Wicked Game

Par nezabravka8

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What if Jax Teller didn't die on the day he was planning to take his own life via semi-truck collision like h... Plus

Wicked Game
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 8

289 10 7
Par nezabravka8

A few days later

Jax got a call from Robert Murphy during his lunch break that the owners had accepted his offer and he could have all the furniture. Jax told Adam, Allison, Martin, and David that he got the house and they seemed to be more excited than him. Of course Allison tried to put on a brave face, but he knew she wanted him to never leave the B&B. She did wish him a lot of luck and without fail she brought up the topic of him finding a special lady. When Jax told them that he was in Harmony to settle down, they assumed he would be getting married and having kids. At 34, he'd already done this twice. He'd been married twice and had two kids. Now Jax is moving on and he's giving a chance to Nero, Wendy, and his two boys, who survived his destructive ways to live in peace far away from him. Their lives would thrive and they wouldn't have to worry about their safety every time they step out of their house. Buying the house wasn't an accomplishment for Jax to celebrate. This house didn't symbolize for a joyous time in his life. It was quite the opposite. The purchase of this house marks the loneliness he would soon allow to consume him. One bedroom. One life. The bustling sounds of Tara and the boys would not be heard in the house. The silence that had fallen over his life will just have to be accepted.

Jax walked through each room and saw the changes he wanted to make. The projects weren't crucial by any means, they were meant to keep his hands busy. Jax found many projects in just about every room of the house. He needed to be busy, so he could dull the pain and demons in his head when the alcohol couldn't do it.


Jax couldn't believe what a cruel joke God did to him. Kate lives across the street from him. He saw the red Toyota Avalon when he officially moved into his new house.

He has been avoiding her for almost three whole months. The moment she grabbed his hand, Jax knew this was a dangerous territory for him. Her touch wasn't supposed to feel nice. Why does she have to be so pretty, sweet, and compassionate? Jax wished that Kate would be like the redhead who tried to hook up with him. Why couldn't she have the personality of a croweater? It would make everything so much easier. Why did Kate have to be so nice?

So far, Jax managed to accomplish this goal. Kate did show up a couple of times at the auto shop when the engine overheated and for oil change. Jax managed to avoid being the mechanic who would be assigned the task of fixing her car. The task usually ended up going to Martin or Kyle. He avoided walking on the sidewalk where the salon is on. He would walk on the sidewalk across the street. Jax did see Kate at Vinnie's with her friends. He made sure to sit far away in the corner where she wouldn't be able to see him.


(AN: Listen to this song until the end of the chapter.)

Jax just got done mowing the front lawn. Today the weather was close to 89 degrees, and he wore a white muscle shirt. It wasn't ideal weather to do this task, but it had to be done. The grass had grown a lot since the previous owners didn't seem to mow it often.

Jax picked up the water bottle he placed on the concrete path. After taking a sip, he put the bottle down. He decided to observe what the other residents are doing across the street. Some were just lounging on chairs and drinking beer or iced tea. Little kids were chasing each other. One man was throwing a football with his son. It seemed everyone is having fun except Jax.

Since he seemed to be having terrible luck after finding out that Kate lives in this neighborhood, she opened the front door and walked out with Ava. She opened the back door for her daughter and buckled her in. After she closed the door, Kate looked across the street and saw Jax standing in front of his house.

Kate couldn't figure out what his problem is. She thought they had a nice lunch and had a pleasant conversation. The next day and the months since then, he has completely avoided her. Kate walked to the edge of the curb and stood there. "What is your problem, Jax?" She slightly raised her voice. Jax didn't reply and walked back into his house. Kate walked back to her car and started the engine. She decided to take Ava to the local swimming pool to get away from the heat.

The married couple who live next door to Kate started having their own discussion about the encounter that just occurred between Kate and Jax.

"Those two need to get laid or just hook up with each other already." The wife said.

"Yeah, no kidding. The tension is just too much." The husband mentioned.

"You know, they remind me of when we would have a big argument, and you give me the silent treatment for an hour or two." The wife joked.

"Yes and you know what happens after the two hour silent treatment passes." The husband joked.

"I sure do." The husband chuckled. "Makeup sex is always inevitable."


One week later

Kate had enough of Jax avoiding her. If he was going to ignore her, the least he could do is give her an explanation. She deserves this at least.

She saw that his Dodge Ram is in the drive way. Kate crossed the street and walked until she reached his front door. Kate knocked on the door. After three minutes of knocking, Jax didn't open the door. Kate refused to give up. "I know you're in there." She yelled. "I'm going to stay here until you open the door."

After five minutes of nonstop knocking, Jax finally opened the door and stepped outside. "What do you want?" He harshly asked Kate.

"Jax, what did I ever do to you? Did I offend you in any way? Just tell me what I did wrong." Kate pleaded. "Why do you brush me off whenever I try to talk to you? Why do you avoid me like I'm some kind of a plague? Am I a terrible person?"

Jax looked at Kate's face. It was filled with pain, annoyance, and disappointment. Jax knew he had to give her some kind of an explanation which he hoped would push Kate away from him. She needed to stay away from him for good. She has a daughter to care for and getting involved with him is a bad idea.

"You're not a terrible person. That title belongs to me. I'm a monster. You should stay away from me. I bring nothing but pain to anyone who is around me." Jax yelled. "Don't waste your time on me."

"What are you talking about?" Kate is confused.

"Please, leave." Jax pleaded. "Don't talk to me anymore. Just stay on your side of the street."

"You're not making sense." Kate tried to reason with him. "Why should I..."

"Just stop." Jax interrupted her. "Stay away." He emphasized each word. His eyes glared at her. "Stay away, Kate. We may be living in the same neighborhood, but it doesn't mean that we're going to be best friends or friendly neighbors." Jax opened the door and stepped back in his house. He locked the door and Kate is speechless. Jax has never yelled at her.

Jax stood next to the door and watched through the peephole until Kate walked away. He leaned forward against the door and his forehead pressed against it.

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