Scary Girl X Male Reader

By RealMemey

31.5K 689 984

You're a normal everyday guy who signed up to be apart of the reboot of the hit show Total Drama Island to wi... More

[Prologue] The Letter
[Chapter 1] New Screams, Old Ways
[Chapter 2] A Sinking Feeling
[Chapter 3] Leap Of Faith
[Chapter 4] Bone Head
[Chapter 5] Baby Wails & Dinosaur Tails
[Chapter 6] When Campers Fly
[Chapter 7] Horror On TDI
[Chapter 8] Bird Brained
[Chapter 9] Throwing (Up) The Game

[Chapter 10] Head Over Falls

1.8K 41 83
By RealMemey

[You're awoken by the sun beaming down onto your face, you groggily open your eyes to see Scary Girl not next to you. You shrug and stretch as you swing your legs out from over the bed, but before you are able to stand up a familiar face leans over from the top bunk, making you fall back onto the bed as she giggles.]

Scary Girl: "Morning!~"

[You softly simile as you toss a pillow at her.]

(Y/N): "Morning, you jerk."

[She catches it whilst giggling and tosses it to the side, she jumps down from the top bunk at helps you sit up, you notice that she's no longer in her pajamas.]

(Y/N): "When did you wake up?"

[She looks off to the side for a moment, thinking before turning back to you.]

Scary Girl: "Oh about 15 minutes ago."

[You look at her hair and notice it's still down, albeit messy. You sit up and ruffle her hair as you sorta tower over her as she blushes at the gesture.]

(Y/N): "I didn't even feel ya get up."

Scary Girl: "Well you know me~"

[She reaches into her bag and pulls out a hair brush and her hair ties as you strike up conversation.]

(Y/N): "Last night was too close hon, if we're gonna survive this we'll need an alliance."

[She looks at you still fixing her hair with a neutral expression.]

Scary Girl: "Well, yeah, but who?"

(Y/N): "Well, Chase and Julia don't really like us that much, Bowie seems to be in it to win it so who knows when he'll try and backstab us, Emma- I'm honestly not too sure about. I'd say the only person left is Zee. He's chill and doesn't seem to be the schemer kind of person."

[Scary Girl considers the options as she puts her hair into her signature twin tails.]

Scary Girl: "Hmmm, I'd say Zee should work, then we'd be the only three person alliance!"

(Y/N): "Sweet! All we've gotta do is ask."


[You and Scary Girl walk up to the main lodge, and see Zee enter, you look inside and notice that no one else is inside, you gesture to Scary Girl to follow as you both go in, but before you stand a certain internet star steps in front of you, a sly look on her face.]

(Y/N): "What do you want..."

[She puts her hands up.]

Julia: "I'm not here to start anything, if anything I'm here to propose something to the both of you."

[You and Scary Girl look at each other for a moment then look back to her.]

(Y/N): "And that is..?"

Julia: "Well, a three person alliance is a lot stronger then a two person alliance, and since I will not work with Bowie, I'm here to team up with you two."

(Y/N): "...What's the catch?"

Julia: "I knew you wouldn't trust me after yesterday, so here's the deal, if you and creepy girl work with me, I won't do anything until Bowie is gone."

[You and Scary Girl look at each other and huddle.]

Scary Girl: "She's totally gonna backstab us."

(Y/N): "Well, yeah I know that, but it's a risk we need to take, again especially after yesterday, besides it's not like anyone else is going to be willing to work with her so she won't be able to easily turn the votes, and once we're done with her we can backstab her and eliminate her."

[Scary Girl looks off to the side for a moment then sighs.]

Scary Girl: "Fine, I trust you."

[She cusps her hands around yours as you let go and turn to her.]

(Y/N): "Okay, we accept."

[She smirks and nods, good choice.]

[She sticks out a hand as you shake it.]

(Y/N): "Now that that's out of the way, Scary Girl and I were about to actually go get Zee to form an alliance, so it'd be a four vs. three."

[Her eyes light up for a moment as she wraps an arm around you.]

Julia: "That's actually a really good idea! I knew you still had a bit of brains in there."

[She hears growling from behind her as she turns to see Scary Girl giving her a glare, she takes her arm off of you and puts her hands up.]

Julia: "Riigght. Anyways let's go."

[The three of you enter the lodge and see Zee drinking out of a soda can.]

(Y/N): "Zee, we need you for a moment."

Zee: "Sure, what's up man."

[He notices Julia next you you.]

