A Very Good Place To Start

By rantsofapenguin

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Ian and Lea grew up together as best friends which means that nobody can tolerate his philanderings and assho... More



237 17 65
By rantsofapenguin

"Casa Isabella does deliveries now?!" Her friend Carmen exclaimed in surprise. They've been friends since college which is primarily why she knows of the restaurant. She's primarily US-based but came home to oversee the construction of her resort which is spearheaded by Lea's firm. "Maloka ako! I've been craving for Tarta Santiago ever since I arrived but the waiting list is insanely long!"

Lea shrugs and says nonchalantly, "perks of being the owner's daughter," and chuckles, "but mostly because I'm the head chef's best friend."

Carmen's mouth forms an o and then a teasing grin. "You mean Christian, right?"

Lea nods and begins to unwrap today's food package.

"You know, you've known each other so long. Amazing how 'di pa rin kayo sawa with each other."

"What can I say? I'm a keeper," Lea says, which has her friend chuckling.

"Hay nako, if I hadn't heard you both say hindi kayo talo a lot in college, I'd think you're really in love with each other. Didn't you say that you are co-parenting and living together? Lei, are you sure na 'di talaga kayo talo?"

A bombshell of a question that almost threw her off her balance.

"Of course not!" Lea sputtered faster than expected. "Besides, it's Ian! I've seen him play with booger when we were 8."

Carmen chuckles and grabs Lea's fork to take a bite out of the dessert she opened first. "Sure, Lei." Lea's huffed and tried to dismiss it but Carmen was well aware of the red spreading across her cheeks. "You know what though? Sticking with someone for more than 30 years and mothering his child is nothing short of devotion, for someone not committed to him. At this point, kulang nalang ng contract and wedding ring because you guys are practically married anyway."

And it rings in her head the rest of the afternoon and the evening that followed. She hadn't really thought about how their arrangement would be perceived although to be fair, she's never really cared about what other people thought of. But Carmen had some very very valid points.

For one, she really is mothering his child. Two, they really are living together– granted it's not together. Three... and oh god this is something their parents would sometimes jokingly say but they do argue like an old married couple. For people from the outside who do not understand their arrangements (not like they're making an effort to actually make people understand), they are all but married on fucking paper.

Fuck, she curses silently at the quandary they have created. But then, an intrusive thought comes about: you did agree on marrying by forty.

Gaga, that was a joke, she scolds herself. But there must have been a devil on top of her shoulder who whispers: joke nga ba?

Though... would it be so bad?


She'd probably end up designing their forever home and overseeing its construction... maybe in one of their more laid back properties... Tagaytay doesn't seem so bad but Ian once mentioned wanting to live in Baguio.

She will never get to skip lunch again because he would quite literally bring the kitchen to her.
She would most likely get dragged into weekend long rides along the most scenic highways which she enjoys if she is honest.

He will most likely tag along whenever she needs to go out of town. He does that a lot because he's just the kind of guy who loves outdoors.

She will forever get to keep her drinking buddy, and they'll get through life one bottle of vodka at a time.
She'd probably get into more kitchen incidents that he will have to get under control but that's his turf anyway.

She'd still get to be the designated driver during night outs because she's usually the more level headed one trusted with the drive home.

They will raise Mason together for sure and that's quite a very convincing reason on its own.

She is soooo lost in the wonder of it all when she hears a familiar voice call for her.


And when she looks up, it is Mason secured in a car seat at the backseat of Ian's car, waving excitedly at her.

And then another voice.


Just as excited.

Perhaps her... mag-ama.

It jolts her, sends electricity down her spine and sends her head reeling because this could very much be a real future... a future where she comes home to them, where she comes home to the home they've made and oh...

Oh wouldn't it be nice?


It fucking scares her how easily she settles to the idea of spending what could possibly be the rest of her life with the man she grew up with.

For god's sake, it's Christian Lucas. It's that fat boy who intruded on her drawing time at Wack-Wack when they were six, that boy who gave her a pop ring when they were seven, the one whom she had gotten piano lessons with, him who stood up against the tallest boy in their class once just because he didn't like it when people were bothering her... it's that guy that would pick her up and drop her off to her dates and cover for her just because they are thicker than thieves...

He is THAT guy... but could he really be THAT guy for HER? After everything and after all this time?

It can't be. No. No. No. No.

She shakes her head and tries to rationalize things.

You are not in love with him. He is not in love with you. The only reason why you are both in a situation like this is because of Mason.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

They couldn't possibly be something more, could they? If they could have... if Ian had seen her... like really seen her as a girl and not just a girl who is like his other half in all the troubles, he would have already made a move. That's how he is, he never spends a second more to decide that if he likes a girl, he will get under their skirt and most of the time, he does it successfully.

Gago kasi talaga 'yang bestfriend mo, she tells herself and that's nothing new. She's known that all along.

She's had more than thirty years with him to know him. If there was a tiny possibility of Ian actually and really seeing a future with her, she has no doubts he would have already made a move.

But he hasn't.

So maybe there isn't.

And that makes her feel pathetic... pathetic enough to have her pick up the phone and dial someone she sure wouldn't mind getting to know.

One ring and then two... and then, "hey! Miguel, it's Lea..."


They said that the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Oh how he hopes the same could be said for women because he is cooking lunches everyday for just one person like he is fighting for his life that it is fucking ridiculous.

Nigel has no qualms letting him know too.

"Wow, Chicken Piccata? Grabe ka pare parang ginawa mo nang multinational ang resto ah," Nigel comments as he, once again, arrives at Ian already manning a corner in the kitchen while the rest of the crew is already deep into prepping for the lunch service. Ian's been coming in early for the past two months which is quite jarring.

Ian tuts and carefully tosses in a salad into the lunchbox just to balance out the protein. "Mamaya mag oorder nanaman 'yon ng fried chicken sa kung saan saan," he murmurs without taking his eyes off the food.

"Sino?" Nigel prods, quite curious about this person who has got his friend religiously come in early for the whole two months just to make lunch. Lakas ng tama eh, he thinks to himself.

"Lea," Ian replies without much thought but oh the implications do not escape Nigel at all.

