𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝓜𝓮

By jackssfox

1.1M 19.1K 122K

What if Aaron Warner's sunshine daughter fell for Kenji Kishimoto's grumpy son? - This fanfic takes place alm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 22

28.6K 407 3.8K
By jackssfox

𝔼𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕚𝕝𝕒 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕣

I forgot how exhausting school was. Kai and I finally decided to go back since it's only a few days until the vacation, so it will not be an issue for us to just handle them in order not to completely miss everything and be on track with how we left off before starting the break. However, I found myself distracted by everyone around me rather than actually focusing on school work. Some people just looked at me without saying anything, others asked how I've been, some apologized for what happened to Kai, some girls only asked about Kai and not me.

There were others who I could feel their eyes piercing through me, I could see how they showed their dislike towards me. I knew before that there were someone people who hated us, but they never really showed it. Some would throw a word here or there, but today was different. It's like them knowing about the rebellion going on made them somewhat more comfortable showing us there disapproval.

It was all I could think about as I walked out of my building, heading towards the gate to wait there because I couldn't bear to stand between all of these people right now. I walked next to the wall and was about to turn to lean my back against it when a hand slammed on the flat surface right in front of my face, making me gasp and jerk my head back. I blinked, still staring in front of me. That wasn't Kai's hand, the boy's hand was too pale for that. It wasn't Zade's too because it had no rings. I looked to my right, being met with an unfamiliar face, making me frown, "can I help you?"

The boy just tilted his head, looking me up and down like something was wrong with me, "you don't know me?"

"Should I?" I turned my body when I felt him step closer, my back making contact with the wall as I clenched my jaw.

"I mean the whole world knows you, the least you could do is remember people in your class, right?" He stepped closer, and I tried to push my body back against the wall, narrowing my eyes. What the hell? "Or is it because you think you're better than everybody?"

"Excuse me?" I shook my head before letting out a frustrated breath seeing how close he was, "please, back away from me."

I didn't want to make a scene, I didn't even know what he wanted or who he is. Maybe he'll just leave if I listened to what he wants to say next and think that he did something.

"Yo, guys!" He ignored me and looked to the side, my eyes following his gaze to see two other boys walking towards us, "look who I found alone."

"Is that Emma Warner?" One of them laughed, leaning on the wall next to me. I was now cornered from both sides, my right blocked by the first boy hand, and the other by the other boy resting on the wall next to me. The third one just smiled, putting his hands in his pockets, watching me.

My eyes kept roaming between the three of them as I gripped my bag more tightly. I wasn't scared, I was just annoyed. I didn't want to get in trouble the first day back in school, and I sure didn't want people to see this. Everyone already had their eyes on me, I didn't want to get their attention more.

"How's your boyfriend?" The one in front of me asked, his smile widening at my frown. A lot of people asked me that today, but most of them were nice, actually concerned. The ones who didn't care didn't approach me, but this boy did not seem to care about Kai one bit.

"Are you going to answer the question anytime soon?" The one next to me let out, and I gritted my teeth, my eyes gazing between the three of them but didn't open my mouth. I felt my chest move up and down faster though, in anger. Don't talk about him. I wanted to say, but I swallowed it down.

"Maybe her dad told her not to talk to strangers," the one standing away chuckled, "don't you remember how some people would call her daddy's girl?"

"Oh, right," the one in front of me replied with a roll of his eyes, "then let us introduce ourselves, so we're no longer strangers. I'm Noah," he put a hand on his chest before motioning to the one next to me, "that's Miles. And that one over there is Davis."

I gave them a bored look, blinking at them being my only motion. I've heard this before. A lot. Oh, she's used to getting whatever she wants, a girl said when I asked to take a seat I didn't know was taken by someone already in the cafeteria.

Oh, forgot you're born with a golden spoon in your mouth so you can't do anything by yourself, another one said when she saw Kai, who was literally raised by the same people as me, cleaning a part of the bench for me before I sat down because it had been raining earlier and was a mess.

Such a daddy's girl, isn't she? He probably made her think nobody can say no to her, another said when I was assigned as a leader in a group project and told everyone what they should do.

I also saw how Clara and Dalia looked at me when Dad drove me to the lake party, like I was a kid who always needed her dad to take her hand everywhere she goes.

"Oh, do you not talk to anyone you think is below you?" Noah snapped me out of my thoughts, cocking his head to the side before glancing at the one next to me, "hey, do you think if that bomb killed off her whole family, she'd have nobody to talk to so she'll finally answer?"

My nose flared in anger, blood rushing through my nerves, making my hands curl into fits as my eyes turned into slits, glaring at them, "what did you just say?"

"Oh my god, is she trying to be scary?" Miles chuckled, raising his fingers to brush his fingers against my jaw before I smacked his hand away with a disgusted look on my face, making him laugh more, my blood boiling at the sound. I knew some, most, of the girls treated me like this because they liked Kai, but I knew others just hated both Kai and I. These boys were proof of it too.

"You—" I was cut off by two hands grabbing both Noah and Miles by the back of their collars, pulling them away. I blinked and looked up, seeing Kai holding both of them with a blank expression, but his eyes shot daggers at them. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when his eyes met mine, softening before he glanced at Noah, the sharp look in his eyes coming back.

"Do you have a problem?" He shoved both of them sway, his eyes still on Noah as Miles fixed his clothes, eyeing them. I glanced at Davis who was still in the same position, hands in his pockets, no expression, but he wasn't looking at me anymore, just Kai.

"I'm looking at it," Noah looked at Kai up and down. I felt my insides hear with anger, but Kai didn't even seem to care about what Noah was saying, "you—"

"Yeah, no, I don't care what your problem is," Kai waved a hand lazily, taking a step forward, "I just want you to know that if I saw you within 5 mile radius from her again, I will make you regret even thinking about looking her way, understand?"


"And you," he turned to Miles, not even hearing me, his voice didn't even feel like his own. Low and threatening, "you touch her again, and I'll cut your freaking hands off and shove it down your throat."

"Don't worry, we don't really care about her," Noah said with a smile, Kai still not looking at him, "me personally? I think she should have been there when the academy burned down. Would've taught the supremes," he made air quotes in a sarcastic tone, "a valuable lesson if she went down with it."

I wasn't even listening anymore, my eyes on Kai to see his reaction, my heart thudding against my chest the moment he let out a low chuckle, the sound sending chills down my spine at how unnerving it felt like, his fingers curling into fists before he span around, punching Noah right in the face, sending him stumbling back, trying to find the wall to keep himself steady. But Kai didn't wait, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him to the wall, "say that again."

