you promised, remember?" he said while the girl replied with just an 'Oh' upon remembering what she promised.

"But can't I at least have a privacy with myself?" the girl frowned, telling that she wants to be alone or rather she doesn't want him to come along with her. The demon raised a brow upon knowing what she meant. But he wants to go. He doesn't want to stay in that boring house and there's a possibility that Blondie might dine in a restaurant without him which would be unfair. "I guess I have no choice but to make her want me to come along" the pinkette thought, a mischievous smirk stretching in his lips as he thought of an idea.

"Oh, so you don't want me to come" the pinkette spoke and stopped in his tracks. "Yup, now shoo" Lucy replied and watched the demon starts walking back to her house. "Okay, have fun accompanying those people at the graveyard then" Natsu said, a smug look on his face as he waved his hand a good bye. Lucy stood still, her eyes showing fear as she noticed what the Demon Lord is talking about. "W-what do y-you mean?" she asked, just to make sure he is not talking about 'them'.

Wearing a scary look on his face, Natsu looked back and watched the girl flinch. "Ghosts" he whispered but enough for the blonde to hear. He laughed wickedly in his thoughts as he hear the blonde stutter, "T-they aren't r-real". "Of course they are. You're just gifted for not being able to see them. If they are not real then do explain to me how a demon like myself exists?" the demon explained leaving the human speechless, "So do you want me to come or not?"

"Suit yourself" Lucy pouted and stomped her way to the bus stop while the pinkette followed her, grinning in victory. But his grin soon turned into grimace as he found himself already riding the whale-like vehicle. "Ugh, I feel sick" Natsu moaned as he felt his stomach churn when the bus starts moving.

Sitting by the window on the right side of the bus, she looked at the demon who is sitting beside her and sighed, "You're so hopeless". "H-how long is t-this hellish ride going to e-end?" Dragneel asked, leaning on his seat for support. "It's going to be a one hour ride. Just bare with it" she replied while Natsu gagged in pain. Lucy looked at the pinkette worriedly, the feeling of guilt took over her mind as she watched that pained look on his face.

Sighing once more, she gently settled his head on her lap as a pillow. "Just sleep it off. That way, you won't suffer from nausea. I'll wake you up when we get there" she spoke as she caressed the guy's head. Natsu's eyes widened, surprised at her sudden action, also blushing a little as his cheeks touched her soft legs. But soon his eyes closed in defeat upon feeling the gentle hand which is caressing his head. Oh how glad he is that he went along...


Awaken from the calls of the blonde, "--tsu! --atsu! Natsu! Wake up dummy. We're here!" he heard. Realizing that they have arrived, the pinkette sat up in a jolt and noticed that he is somehow feeling okay. "I never thought that sleeping will be that effected" he thought as he watched the girl buy flowers at the flower shop in front of him. Then he noticed that he is sitting on a bench which he doesn't remember doing so. "Did she just carried me?" he asked himself but shrugged off the idea when Lucy called him, "Lets go".

Following the blonde, Natsu secretly took a glimpse at the girl's face. No, he's not worried. He is just curious about what she is thinking right now but failed to read what she's thinking when he saw her neutral face. "I wonder what she's thinking right now" he thought as they climb up the staircase which leads them to the destined grave.

Falling behind, he watched the girl's back, hoping that the girl wont start crying in front of him. He just cant stand her cry for some reason. "Why am I worrying about this human anyway" Natsu thought and frowned when he saw the human ghosts.

Knowing that he is a demon, the floating creatures quickly hid behind their grave stones, afraid that he might take them to hell with him. "Why are you visiting their graves this early? The first of November is just two days away" he asked, breaking the silence between them but Lucy simply replied, "Too crowded".

Natsu sighed quietly as he looked at the scarlet painted sky. It's his first time having an awkward silence between the blonde. "I shouldn't have come along" he thought as he watched the sinking sun at the horizon. "We're here" Lucy mumbled but enough for him to hear. Quickly, he looked at the grave and stared at the names engraved on the stone. "Jude Heartfilia and Layla Heartfilia" he read quietly and remembered the picture frame he saw in the blonde's house when he was roaming around.