So it's been for Lea all along huh? He could try to rationalize that it's because she is still the owner's daughter and his best friend but no. It can't be that simple. No way. He knows Ian well enough to know he wouldn't put in so much effort just to get into the good graces (aka under the skirts) of someone. For him to dedicate this much time and consistency must mean that he is doing this for someone who matters a lot to him. It's not surprising to discover that it is Lea.

But there's something he couldn't put a finger on.

Those two have been together but not really together for as long as he could remember. They've been bickering long before he himself started working at the restaurant.

There has been nothing there.

Or at least it used to be so.

Lately, something has shifted in the way his friend has been... what he means to say is there has been a lot of changes in the way his friend has been behaving since he found out he's a father, which to he fair is expected from a responsible person so while Ian is not exactly responsible before Mason, he is now so props on him stepping up but it's more than that. It's a total shift of personality because that womanizer hasn't been with a woman or flirting with a woman for the better part of the year and that is uncharacteristic of him.

Bukambibig lagi Lea eh, he thinks to himself and then it clicks. Fuck? What the fuck? He's so stupid. How could he miss it? It's not that his friend has been putting himself through some sort of unexplained abstinence after all and it's not that he hasn't been chasing after women. It's just that the 'e' has been turned into 'a' and it's been six months that he's been chasing after one (1) woman without himself explicitly realizing so.

If he looks back, it makes sense. The morning runs to the resto for hand delivered lunches. The refusal of all the reto. The hurried countenance every time he's off the restaurant because he wants to go home or pick up Lea or something.

Holy shit, he should've known. The click finally shifted and what has been coming for a long time has finally happened.

Hulog ang gago.

Hulog indeed and it's only a matter of time before Ian realizes it himself. But for the sake of everyone, Nigel hopes that he gets to realize it sooner rather than later and when he does, he hopes he doesn't run away from it and do something stupid that could lead to him losing both his potential love of his life and best fucking friend.


There are days when he unexpectedly pops into her office for lunch, or he'll send over a delightful meal if she needs to work late. He passes it off as concern which she buys but he knows deep inside it cannot be just that. Lately, he's been wanting to make her smile a lot, which in fact, is not even a difficult thing. All he has to do really is bring in Mason and Lea is all smiles. But he reckons that it cannot be just that. Surely, the extent of his efforts does not begin and end with Mason? No, Lea deserves more than that.

'Yan ka nanaman eh, he berates himself. He's been having a lot of these thoughts lately, mostly about her and the things he could do for her. He doesn't know where they are coming from but it has him doing things he's never done before.

Nigel teases that the things he's been doing, he's never done them for anyone, not even the ladies he used to woo. He shrugs it off and silences Nigel with a glare but there is substance in what the man says. After all, none of those other people is Lea and Lea is different in a lot of ways. For one, he loves her a lot... AS A FRIEND, of course (A/N: SuRe).

He shakes his head off and focuses his attention back to the pan he is scrubbing. He was drying the dishes when the elevator dinged and signified the arrival of only one person. It doesn't take long for that same person's footsteps to echo louder as she approaches the kitchen.

"Hey! You're still awake!" She exclaims when she sees him before grabbing a glass of water.

"Yeah, Mason was a bit fussy and didn't want to sleep," Ian replies.

"Why?" She asks curiously and pulls herself up the kitchen counter which earns her a glare.

"That's marble you're sitting on."

"I know," she says and winks at the man who is left with no other choice but to sigh in defeat. "So?"


"So bakit ka pa nga gising?"

I was waiting for you, he wanted to say— he almost said if he wasn't able to bite his tongue in time. Good thing he caught himself because really, he doesn't know how to explain himself. That's how he's been like lately around her. He wants to say a lot of things but has got no idea whatsoever how to explain himself if she asks. He can't explain something he doesn't understand, surely? Basta, he thinks, loves being around her... a lot. But to feel like a fish out of water whenever he is on the verge of saying that is new and he finds it stupid because he has loved having her around for a very long time, why else would he put up with her for the better part of more than thirty years of his life?

"Huy, Ian!" She nudges at him. "Okay ka lang? Is something bothering you? Do you want to talk about it?" She asks in worry.

The corner of his lips curl. "Uy, concerned siya sa'kin," he teases and nudges her back playfully which earns him a smack on his arm.

"Umayos ka," she warns but it doesn't remove the smile he is wearing.

"Eto naman," he says and pulls himself up the counter beside her.

"Oh, akala ko ba marble 'yan," she repeated what he said earlier.

"If it's good enough for you then it's good enough for me." And he means that in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with the counter.

She looks at him expectantly, not letting her question go.

"Wala, baka kasi napasobra ka ng inom at gusto mo magpasundo," he reasons, which is close to the truth.

"Awww," she says and pinches his cheek which he immediately swats away. "You don't have to worry so much about me, you know? I'm a big girl!" She declares.

He nods. Indeed. But he still worries. It's ingrained in him as her best friend, kakampi, and partner-in-crime. He turns to look at her and sees the bright look on her face. "You look happy," he comments.

And she nods happily indeed. "I am!" Comes her high spirited response,

"Saan ka ba nanggaling?" He asks and realizes there could only be one thing she did tonight for her to come home late but with a spring on her step. And oh if it doesn't spark a twisting feeling in his gut, a feeling he doesn't like at all. "Date? Sinong kasama mo?" Ian's questions come rapid-fire, driven by a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

Now that he comes to think of it, this isn't the first time she comes home this happy from a date. And if he really thinks about it... well, the green-eyed monster turns out to be real after all.

Lea, still riding the wave of a great evening, grins even wider. "Yeah, remember the guy I told you about?"

He frowns. "Which guy?" Ian knows exactly who she's talking about, but he doesn't want to say it lest it be true. He watches her carefully, trying to gauge her emotions.

"You know, Miguel? I mentioned him to you!"

"Ito ba yung piloto?" Ian makes a playful guess, ignoring the glances from Lea that suggest she's unamused. "O yung beterinaryo?"

"Gago! I never dated a pilot nor a vet! He's the lawyer, you idiot!"