"Kai, stop," I went to touch his arm but someone grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back. I turned to smack his hand away, but Miles pushed me again, making me hit the wall with a grunt, closing my eyes for a second. I opened them just as Kai's figure flashed in front of me, I didn't even see him, just saw Miles on the ground from Kai's punch.

I wanted to stop him, but I was rooted in my place, I couldn't move. I just watched. Watched as Kai walked to Miles, grabbing him by the shirt to lift him up to his feet before hitting him again. And again. And again.

"Kai, no—" I said but saw Noah walk up to him, to either stop him or punch him back, but Kai sensed his presence, shoving Miles back on the ground before using his powers again, appearing behind Noah all of a sudden, pushing him on the ground next to his friend before turning to me, his chest heaving.

I didn't know if it was from him using his powers or from anger. Maybe both. Because he was angry. His jaw so clenched, his eyes piercing through my soul as he walked towards me, rasping out, "are you okay?"

Am I okay? My eyes fell on Miles and Noah on the ground, Miles's face bruised already. I felt Kai's fingers brush against my jaw, turning my face to him as his eyes roamed all over my face, checking for damage that wasn't there, my gaze falling over his knuckles on my face. Blood. He had Miles's blood on his hand and he was asking if I was okay. I felt his fingers tense when I looked at them, heard his jaw tick from gritting his teeth as he let his hand down, hid it behind his back.

I looked around to see that nobody was here except us, everyone heading to the gate while we were in the corner of the school building. I glanced at Davis who was just shaking his head at the two boys still on the ground, telling then something I didn't hear before looking up, his eyes meeting mine. I feel like I know him. I've seen those specific brown eyes before, I just don't know when. Maybe I see him around school without realizing it.

"Emmaline," Kai's voice said again, "are you okay?"

"I'm..." I don't know why I couldn't speak. It all happened so fast and I was feeling a lot of things at the same time. I wanted to tell him a lot of things. How he shouldn't have done that. How I'm okay, I'm not the one he almost knocked out. Ask if his hand was okay. I looked over his shoulder to see Noah glaring at Kai's back, walking to us, but I pushed Kai to the side, focusing my powers to stop Noah in his place just when he stood right in front of me.

"What the hell—"

"Listen," I spat out, crossing my arms, "do you not have anything better to do with your life? Do you think what you're doing right now is going to grant you anything?"

Before he could reply, I sensed Miles to my right and focused my powers more, moving him next to Noah, so I would face both of them, "you want the reestablishment back? Tough luck because it is not happening. And it will definitely not happen with you ganging up on us—"

"You guys think you're so much better than everyone," Noah fired back, I sensed him fighting against my powers as my head banged once, but I managed to keep a straight face, "like nobody could question you—"

"You think it wasn't like this with the reestablishment too?" I raised an eyebrow, "at least we're not brainwashing you—"

"Oh, yes, you are," Miles said, "all these history classes your family wants carved in our minds like it has to be what actually happened—"

"Because it is what happened," I frowned, feeling Kai standing next to me now, he was going to snap again if any of them said the wrong thing, I need to get this over with and leave. Plus, my head was hurting from rooting both of them in place, "but I don't really care what you think or want. We are the government wether you like it or not. Bullying us will not change that, and it won't make you sleep better at night, you know why?"

When they didn't answer, I took a step forward, my eyes turning into slits as I gazed between the two, "because if someone saw what just happened, if we decided to tell about what just happened, Kai won't be the one getting punished, you will. You insulted not one but two supreme children. Do you understand what that could do to you?"

"Take it easy, Emma," I heard Davis finally say, Kai taking a tiny step forward when Davis walked to my other side. I finally released my hold on Miles and Noah, throwing them back to the ground with my mind just when Davis stood right next to me, Kai's fingers wrapping around my wrist, "we were just trying to have a conversation with you. Your boyfriend was the one who threw the first punch, remember?"

I gritted my teeth because I knew Davis was right. I was going to say something else when Davis's eyes fell on Kai next to me, tilting his head and raising his hand like he was going to give Kai a shove on the shoulder, it made me see red, made me fuel with unexpected anger as I used my powers again, this time not only stilling his arm in place but slightly bending it until I heard him groan, "don't. Touch. Him."

I nodded my head sending him stumbling back a few steps and linked my fingers in Kai's, brushing past the three of them quickly, heading towards the gate and to where Kai parked his motorcycle and then finally let go of him, opening the side zipper of my backpack and getting some wet wipes before shoving the rest in my bag again, grabbing Kai's bloody hand to wipe the blood off without looking at him.


"Don't," I roughly turned his hand to get the rest of the blood between his fingers out.

"Are you angry at me?" He asked calmly, making my movements stop as I let out an huffed in anger.

"I'm angry about what you did."

"What do you mean? I was just protecting you, you did the same—"

"No," I snapped, finally looking up to meet his gaze. His eyes were no longer dark or sharp. They were the same warm brown color I knew, soft. But worried. I could see how his eyes roamed all over my face, how one of his legs stepped back, tensing at my tone, "what we did wasn't the same at all."

"What do you—"

"Kai," I let go of him and ran a hand through my hair in frustration, "do you understand what you did? I know I told them that if someone saw what happened they would be in trouble, and maybe they will, but what I really know is that it could get us in a big mess too. What did I tell you about not caring for people's opinions, huh?"

"That wasn't an opinion, Emmaline," he stepped closer now, his voice getting harsher, but not angry, not at me at least. He was trying to get me to understand, to listen, "he freaking pushed you into a goddamn wall, what did you want me to do? Just stay there and watch?"

"You know I could have handled it myself—"

"I know that," he sighed, taking a step closer, my head tilting up to look at him, "and you did, but he touched you and I couldn't see in front of me, alright? All I wanted was to break his fucking neck for laying a hand on you."

"Kai, you can't do that again," I sighed and he opened his mouth but I cut him off before he could say anything, "anyone could have saw this. And now is not like before, now there are people who want us gone and are not scared to show it. They— Kai, they bombed the academy. Anyone could literally use anything against us now, including what you just did—"


"No buts," I shook my head, "Kai, do you think I couldn't have sent Miles to the other side of the building if I wanted to? We can't do that, this is just—Kai, there are people who would go so far as to put a supreme kid in a hospital bed, and you need to be careful, please."

"Hey," he tilted my chin up. I didn't even notice I was looking down, breathing heavily between words. I let out a shaky sigh, "I'm sorry."

