The Scott Girl

By FlywithmePeterPan

70.5K 2.2K 74

Blake Lilian Scott is my name. I live with my twin brother Lucas and my mom. What happens when my twin joins... More

The Crew
The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most
Are You True?
Crash into You
All That You Cant Leave Behind
Every Night is Another Story
Life In A Glass House
The Search for Something More
With Arms Outstretched
You Gotta Go There to Come Back
The Living Years
Crash Course to Polite Conversation
Hanging By a Moment
I Shall Believe
Suddenly Everything Has Changed
The First Cut is the Deepest
Spirit in the Night
To Wish Impossible Things
How Can You Be Sure ?
What is and What Shoulf Never Be
The Leaving Song
The Games that Play Us
The Desperate Kingdom of Love
Truth Doesn't Make a Noise
Near Wild Heaven
You Cant Always Get What You Want
I Will Dare
Blake, Nice to Meet You
We Might as Well Be Strangers
Meet the Gang
Let the Reigns go Loose
Goodbye, Kayson
Truth. Bitter Truth.
The Trick is to Keep Breathing
Telling Everyone
Don't Take Me For Granted
The Heart Brings You Back
Between order and Randomness
Doctor Visits
The Hero Dies in the End
The Quiet Things No One Ever Knows
Unopen Letters to the World
Some Where a Clock is Ticking
Something i Can Never Have
I'm Wide Awake, Its Morning
Lifetime Piling Up
What Could Have Been
The Tide that Left and Never Came Back
The Leavers Dance
Like You Like an Arsonist
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
First Day on A Brand New Planet
An Attempt to Tip the Scales
A Multitude of Casualities
Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades
The Worst Day Since Yesterday
How a Resurrection Really Feels
Brave New World
Return of the Future
Ive Got Dreams to Remember
The Wind That Blew My Heart Away
All Tomorrows' Parties
Just Watch the Fireworks
With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept
Broken Hearted
I Need Sleep
Who Will Survive and What Will be Left of Them
When It Isnt Like it Should Be
I Slept with Someone From Fallout Boy-
Every Day is a Sunday Evening
Over the Hills and Far Away
The Show Must Go On
The Same Deep Water as You
Good News for the People Who Love Bad News
Cant Stop this Thing We Started
I Love You but Ive Chosen Darkness
Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
All These Things That Ive Done
Nothing Left to Say but Goodbye
Birthday Celebrations
Some You Give Away
Song to Love and Die For
Everything in its Right Place
Pictures of You
Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers
Prom Night at Hater High
You Calm it Madness but I Call It Love
It Gets Worse at Night
The Runaway Found
Ashes of Dreams You Let Die
The Birth and Death of the Day
All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
4 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days
Race Like a Pro
My Way Home Through You
Its Alright Ma, (Im Only Bleeding)
I Forgot to Remember to Forget
Dont Dream Its Over
In Da Club
Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
For Tonight You're Only Here to Know
Running to Stand Still
You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side
Old History
Echoes, Silence, Patience, and Grace
What Do You Go Home To?
Life is Short
Crying Won't Help You Now
Hate is Safer Than Love
What Comes After the Blues
Touch Me Im Going to Scream
One Million Billionth of a Milisecond on a Sunday
Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
You Dug Your Own Grave. now lie in it.
Choosing My Own Way of Life
Our Life is Not a Movie.. or Maybe-
Sympathy For the Devil
Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous
You Have to be Joking
Things a Mama Dont Know
A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene
We Change. We Wait
Screenwriters Blues
You, Me and the Bottle Makes three
Searching For a Former Clarity
Lettingp Go
I Would For You
A Kiss to Build a Dream On
Show Me How to Live
Forever and Almost Ever
Remember me as a Time of Day
4:30 Am (Apparently They Were traveling)
What Are You Willing to Lose
Hold My Hand As Im Lowered
Believe Me, I'm Leaving
Your Cheatin' Heart
Deep Ocean, Vast Sea
I and Love and You
I just (Died in yout arms)
Now You Lift Your Eyes to the Sun
You are a Runner and I am My Fathers Son
Some Roads Lead Nowhere
Weeks Go By Like Days
Family Affair
Don't You Forget About Me
My attendance is bad, But my intentions are good
At the Bottom of Everything
The Last Day if Our Aquaintance
Every Picture Tells a Story
Learning to Fall
Whats in the Ground Belongs to You
Almost Everything I Wish Id Said The Last Time i Saw You
Asleep at Heavens Gate
I Cant See You, But I Know Youre There
The Space in Between
We All Fall Down
Nobody Taught Us to Quit
Not Afraid
Luck Be A Lady
Mouthful of Diamonds
Between Raising Hell and Saving Grace
Lists, Plans
Darkness on thr Edge of Town
The Drinks We Drank Last Night