Zee: "What's up with her?"

[You look back to Julia as she nods her head forward.]

(Y/N): "Julia, Lauren, and I are forming an alliance, and we were wondering if you wanted to join."

Zee: "Well..."

[He looks off to the side for a moment before looking back at you.]

Zee: "Ohh!"

*Confessional Booth*

Zee: "This has never happened to me before, but I think I'm getting an idea, yeah I'm totally ideaing." *Gasp* "I idead!"


Zee: "Yes, I'm in!"

(Y/N): "My man!"

[You and Zee fist bump.]

Julia: "And that makes four, now no matter what happens today, we're safe!"

[Chris comes over the loud speakers.]\

Chris: "All campers, report to me for your punishment!"

[The four of you look at each other, concerned.]

Chris: "I mean, hah, the challenge!"

*Confessional Booth*

Zee: "Everyone's gonna freak when they found out I made their two alliances into one team of awesomeness! High five brain!"

[He slaps himself in the head.]

Zee: "Ow! Man..."


(Y/N): "For as much as I really don't like Julia, this is the only chance we have at being able to make it far. I just hope that Lauren understands.."


[Scary Girl can be seen stabbing a picture of Julia with a spoon as she grunts with every hit.]


[You, Scary Girl, Julia, and Zee are stood together as Bowie, Chase, and Emma walk up.]

Bowie: "Hey Julia, good luck, cuz at the elimination ceremony, you're in for a big surprise!"

Julia: "Oh, there'll be a surprise all right!"

Chris: "Before we begin, it seems the network felt the cassowaries we're too dangerous, and the Wheel Of Vomit was 'too gross'. So, they asked that todays challenge be, *Sigh* less menacing. The challenge is a simple canoe ride down this calm stream, followed by a pleasant jaunt through a lovely field until you reach honey mountain, there it's a leisurely hike to the top where you'll find the bell of tranquility, just a nice, easy, challenge." [He says as he rubs his hands together menacingly.] 

Chris: "First camper to ring the bell wins immunity and is safe at tonight's elimination ceremony! So grab a helmet, a life jacket, and pick a canoe, and go enjoy yourselves! On your mark, get set, go!"

[At the go you all run off.]

*Confessional Booth*

Zee: "I've got a good feeling about this challenge, and when I have a good feeling about something, it usually goes great! Or really really bad.. it's about 50/50."


[You and Scary Girl canoeing next to each other as you strike up conversation.]

(Y/N): "Hey, at least today's an easy challenge, I really needed a day off from all the bruising   and such."

Scary Girl: "Aww come onnn, the pain's part of the fun!~"

(Y/N): "You're an odd girl Lauren.."

[She mopes at you as you smile.]

(Y/N): "But I still love ya, of course."

[She giggles as you both pick up the pace to join the others.]

[The camera cuts over to Chris and Chef who are relaxing in lawn chairs.]

Chef: "They got all kinds of pain coming their way don't they..?"

Chris: "Absolutely!"

[Emma looks down worried as she notices she's speeding up.]

Emma: "Is this water getting faster!?"

[You all realize you're on a slant as you all speed up, some of you almost falling out of your canoes, Scary Girl almost does but before she can you quickly grab her and put her in your canoe. You notice for how strong and athletic she is, she's pretty light.]

[Chris laughs in amusement as Chef looks down at his phone.]

Chef: "Better order more medical supplies.."

[Chase smacks into a rock, Julia is swept by a wave, and Zee hits a slanted rock and goes flying as he yells with joy.]

*Confessional Booth*

Zee: "Wow, my entire life flashed before my eyes! I've not eaten one vegetable.."


[Julia looks around to see that she's the only one in the river.]

Julia: "Hah! It'll take more than some extra fast water to stop me! Haha-!"

[She's cut short as she's hit in the face with a fish, she looks down in annoyance to see fish jumping out of the water at her.]

Julia: "That's it!"

[She smacks some away as she feels a bump from behind, she turns to see Bowie right behind her.]

Bowie: "Oops, sorry, my bad!"

Julia: "Hey! Watch it blonde."

[She's smacked multiple times by fish as she falls over into her canoe as Emma rows past.]

Chris: "Emma is in the lead! But paying a serious price to stay there."

[A few fish hit her in the head as she groans in annoyance.]

Emma: "Ugh, this is impossible, they're flying in on both sides!"

[Over with you and Scary Girl, she easily smacks away fish with her canoe paddle as you both talk.]