"I'm freaking out, Kai," I whispered, "I'm scared."

"Don't be," his hands fell on my shoulders, lowering his head a little with his eyes softening again, going back to the Kai he was with only me, "nothing will ever happen to us."

"Something did happen, Kai."

"And yet we're still here," he shrugged, tightening his hold a little, "we're always going to okay. Whatever happens, don't ever be scared because you have me. And I have you. We do this together, sunshine."

I let out a breath and gave him a small smile before he pulled me in, his arms wrapping around my upper back, "I'm really proud of you though."

"For what?" I murmured against his shirt.

"Sticking up for us," he leaned back with a smile, "you did so well."

"I told you that I can, I just don't like to do it," I shrugged, "I don't care what anyone thinks. Who even are these guys?"

"Just some people in my class," he let his hands fall to his sides before grabbing the helmets, "nobody important."

"I know they're not," I took one of the helmets from him, "but, you know what, I feel like if I saw them again I'll actually send them all flying to the other side of the school for talking about us like this."

He let out a chuckle before touching my chin for a second, "that's my girl."

I felt my heart warm at the unfamiliar phrase. He always said how much he'd be proud of me if I talked back. He told me that he is proud of me a lot growing up, but this was new. I watched as he put on his helmet like it was a casual thing that he said a million times before. His girl. I got used to being his girlfriend, but hearing it still made my heart skip a beat. I swallowed and put on my own helmet, sitting behind Kai as he started the engine.

I let my mind replay what happened a few moments later as he drove us home, my memories ending up focusing on one thing, Davis. I finally remembered him. It wasn't even anything important, I knew him when I was 12. He's in Kai's year but he would sometimes talk to me in lunch breaks when Kai wasn't there, until one time he asked me to hang out outside of school, and that was the last time I ever talked to him.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked from the doorway as I laid two dresses on my bed.

"Choosing something to wear," I tapped my chin, my eyes moving between the two summer dresses, "I'm going to hang out with someone."

"Oh?" He sat on the bed next to the clothes, "I'm not even invited?"

"Of course not," I frowned at him, "I hang out with you all the time, I'm going with another boy this time."

He blinked at me for what felt like forever then said, "another boy?"

"Yup," I smiled watching him frown, "what's wrong?"

"Who's that other boy?" He asked, a line forming between his eyebrows, "did you tell your parents? Where are you even going? When did you see him?"

"His name is Davis, I talk to him in lunch breaks sometimes, so I see him a lot at school. He said his parents can give us a ride to that park near our home," I waved a hand, "and no, I didn't tell my parents yet, but I don't think they will say no."

"Your dad will."

"Mum will convince him," I shrugged again then heard a sound from the open door, both Kai and I looking at Dad who stopped suddenly.

"Convince me to do what?" he turned his face towards us, and I looked at Kai, slightly shaking my head slowly. I want to tell Mum first, it'll be easier to convince him then.

"She wants to hang out with a boy at school alone," Kai crossed his arms, ignoring my request.

"Hey!" I smacked his arm but looked down the moment I felt Dad's eyes on me. Busted.

"You just decided that alone?" Dad asked, and I shifted from one leg to the other.

"What? I can't hang out with my friends?" I gathered the courage to talk back. I knew he wasn't going to yell at me or anything, he won't even be upset with me, but I didn't want him to think I was hiding things from him.

"Of course you can," he smiled and just when I was going to return it he said, "but Kai goes with you."


"Kai's your friend too, right?" Dad raised an eyebrow, and when I didn't reply he said, "if you really want to go, Kai has to go with you, Emma."

"Fine," I groaned, sitting on the bed with my arms still crossed as Dad stared at both of us for a moment before leaving. He didn't even ask where I want to go or what boy, just that Kai needs to be with me. I didn't have a problem with Kai being with me, I love hanging out with him. But...

"I think this dress is nice," he pointed to one of the dresses with a smile but I just scowled at him, "what?"

"You can't go with me," I shook my head.

"Why not?"

"Because... well," I tugged on my sleeves, "because he said he liked me. Like, boy likes girl, boy hangs out with girl. I can't just go meet him with you."

"Ahh," Kai let out after a moment, his eyes narrowing a little, "do you like him too?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I don't know what that even feels like, but I like spending time with him, so I don't mind."

"But you need to know something so important about what boy likes girl means, Emmaline."


"There are three steps," he held up three fingers, catching my attention, "boy likes girl, boy hangs out with girl," he leaned in closer as I blinked at him, "then boy kisses girl."

"Okay?" I frowned in confusion, "what about it? I kiss you on the cheek a lot."

He tsk'd with a shake of his head, "it's not like that."

"What do you mean?" I asked and he motioned for me to scoot closer, as if he was going to let me in on a secret.

"When a boy likes a girl he kisses her like this," he put his index finger on his lips before lifting it and resting it on my lips, making my heart beat faster. I felt my face burning as I blinked rapidly, leaning back.

"What?" I gasped and slammed a hand to my mouth.

"Yes," Kai shrugged, "do you want that?"

"No!" I quickly shook my head, "really? He will do that?"

"He said he liked you, right?"


"Then, yes, he'll do that," Kai nodded, "now, do you want me to help you choose a dress—"

"I'm not hanging out with him anymore."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me as I nodded.

"Yup, I don't like him like that anymore."

I saw him smile as he looked down, shaking his head before raising his head again, "do you want to hang out with me then? We can go to the amusement park with James."

"Yes!" I jumped on the bed, the conversation about Davis already forgotten, "we haven't been there in ages!"

I think Kai was the reason for me not talking to a lot of boys growing up even when I knew most of them liked me. He always either played those mind games with me or scared them off so nobody would even try because they'd know it's a dead end. And then he had the nerve to not like me first. Idiot.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"I'm serious, you should definitely have a secret girlfriend," Kenji said to James again, making him groan.

"Can you guys break up?" James asked Kai and I from the couch across from us, "so that Kenji will have a purpose," he made air quotes, "again? I'm so done with this."

"Dude, trust me," Kenji started again, ignoring what James just said, "it's fun! I've tried it myself."

Naz's movements halted behind he counter, her head snapping up, her eyes immediately falling on Kenji, "when did you have a secret girlfriend?"

"Um, hello?" Kenji gave her a confused look, "you were the secret girlfriend."

"In what world was I your secret girlfriend?" She arched a brow in question.

"Because nobody knew I liked you," he shrugged.