The Lonesome Road

431 16 0
By FlywithmePeterPan


"You sure about this, Blake,Luke?''

I laughed lightly at Jake, he's asked that question like four times already.

''Yeah, trust me. I talked to Nathan before he left. He said it was OK.''

Jake and Jenny will be staying at Nate's for a few days, due to Nikki being back.

''How's he doing anyway?'' Peyton asks me as we walked into the apartment.

''Not so good, I guess.'' She answered her own question once we looked upon the mess.

'''Yeah, well, I mean, we offered to clean this up but it's a good place to hide out for the next couple of days.'' I state giving the couple a slight smile.

''So, get settled! I gotta run over to the dealership before school. What time are you meeting with your lawyer today?'' Luke looked at Jake,

''Oh, a couple of hours. I'm sorry I had to drag you two into this mess, I just, I couldn't involve my parents, you know?''

''I told you; if you need me, call me.''I gave Jake a sincere look before pecking Jenny on the head.

"I have to go meet up with Kameron. See y'all later.'' I grinned, leaving with Lucas behind me.

''Hello honey.'' I smile at Kam as we walk towards the school.

''Hey. I literally hate this place, school, i mean. I just need a day off. Wanna ditch?''

I bit my lip looking at the ginger.

''Sure, lets do it.''

''Why do we always end up back at your house chowing down on food?'' Kam rhetorically asks as we watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

''Well there's not much a pregnant girl can do.'' i shrug stuffing some chocolate chip cookies in my mouth.

''So, how'd it go with Jake this morning?''

"He has a meeting with his lawyer in a bit. Peyton is going with him, so she'll calm him down. ''

''And Nate?''

''Haley said he left before she finished on stage. He called and said he was on his way back, i figured he be here sooner than later.''

''Your family is always filled with drama... I love it.'' Kam smirked at me.

''Mhm... You'll get use to it.'' I threw a grape at my best friend before looking at Sirius Black.

''He is so hot.'' I sighed.

''Eh, I'm more of a Remus/Fred Weasley kind of guy myself.'' Kam shrugged.

''Not bad picks, though I find Bill hot too...... Dracos adorable really. I feel so sorry for him though. He'd be such an amazing person if he wasn't raised by his bastard of a father.'' I narrowed my eyes at the tv.

''Draco reminds me of Nathan. Dan's Lucious, the bastard dick of a father who pushed his ideas onto his child. Deep down both boys are better than that, nicer than that.''

''Now when I see Draco I'll think of Nathan. You ruined him for me. Thanks for that.'' I shook my head.

''Sorry man.'' Kam laughs.
"You know who should have been in the movies?"
"Charlie!" We both answer quickly.

I roll my eyes as Bevin went into Brooke's room, completely ignoring Kam and I.

''Do we look invisible?'' I asked.

''I mean I can see you, but maybe I'm invisible too.''

I giggle as my phone rang, seeing it was Jake.

''Jake, what's up?'' i asked.

''Can we meet somewhere? I need someone to talk to.''

''Sure. Come over?''

''I'm here.''

I hung up and looked at Kam.

''Jake sounded upset. I'm gonna take him to my room and talk. That okay?''

''Yeah. Bring me a blanket when you come back. The soft purple one.''

''My comforter.''


''You got it.''

I answered the door and guided Jake to my room.