Oh if he isn't pissed. He scoffs and tries to pass it off as banter. "Akalain mong natagalan ka talaga niya?"

"Why not? I'm nice kaya!" Lea retorts.

"Anong nice? Baka kaya ka natatagalan kasi baka mukha kang kriminal!"

"Asshole! Ikaw ang mas mukhang kriminal." Lea knows how to give it back to him when needed.

Ian chuckles. "Sa gwapo kong to? 'Di to bagay sa kulungan, oy!"

Lea rolls her eyes, still pondering how she's managed to tolerate him for three decades. "Anyway, back to the topic." Ian lets out a discreet sigh, hoping the discussion about her date would end but to no avail it turns. "I am planning to bring Miguel to the resto on Saturday."

Ian's rumination stops abruptly and looks at her. "This Saturday?"

"Yes. You'll be there, right? It's the weekend. You almost always do weekend service."

"But why?" The words come out of Ian's mouth before he can even think twice.

It is her turn to scoff. "To eat, silly! Miguel mentioned kasi na he is a fan of Spanish Cuisine and besides Mom, you make them best. So will you be at the resto?" She asks in a tone that most certainly is asking him to be there.

If the bitter taste on Ian's tongue is anything to go by, him being there would do no one any good. "I won't be there." He answers quickly. It's a good thing he promised Mason that they'd go to the ocean park that day, an outing he'd intended to invite Lea to but seems like she has other plans... At Least he's not making excuses.

"What do you mean?" She says with scrunched eyebrows. "I want you to meet Miguel."

"Daddy duties." He can reschedule the day trip with Mason. Does he want to? Of course not. Will he reschedule just to meet the guy who has been monopolizing Lea's time recently? All the more that he wouldn't.

Lea sighs, realizing that Mason takes precedence. Their son always comes first, especially on weekends. But she tries to make the best out of it. "Oh. Can't you reschedule? So I can also join you guys?" She smiles at him, hopeful for a change of plans.

"Sorry, he's really looking forward to it."

The way her face falls suggests guilt for suggesting he change their plans and it sort of makes him feel guilty. She relents. "That's fine, I guess. I was hoping you'd get to know Miguel before things get serious."

He could swear he gasped when he heard her. "Anong serious?" Ian doesn't like where this conversation is heading.

Lea smiles warmly. "I mean... things are going so well with him. We've been having such a good time together that maybe we can take it up a notch? And I want you to meet him before we make it official."

"No courtship?"

"Ano to? 19-forgotten?" Lea chuckles. "Besides, we're not teenagers anymore. We're both adults. We've been out a few times already and he's been really nice."

Ian doesn't know how to respond. The fact that someone is now making her happy and taking up her time is unsettling to him. Another man is entering her life, and he doesn't like it. In fact, he hates it— LOATHES the idea of it altogether.

Still... it's her life. Who is he anyway? He's just her friend. Who is he for her to put her life on hold for?


"Alam mo.. malaki ka na. You can make decisions on your own. You don't need me to meet him since you've already made up your mind."

"Yeah, but you're my best friend, and it's important to me that you meet him," she whines.

Ian sighs and shakes his head. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'll meet him another day." He hops off the island and switches off the kitchen lights, leaving just the pin lights on.

Lea's brows furrow. "Wait. Ian!" She calls out as she watches him walk away. What's wrong with him?


He finds himself unable to stay away after all. The whole day he was with Mason, the only thing he could think of is that man potentially putting his grubby hands on Lea and it sends him burning in rage (A/N: and jealousy if he finally pulls his head out of his ass long enough to recognize things as they are). By the end of the day, he ends up packing Mason's stuff and driving all the way to Forbes, promising the little guy a good time with Nana and Pops. He doesn't take long there. He bids Mason goodbye and marches away, leaving Mariana curious as to what is setting his ass on fire.

He is so out of it that the drive back to the restaurant was fueled with misplaced road rage. He arrives at his office in no time, dons his jacket, and makes his way to the kitchen. He slams the door open, surprising everyone to a halt.

"What are you all looking at? Back to your stations!" He howls and sends everyone into a frenzy.

"Pare, okay ka lang? Akala ko ba off ka today?" Nigel asks and approaches him while his hands against a towel.

"I'm here, aren't I?" He says with a glare.

"George!" His voice bellows and the floor manager scrambles to his direction.

"Yes chef?"

"Is Lea here?" He asks while walking towards an empty station.

The manager and Nigel share a look before the former responds. "Yes, chef. Table 35."

Ian nods at him and asks around. "Who is doing 35?"

"Ako chef sa entree."

"Ako sa main."

"Ako sa appetizer."

Everyone pauses to see what he's going to do. "Ako maghahandle ng 35," he declares and takes over, leaving Nigel and everyone else both concerned and anxious to see him so angry.

"Pare, sigurado ka bang okay ka lang?" Nigel asks in concern but his question is left hanging in the air as Ian begins to work on the appetizer. His eyes widen upon seeing the amount of salt the other man is putting on the dish. "Huy pare, Gambas al Ajillo 'yan, 'di binuro!"

Ian glares at him. "If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it."

It has him stepping back, watching as Ian sabotages both the food and himself.

Lea is having a good time. Miguel is a good conversationalist so it's not surprising that she finds herself engaged in intelligent conversation. Honestly, the only thing that could have made this night better is if Ian gets to meet him but then she supposes that can happen another day. She's just going to have to enjoy herself.

"So, yeah, Joseon architecture is really preserved because of how immense its impact is to South Korea's culture and history," Miguel says before taking a sip of wine.

"You know, I haven't been to South Korea yet," Lea tells him.

He gasps dramatically. "Nooooo," he says, which makes her laugh. "Maybe I'll go there with you." He winks at her. "My grandparents live there, you know. They'd be happy to share with us the vast and colorful history of SoKor. I'll even tour you to the palaces myself."

She chuckles. "We'll see."

It doesn't take long before the appetizers arrive. "They're here!" She exclaims, excited to share this with Miguel in pride and honor. But the waiter looks pallid and nervous and she sees it.