"Please, you were obsessed with her," Mum said from the chair next to us.

"No, I wasn't," he crossed his arms defensively.

"Yes, you were," Mum, Dad, James, and Naz said at the same time, making Kai, Jett, Zade, and I scoff at the same time as Kenji scowled at us.

"Okay but nobody knew that."

"Kenji, I was firstly, 10 years old when that was happening. Secondly, I was kidnapped for most of the part, and I still knew," James smiled carelessly, as if being kidnapped was something on a normal person's to do list.

"Yeah, you were full of it," Dad said calmly.

"You literally worship the woman, Kenji," Mum chimed in again, "you literally talk about her the same way Aladdin talks about Jasmine."

"J, you didn't even know who Aladdin was at that time, I introduced you to Disney, alright? You didn't even know Bruce Lee."

"That's not our point," Mum rolled her eyes, and I saw Dad shake his head.

"Hey, Jett, by the way," Zade started, "where did you go yesterday? I got out of the room and suddenly you weren't home."

"Oh," Jett let out before taking a breath, "just went on a drive with uncle Warner— what?" She said when Dad widened his eyes and shook his head rapidly at her in warning to stop talking. I heard something drop to my left and looked at Kenji standing eith his jaw nearly hitting the floor where there is a plate of food on now, his eyes on Dad.

"You did what?" Kenji blinked once.

"Nothing," Dad replied flatly, "I didn't do anything."

"Really? Because to me it sounds that you almost told me 'I'm busy, I can't leave my life to come babysit you, Kenji' and told me to do paperwork while you were hanging out with Jett?"

"Why do you say my name like that? Hey—"

"Shut up, Jett," Kenji held a palm up, "your turn is coming. You never hang out with me, it's hurting my feelings, but you," he pointed at Dad, "what the hell, dude? How could you do that to me? And where did you go on this little road trip? Was it fun? Did you plan murders together and laughed about it?"

Dad opened his mouth then closed it, seemingly uncomfortable at Kenji's clear disappointment before his eyes fell on James, narrowed for a second before pointing at him, "James is talking to Evelyne again."

"What?" Everyone in the room including me snapped, all of us except Kenji who only turned to James, his eyes wide.

"Excuse me?"

"It's not like that," James chuckled nervously, "trust me! I didn't— what are you doing?"

I looked back at Kenji holding his palm up as Naz walked to him, placing a slipper in his hand, making me slam my hand to my mouth to keep a smile from appearing.

"No!" James jumped off of the couch just when Kenji walked towards him, "wait! Let me tell you something first then you decide!"

"You're so dead," Kenji replied, fastening his pace, but James ran towards where Dad was, grabbing his arm and pulling him up to hide behind him, "dude, seriously?"

"Why am I being used a shield? Get your hands off of me," Dad tried to push James off, but he tightened his hold on him.

"Hey, I saw this before," I whispered to Kai.

"Is this how I looked like?" Kai replied, his eyes still on them.

"Nope," I chuckled, "you looked worse."

"Bro, please move," Kenji said to Dad.

"With pleasure," Dad replied before prying James's hands off, rounding him and pushing him towards Kenji.

"Hey!" Mum stood up before Kenji could open his mouth, "stop."


"She's the one who called him, alright?" Mum held onto James's wrist to pull him away, "and it wasn't like a date, she gave him the information we're working on now."

I toned the conversation out when my eyes fell on Jett, seeing how her jaw was clenched as she looked between all of them before murmuring something to Zade and heading upstairs, making me frown. She's been acting weird lately, like she's walking on thin ice whenever we were all in the same room.

When I looked back at Kenji and Mum, I saw Mum taking James away towards the kitchen, leaving Dad and Kenji standing next to each other. Dad looked at Kenji, but he looked away from him, crossing his arms.

"Are you still upset?" Dad asked calmly, "about Jett and I?"

"Obviously," Kenji rolled his eyes before looking back at him, "no, you know what, in matter of fact, here," he took off the matching ring he had with Dad, grabbing his hand to place it on his open palm, making Kai and Zade laugh while I smiled, "I don't want it anymore."

"Come on, Kenji," Dad sighed, "it's not that big of a deal. Stop being dramatic."

"You're digging the whole deeper," Kenji frowned in disbelief, but Dad just gave him a bored look.

"Fine, if that's what you want," he shrugged, "I'll take off mine too."

"No!" He snatched the ring again, "you have no idea how hard I worked to finally make this happen. Don't you dare."

He put on his ring again before side glancing Dad, pointing at him, "I'll let it slide this time, but just so you know, I feel betrayed and all for a kid."

This conversation sounds so wrong to someone who doesn't know what Dad and Kenji are. What kind of friendship is even this? I rolled my eyes and looked back at the couch to see Jett was still not back.

"Hey," I whispered again to Kai, "can I talk to you for a second upstairs?"

"What's wrong?" His voice sounded worried, but I waved a hand.

"Just come with me," I stood up and headed upstairs, hearing his footsteps behind me as I went into his room, turning around when he closed the door behind us, "do you notice something weird with Jett?"

"What do you mean?" He lowered his eyebrows in confusion.

"I mean, she always leaves and spends so much time in the bathroom or in her room when we go to her house. Sometimes she zones out, like she doesn't even hear me talking I have to shake her, like she's trying to always be alone or something. You didn't notice?"

"I... well," he took a deep breath and looked away. He knows something I don't.

"What?" I'm the one who sounded concerned, "is she okay? What's happening?"

"I don't think..." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Why is he hiding things from me? "I don't know if she wants people to know yet."

"Know what?" I felt my heart thud harder. Why was there a secret that I wasn't let in on? Why does Kai know and I don't? I'm her friend. Why does Dad now see Jett more? He always seems to be trying to talk to her, I also noticed that, but I didn't pay much attention to it, "tell me. I won't tell her I know."

"She'll know," he sighed and shifted from one leg to the other, "she'll know that you know."

"How? What is it? Is she okay?" When he didn't reply, I felt a surge of anger rush through my body. I didn't want to be like that, but I wanted to know, so I said, "why are you not telling me? Since when do you hide things from me?"

"I'm not hiding anything from you," he quickly walked towards me, "you know I don't do that."

"You're doing that now," I said strictly. I didn't want to blame him or make him feel bad, but I wanted to know, so the only way that will get him to talk is if I acted like this. It was wrong, and I hated doing it, but I needed to know what was going on with what seemed like my only friend aside from Amelia who I'm not even sure she views me as a friend too.

