✫half shark, half man, full l...

By Theresa_Icon

27 3 0

.✫*original story*✫. • Shark hybrid named Shayuri, finds Y/N in a broken wreck while hunting. Both are differ... More

✫•.the broken wreck.•✫

.•~Two worlds, two hearts~•.

11 1 0
By Theresa_Icon

After getting to know each other and saying a few words, you stopped being afraid of each other. Shayuri told you that he found you as the only survivor from the ship. „The human blood of the crew you sailed with could be smelled for miles. But I swam nearby. Even though you didn't have a single wound on you, you smelled more than everyone else's bruised bodies put together. You were still breathing, but you were unconscious. It was clear to me that if I left you there, much bigger monsters would swim in and kill you. So I took you into this oxygen capsule that no one visits. There is only oxygen and seaweed with algae." Shayuri was sorry that you suffered such a loss and that he couldn't help you in any way. But his company was more valuable to you than anything else now. „Tell me, are all of your kind so kind?" Y/N asked curiously. „Ah, no no no. You could say I'm a renegade. I am smaller than other adults. It's humiliating, but somehow I live with it. I avoid the others, they are dangerous to me because they are bigger and stronger." You got stuck when he said he was smaller than the others. „I cannot imagine a hybrid bigger than you-" „Well, trust me or not, I'm nothing special compared to the others." „Sometimes I feel the same way. Not that the others are bigger and stronger, but I don't fit in most of the time. They often tell me that I am different and make fun of me, sometimes I even face bullying. For example, on the ship we sailed on. They wanted me overboard more than once." you told him.

You were sharing more and more interesting informations, it made you sleepy. You had no idea of ​​time, it felt like it was night. Shayuri noticed your yawning, he was exhausted himself. „Ehm- so, as I said... Nobody visits this little cave. In fact, you own it now." Funny, this capsule truly might be just yours. Not like you're about to stay here forever, but for a day or two, it might be to your liking and safety. „Haha, yes. It's better than some kind of tent." „What's a 'tent'?" Shayuri confusedly asked. „Oh, um... It's a shelter made of substance. But unlike the cave, a tent can be folded and moved." „And.. does this tent have a place to sleep?" „Well, it doesn't have a bed, but it usually has a mat or mattress. So, I guess, yes it does." Shayuri leaned a little closer to you. „And... Are you capable of sleeping here? In this cave?" You watched his sleepy expression. He looked like an exhausted child that was playing outside the whole day. „I... might try. Sure, the floor is hard and cold, but it's better than sleeping in the water." „You think? I've never slept on land outside of water." „Really? Would it damage you in any way?" „I don't think so. I can breathe on land just as clearly as underwater." „Well, come join me." While you were smiling, his cheeks turned red again.

You lay on the ground on your back and yawned again. „You don't have to of course. It was just a friendly invite." Shayuri thought for a moment. He never had a reason to sleep on dry land, but seeing how uncomfortable the floor Y/N was lying on must be, he got an idea. He climbed onto the land and laid his human half next to you. You just watched him in fascination. He had his shark half still lying in the water. He put his muscular hands behind his head and stared silently at the ceiling of the cave. „How is it" you asked still looking at him, while he was observing the ceiling. „How is what?" „Lying on land." „I have been on land before. I just didn't sleep on it... yet." „Well, good night and sleep well in that case." You rolled onto your side to face Shayuri, closing your eyes. „Good night to you too, Y/N."

Shayuri didn't have a problem to sleep on this rough surface, on the other hand you slept poorly, kept rolling on the hard ground and it was getting cold in the capsule. Shayuri was awakened by your teeth chattering and body shivering. He hesitated for a moment, but then pulled you closer with his hand. His blood was not cold like a shark's, on the contrary, a pleasant warmth emanated from his body. You felt much better in the position where Shayuris arm was around your shoulders and your head was on his chest. The shivering from the cold slowly stopped.

You slept like this for eternity, Neither of you ever had a better sleep. Y/N was the first to wake up, looking at Shayuri sleeping sweetly. He looked like he was lying on a cloud, very gracefully. Y/N glanced down at his lower body, gray skin turning into a shark's tail. Much of it was under water, but still the view was admirable.

Shayuri slowly wakes up and stretches. Y/N can't look away from his beauty, his gray hair was much richer and thicker than wet. So they stretched out their hand to touch it. Shayuri looked at you, not understanding what you were trying to do. You quickly put your hand back and acted like nothing happened. „How d-did you sleep??" You stuttered out, trying to get attention to something else. He looked like he wasn't fully awake, one eye was more closed than the other, but his smile remained. „I... slept very well, one of the best sleeps I have ever had." after that he yawns and continues. „In fact I would love to keep resting here..." He crouched a little.. „... with you, of course." He whispered this last part of his sentence. You knew right away that he didn't mean it badly, he just wanted to get enough of the feeling he had been missing all his life. You were too embarrassed to speak, your response was to open your arms. He slowly slid back into your arms. While trying to hide his smile he snuggled into your, now dry, chest. You weren't cold anymore, your warmth was shared from you this time. None of you could tell if it's physical warmth, or the warmth of love. The main thing was that you were both nice and warm and safe. You've never felt so safe with any human. The most interesting thing was that it wasn't even remotely human.

You both lay there with your eyes open. You were quiet, listening to both of your hearts beating. Your moment was interrupted by the rumbling of your stomach. Shayuri laughed it off. „I can bring you some seaweed again, if you'd like." he offered, hiding his laughter. „No, no... It is not necessary!" you replied, not wanting to break this sweet moment you were having. Yet another rumbling was heard, Shayuri got up. „As much as I'd love to stay here with you like this, I shall get you some food." In a second he jumped into the water and swam away without surfacing. You sighed and washed your face with the cold water. Shayuri must have been used to such cold water, you thought, if you jumped in at that speed you would turn into a piece of ice.

You were startled when Shayuri emerged with his hands full of seaweed. He splashed the cold water on you which woke you up even more. „Tadaa, here you go your breakf- Oh dear! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to splash water on you like that!! Forgive me!" Shayuri cried out, not wanting you to hate him. But how could you.

Shayuri:     。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。
Y/N:                 ヾ(゚ェ゚ゞ)

You clarified everything and then you ate the seaweed Shayuri brought you. You weren't feeling well after that amount of seaweed, but it filled you up. However your stomach won't take another one. You asked Shayuri if there is an island nearby. „I wouldn't say it's 'nearby', but... I know about one. I've never been there though, there was no reason for me to swim there." „Would you be capable of taking me there?" „mm.. yes. But... We should wait for you to feel better. Throwing up underwater isn't exactly what you want to experience, trust me." He meant well, but it wouldn't be true if he said he'd be happy to take you there. He wasn't afraid of land, he was afraid that if he brought you to the island, he would never see you again. He had to think it over. Still, if it's your wish, he'll help you. For now, he's enjoying every single second with you.

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