"Something wrong, Kuya Mark?" She asks and the waiter bows a bit to the level of her ear.

"Ma'am, si Chef Ian po nandito," he whispers.

"Good!" She declares. He'll get to meet Miguel after all. "Please tell him I'd like to see him later."

The waiter's look of worry doesn't abate but Lea is much too elated to even notice. "Let's eat," she says to Miguel and they both dig in. The taste of garlic and olive oil spreads across her tongue and she would've told the other man that this is her favourite if he didn't start coughing. "Are you okay?" She asks worriedly.

Miguel grabs a glass of water and nods uncomfortably.

"What's wrong?" She asks and Miguel looked like he was thinking whether to tell her or not but ultimately decided on the latter.

"It's a bit salty," the man says and Lea frowns.

She gestures if she could try it and Miguel nods. The moment the sauce touched her tongue, she recoiled.

"Oh my god, I am sorry," she says before gesturing to a waiter. "Can you have this brought back in the kitchen? This is too salty." The waiter nods and hurriedly takes the plate away.

She can feel her cheeks burning. "I'm sorry," she starts, "It's usually really good."

Miguel good naturedly smiles at her. "It's alright, human nature."

The replacement comes not too long after and she sighs in relief when he finally says that it's probably the best he's ever tasted.

Their conversation continues until the main entrees arrive but what surprised her is the presence of a man in a chef's coat delivering their food rather than a waiter.

"Hey," she greets as the man begins to place their plates. "What are you doing here?"

The man smirks. "I'm here as you requested."

His tone does not sit well with her. No. It sets her at the edge of her seat.

She watches as he turns towards Miguel's direction and offers a hand. "Christian," he introduces. Miguel takes his hand with a smile, a smile that twists a bit as Ian shakes his hand.

Miguel discreetly waves his hand in the air, probably to relieve it from the ache of being crushed by Ian and suddenly, it makes her wonder whether having them meet is a good idea in the first place. She tries to divert the conversation and talks about the food.

"My mom originated the restaurant recipe for this Paella," she tells Miguel.

"No wonder it's really good."

The conversation flows but several minutes later, Ian comes back. "Hello, I was wondering how you like your food?" He asks while Lea bulges her eyes at him, which he so conveniently ignores.

"It's good, pare," Miguel says.

"Great. This is Leedja's favourite."

Miguel's face warped into confusion. "Leedja? Who is Leedja?"

"Oh? You didn't know?" Ian fakes a grimace, and she can see through it. She steps on his foot but he doesn't even wince. He continues. "That's her real name," he says and gestures at Lea.

She could feel her stomach turn at the sudden awkward air.

Miguel turns to her. "Really?"

She nods at him. "It's one of the three. Lydia Encarnacion Alejandra, actually," she says nervously, unsure where this turn of events is heading.

"Guess who gave her the nickname?" Ian inserts with an undeniable triumphant smirk on his face which she wants to wipe off. "Me! Gave it to her the first time we met when we were six." He declares and Lea wants to smack him in the face.

She sees the way Miguel gulps and realizes how wrong a decision it was to have him meet.

"You should go back to the kitchen. It's a busy night," she suggests to Ian but the man has no intention of listening to her.

"No no, I want to get to know him too," he says which has her eyes widening.

What the fuck?! She screams internally.

"So... Miguel, what's your favorite Spanish food? Lea said you're a fan."

Miguel visibly squirms and tries to get control of the situation. "You should grab a chair and join us," he says which, to a bystander, was an obvious plea for the other man to leave but Ian doesn't or refuses more like, to take the cue.

"Good idea!" Ian declares and gestures at one of the waiters to bring in a chair. He settles on the place adjacent to the two and Lea wants to palm herself at the disaster that this night is slowly turning to be.

"So, pare? What's your favourite Spanish food?"

Miguel's eyes dart between Lea and Ian and replies nervously, "uhhm, It's simple."

"Which is?"


The gasp that erupts from Ian is embarrassing to her. "Fajitas is not Spanish! It's Texan." He declares and Miguel turns redder than a tomato.

"Really? Must be a common misconception. The seasoning is very hispanic though."

"No, it's not."

"Then I guess the next closest thing I could say is drinks no? There's Mezcal."

"That's Mexican."

"Aren't they historically intertwined?"

Ian shrugs. "Maybe but it isn't Castillian in origin. Didn't you say you are a fan of Spanish cuisine?"

Lea isn't sure whether it's possible to be swallowed by the Earth whole but if it was, that's where she wanted to be because the night is no longer just awkward, it is humiliating!

The grilling continues and Lea, much as she tries, fails to mediate. Ian refuses to let her butt in and it is seeming from an outsider that her feeble attempts to intervene are both futile and pointless. Ian seems to be on a mission to embarrass Miguel and is succeeding.

She is brought back to reality when Miguel says, "you know what? I'm so sorry. I just got a message from the firm. May emergency lang sa case namin."

"Oh?" Ian says.

Miguel turns to Lea who looks about ready to burst. "I'm going to have to go ahead. Thanks for tonight," he says and bolts before Lea could even say anything.

"Asshole didn't even pay," she hears Ian murmur and glares at him.

"What?" He exclaims but she turns out to be too angry to even make patol to his childish antics.

She shakes her head and leaves without talking to him.


To say that she is seething wouldn't be enough to describe how she's really feeling. She's angry, she wants to punch Ian, she wants to throw things, she wants to scream...

Picture a volcano about to explode– that's her. And to keep herself from exploding, she's turned to pacing, a lot of it... enough to burn a hole through the floor.

Honestly, everything was going so well. She's pretty sure she liked Miguel. She was ready to go out with him exclusively but her idiot of a best friend (though she doesn't want to call him that right now because she is way too mad to even think of him as a friend) just had to be an asshole and ruin everything.

But if anything, more than getting that we'll see bullshit of a response after she asked whether there will still be a next time, she got embarrassed. Ian embarrassed her in front of someone she liked and very nearly respected and that, to her, is simply unacceptable. He could be a douche all he wants but not at the expense of her (and her pride). What he did tonight angers her in ways she cannot even begin to explain. She could feel her skin tingling with it, like at any moment, she could burst. By any means, that is not a pretty picture.