"I'm not," he huffed and grabbed my hand, "listen... fine. I'll tell you but," he lowered his voice to almost a whisper, "try to at least not show that you know. Don't act weird around her or something, even if you're feeling uneasy."


"Jett got her powers," he said lowly, "it's the same powers as your dad's."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise and opened my mouth but he cut me off, "but... she is having a hard time dealing with it. I don't know who else knows aside from me and Uncle Warner—"

"Dad knows?"

"He— well, he wasn't supposed to know, but I think it was a giveaway since he could feel it. I overheard though. I shouldn't have known."

I looked down to process what he was saying, blinking to take in his words and remember Jett's actions lately. My mind snapped to one memory.

I'm sorry I didn't see your calls yesterday. I didn't check my phone until I came here, didn't have time with... everything this morning, you know, getting ready and stuff.

It's okay, I was just bored.

She wasn't just bored. What if she needed my help? What if she needed to talk about it with me? What if I crushed the hope she had of me comforting her? What if she needed a friend and I was so oblivious?

"Oh my god," I whispered and looked up, "she— she was facing something so hard for her, and I didn't even notice."

"You didn't know—"

"No, but I should have. She would have known if it was me, even if she didn't have those powers. She... oh my god, she called me a lot, and I didn't even check my phone or get worried, I was— I was with you while she was—"

"Hey," he put a hand on my shoulder, "it's okay. She won't blame you for not knowing."

"But it must have hurt her," I let out a shaky breath, "she was always there for me, and I know I'd be upset if she didn't notice me. Of course, she would be upset and she won't even tell me."

"Emmaline, It's Jett," he simply said, "she knows how to handle herself. Since when did she need help?"

"Don't be like that," I shook my head, "don't overlook her just because you don't want me to feel bad. How do you know she doesn't need help? This is so new to her. It doesn't matter how strong or tough she is, it's still overwhelming. She can't even stay in the same room with us when things get too complicated."

"Okay, how about this," he straightened, pinning his gaze on mine, "we're not doing anything today, what do you think about hanging out with Zade and Jett today?"


"Anywhere," he shrugged, "this way she won't realize that we're acting weird around her because we're taking Zade too, and at the same time you'll get to spend time with her. This is what she wants, trust me. I tried to talk to her about her powers once, but she said she doesn't want me to act like that because it makes her more upset."

"Okay," I finally said, an idea of where to go coming to mind, "do you think Jett still likes roller coasters?"

"Absolutely," he nodded once, "may Zade rest in peace though."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Are you kidding me?" Jett laughed as we walked through the amusement park, "this place hasn't changed a bit."

"I know, I love it!" I linked my arm through hers, trying to focus on the sight of booths and rides around us instead of thinking about how Jett's feeling, so she doesn't catch me, "look!"

I pointed to one of the booths were where people took turns shooting at their targets, one of the boys winning and claiming his prize, "wasn't this your favorite game, JJ?"

"Oh my god, yes!" She grabbed my hand, "let's go before it gets crowded."

We fastened our pace, taking our place in the short line, "who wants to go against me?"

"You'll lose anyway," Kai answered her, "just because it's your favorite game, doesn't mean you'll win it."

"Alright," she put a hand on her waist, "you're up then."

We took a step forward, seeing it was our turn, Kai and Jett taking two toy guns as they strained their back, Jett holding the gun with her two hands as Kai held it with one, waiting for the single to start.

"And go!" The worker beamed and both of them fired at their targets at the same time, reloading the gun quickly when the gun beads ended in their guns, Jett doing it 2 seconds faster making her finish her targets first, Kai still left with two, "winner, winner! Claim your prize!"

"Hah!" Jett laughed, hitting Kai lightly in the chest, "suck it, loser."

"Shut up."

"Every time," Jett rolled her eyes but smiled before looking between the stuffed animals, pointing at a blue bunny one as the worker got it for her.

"You were just lucky," Kai out his hands in his pockets with a frown, "I only had two targets left, and I didn't miss any of the ones I aimed for."

"Ugh, shut up and accept it," she groaned and walked to the side with him for Zade and I to take our turns. I held the gun, narrowing my eyes at the targets and testing the weight of the small gun.

I don't know why, but I secretly loved this game too. I loved pulling the trigger and hearing the beads go through the targets I want, loved knowing how to take an aim, like I knew exactly what I wanted. I feel like it's the one time I really knew what I wanted because most of the time I'm just living. Sometimes I didn't know if I wanted friends or if I'm just fine with my family. Do I want to prove to people that I can put them in their place like today or just be kind and not mind their existence. The only thing I think I was sure of was Kai. And, well, this shooting game.

"Go, Emma!" Jett's voice snapped me to reality, blinking rapidly to see I already shot every target, Zade groaning by my side, seeing he still had four targets left.

"Hmm," I hummed looking between the stuffed animals and picking a unicorn with purple wings, sticking my tongue out to Zade before grinning at Kai.

"I let you win by the way," Zade crossed his arm as we walked away from the booth, "this is just my warm up, I didn't want to exhaust myself."

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm serious, I just wanted you to be happy since the amusement park was your idea."

"Oh my god," Jett groaned, linking her arm in mine, "men are such bitches."

I scoffed in surprise, slamming a hand to my mouth, "Jett."

"Did I lie?" She raised an eyebrow and I shook my head with a smile.

Moving onto the booths the four of us took turns in mini competitions to see who had the most skills at bean bag tosses, knocking over things lined up, and throwing darts at balloons on a board, Zade surprisingly coming in first every single time.

"What's the matter, sunshine?" Kai asked next to me, "can't keep up?"

"Shut up, I hate this," I threw a ball but completely missed all of the bottles, "ugh."

Winding up the pitch, Kai whipped the whiffle ball at the small target and struck it making the bottles fling across the ground, "and we have a winner!"

"Yeah but you get the best part— a prize at the end," he declared gesturing overhead, my cheeks inflamed from the sudden attention on me. "Take your pick."

"What— no," I stuttered, shaking my head, "I can't, that's a lot of pressure."

"What?" He laughed and turned his head to the booth again, taking a moment to scan the prizes before pointing at something, the worker handing it to him with a smile, "here you go."

I looked at his hand to see a white sphered lamp with many star-shaped holes that let the light shine through when Kai flipped a tiny switch on the bottom of it. He moved it closer the the booth surface, making me see how it creates a beautiful pattern of stars on the wall.

"Oh my god," I whispered taking it from him, turning it around in my hands to study it more before I let out a squeal, jumping into his arms, hearing him grunt, "thank you."