(Y/N): "Ya know, I think we have a chance."

[She looks at you curiously.]

Scary Girl: "Whaddya mean?"

(Y/N): "To win this Lauren, that's what I mean."

Scary Girl: "Yeah, you're right! Honestly I've kinda forgotten about the money, I've just been trying to stay with you."

[You roll your eyes as you blush.]

(Y/N): "Thanks hon, but seriously, when it comes down to it, we'll need to go against each other for the cash."

Scary Girl: "Yeah.."

[You both look over, a small hint of nervousness on each others faces.]

(Y/N): "Well, I guess we could always just split it in the end, it's not like I need the entire million, just enough to move out of our house."

[Scary Girl perks up and looks at you.]

Scary Girl: "Oh yeah, you've mentioned that before. Why do you still live there if it's a piece of junk?"

(Y/N): "Wish is was as easy as just moving out hon, but when it's just the three of us and only one of us has a real job, it's a bit tough to worry about that for the moment, besides I've lived there for pretty much my whole childhood, so I've grown used to it. Doesn't mean I like it though."

[Scary Girl hums in agreement but then smiles and looks at you.]

Scary Girl: "Hey, we should move in together!"

[You realize you've never really asked about her living conditions.]

(Y/N): "Well, maybe at some point, where do you live."

[She beams as she looks at you.]

Scary Girl: "A funeral home!"





[You sit there deadpanned for a moment.]

(Y/N): "A.. funeral home..?"

Scary Girl: "Well, sorta. It's like one of those stores where you have the main shop on the bottom, but then you have like an apartment-esk house above it."

(Y/N): "Ya know, I'm almost not surprised, but knowing you I should have expected it."

[She giggles.]

Scary Girl: "You know me so well~"

[You both row past Chase and Emma as you watch her beat Chase into the canoe with a fish.]

(Y/N): "Hopefully we never end up like that.."

Scary Girl: "Yeah.."

[Suddenly you feel the canoe tip back as you look and see a bear behind you, you yelp in fear as you fall back into Lauren, she looks at you in confusion for a moment but then looks up and sees the bear. The bear notices her.]


[Lauren smashes her hand through the climbing wall and pulls out a bear as she slams it from side to side over her head.]

Scary Girl: "That's what you get for hurting (Y/N)!"

-Flashback End-

[The bear yelps and tries to get away, but she quickly grabs it by the nape of its neck with two fingers and holds it up to her.]

Scary Girl: "Did you not learn your lesson the first time..?"

[The bear's practically pleading as you put a hand on her shoulder.]

(Y/N): "Hon, you're taking it a bit too far.."

[She sighs and looks back to it.]

Scary Girl: "You're not getting off that easily.. you're helping us. Push the boat to the island so we can win this challenge."

[The bear nods and gets behind the canoe and pushes you guys past Julia and Bowie, who are getting beaten up by bears. You eventually reach the shore as you hop out of the canoe, helping Lauren out in the process.]

Scary Girl: "Thanks for the help, see ya!"

[She grabs the bear and tosses it away as it yells, she turns back to you as you give her an annoyed look as she sweats nervously.]

Scary Girl: "S-sorry.. force of habit."

[Chase and Emma fall into the sand next to you, Emma landing somewhat safe as Chase gets his head stuck in the sand.]

(Y/N): "Crap, they're starting to catch up, we should go."

Scary Girl: "Wait." [She grabs your arm and points to Emma and Chase.]

[You look over and see that they've decided to try and play dead as three bears are crying and have decided to dig a grave.]

(Y/N): "Uhmm, should we help them..?"

[Scary Girl shrugs as the bears dump Emma and Chase into the grave, they're about to be buried alive when suddenly a fish flies past, distracting the bears as they run after it. Chase and Emma sit up and look around to see the bears not around.]

Emma: "I think they're gone!"

Chase: "Woohoo! Thanks Zee!"

(Y/N): "Wait-"

Scary Girl: "Zee-?"

[You both turn to see Zee waving at them as he slowly sinks in his canoe.]

Scary Girl: "Why is Zee helping them, isn't he on our side..?" [She says with a somewhat dark tone to her voice.]

[You rest your hand on her shoulder as you get an idea.]

(Y/N): "Maybe he's trying to keep our alliance a secret so they never see us coming."

[Scary Girl turns to you, a little confused.]

Scary Girl: "That sounds a little too.. reasonable, for Zee."

[You shrug.]