Rarely does she ever reach her maximum limit. Sure, she curses a lot and scolds a lot of people; she may seem angry and suplada most of the time, but that does not even reflect her at her worst.

At her worst, she may as well be... well, something else. It's only really happened thrice.

Tonight is the fourth time and the only time it is directed at Ian.

What irritates her some more is the fact he still isn't back at the condo when it is already past 1 in the morning.

She is stopped on her tracks when she hears the elevator ding. Her legs took her right at the doors and when they opened, she was surprised at the fact that she, in fact, could get angrier than she already was.

She watches in disbelief as Ian trots in like nothing happened.

"What the fuck, Ian?!" She exclaims, unable to withhold herself any longer.

Ian lifts his eyes at her but rather than engage, he makes a beeline to the couch where he slumps with a grunt.

She goes after him, shaking from anger and irritation. "Ganyan ka ba talaga ka walang modo ha? You act like nothing happened after that stunt you pulled at the restaurant?!"

He sighs and stares at her tiredly. "Lei, pagod ako," he mumbles.

She scoffs at him. "Well imagine how tired I am as well of you and your sense of entitlement!"

His face darkens and he stands on his feet. "Ba't ba galit na galit ka ha?!"

"You're asking?! After all you did kanina, you have the gall to ask bakit ako galit?! Tangina, Ian. You fucking embarrassed me in front of Miguel!"

"Miguel! Miguel nanaman!"

His reaction takes her aback.

"Lagi nalang si Miguel! Bakit ba parang apaka importante ng gagong yan sa'yo ha!? Kayo na ba?!"

"Because I actually liked the guy and if you didn't go around ruining everything and showing off how much of a dickhead you really are, then oo sana!"

"Anyare? Konting ganon lang ayaw na niya? That fucker! Edi gago siya!"

"Mas gago ka! Alam mo Ian, I put up with a lot of your shit but tonight? What you did tonight was horrible. I don't know what got into you pero pinahiya mo kami pareho!"

"I was just testing the man! It's not my fault na wala siyang bayag!"

"Oh? Now, you're looking out for me?!"

"Of course I was!"

"Ang sabihin mo, nakitang mong capable ang tao kaya yang ego mo, na threaten masiyado!"


He'd have said something else. She would have said something more hurtful too. But they were both caught off guard by the sound of whimpers coming from the door.

"Dada, Tamy, don't fight," sniffles the little boy whose eyes are filled with tears and whose hands are covering his ears in a desperate attempt to quiet the shouting. "No shouting please."

Ian sighs and immediately makes his way to where Mason is standing, and pulls him into his arms. "Hey, bud. Don't cry."

Lea, who is left standing by the couch, is stunned. Were they that loud to wake Mason up? And then guilt racks her, enough to deflate the anger, only for shame to replace it.

"Please no shouting," she hears Mason plead with Ian and she suddenly cannot breathe. She leans against the backrest of the couch, ashamed of what they've both done, still mad at the man, but also at herself for losing control and exposing Mason to whatever that was.

Her breathing becomes faster, and her head begins to throb. She realizes that seeing Mason cry and Ian comforting him, that they both scared the little boy, is twisting her stomach and she needs to go out for air.

She does just that. She leaves the condo. Goes for a drive. Before she knows it, the sun is up and she hasn't returned to what has been home for the past three years.


She's counted the times her friend had sighed deeply within the hour that they've been together and now must be the tenth one.

"You know what, Lei?" Carmen says as she places her fork down so she could look at the other woman intently. "Spill it. It's practically spilling from your sighs anyway."

Lea rolls her eyes and says, "I'm fine," while she continues to play with her scone. A glance at Carmen and she sees her eyebrow quirked, which has her sighing again.

"Ano nga kasi? What's wrong?" Carmen prods some more. She hears Lea murmur something but it's too mumbled to be audible or coherent. "Do I have to call Ian?"

That stops Lea, her face the very image of alarm, and it is quickly followed by a resounding, "no!" loud enough to have people from other tables to take a gander at them.

Lea's face heats up but what's more pressing is the fact that her apparent refusal to bring Ian into the table does not elude Carmen.

"Something happened with you and Ian?" The deeper sigh Lea makes speaks for itself but Carmen doesn't let it go. "What happened?" She's curious. This has never happened before. The two are thicker than thieves, part and parcel even. So while it does make sense for Lea to react this way over a squabble, it is quite concerning for an outsider who is familiar with the both of them, especially when she is aware of the dynamics between the two.

"He's an asshole," Lea mumbles and slumps against the chair with arms crossed against her chest.

"We know that. Pero what did he do this time?"

And it comes spilling out of her– how she was starting to like this Miguel guy, how Ian started off enthusiastic about her guys and what-not, and how suddenly it all took a 360 and he did everything he could to ruin her supposed date night in a very apparent sabotage.

Carmen bites her lip, unsure how to say the next words that are circling her mind, but finding it necessary to voice them out if only to provide reason from the two unreasonable idiots. "Could it be Mason?"

It stops Lea, her eyes wide, and her jaw slightly slacked open. "What makes you think that?"

Carmen shrugs at her. "Come to think of it. You and Ian have both been in this very committed pseudorelationship with Mason as the lynchpin at the center of it all. It could have changed your dynamics."

"But we've had our fair share of flirting around and dates the past three years! Hindi naman namin pinigilan ang isa't isa from sleeping around."

"And yet, has any of those relationships even reached the brink of becoming serious?"

It makes Lea think. Has she been serious? No. Has he? All the more no.

"What's that got to do with this?"

Carmen smiles and shakes her head. "You guys have always been comfortable with each other but the intimacy of raising a kid together? That's something else. Especially because you've been living together. That has a tendency of blurring lines and boundaries, Lei," she tells the other woman gently.

"Oh god," Lea groans, realizing the sense in Carmen's words. Boundaries. That's what they have been stepping on and over. Something they need to regain. "What should I do?"

Carmen refuses to provide a categorical answer. After all, it isn't her relationship. But it is enough to stir a sense of concern within Lea that has her gripping her phone tightly, opening the acceptance letter she's been avoiding for weeks, and sending a rapid response of acceptance.


