Flood of Ashes [sequel to 'No...

By lxmosstories

4.7K 111 43

"You have a good heart." "And look at where that good heart's gotten me." *** War finds it's way to Awa'atlu... More

Authors note
Ash People
Metkayina extra


116 4 2
By lxmosstories

TW: mention of death/ murder/ bullying & insecurities

Kanzia's pov:

With hands tightly gripped around my arms I was being dragged through the scorched grounds of our lands, to the top of a massive Vulcano, where our headquarters were. I was trying to get loose from the grips of the men holding me, trying to escape, because I knew what was about to happen.
I had seen it happen with my other siblings before me. I was the youngest, Varang the oldest. There were many siblings in between us, none of them were left.
I hardly felt fear, I didn't fear anyone in my clan and I didn't fear any of my enemies but Varang..
Varang I feared for.
When the men finally let go of me they dropped me face down into the scorched grounds beneath me, in front of the throne that belonged to my sister.
I was scared but I refused to look down at the ground, with my hands and knees in the dirt I turned my head up and stared into her bloodred eyes. The crown she wore was made out of bones, the bones that belonged to my older brother, he was murdered by her just before we went to war with the Metkayina.
"Leave us," Varang said with her cold and raw voice. The men did as they were told, they bowed to Varang like she was their Goddess and left me in that dead crater with her. Her throne room; it was made of the bones of her fallen enemies, meaning that both my parents skeletons and my siblings skeletons were somewhere in here on display.
"You were defeated by a fifteen year old?" Varang spat as she got up from her throne, "and in front of their whole clan either."
"She- she surprised me!" I stammered, the fear was evident in my voice, "I saw her get eaten by- by that animal- akula! Anzu found me swimming as the akula swam away with her inside of it.. She didn't win, that beast won!"
"That beast was controlled by her!" Varang spat, she was right but I would fight for my life with all I had, I believed in this cause, I believed in my sister and I wanted to help her. I wanted to win.
"I- I'll kill her," I whispered, "I'll skin her alive, I promise."
"You're my last sibling," Varang spoke as she looked down at me, "I still need you, despite you being a massive fail to the clan. I'm feeling generous today, luckily enough for you."
I stayed quiet as I swallowed my saliva, Varang slowly circled around me, like a scorched leopard did with it's prey. She embodied the fiery animal that lived on our lands.
"You have one more chance," Varang said and I let out a relieved sigh, "but since Anzu died because of your failure you will have to go back into training."
My eyes widened for a slim second, I didn't want to go back to training, it was painful to say the least.
"I'll do anything to prove myself to you," I spoke as I bowed down.
"Good," Varang said, "because the next time you fight Asherah I want you to bring me her head."


Asherah's pov:

"Where are you going?" My mother suddenly asked me as I was trying to sneak out of our pod. With wide eyes I turned to see my mother leaning against the woven wall in between her bedroom and Zaniyah's bedroom.
"I-I couldn't sleep," I lied, I was waiting for everyone else to fall asleep, "I wanted to go hunting."
"With your hunting gear still in your bedroom?" She asked me and I sighed, "and let's not forget that you're wearing your new top and your hair down, you always wear an old top when you hunt and you always have your hair up."
I stared at my mother, she knew me too well, I was doing just fine by sneaking out of the pod for the past few days.. how come she just happened to be awake this night?
"You only wear your hair down on special occasions," she said as she quirked up a brow, "who's the boy you're meeting?"
"I- eh- I don't know what you're talking about," I lied once more but my mother didn't seem impressed, "I just went to check on Kanì, my new pet akula."
"Oh, really?" She asked me sarcastically, "you have a busy night, my daughter. Hunting without hunting gear, going out for a swim with Kanì and meeting some boy in the middle of the night. You must be exhausted from the past few nights."
"You knew?" I asked her in a high pitched whisper voice.
"You're my daughter, I made you, of course I know!" My mother told me in a high pitched whisper voice, "I'm just curious on who this mystery boy is because I need my daughter to be safe!"
"I can protect myself, mom," I scoffed.
"Not if it's multiple boys ambushing you," she said as she got up, walked over to me and pointed at my loincloth, "and if you're unarmed, the only reason I even waited this long to confront you was because I had to make sure it was about a boy and not you going out for a stroll."
My ears lowered, I understood her worry, I knew about what nearly happened to my mother when she was seventeen and that would've happened if my father and Neteyam hadn't come to save her.
"I don't mind you having a boyfriend, you're almost sixteen," my mom said as she cupped my face, "but I want to know who it is and why you feel the need to sneak around with him, I will never say no to you following your heart.. I just want you to be in a safe environment and not secretly out somewhere with Eywa knows who. You understand that with nobody knowing where you are and with who anything could happen to you, right?"
"I know, mom," I sighed as I looked up to her worried eyes, "have you told dad?"
"Not yet, but I will," she said honestly, "I just hope you'll tell me who this boy is, because when I have to tell your dad you have a secret boyfriend and I have no name to give him.. well, you know how he'll respond."
"He'll keep me watched for like.. forever," I sighed, "why isn't he like that with Araou and Kao?"
"He is, just not in front of you," my mom said as she moved a strand of my hair behind my ear, "he's teaching them to always respect women and their boundaries, that's not something that is taught to all boys and he can't oversee if the boys are raised well.. therefor he is more worried when his little girl gets involved with boys."
"I'm just not sure on.. what this is," I sighed, "I don't want it to be out in public just yet."
"It doesn't have to be," my mom said softly, "but I want to know who it is you're meeting up with so secretly at night."
"It's.." I stammered as my mom raised her brows at me for the name of my boyfriend, "it's Zeoay."
My mom's face turned from a stern look to a rather surprised look. She was probably very surprised that the son of her best friend Teungyi was the boyfriend of her daughter, especially since I knew they joked about that.. Uncle Mo had told me so.
I could also tell she was relieved that it was Zeoay, she knew that Yrritsyo would always raise him to be respectful to women and wouldn't tolerate any bad behavior from his son toward women.
"Why are you so quiet?" I asked her and she suddenly smiled at me.
"I didn't expect it, but I do understand," she said as she pecked a kiss on my forehead, "you two would make a cute couple."
"Mom, please, it's just been a few days," I said as I began to blush, "can I go? Or?"
"Does Kaoru know about this?" She asked me suddenly, Zeoay came over here a lot, Kaoru and him are best friends and now Zeoay's dating his older sister..
"Not yet, so don't tell him," I said, "we're just sneaking around because we're not ready to have it out in the open just yet."
"You two aren't or just you?" My mom asked and I rolled my eyes, I wasn't ready to have it out in the open. Zeoay had however been in a good mood for the last few days, everyone noticed his happy stroll.
"He'll have to come over at one point, you know that right? Especially after I tell your father," my mom said softly, "I'll make sure your siblings aren't here when that is."
"I know," I sighed, "I'm already late, he'll.. he'll get worried."
"Cute," my mom said in this girlish voice, "your dad and I always snuck to this cave.. no! You're not going there, I'm not telling you. Forget I said that!"
"Goodnight mom!" I said as I ran out of the pod, the giggles of my mother dying away as I walked over to the big flat rock along the shores, where we'd meet up for the past few nights.
"There you are," Zeoay sighed relieved, "I was getting worried a bird might've snatched you away or something, which would've been bad because I can't fly."
"Not exactly," I chuckled as I walked over to him, "but my mom caught me sneaking out."
"Oh," he said as he walked over to me.
"Yeah, I-" I began but he placed his index finger upon my lips, shushing me.
"Wait, first-" he began as he moved a strand of my hair behind my ear with his left hand, his right hand finding it's way to my waist and pulling me against him. My skin smashing against his as he did it so quickly, he leaned in and pecked a gentle kiss upon my lips, making my heart flutter.
"So," he said when he pulled away, "did she find out about us?"
"She did, she apparently already heard me sneak out the past few days," I said, "she was now ready to confront me about it and she'll tell my dad."
"Y-your dad?" He questioned, suddenly nervous, "so, I guess this is my last night alive."
"Don't be silly," I said as I wrapped my arms around my waist and placed my chin onto his chest, "my dad likes you."
"As your brother's best friend he does!" Zeoay said as he ran a hand through his hair, "as his daughter's boyfriend he'll probably think I'm too scrawny."
"You think my dad was already in shape at your age?" I asked him, finding his sudden fear of my father cute.
"Well.. yeah!" He exclaimed as he embraced me back and kissed me on my forehead, "my dad didn't get in shape like that, he's still scrawny! And so am I!"
"I don't think you're scrawny," I said as his gaze met with mine, the worry washing away, "I think your body just perfect the way you is."
"Let me guess: because both your brothers will break me like a twig and your dad will use me as a toothpick," Zeoay said making me laugh, "don't laugh! That's the only reason you'd say my body is perfect."
"I'm not in shape like my dad," I said and Zeoay scoffed and rolled his eyes at me.
"No, that's because you're perfectly shaped," he scoffed, "I get seasick every time I see you sway your perfectly shaped hips."
"Is this you telling me that I turn you on?" I asked him with a sneaky smirk, Zeoay's eyes widened in shock and he began to blush.
"I'm just saying that you're perfect," he said nervously, "I never said that."
"We're sea people," I said, "we don't get seasick."
"Well," he said as he searched his mind for an excuse, "I.. do."
I chuckled and stood on my tiptoes as I quickly pecked a kiss on his cheek.
"What was that for?" He asked me with a bright smile upon his face.
"You're cute when you're nervous," I said, his gaze softened as he had this dazy glow on his face.