(Y/N): "Well it's the best idea I've got, besides I doubt he'd be dumb enough to be in multiple alliances."

[You both turn and walk off into the forest.]

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "Ya know, maybe Zee isn't as much of an airhead as he makes himself out to be."


[Zee can be seen rubbing his temple.]

Zee: "I forgot why I came in here.."


[You both place your canoes back in the water, using a short cut on the island to get a little further ahead than everyone else.]

(Y/N): "I'd say we have this challenge in the bag!"

[You turn to see Scary Girl looking behind you, a faint hint of worry on her face.]

(Y/N): "Uh, hun? Everything okay..?"

Scary Girl: "Uh, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yes?"

Scary Girl: "It goes down."

(Y/N): "What are you talking about?"

Scary Girl: "It goes down!"

[She points behind you as you turn and see a waterfall behind you, you're screaming in terror as Lauren screams in joy as you both go over the waterfall everyone else not being too far behind you guys as they all fall over as well.]

[You come up from under the water and see everyone else.]

Emma: "I can't believe we survived that!"

(Y/N): "Well, hopefully nothing else happens."

[You turn to see Scary Girl giving you a deadpanned expression.]

(Y/N): "..What..?"

Scary Girl: "Have you never seen a horror movie..?"

[As if on queue, two crocodiles come up from under the water.]

(Y/N): "Oops.."

[Chase ducks behind Emma in fear.]

Chase: "Careful Emms, crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal."

[She shoves Chase back.]

Emma: "Then why are you pushing me towards them!"

[A crocodile roars at Julia as she puts a canoe paddle in its mouth.]

Julia: "Hah! Now get out of my way water lizard, I have a bell to ring!"

[The crocodile looks at her in anger.]

*Confessional Booth*

Bowie: "You know what's stronger than Julia's broken canoe paddle, a crocodiles tail."


Julia: "Move."

[The crocodile sinks down into the water, much to her surprise, it's tail then comes out and swats her into the air.]

Bowie: "Oh that's a shame."

[The two crocodiles play a game of tennis with her as all of you swim away.]

Bowie: "Thanks for keeping them busy Julia, you're a real trooper!"

Chris: "Those crocs didn't eat a single kid, should have went with sharks.. lesson learned."

[You all stop for a moment and look into the distance, a clear path in front of you with some puddles around as off in the distance the aforementioned mountain can be seen.]

Emma: "This is actually, beautiful."

(Y/N): "I wouldn't be too comfortable, remember this is Chris we're talking about."

Chef: "So what's in the field huh, bear traps!?"

Chris: "Chef, of course not! That could hurt one of the bears!"

[You're all running as the puddles start to become more abundant.]

Julia: "What's with all the puddles?"

[The ground starts to quake when Bowie suddenly stops.]

Bowie: "Geysers!"

[Chase is suddenly launched into the air as he yells and faints over again.]

Chef: "You can't spray kids that high into the air they'll get hurt!"

Chris: "Relax I had an intern test this challenge."

[The camera reveals the intern that brought you to the island all wrapped up in bandages as she grumbles to herself.]

[You, Scary Girl, and Julia move slowly through the field.]

(Y/N): "Stay slow, and if you feel the ground shaking again, just run out of the way."

[Zee bolts past you as he laughs to himself.]

Zee: "Just run fast so the water can't find you!"

[He activates a lot of geysers as they narrowly miss him.]

Julia: "Zee's right, we need to move faster!"

[Julia runs after Zee as Scary Girl follows, you sigh and run after them as Chase looks on in confusion.]

Chase: "Is Zee helping the other team..?"

Emma: "No, he's just pretending to and giving them bad advice."

*Confessional Booth*

Bowie: "Zee is like, some kind of secret genius!"


Zee: "I know I had a reason for coming in here.."


[Julia accidentally steps on a geyser as she's shot into the air, she lands back onto the puddle as she groans in pain, but it only launches her back into the air.]

(Y/N): "Come on Lauren, we're almost there!"

[You turn and see Scary Girl get launched into the air, suddenly Julia falls on top of you as Scary Girl then falls on top of her, creating a pile as the three of you groan in pain all the while Zee runs up to you all.]

Zee: "Oohh."

[Emma then runs up to Zee.]

Emma: "I gotta admit Zee, you're way sneakier than I thought!"

Zee: "I dunno what you mean."

Emma: "Oohh right." 

[She winks at him as she's launched into the air by a geyser.]

*Confessional Booth*

Zee: "I really don't know what she means.."