"Mama, Papa.." he heard the girl who is now squatting in front of where her parents lies. Staring at the the blonde, he quietly listened to what she is about to say. "I have come to visit you once more. But this time I'm with someone. He's Natsu Dragneel. He's someone I met a few days ago" Lucy smiled while the demon standing behind her stared at her smiling face. He wasn't expecting her to say something about him to her parents.

"I know you wont believe this but, he is a demon. I know, I couldn't believe it myself also" Lucy giggled while Natsu pouted, annoyed for being laughed at. "Now what, is she going to tell her parents about my weakness next?" he thought and frowned. But his frown soon vanished as he listens further to what the blonde is saying, "But he healed from my amnesia and helped me countless of times, so he's harmless. And I'm having a great time with him.." the girl smiled and continued telling about her school and stuff. Natsu blushed as he witnessed the mysterious smile she made. "What has gotten into you Natsu?" he asked himself as he looked away to refrain himself from seeing or even from listening to the human. Wait, harmless?

The demon flinched when he heard her call his name, and decided to stay quiet and listen to what Blondie is about to say. "Natsu, why did you say I'm lucky for not being able to see them?" Heartfilia asked, her voice cracked on the last word she said. Aware that she is crying, he patted her head and simply replied, "That way, you'll be able to move on from your past easily". Knowing what he meant, Lucy laid the flowers she bought and asked once more,

"Do you think what I said reached them?".

Natsu's eyes widened upon hearing what the human girl asked but then smiled as he gazed at her parent's ghosts which suddenly appeared and smiled sweetly at them. "Yeah" he whispered as he watched her parents disappear when the sun has completely set while Lucy smiled in response.

Wiping her tears away, Heartfilia stood up and stretched her body with a smile while Natsu watched the girl, curious of what she's planning to do next. "There is an amazing restaurant I know, let's eat our dinner there" she said and tugged the guy's hand. Walking down the staircase, Lucy gazed at the already dark sky and called out his name one more time. "Natsu.." she paused and faced the pinkette who tilted his head in response.

"Yeah?" he asked and drifted off in his thoughts. "I wonder what's up with her" he wondered, curious about the sudden change of mood of the blonde. She was not in the mood awhile ago and now she's back to normal. "Humans are so weird" he said in his thoughts. Bringing him back to his senses, he stared at the smiling blonde. It's that smile again. The same smile he wishes to see everyday. That kind of smile she makes which he adores so much.

"Thank you"

Was the only thing he heard from her before she pulled him with her to this restaurant she's talking about. "Thank you? Thank you for what?" he asked himself, puzzlement written on his face as he let himself be pulled by the blonde. What did he do that he was thanked for? Ugh, that's why he can't understand human beings. They say things randomly that doesn't make sense.


Natsu ate his meal quietly. Yes quietly. He used to gobble his food like there's no tomorrow even when he's in front of his father. As a Demon Lord, he was taught with dining manners, but he only use it when its necessary. And today, he is doing it right now, not because he was told to do so but because he is busy thinking.

Deep in his thoughts, he asked himself multiple questions about what he did that made her thank him. "Should I ask her what her thanks are for or maybe I shouldn't?" he asked himself for the hundredth time. Staring at the blonde, he watched her talk but didn't listen to what she is saying. "That's why humans are so complicated" he said once more as he shoved a spoon full of pudding which Lucy ordered for him.

"Natsu, oi Natsu! Were you listening to me?" Lucy said as she snapped her fingers in front of him, bringing the demon who is lost in his thoughts back to his senses. Gaining his attention back to her, she sighed when he looked at her questioningly.

Knowing that he wasn't listening to what she has been saying, she sighed once more and repeated her words, "Remember the yukata I bought for you?" she asked while the pinkette nodded in response. "I want you to wear it tomorrow afternoon".