"What the heck is this?" Lea's fury reverberates through every corner of her office, making her team tremble. Her voice echoes, sending shivers down their spines. "This is not what the client wanted. It's a mess!"

"But Ma'am, that's what the client requested as a last-minute change. They wanted a maid's quarter by-"

"By the pool? Do you think that's a good idea?"

"But Ma'am, we can-"

"Enough! I don't care what you're about to say! You should have consulted with me before making any changes in the first place! Now, I have to do this all over again? Get out!"

Her team scrambles away from the office before the dragon breathes fire. Lea can't comprehend what she just said to the team. All she knows is she's furious at everything, including herself. The last thing she told HR was not to hire incompetent people, and yet, that's what she got.

She stares at the blueprint once again, crumples it as fast as she can, and throws it across the room. Lea stands up and walks toward the big window, showcasing the Makati skyline.

"Alam ba ni Dad na nagtatapon ka ng blueprints?"

A voice sends shivers down her spine, making her turn in its direction. There stands her older sister, dressed in a corporate suit, aging like fine wine. "Ate?"

Lorna gives her a smirk. "Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to give me a hug?"

Lea's relationship with her sister isn't all about rainbows and butterflies. With an 8-year age gap, they had very different interests. Growing up, their parents would usually give Lea what she wanted because she's the youngest, but having Lorna as a sister also gave her a second mother who practically raised her whenever their parents were not around. She was the disciplinarian in the family. Most of the time, Lea distanced herself from Lorna because she spent more time with Ian growing up.

But at that specific moment, Lea doesn't think twice as she runs toward her sister and wraps her arms around her, grateful to see her, especially right then when she needed someone.

Lorna is surprised to receive that warm hug from her sister. She may be in her thirties, but Lea will always be her baby sister. She hadn't experienced such an embrace from her, so she knows something is wrong.

"Mukhang namiss mo talaga ako," Lorna teases, but Lea doesn't let go.

"I do, Ate." Lea mumbles. She hadn't seen her sister in almost five years. Despite video calls, being in her presence was a different experience.

Lorna chuckles and slowly pulls away to give Lea a good look. "Dapat kasi, sumasama ka kila Ma whenever they visit me in Boston."

Lea offers a small smile. "You know I have a lot on my plate here."

Lorna scoffs, "Don't become a workaholic like Dad."

Lea rolls her eyes, "You're a workaholic too! I bet you're here because you've been invited as a speaker or something! You didn't even say you were coming home! Does Ma even know you're here?"

Lorna chuckles because Lea's guess is spot on. "Yes, they know I'm here. They sent the car with me so I can pick you up for lunch."

"Lunch?" Her sister nods. "Right now?"

Lorna confirms, "Yes. I informed your secretary that you'll be leaving. Mama and Dad are already waiting at Casa Isabella."

Lea was just about to grab her bag when she heard the lunch location. "We're eating at the restaurant?"

"Of course! I haven't had Mama's paella in years!"

"Why there? We could just eat at home."

Lorna stares at her sister in disbelief. "Ma insisted since all the ingredients are complete at the restaurant. So, let's go! I'm starving!"

"But Ate -" Lea couldn't complain any further as her sister practically dragged her out of the office.


"Ma, your paella still reigns supreme in the culinary world!" Ian exclaims as he relishes the dish prepared by Isabella. Originally set to sign some paychecks in the restaurant, he found himself joining the cooking session when the original owner insisted on making lunch. How could he resist the woman who ignited his passion for cooking?

"Sus! Bola ka nanaman. I already passed down this recipe to you, so I'm sure yours is just as exceptional."

Ian chuckles. "No, Ma! You have a unique touch when you cook."

The older woman shakes her head. "You have to join us for lunch, okay? Minsan lang nasa Pilipinas si Lorna, and I want us to be complete."

Upon learning that Ate Lorna would be joining for lunch, he isn't sure if he wants to be in the same place as her. Lorna isn't the friendliest when it comes to him. Until now, he's not sure if it's the age gap, her protectiveness toward Lea, or if she simply sports a resting bitch face throughout her life.

"Ma, no need. It's a family lunch, and I have to go pick up Mason in a -"

Isabella waves her hand to stop him. "No need. Javier already called Eduardo. They will bring Mason with them because I want Lorna to meet the little guy. Lagi na lang sila sa facetime nag-uusap."

"Facetime?" Ian asks.

Isabella nods. "Didn't Lea tell you? Whenever we babysit, I'd call Lorna, and they would chat away."

Ian doesn't know what to say. Lorna is the last person he would expect to be friendly with kids, and with his son, no less. Besides, how could he ask Lea about it when they haven't seen or talked to each other in days? He's even having a hard time dealing with Mason, and clearly, their parents don't know about their recent rift.

"So that is settled, we'll have a complete family lunch, okay? Now, help me make the appetizers. They'll be here in 15 minutes."

All Ian can do is nod because deep inside, he's also excited to see Lea.


Thank god for Mason and the never ending interest his grandparents are showing towards him for providing the smokescreen for the tension between his 'parents.' But while his antics were enough to distract his grandparents, the same thing couldn't be said for Auntie Lorna who has her eyes set on the two other adults in the table who haven't talked to each other since their arrival.

Curious, she thinks. She, of all people, knows just how inseparable the two are. She's lost count of the number of times Ian spent lunch over at their family home, or the times Lea would go over at his house. She knows they've practically been shacking up together the past three years so for them to be playing chicken would mean something is wrong.

It almost amuses Lorna to think that they're actually capable of not speaking and scheming with each other. They've gone more than 30 years covering each other's asses. What could be causing this disagreement?

"Mason's birthday is in two weeks na pala. Have you started with the preparations na?" Lorna hears Tita Mariana ask and the synchronized yes of the two.

Mariana laughs. "Kahit kailan talaga, para kayong naghahati ng utak."

It has her sister glancing away, pretending to wipe Mason's face with a table napkin, while Ian forces a chuckle.

"Ganun talaga, Ma," he says and grabs a glass of water which he gulps down.