[Suddenly Chase crashes into the confessional booth, knocking over the camera a bit as Zee stands up.]

Zee: "Chase, dude! You gotta knock yo!"


[Bowie starts to make his way up the mountain as Julia isn't too far behind.]

Chris: "Bowie is the first one to begin the climb up honey mountain, but Julia is right on his heels!"

[Zee is caught in a geyser but is then launched into the air and lands into a bush next to you, Scary Girl, and Emma.]

Zee: "Free berries, sweet!"

[You three start to also make your way up behind Zee as Emma looks to the two of you.]

Emma: "Hey, do you two feel some kind of vibration and hear humming?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's almost like this place is a.."

[You look up and see some honey coming out of the rock.]

(Y/N) and Emma: "Beehive!"

[The camera cuts to Chris atop the mountain standing next to a small bell as honey covers the top of the mountain.]

Chris: "Yup, the reason it's called honey mountain is because it's actually North America's largest known open air beehive, home to an estimated 8 billion angry, angry bees!"

[A large swarm of bees hurdles right at the three of you as Scary Girl makes a buzzing noise as well, luckily enough making the bees disperse.]

Emma: "Wow Scary Girl, that was amazing!"

(Y/N): "Yeah babe, that was great! How'd you learn to do that?"

Scary Girl: "Well I did play with a wasps nest a lot when I was younger!~"

[You and Emma just look at each other in concern as you continue up the mountain.]


[Emma decided to try and take a short cut as you, Scary Girl, and Emma have split up to try and find a faster way up the mountain, luckily you do make it but see Bowie and Julia have gotten into a fight and fell into a pool of honey.]

Chris: "Looks like Bowie and Julia have fallen short right before the goal! Will (Y/N) be able to snag the victory!"

[Bowie gets his head above the honey and notices you.]

Bowie: "(Y/N), we're friends right?! Help me out and I'll help you!"

[Julia sticks her head out and notices you as well.]

Julia: "No, don't help him, help me! We are apart of an alliance after all!"

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "Crap, while Bowie and I are pretty close, I do need Julia's vote." *Sigh* "Fine.."


(Y/N): "Here!"

[You reach out both of your hands as they grab it, but instead of helping you, they let you fall into the pool as they help themselves out.]

Bowie: "Sorry (Y/N), but I need this win!"

Julia: "Oh no you don't!"

[They're about to go back to fighting when suddenly a hand grabs each of their shoulders. They feel a horrifying aura next to them as they turn to see Scary Girl pretty much staring into their souls.]

Scary Girl: "Looks like I need to teach you two a lesson as well."

[Bowie and Julia look at her in fear.]

Bowie: "S-Scary, w-we can talk about this!"

Julia: "I-it was just an accident!"

[She doesn't care as she shoves the two of them into the giant pit of honey where they immediately get swarmed by bees. She walks over and helps you out of the honey pit, you cough up globs of honey as she helps you stand.]

(Y/N): "Thanks hon.."

[She helps wipe the honey off you and leads you over to the bell.]

Scary Girl: "Well, what are you waiting for!"

[You turn to her, a little conflicted.]

(Y/N): "Are you sure you don't want immunity..?"

Scary Girl: "I'll be fine! Besides, you haven't won a single challenge on your own right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but.."

Scary Girl: "You said you wanted to pull your own weight, to not rely on me all the time, so, here's your chance!~"

[You look at the bell and then at her, you tear up a little as you hug her.]

Chris: "Yeah yeah, that's sweet and all but can we hurry this up?"

[You let go of the hug and kneel down and ring the bell, marking your first win of the merge.]

Chris: "And (Y/N) wins immunity! Everyone else is up for elimination!"

[You walk over to Scary Girl again and hold both of her hands.]

(Y/N): "Thanks again hon."

[She smiles and kisses you on the lips.]

Scary Girl: "Anything for you~"


[You're all making your way to the elimination ceremony, you and Lauren holding hands as Julia is all beat up. You take your seats as Chris and Chef stand in front of you all.]

Chris: "Campers, as much fun as today was, tonight you have a job to do, decide which of you is being eliminated."

Chef: "Chase! You played baseball with a fish and sank your girlfriends canoe!"

Emma: "I'm not his girlfriend!"

Chase: "Well, the jury's not out on that one yet."

[Emma gets in his face as he leans back.]

Emma: "I'm the Jury!"

Chef: "Bowie, you said that 95% of Julia's followers were bots, and you said it in your outside voice come on man.. you didn't think you'd actually get away with that did you?"

