Rival Lovers - Reader, Draco...

By foaming_at_the_mouth

57 0 0

What happens when the two guys you like are enemies? And what happens when you want to hate one of them too... More

First Classes
The Astronomy Tower
Late Night Spells
More Than Friends
The Date


8 0 0
By foaming_at_the_mouth

     I turned a corner and there he was, Draco Malfoy, leaning casually against the wall, a faint smile playing on his lips. His silver-blond hair caught the moon's radiance, framing his features in an ethereal glow.

     "Y/N," his voice was a gentle murmur, resonating through the corridor.

     I approached him, drawn inexplicably closer by an unseen force. His eyes, usually sharp and piercing, now held a warmth that captivated me. I felt my heart flutter, an unfamiliar sensation.

     "Draco," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

     He extended his hand, and without hesitation, I placed mine in his. His touch sent a wave of warmth coursing through me, a sensation both comforting and electrifying.

     As our fingers intertwined, he drew me closer, our bodies mere inches apart. Time seemed to slow down, the world around us fading into a blur.

     Draco's gaze never left mine as he brushed a strand of hair away from my face, his touch gentle against my skin. His lips, achingly close to mine, hovered, teasingly brushing against them with a feather-light touch.

     At that moment, the air crackled with an unspoken tension, a magnetic pull drawing us closer together. I felt my heart racing, my breath hitching in anticipation.

     And then, his lips met mine in a soft, tender kiss. It felt like the universe had aligned, every nerve in my body tingling with an indescribable sensation. Time seemed suspended in that fleeting moment, a perfect union of longing and desire. I wrapped my arms around him, losing myself in the warmth of his embrace.  His hands trailed down my body. He pulled away for a second, looking into my eyes. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. The world around us felt like it was spinning. Without hesitation, I leaned back in, closing the gap between us. Our lips met in a fervent, passionate kiss, igniting a fire that seemed to consume us both. It was as if the world around us had faded into oblivion, leaving only the intensity of that kiss. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer, and I melted into the embrace, lost in the intoxicating sensation of his lips moving against mine. Time seemed to stand still, and for that fleeting moment, all that existed was the fervor of our embrace, an undeniable connection that left my heart racing and my thoughts suspended in a whirlwind of emotions. He picked me up, my thighs pressed against him. My back slammed against the wall. His mouth moved down to my neck. I could feel his hand sliding up my thigh and under my skirt. His ice-cold hands reached the lace on my underwear and everything stopped.


     With a jolt, I found myself waking up, the dream slipping away like sand through my fingers. Confusion and a lingering sense of longing remained, the memory of that dreamlike kiss haunting me. 

     "Jesus Christ," I groaned. I wanted to throw myself off of the astronomy tower.

     Attempting to regain my composure, I quickly got ready for the day, hoping the routine would help shake off the remnants of the dream that lingered stubbornly in my thoughts. I felt like people could hear what I was thinking. 


     I made my way to breakfast, attempting to focus on conversations and the tasks at hand, but my mind kept drifting back to the dream. The vividness of it left me unsettled, questioning the boundaries between reality and the vivid figments of imagination.

     "You seem a bit distracted today. Everything alright?" His concern was evident, and I could sense a hint of worry in his voice.

     "Yeah, just had a strange dream last night, I guess," I shrugged, trying to dismiss the weight of the dream's lingering effects.

      "Anything you want to talk about?" Harry's gaze softened, his concern genuine.

     I hesitated, not wanting to burden him with the confusing thoughts swirling in my head. My eyes subconsciously looked at Draco at the next table. He was talking to Crabbe and Goyle like everything was normal. I mean, for him it was normal. He didn't know about the dream. 

      "It was just... random. Nothing worth discussing, really."

      But as I glanced at Harry, something in his expression shifted, a fleeting look of longing mixed with a hint of sadness. It struck me then, the way he looked at me as if there were words he wanted to say but held back.