Lorna could only shake her head at the obstinacy.

After the lunch out, when they've all driven back to Forbes, Lorna finds an opportunity to wrangle the truth out of her sister whom she finds sitting by the piano and pressing random keys without making cohesive notes.

"It's Mason's birthday in two weeks pero di kayo naguusap ni Ian," Lorna says and leans against the cover of the baby grand.


"I know you, Lei," she cuts off her sister before she could deny anything. And like always, it is enough to breach through her defense.



"I've accepted the Harvard offer."

It stuns Lorna. Sure, she's happy to hear that her sister is taking the opportunity but she is aware of her apprehensions too so to hear her say this prompts questions from her.


"What do you mean why? Self-improvement of course."

Lorna does not believe her and it must have shown on her face because it has Lea frowning.

"Fine. Also, I need to get away from Ian."

It surprises Lorna. "Get away? Why?" She couldn't fathom this. Did they have a falling out? Surely it is not something they couldn't fix? It's Lea and Ian for gods sake.

Lea shrugs. "We've gotten too comfortable with each other," she murmurs.

It confuses Lorna some more. Too comfortable? Is that even a thing for the two of them?

"What happened?"

Lea tells her the brief abridged version.

"So because he ruined your date, you're bolting?"

Lea scoffs. "No! I'm going away so we'd have a chance to reevaluate our relationship and while I'm at it, do something productive."

A word claws at Lorna's mind. "Relationship, huh?"

Lea rolls her eyes at her. "Whatever boundaries we've had before, it's all obliterated now. We need to regain those."

Lorna nods, not entirely convinced but not really interested in picking at her little sister's smart but sometimes obstinate and irrational brain. She thinks of something though, one which makes her grin. "Lei?"


"What if Ian found someone and got married?"

Her sister chokes on her own saliva and really, that's all the answer Lorna needs.


Yet again as it does every year and as it will probably be for the years to come, Casa Isabella bursts with merriment and activity as children begin to arrive one after another. An inflatable has been erected on the lawn for the benefit of the little ones along with a cotton candy and ice cream bar because if there is one day where there is no such thing as too much sweets, it is going to be on Mason's birthday.

The kitchen is alive and bustling, with Isabella herself overseeing the service, having insisted on doing so while Ian kept up with the last minute preparations. Of course that meant missing the telltale signs of the disagreement between him and Lea. The same thing could be said for Mariana who finds herself busy making sure the kids are enjoying themselves because there is nothing more enjoyable than a grandma spoiling a whole bunch of kids.

That leaves Lea and Ian the wiggle room to just be although perhaps such notion is unrequited because if the way Ian's eyes keep on scanning the place is anything to go by, one would know that he is looking for someone to corner. They haven't spoken in weeks and not for the lack of effort from his end. Lea is avoiding him and she's pretty good at doing so. He tried dropping by the firm several times only to miss her since she's set off to some obscure construction site her people aren't so keen on disclosing. He's also tried calling her (a lot) but she keeps on keeping him in the ring. The only times he sees her is when she drops by for Mason but even then, she pretends he's wind. And it frustrates him to no end because why? What did he even do? He just proved that Miguel is an asshole who doesn't deserve her. Why does that make him a bad guy? But the more intriguing question is, why does the thought of Lea hooking up with that guy send his own blood boiling? It's strange, he knows but he feels what he feels and perhaps he should have told her and everything else could have been avoided but then he'd have to explain why and he doesn't even know why.

Foolish guy.

The program begins just as Lea arrives and he doesn't get a chance to pull her aside as the host begins the party. His eyes don't leave her though. He finds himself drawn to her yet again, to her who looks so radiant in that pastel pink wrap around dress that hugged her figure, so beautiful with her curled hair half let down.

More than 30 years of being together and he finds himself wanting to kick his own arse for not realizing sooner just how breathtaking she really is. She is beautiful. Yes, she is. He finds her beautiful and he finds himself wondering how it is that nobody has tried to put a ring on her finger yet (A/N: gago lang? Paano nga eh you just chased another guy away parang tanga, Ian).

"Ian!" Nigel nudges at him which brings him back to reality.

"What?" he snaps irritatedly at the man who was pushing him towards the front.

"Family picture daw kayo!"

Family. Picture. With him, Mason, and Lea.

Now doesn't that sound great in his ears.

He catches Lea's eye for the first time in weeks and finds himself tripping on his own shoes upon seeing her smile (though of course the smile isn't for him). He apologizes to the kid whose chair he tripped on and clears his throat as he makes his way to... mag-ina.


He's never thought of that before but now that he has... he isn't sure he could keep himself from thinking about that some more for the foreseeable future. His stomach burns from the thought of it... from the thought of actually wanting it and he knows right there and then that it is, indeed, something which he wants for himself– call him selfish if you will, he doesn't care.

This is what he wants. A family of his own. And he's so stupid to realize that he's had that all along.

"Hi," he whispers to Lea as he reaches them. All he gets in return is a small smile but he'll take what he can. He knows what to do though – grovel like his life depended on it. He will fucking grovel like he's never done before just to get her to talk to him again even if it means taking the responsibility for the shit-show her date with Miguel turned out to be even if he knows for himself that he hasn't really done anything out of the ordinary.

"Mommy, Daddy, closer!'' The camera guy calls from behind the lens and that has Ian noting to tip the guy properly because he just did him a favour without him needing to ask. So they move closer to each other, with Mason in the center.


He smiles, they all do but then for some reason, and a very impulsive one, he arm snakes around Lea's waist and he pulls her even closer to him.

"What are you doing?" she whispers angrily.

He merely shrugs without removing his eyes off the camera. "They did say closer. Now smile, Tamy."

The flashes go off, giggles are heard, and then they are both asked to kiss Mason on the cheeks at the same time.

"1, 2..."

The photographer counts.

Then he must have done something so, so good in his life that has passed, or perhaps it was some sort of cosmic incident that made it happen... he doesn't know, he doesn't care to know because all that mattered is that a split second before the photo was to be taken, Mason wiggled away. It can't be gravity, he can't blame that for everything, but maybe it was momentum that keeps him from stopping and before he knows it, his lips are on Lea's and by God, he feels himself burst.