''She says Jen isn't mine.''

My mouth drops open as i look at him.

''She has to be lying. Jenny looks just like you.'''

''I know she's lying. She wants to take her away. I'm trying to be strong, but its hard. I have to be strong for Peyton and Jenny. You're the only one I don't have to fake for.''

''Look at me.''

I grab his face and force him to look me in the eyes.

''You are going to get through this. It may take awhile, it may be rough, but you WILL get through this.''

My hands rested on his cheeks, which had a few tears falling down.

''I don't know what i'd do without her. Jenny's my whole world.''

''You'll survive, because that little girl will ALWAYS know who you are. That you loved her so so much. That you gave up everything to do what's best for her.''

I notice Jake's eyes flicker to my lips,causing me to let go of him.

'' I believe things will work out for you, J.''

''Thanks....I knew I could count on you... I gotta go. I'll see you?''


I grab my blanket as we made our way downstairs, going our separate ways.

''You okay?'' Kam asked.

''Always, K.''

I waited with Peyton in Whitey's office for Lucas to get here.

''You wanted to see me, coach?'' Lucas asks as he comes in and see us.

''Take a seat next to your partners in crime here.'' Whitey told my brother as he motions to the two of us girls.

Lucas looks at us, who smiles tightly at him. He walks in slowly and sits down beside me.

''Well now, Harry, Moe and Curly, I guess you're wondering why I called you here.'' Whitey stated, causing the three of us to look at one another.

''Hey, guys, I was just actually-'' Jake stopped talking as he sees Whitey behind us in the door way of Nate's place.

''He just... wants to talk to you for a minute, Jake.'' I explained.

Jake broke eye contact and nodded.

''We'll leave you two alone.'' Luke said as we backed out of the door.

''I get why he doesn't trust Nikki.'' I stated.

''I do too.''

''Did you know that Jake left Jenny with Nikki right after she was born?'' I look at my brother.

Luke shook his head, looking slightly puzzled.

''So he gets home from the game and calls Nikki; there's no answer. He goes to her house and she's not home. So He... he looked everywhere, and called her friends. Then finally, after about an hour, he finds her car and it's parked across the street from some bar. Nikki was passed out in the front seat, the keys were still in the ignition and there was frost all over the windows; he couldn't even see her... and then he looks in the back seat,... and there she is, his little girl. She's shivering. She didn't even have a blanket on her, Luke.'' I recounted all the details that Jake had once told me.

''Jake told you this?''

"We told each other everything. That was one night though. How is he going to trust Nikki with that precious little girl for three months?'' I wondered.

The next day I was getting ready for school with Kam when I noticed Jake and Peyton outside. Jake steps out of the car and sees me looking out the window. I motioned for him to come in, as Kam and I made out way downstairs.

''Jake?'' I quirked a brow.

I noticed his anticipated look.

''Are you alright?''

''I'm turning myself in.''

''What?'' Kam and i asked together.

''Its the right thing to do.''

''What about Peyton and Jenny?''


''I just came to say bye. So you can tell Jen bye.''

''Where's she going?'' i asked.

''With Whitey,.... That's all I'm gonna tell you.''

Without thinking I threw my arms around my first love's neck.

''I love you.'' i whispered.

''I love you too.''

I kissed the corner of his lips before grabbing a stuffed giraffe from the couch and going outside.

''Bye baby girl. I love you.'' I pecked Jen's head and stuffed the giraffe beside her.

I looked at Jake one last time, ''I'm getting really sick of saying goodbye to you two.'' I stated.

''Me too.''

I gave Peyton a reassuring squeeze before going back into the house with Kam.

''It's always sad goodbyes with those two, huh?'' He asked.


''Ma'am, we have a warrant to search the property.'' Two cops enter my house without being invited in.

Nikki smirks at me.

''I know she has to be here if she wasn't with the other blonde bitch.''

I smirked at Nikki smugly.

''Oh really?''

''It's clear.'' The cops stated exiting my house.

''Where is she?'' Nikki growled.

''No idea, but anywhere's better than with you.''

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