"Thank you for being a horrible bowling player," he chuckled when I pushed against his chest.

"You ruin every moment I try to make," I rolled my eyes and looked to my side at Jett and Zade giving us an identical disgusted look, their facial features having a resemblance to prove they really are siblings, "what?"

"Disgusting," Zade shook his head.

"Very," Jett agreed, "you guys are horrible."

"I need to bleach my eyes," Zade added, looking between us.

"You guys are being dramatic," I said just when Kai took my hand, walking us away from the booth as Jett and Zade followed, "anyway, what do you want to do next?"

"How about— oh," she cut herself off and we all looked at her to see her pointing at something, "this is new!"

We followed her eye-line seeing a small Photo Booth, two girls standing in front of it, taking the polaroid strands that came out and laughing together before walking away, "let's go before we start the rides. Our hair will be messed up by then."

We followed her and waited for our turn before the four of us got in, Kai first followed by me then Jett then Zade.

"Um, what do we do?" Kai asked in confusion.

"Just press on that button," Jett leaned in clicking on the buttons, choosing colors over black and white then gasped at the themes option, "oh my god, that's so cool!"

She pressed the Wanted: Reward 1 Million theme before pressing on the plus button 4 times for each one of us to have a copy and grinned, leaning back.

"Psychotic," Kai shook his head at the Jett's theme choice, "Zade, your sister has issues."

"Shh," Zade whispers as if Jett can't hear him, "we don't talk about that in front of her. It's dangerous."

"Smile!" I beamed when I saw the countdown, leaning my head on Kai's shoulder as Zade and Jett made gun symbols with their hands, pointing it at each other just when the flash blinded us. For the next one I managed to put arm around Zade's shoulders, squeezing him to me as he groaned and murmured something about me being annoying and clingy. I saw Kai's arm extend behind us at the mini screen until it reached Jett, putting his index and middle finger up behind her head as bunny ears but she didn't seem to notice, looking and smiling at Zade as she fixed her french braids, putting each one on her shoulders to showcase them and I when the flash went off again.

"Kai!" I looked at Jett swatting Kai's hand away, "what the hell?"

She crossed her arms and glared at him, causing him to throw his head back laughing while Zade slammed a hand to his forehead and I rested my head on his shoulder, smiling when the flash went off again.

"No!" Jett hissed, "I wasn't ready. Kai, I'm going to murder you."

"Hey!" I shot back, "stop being mean to him all the time."

"James was right," Zade nodded, "you need to break up. I need my cousin back."

"Shut up," Kai pulled me closer to him, "stay away from my girl."

Before I could react he grabbed my chin, and kissed my cheek as my eyebrows shot in surprise but found myself smiling when I heard Zade and Jett's disturbed groans just as the flash went off for the fourth and last time.

"Finally!" Zade motioned for Jett to move, "I can't take this anymore, let's go."

"How is it possible for two people to be a third wheel at the same time?" Jett wondered as she stood up, the rest of us following her outside, waiting for the polaroids to slide out, "I hate you guys."

"You love us," I hip bumped her, taking the strands and giving them to each one of us, "let me remind you that you're the reason this," I motioned between Kai and I, "happened."

"Girl, this would have happened sooner or later," she gave us a look, "nobody was the reason behind it, I just helped make it happen faster."

"I was praying it never happens because I really didn't want to see this lovey-dovey side of Kai but, it is what it is," Zade said as we walked away.

I let my hand that wasn't holding the strands and the star lamp hold onto Kai's, smiling up at him until he tugged me closer, sliding his hand out of mine and grabbing the side of my waist, underneath the open purple cardigan I was wearing, hugging me to him as we walked, my chest warming up at how casual this felt now. How it was normal for him to touch me in front of anyone even if it was just like this. Even if it was just a kiss on my cheek, his hand in mine, whatever.

We walked into a small accessory shop that Zade wanted to check out when one of the workers distributing flyers about is said it's just in the park for today because he said he wanted new rings so I took a look too, viewing the ladies jewelry with Jett while Zade took Kai's opinions on a few rings in the men's jewelry section next to us.

I narrowed my eyes at one box that stood out to me. It had two shiny silver rings in them. The larger ring has a matte finish on the outer surface and a star-shaped cut-out that reveals the shiny metal underneath. The smaller ring is polished and has an engraved star shape on it. The star had shiny gems that looked like they would seriously light up even if it was dark. They were so pretty, and they were probably promise rings.

I looked in my bag to to see how much money I took, and saw that I didn't even think to ask Dad for more than what was already in my bag. I didn't want to ask Kai for them because I wanted it to be a surprise but I only had money for one of them.

"Hey," I smiled at the lady behind the counter, "do I have to get both of them together?"

"Which ones?" I pointed at them through the glass and she smiled, looking back at me, "no, darling. Do you want the small one?"

She went to grab it for me but I stopped her, talking lowly so that Kai doesn't hear, "no, I want the large one, please."

"But that's for men."

"I know, it's a gift for someone," I grinned as she hummed and grabbed the large ring, putting it in a small box as I handed her the money quickly, looking at Kai who was examining all the different rings on Zade's fingers, pointing at one that he probably liked h the most, "thank you."

I put the box in my bag, deciding to give it to him on New Year's Eve. It looked nice on its own too, doesn't have to be a promise ring I guess. I turned to Jett walking towards me, "hey."

"Hi," I smiled back, "you enjoying your time?"

"Yeah," she said softly, "thank you."

"For what?" I shrugged, "I just wanted to hang out."

"Girl," she gave me a knowing look, "I know you know. You're not that great at hiding it."

"Oh," I shifted in my place, not knowing what to say and felt my cheeks flush, but she smiled.

"So thank you. I needed that."

"I'm really sorry I wasn't there for you," I whispered, "I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, Ems. You didn't know," she tilted her head, "I'm not upset about that at all, so don't be hard on yourself."

I gave her a soft smile before leaning in for a hug, feeling her tense before hugging me back. Jett was never the type of person who just says stuff like this or even gave hugs a lot, but I could tell she needed that. I could tell she didn't even know she did by the way her body froze before she sighed and hugged me back.

"Uhh," Zade's voice pulled our attention, leaning back from each other, "what the hell am I interrupting?"

"None of your business," Jett replied, "you done?"

"Yup," he held his hand up, showing us a new ring on his index finger, "beautiful."