If she wasn't so angry with him, she'd recognize what burns in her stomach for what it really is. But she's angry at him so she misses it when it should have answered all the questions she's been having lately. Really, it's simple. It's something so elementary, so rudimentary, something that has existed for centuries, something the greatest poets have written about. She should have recognized it but she was angry so she didn't. She really should have.

She ignores the hoots coming from everyone, ignores the teasing looks, the grins, and all. She sits by Mason, refusing to give that... dambuhalang manchild the chance to come near her and give her his palusots.

When the party begins to wind down, she realizes that two days from now, she is set to fly out and she hasn't told Mason yet. She could imagine his red face, all tearied when he realizes she's going to be away and that kind of emotional turmoil is something she wants to avoid. So when everything settles, she pulls the little boy, now four, on her lap, insisting that he will never be too old for her cuddles, so she could tell him.



"Did you have fun today?"

The little one nods. "Yes! Thank you, Tamy!"

Lea smiles and plants a big kiss on his chubby cheeks. "I love you."

Mason grins. "Mason wuvs Tamy too!"

Lea sighs. The next few months will be hard without this little guy and she finds herself hesitating but she reasons that this is something they need so she forges on. "Baby?"


"Tamy wanted to ask permission."

His forehead scrunches. "Why?"

"Tamy has to go."



"I go with you?"

Lea smiles sadly. "No, sweetheart. You're staying with Dada."

The little one's eyes fill with tears immediately and his lips begin to quiver. "You're leaving Macy?"

Lea shakes her head, aware of the prickling feeling in her own eyes. "No, love. I'll be back."




Why indeed? How does she tell him it's because she needs to be away from his Dada? She can't surely so she makes up something that is not entirely a lie.

She wipes his tears and she smiles. "You know planes? You love those right?" he nods. "Well, Tamy will be riding one to go to school!"

"School?" his eyes widen and grins. "Tamy, I will go to big school too!"

"That's right, you are!" Lea exclaims, happy enough to lift his moods.

"Tamy go to school like Macy?"

She nods at him.

"Okay!" the little one declares with a grin.

She embraces him tightly and plants kisses all over his face. "Tamy will call you every night," she promises because even if she and Ian are not good at the moment, Mason is still her baby and he will not be made to feel abandoned. Ever.


It's been two days and he's been trying to call her. It was ringing at first but now it isn't and he is filled with worry because she never ever turns her phone off. Did something happen?

He couldn't keep himself from thinking of the worst because what could possibly be keeping her away from her phone? Nothing short of an emergency!

"Lea, damn it," he mumbles angrily as another call fails and he fills his own panic stir. Unable to withstand not knowing anymore, he packs Mason and secures him in the car seat, and drives all the way to Forbes to see if she's there, mindful enough of the precious cargo in the backseat to keep himself from beating virtually every traffic law in existence.

He arrives at the Santiago family home and releases Mason on his own feet. The little boy doesn't wait for him as he runs around to look for Papito. Ian, though, makes his way to the kitchen where Isabella most likely could be. The mouthwatering smell of something cooking confirms what he's thinking. He finds her by the kitchen island, donning her very oldschool apron.

"Ian, anak! Tamang-tama, I cooked Pisto." She greets him with a huge smile but that isn't enough to sway Ian away from the reason he went here.

"Ma? Have you seen Lea?"

Isabella looks at him incredulously. "Yeah."

"And she's okay?"

She nods at him and he deflates.

He releases a sigh.

"'Nak, lika ka nga dito," Isabella beckons her to a chair by the round dining table. "What's wrong?" she asks as he sits down beside her.

He shrugs.

"Ay nako, Ian. Kilala kita. What is wrong?"

He couldn't lie to her. It's not that he doesn't want to. It is that he is unable to.

So it comes spilling out of him.

"Sandali, so you two haven't been speaking to each other?" Isabella asks between sips of her tea. "I didn't know that was possible."

He didn't think either.

She shakes her head. "Ian, she's gone."

"Po?" he asks, unsure whether he heard her right.

She nods with a sad expression on her face. "She went with her Ate to Harvard."

And he feels like a bucket of ice has been poured over him all of a sudden.


"'Di mo alam? Sabi ni Lea nagsabi siya kay Mason."

"Nagpaalam siya kay Mason?"

She's gone and he didn't even know. That sends an excruciating pain in his chest, something which has him catching his breath. This isn't how he planned the day to turn out.

He was going to apologize to her. He was going to acknowledge his mistake. He wanted to make things up with her, he wanted to be with her, to hug her, and tease her, and bicker with her. He wanted to make her her favourite food even if it's so limited to something a child would eat. He wanted to drive with her, escape with her.

He wanted her.

And his world shifts.

He wants her.

No. That does not encompass what he feels.

When he thinks of her, he smiles. He thinks of her and sees sunshine in the early morning. He thinks of her and sees the sunset during twilight. He thinks of her and remembers the joy of opening the first gift during christmas. He thinks of her and she is the wind that brushes gently against his cheek as he goes for a ride. He thinks of her and the freedom attainable.

He thinks of her and remembers all that is good in the world.

He thinks of her and wonders whether there is a future.

It smacks him straight in the chest.

He knows now why he hated the idea of Lea with Miguel. He hated Miguel. He's going to hate anyone who tries to be with her. He is going to hate them all because he wants it to be him. He wants to be the one to drive her home after a long day at work, he wants to be the one to share a bottle of red with her, he wants to be the one to hold her and kiss her and face the world with her. It took him more than thirty years of missing it all, of missing the chances and opportunities but now, he knows what he wants, and perhaps it has always been her all along.

He wants to be with her.

He wants to be the one to love her.

"Anak? What are you thinking?" Isabella gently coaxed him back.

He shakes his head and releases a sarcastic laugh. "God, I'm so stupid, Ma."

He laughs some more and it worries Isabella. He is distressed. But why would he be? So her daughter did not tell him she's leaving but why would it impact him this way unless...

"I love her, Ma. I love Lea."

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