[You're struggling to hold back laughter as Julia looks at Bowie in confidence.]

*Confessional Booth*

Julia: "Even though I didn't win, it's still a 4 vs 3, now we just need to pick who to send home, Bowie, Emma, or Chase. Kidding, it's Bowie."


Bowie: "With Julia finally on the chopping block and being in a four person alliance, we can at last send her home! Bye, bye blonde~"


Chris: "You know the deal, if you get a marshmallow you are safe, if you don't-"

[He's suddenly cut off as Zee stands up.]

Zee: "You're wrong Chris, tonight is different, because I came up with a plan that cannot fail!"

Chris: "Oh I doubt that.."

Zee: "What are teams? Just groups of people that compete against each other?"

Chris: "Yes.."

Zee: "No man, they're friends, being forced not to be friends, and I said enough of that!"

Chris: "Is there anyway to speed this up..?"

Zee: "I secretly joined both alliances into one big seven person alliance! And we're voting you off! Right guys!" 

[He points to Chris as he looks back at you all, some of you either deadpanning or surprised.]

*Confessional Booth*

[You let out a sigh as you put your head into your hands in defeat.]

(Y/N): "Zee.. my man.. no.. that's- not how that works..."


Bowie: "Zee is not a secret genius.."


[Bowie raises his hand.]

Bowie: "Chris, permission to revote..?"

Chris: "Uhmm." [He takes time to think about it.]

Zee: "Woah woah, wait. Hang on.."

Chris: "I'll allow it!"

*Confessional Booth*

Zee: "I might be in trouble here.."


[All of you have a marshmallow as Bowie and Zee are the only ones to not have one, you just sit there and stare at yours dully.]

Chris: "And the last marshmallow goes to.."

Zee: "Come on come on come on..!"
















Chris: "Bowie!"

[He tosses Bowie the final marshmallow as he slouches in defeat.]

Chris: "Zee, it's time to go."

[He runs up to Chris and hugs him.]

Zee: "Don't cry Chris."

Chris: "Wasn't going to."

Zee: "It's cuz you're very strong."

Chris: "Nope! It's I care very little about people, come on!"

[He leads Zee to the dock of shame.]

*Scene Change*

[Zee makes it to the end of the dock as he awaits to be picked up, he hears running and turns to see you and Scary Girl.]

Zee: "Woah, hey you two! Are you leaving with me as well?"

[You sigh.]

(Y/N): "No Zee, I just came to say goodbye."

[Zee looks over, a little sad.]

Zee: "Yeah, sorry I messed things up man.."

[You look at him with a small smile.]

(Y/N): "It's fine man, it was fun while it lasted, also. I couldn't bring myself to vote for you man.."

[Zee also gets a small smile on him as well as he holds up his fist.]

Zee: "Fist bump?"

[You nod and hold up your fist.]

(Y/N): "Fist bump."

[You both give each other one as he also gives one to Lauren, to finish things off the three of you share a group hug.]

(Y/N): "We should get together and hang out after this is all over, the three of us.."

Scary Girl: "I like that..

Zee: "That sounds radical man.."

[The three of you finally let go as the drone picks Zee up by his head, he looks at you one more time and smiles.]

Zee: "Good luck (Y/N), good luck Lauren." 

[He looks at her for a moment as she simply smiles.]

Scary Girl: "I don't mind, and thank you Zee."

(Y/N): "Thanks man, take care.."

[The drone carries him off as you feel a few tears leave your eyes, you wipe them away as Scary Girl hugs you.]

Scary Girl: "Don't worry (Y/N), everything will be okay.."


[You and Scary Girl are laying in bed together, no one else left in the cabin besides the two of you, you look over to see Zees bed, empty. You feel something crinkle from underneath your head, you take whatever you laid on and hold it up to the moon light, revealing the object to be one of Zee's soda cans with a note attached to it.]

"Here's something to remember me by. Thank you and Scary Girl for being such good friends."


[You tear up again as you reach over Lauren to put the can on the nightstand, you look to see her gently sleeping next to you, you smile and ruffle her hair a little a small smile appears on her face. You yawn and wrap your arms around her as you fall asleep, not to Zee's slightly obnoxious snores, but to the calm summer breeze blowing outside.]

[To Be Continued...]

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Lukas, along with 22 other teenagers all sign up for Total Drama Island for a chance to compete for the $100,000 prize. To survive, they'll have to...