"Then let's go, the place is getting crowded," she said and walked us outside, Zade looking down at us about to say something when he bumped into someone once we stepped outside, quickly grabbing her by the shoulders to keep her from falling.

"Sorry! I'm so so—" the familiar voice cut itself off just when I looked at her, seeing Amelia's shocked expression shift into a confused one, "Zade?"

"H—hi," he stuttered before huffing out a laugh, taking a step back and letting go of her to give her her space, "I'm sorry, I was the one who wasn't looking."

"It's okay," she smiled before her gaze fell on Jett and I, her eyes widening, "hi!"

She quickly pulled me into a hug, before doing the same with Jett, "how are you guys?"

"Great!" I grinned back, "are you here alone?"

"No, I'm with Maven," she pointed with her thumb towards Maven who walked towards us with a cotton a candy, handing it to her, "thanks!"

"Emma, hi!" He smiled and leaned in for a quick hug before leaning back, "how are you?"

"I'm great," I replied and saw his eyes dart between Jett and Zade, "oh, these are my cousins, Jett and Zade."

"Hi, I'm Maven," he shook both of their hands just when Kai came from behind us, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Where were you?" I whispered.

"Here," he shrugged not looking at me, his eyes not leaving Mavens, "hi, guys."

"Hey!" Amelia replied, "when did you guys come here?"

"A while ago," Jett waved a hand, "are you leaving now?"

"No, we still have some tickets left for rides," Amelia showcased the tickets in her hands, "would you like to join us?"

"I don't mind," Zade softly said, trying to seem cool, but by the way his eyes were still pinned on Amelia, he was anything but.

"I'm fine too," I shrugged, "Kai? Jett?"

"Yeah, let's go," Jett said, "we were going to the roller coaster next, you in?"

"Yes!" Amelia beamed, "I'll finish this cotton candy on our way there, let's go."

"You okay?" I asked Kai as we walked, "why are you suddenly quiet?"

"I'm fine," he smiled, but I narrowed my eyes on him, "I swear, I'm good. I just didn't expect to see them."

"Do you not want to hang out with them?"

"It's not that," he looked in front of us at Maven, his jaw clenching a little, making me more concerned, "I'm fine."

I wanted to talk again but decided to let it go, he didn't want to talk about it and this day was about Jett, not us.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"We almost got it!" I laughed breathlessly, pressing my legs into the lighting cubes of the dancing machine as the music went on, "just 1 minute left."

"You got this, Emma," Maven said dancing next to me. After we rode the roller coaster, and made sure Zade was still alive after it, Amelia wanted to go to the haunted house and Zade offered to go with when I said I wanted to try the dance machine. Jett tried to go with them but Zade bribed her and I with cotton candy in order to leave them alone so she stayed behind with us, standing next to Kai as they watched us.

"Yes!" I extended my arms up, seeing we beat the last score and held my palms up for Maven, "we did it!"

"Good job!" Maven laughed and gave me a high five, holding my hands as I let both our arms fall down, taking our breaths from dancing so hard, "you okay?"

"Yup," I let go of his hands, brushing my hair away from my neck, holding it up in a ponytail between my hands trying to let air in, "you?"

"Yeah, great," I nodded but still felt his stare on me when I opened my eyes, looking where Jett and Kai stood. Jett was smiling so hard as she looked at Kai, I followed her gaze to see Kai staring at me, no, not staring. He was giving me a death stare, me. I frowned and looked back at Jett to see her head turning to me as she mouthed 'you're so dead.'

I let my hair fall down and walked up to them, Kai's gaze shifting to Maven for a brief second before looking back at me, not breaking eye contact until I was right in front of him, "what's wrong?"


"Why do you look mad then?"

"I'm not mad."

I squinted my eyes, trying to figure him out and stole a glance at Jett who raised an eyebrow at me before shooting Maven who was walking up to us a glance. Oh. Was he jealous?

"Hey, Maven," Jett smiled, "I'm thirsty, do you know where I can get a bottle of water?"

"Oh, yeah," he replied, "it's... you know what, I want to drink too, I can walk you there."

"Okay, let's go," Jett stepped forward, patting my shoulder, "we'll be right back."

They won't. Jett knew exactly where to buy water, and it was far from the soot we were in right now. I watched them leave then looked back at Kai, "hey."


"Stop answering me like this," I crossed my arms, "if you're angry, say you're angry."

"I told you I'm not angry," he shrugged and rounded me, "I'm fine as long as you had fun."

I huffed and followed him, "I told you if you wanted to dance and you said no, what did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong," he said calmly, still walking, "I'm not mad at you."

"You were glaring at me."

"I'd never glare at you."

"Don't be jealous, you're being ridiculous," I lowered my eyebrows when he scoffed.

"I'm not ridiculous," he looked away. He didn't say he's not jealous.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him, looking to my right, an idea coming to mind. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him between the two empty booths that weren't even working where nobody could see us, there wasn't many people here anyway. I turned so my back was to the wall and pulled him down by his collar, taking his mouth with mine.

The moment I kissed him, his hands went to my waist, freezing for a second before kissing me back, pulling me in. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss when I felt one of his hands move up my body until it went to the side of my neck, then my throat, breaking the kiss the same moment he stepped forward, causing my back to hit the wall, his thumb tilting my chin up with his fingers still wrapped around my throat.

"Do you know what me being your boyfriend means, sunshine?" He asked lowly, and I sighed against his face, my mind racing. I couldn't look away from his eyes. They were so dark, so sharp, scary. I knew he wasn't going to do anything that would fright me, but I still could feel my knees go week, holding onto his shoulder to keep myself steady.

"I'll tell you what it means then," he said when I didn't answer, the hand on my waist going to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, "it means I'm the only one you're allowed to look at with this look in your eyes."

He rested his forehead on mine, "it means I'm the only one who earns these dimples from you," he kissed my cheek, where my dimples are supposed to show if I smile.

"The only one who gets to touch your hand like this," the hand on my waist went to link his fingers through mine, squeezing the same time his hand tightened very slightly around my neck, making me gasp, "the only one who deserves that smile that drives me crazy."

He kissed my lips again then, very softly as apposed to how he was talking, to how his eyes were filled with sharpness.

"Kai," I whispered when his lips moved to the corner of my mouth.

"I hate the idea of anyone else having your attention," he kissed my jaw, his fingers brushing against my throat before he leaned back, his eyes pinned on mine, "don't do that ever again, got it?"