"The temple will be helding a festival tomorrow! And I want you to come with me and have fun with Erza and the others!" Lucy explained, her eyes gleamed with excitement. "No" Natsu immediately replied while the blonde looked at him, astound at what she heard. "Why not?". "Because I don't want to" he simply replied and shook his head no. He cannot risk himself going to that forbidden place. It will surely kill him if he ever did.

"I was planning to make you play this game that I've been wanting to win" the human sighed and sipped on her strawberry juice. "Why not ask your girl friends for help?" he implied as he shoved the last spoon full of his dessert into his mouth. "I tried but we always lose the game" Lucy pouted while Natsu blushed in response. "I guess, I have no choice but to ask for Gray or Loke to do it" she uttered, her eyes gleaming with hope.

Natsu in response, slammed the spoon he is holding on the table causing the girl in front of him to flinch. Blondie asking for help with those guys annoyed him for some reason. There's no way he's going to let that happen, never. "Fine, I'll go" he uttered, forgetting the risk of going to that holy place.

"Promise!?" the blonde exclaimed in glee and squealed happily when the pinkette nodded. "Now, I can finally get ahold of that prize" she snickered and grinned wickedly while Natsu watched her dark aura surround her. "Humans can be interesting sometimes" he smirked upon witnessing her dark side.

As the Heartfilia girl paid for their meal, the two walked back to the bus stop. "Do we really need to ride that vehicle? I can make us go back home without riding anything with my powers" Natsu whined as he followed the blonde. But the girl disagreed his suggestion and still decided to commute. "No, I don't want to. And besides, riding the bus at night is fun. That way, I'll be able to stargaze" she explained and added, "Why don't you go back on your own?".

The pinkette pouted in defeat. Sure, he can go back on his own but he can't leave a girl riding the bus alone. He may be a demon but he is a gentleman as well.

Sitting by the window on the right side of the bus, "I thought you hate vehicles so much that you don't want to ride them" Lucy giggled as she watched the pinkette sit beside her. Natsu scowled at her but then closed his eyes when the vehicle started moving, trying to sleep to keep him from suffering from his motion sickness just like what he did hours ago.

Ten minutes has passed, Natsu opened his eyes, awaken from the heavy feeling on his shoulder. His eyes widened, astound to see why he feels his shoulder heavy. "Look at her. She said she's going to stargaze but end up falling asleep" he thought and laughed quietly. Gently, he settled her head on his lap as a pillow, just like what she did to him. And caressed her head lovingly, forgetting his motion sickness.

He smiled when he saw the blonde smile in her sleep. "She's probably having a nice dream" he said as he continue to caress her head. Combing her blonde locks away from her face for a better view, he subconsciously blushed as he observe her cute sleeping face. Just like that, he observed her sleep while caressing her blonde head and cherished that moment the whole time.

Finally, their ride has come to an end. He carried the sleeping Blondie to her house, to her room and laid her on her bed. Tucking her in her blanket, he sighed in relief and stretched his body at his effort. This is the second time he carried her to her bedroom but she carried him twice also, so basically they're even.

This time, he didn't hesitated to caress her head. There's no more to hesitate or to deny what his heart is telling him. He now knew what his heart was beating about, and there's no way to deny this true feelings when he's already completely aware of it. "So this is what its like when falling in love" he thought, but his hand stopped moving when he realized something.

He is a demon. And a human like her will never fall in love with a wicked being like him, and that's a fact. Shaking the thought off of his mind, he decided to sleep to forget that annoying fact. But before he went to his room, he took one more glance at Lucy. A sad smile stretched in his lips, regretting for thinking negatively. Before closing the her bedroom door, he bade,

"Good night"

===== === Author's Note === =====

I deeply apologize for not updating immediately. I'm sorry for making you guys wait. I'm really sorry! Think of this chapter as an apology of mine. I made it long (I think), but I hope you'll like it ;o;

I dedicate this chapter to every single one of you who is currently reading this stupid note of mine. I hope you'll appreciate it.

And of course, Thank you for following me guys, for the votes, and for reading my story. I'm very grateful for it. Like other Authors, it makes me happy, specially reading your cute comments~

Anyway, I hope you'll like this cheesy chapter xD And don't forget to give it a star! :)

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