     "Harry, are you... okay?" I ventured, sensing there was more to his demeanor than met the eye.

      He paused for a moment as if contemplating his words. "Yeah, just... you know, thinking about stuff."

      I wanted to press further, to unravel the layers of his emotions, but before I could, Ron joined us, diverting the conversation to Quidditch and upcoming classes.

      Throughout breakfast, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something unspoken between Harry and me, a silent exchange of emotions that lingered beneath the surface. His kindness and the way he looked at me left a tug of uncertainty in my chest. Something about the way he looked at me made my heart feel heavy. 


     The day unfolded in a blur of classes and student chatter, yet the conversation with Harry lingered in my mind. There was an unspoken tension, an invisible thread between us that I couldn't quite decipher. As I walked through the corridors, the weight of the unspoken hung heavy on my shoulders.

     During a free period, I found myself in the library, seeking solace among the rows of books. I buried myself in studying, hoping the academic pursuit would distract me from the tangled emotions swirling within.

     Lost in my textbooks, I failed to notice Harry's arrival until he took a seat opposite me at the table.

     "Mind if I join you?" he asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes.

     "Of course, Harry," I replied, pushing aside my books, silently welcoming the company.

      He hesitated for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before speaking, "Y/N, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

      I looked up, meeting his gaze. There was an earnestness in his eyes, a vulnerability that tugged at my heartstrings.

      "Go ahead," I encouraged, my curiosity piqued.

     "It's just... I've known you for so long, and I've realized that you mean a lot to me," Harry's words came out in a rush, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "More than just a friend."

     I felt my heart skip a beat, his words sinking in slowly. The weight of his confession hung in the air, the gravity of his feelings palpable.

     "Harry, I..." I began, unsure of what to say, caught off guard by the depth of his emotions.

     But before I could gather my thoughts, the moment was interrupted by the arrival of Hermione, her expression curious as she glanced between us.

     "Hey, what's going on?" Hermione asked, sensing the tension in the air.

    Harry glanced at me, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "I was just... talking."

     Hermione's keen gaze lingered for a moment as if she sensed there was more left unsaid. Before any of us got the chance to speak,  I felt a hand grab my arm. 

     "We need to talk," Draco said as he pulled me up.  He dragged me out of the library and into a secluded corridor. 

     "What was that for?" I yelled. 

     "Who the fuck did you tell?" 

     "I didn't tell anyone. Why would I?" I asked.

     "Well I didn't, so how did Snape find out? He just lectured me about 'inappropriate behaviour'? Not exactly what I wanted to hear right before a quidditch game,"

     "Did you ever stop for a second and think that maybe someone saw us? There's like a thousand people in this school. Just so you know, McGonigal talked to me too," I said. He took a step back from me, letting go of my wrist. I looked down the corridor, but no one was there. It was just us. At least this time.

     "Who would care enough to say something?" He leaned against the wall. 

      "I could think of someone," I grumbled.


      "Nothing," I looked away from him. I could feel his eyes glaring at me. "Really, it's nothing. I've just seen the way Pansy looks at you,"

     "Pansy?" He laughed. His laugh was cruel, like what I had said was stupid. "You cannot be serious," 

      "Whatever," I said, getting ready to leave, "Ask her if she said anything. I'll bet you anything she did,"

      "Anything?" His lips slipped into a smirk. It took everything in me not to slap right there. 

     "We should go,"  I said quietly, "We don't want our professors getting upset again,"

     "Yeah," he said. I could tell there was something else he wanted to say. I gave him a look and immediately he gave in. "What were you two talking about?"

     I felt my face heat up. "Me and Harry? Nothing, just Quidditch,"

    "Quidditch? Really?" 

     "What are you, jealous?" I spat back at him. 

     He looked away in disgust, "Of course not. I was just curious," 

     I rolled my eyes, "Right, Of course. I'm leaving and we shouldn't talk about this again,"

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