I let out a breathless sound but nodded my head slowly, my lips parting as I felt my cheeks heat up more. Something was genuinely wrong with me for liking him so much right now. So wrong because I have never wanted Kai more than I do right now, I wanted to go back to Christmas Eve, to the moment I stepped inside his room. I wanted him to pull me closer than this, even when he still seemed angry.

"Kai—" my phone rang in my bag, cutting me off. Kai slowly moved his hand to my shoulder, down my body until both his hands rested on my waist again. I exhaled a deep breath, my shaky fingers going to get my phone out of the bag, seeing Mum was calling and cleared my throat, picking up, "hey, mum."

"Hey!" She beamed at the end of the line, "are you guys coming home now?"

"Uh, I don't know, we still have some more tickets," I didn't even know if we had anymore, "why?"

"Well, your dad and I are still at the base, and I don't think we're coming home anytime soon, so I was just checking to tell you when you come back, you can head to Kai's until we come back, Nazeera is home."

"Oh, okay," I nodded, "If you're still not there when we go back, I'll do that."

"Okay, sweetheart. Have fun!" She hung up, and I lowered my phone, staring back at Kai.


"Mum and Dad said I can go stay at your house because they're coming home late. Naz stayed behind, so I wouldn't be home alone.

"So nobody's at your house right now?" He narrowed his eyes, and I swore I felt his hands tighten around my waist.

"No," my heart thudded faster at what he could be indicating.

"Do you have your keys?"

"Yeah," I breathed and saw a devilish smile cross his face. I had a feeling we won't be heading to his house when we go home.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Kai didn't even give me a chance to fully close the front door behind me before his hands cubbed both sides of my face, leaning in to brush his lips against mine, urging my mouth open with his tongue as I held into his wrists to steady myself when I stumbled back a step, my back urging the door closed as my crossbag fell on the ground. He let go of my face and lifted me off of the ground by the back of my thighs, my legs wrapping around him as my arms slid behind his neck, kissing him back.

I felt him turn towards the staircase direction, walking us upstairs and to my room, pushing the door open with his leg. I gasped into his mouth, feeling my skin light up like it was on fire. I was shaking, my legs barely holding onto him if it wasn't for his hands steadying me.

"Kai—" I let out against his mouth when he let me go, my feet hitting the ground while his hands quickly moved to my shoulders, pulling on the cardigan until he slid it down my arms, leaving me in my black crop top, sending shivers down my spine. Before I could lean back to kiss him again, he pushed me back, making me fall on the bed as he kneeled down, taking off my shoes before doing the same with his.

"Lie back," he nodded towards the pillows and grabbed the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head. I swallowed as he threw it on the floor next to my cardigan, his eyes falling on mine again, raising an eyebrow at how I still didn't move. I gritted my teeth and moved back with my elbows until my head rested against the pillows sensing the mattress dip more, seeing him crawl on top of me, giving me a soft smile, "breathe, sunshine."

My cheeks heated up at the realization that I was holding my breath to the point where I gasped when I let myself breath again. I saw as he fiddled with my jeans's zipper, pulling them down. I was already losing it and he didn't even touch me. He wasn't even looking at me, his eyes following everywhere his hands touched as he finally pulled my clothes off, leaving me in absolutely nothing while he still had his jeans on.

"I love you," he said and leaned in, kissing my lips once, my body relaxing into him at the soft gesture, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I whispered when he kissed down my jaw, my shoulder, then my chest as I arched my back, "please— Kai."

"You don't have to beg, sunshine," he held onto the side of my neck, "I'll give you anything you want without you asking. I'm yours, habibti."

Mine. He's mine. I didn't think I wanted to hear it until he said it. I knew he was mine, since I was born, and everyone knew that he was mine. But coming out of his mouth was different, it was more real. Because he accepted it. He wanted it.

"I want you," I breathed out, my hands going to his belt with my eyes still on his, "that's what I want."

He tilted his with a smile before he kissed down my chest again, lower, and lower. I was going to lose my mind. I couldn't even think anymore. I don't even know when it happened, but his jeans followed the rest of our clothes on the floor at some point, and then I was screaming his name against his face, my nails digging into his skin as he moved his hips against mine.

I could do this forever. I could be with him like this forever. Mine. Always going to be mine. It'll never get old, every time he touched me I felt like electricity was shooting through my body, every time he said my name my heart would skip a beat, every time looked at me my breath would catch from how dark his eyes were.

"I want you to answer me," his voice pulled me out of my haze, resting his forehead on mine, "who's always been there for you, sunshine?"

"You," I gasped out when his hand lifted my hips up to his.

"Who do you think will go through hell and back for you?" I bit back a moan when he grabbed my one of my legs, wrapping it around his waist, "answer me."

"You," I didn't know why he was asking this, he knew. He knew he's the only one on my mind, in my heart. Always in my heart. His soul fit with mine. I'll never let him go, I told him that. I promised him I'll never leave. Only him and no one else. I didn't want anyone else.

"Whose hands do you love on your body?" His fingers brushed up my ribs, "his lips on your skin?"

"You," I closed my eyes, running a hand through my hair as he kissed my neck, "always you."

"I'm yours," he husked out again between kisses before leaning back, his hand tightening around my leg as he moved against me, "but you're mine, Emmaline. Mine."

"Yours," I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk anymore, but I still managed to let out, "I'll always love you."

"I know," I heard the smile in his voice, but I couldn't even open my eyes anymore, just holding onto him, "I'll always love you too."

Mine. The word rang in my head again. I loved how it came out of his mouth, his voice admitting. That's what I remember wanting to hear. Wanting to know. I think a part of me always knew I'm his since I was a kid. Since I would always want to spend time with him. I would always want to know his opinion on things in my life. Since he scared off any boy who wanted to talk to me, and I let him. Never fought him on it for some reason. But he's mine too. We're locked in together.


*sighs* so, first of all I'm sorry for taking so long to update this, but as I said I was in the hospital and I really couldn't write anything because I didn't have time and when I did, I wasn't really in the mood to because I wasn't really, well, happy, I guess😭. I apologize if this chapter felt rushed or not as well written as the others because of this reason.

Second, the last scene made me so nervous to actually post this because I don't know, I tried so hard to test the waters of young adult and I don't want to mess that up, so if it's upsetting any of you, I can delete it. Please tell me so in the next chapters I know what to do lmao.

Lastly, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! And thank you so much for 129K, babes. You guys are THE BEST. I love you, and I hope 2024 treats you well.


Also look at how cute this is
(I need a fanart of my babies ASAP)


Moments before the "KYUFMS" incident LMAO

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