Khalilah's pov:

Despite being home I didn't feel like I was home. For some reason Araoukai had literally signed me up for Tsahik training with Miyara but I wasn't the only girl there, ever since Asherah declined the offer of becoming Tsahik one day Miyara had opened her heart to multiple students, when her daughters were thirteen they could join too unless Araoukai would already be mated with the future Tsahik then.. but I knew that Miyara wanted as many people in the clan to know how to heal, should anything ever happen to the Tsahik.. Miyara was prepared for everything.
"And then you tie it," Miyara explained to me as she showed me how to stitch a wound, "with this ointment we just made it cleans the wound and makes it heal quicker."
I nodded as I began to spread the ointment over the wound of one of the hunters that had been in an accident.
I was okay with just having Miyara teach me, but that wasn't the case.. the other girls, including Taraji, would shoot me looks and chuckle.. Ronal, who was gladly assisting her daughter-in-law with these classes was just as dismissive of me.. I think in a way she blamed me for the death of Roa, her spirit sister.
"You're a natural, sweetheart," Miyara said with a warm smile as she quite literally squeezed my cheek and got back up to her feet after. I was surprised by the motherly way she was treating me, my mother never squeezed my cheek like that.. which was strange now that I thought of it.. I had in fact always been closer to my dad.
"Mother," Aonung said as he walked into the healing hut, "I came to steal my beautiful wife for a few minutes."
"You saying that makes me feel young again," Ronal scoffed at her son as she locked eyes with Miyara, "you said that all the time after you two mated."
"I never stopped," Aonung said with a cheeky smile, "you can keep an eye on the students for a moment right?"
Ronal nodded approvingly, Aonung smiled and grabbed the hand of his wife, guiding her out of the pod.
"So," Taraji said as she suddenly sat down next to me, "you're dating Araoukai?"
"Jealous?" I asked her, trying to look confident but I never was, "I know you have a crush on him, or at least the job that comes with mating with him."
Taraji's smirk fell, I had some sort of victory over my bully for once.. My dad used to tell me that bullies were always ugly with boils over their faces and evil eyes, but Taraji was beautiful, far more beautiful than me.. Her skin was flawless and her eyes seemed so innocent, she was a bully to me.
"It won't last, especially now that Ta'unui is staying with us until the war is over," Taraji shrugged, "that means his little fling from when he was there will be here too. And you heard what his ex girlfriend said, every girl he fucks will always come back for more- Oops! Did I spoil anything?"
My heart sank, Araoukai had slept with that Ta'unui girl he didn't want to meet? When he was already getting to know me? Was I really that replaceable?
I stayed silent as I felt the tears burn in my eyes, Taraji obviously noticed and chuckled at my sadness.
"Taraji!" Ronal called with a stern voice, "get back to work!"
Taraji simply smirked and walked back to her girl friends, laughing over my misery.. over the fact I didn't know my boyfriend was fucking that girl..
Ronal and I locked eyes, her gaze softened only a little but she didn't come to check on me, instead she turned her head away and let me sit alone. With the laughter from the other girls I got up to my feet and ran out of the pod.
Miyara must've been close by with Aonung because she immediately came running after me and I didn't know if I appreciated her for doing so or if I hated her for it.
"Khalilah," Miyara said as she caught up to me, out of breath, "what's wrong?"
"N-nothing," I lied as I wiped away my tears and refused to turn around to her. The waves were causing the sea to rise on the shore, my feet getting wet every time because of it.
"Sweet girl, you can tell me," Miyara spoke as she moved a strand of my hair out of my face so she could look at me, "I'm here to help you."
"You can't help me," I stammered, "nobody can."
"Let me try, at least," Miyara said, her kind words were consoling but she couldn't help me.
"It's pointless for me to start Tsahik training," I said, "nobody here wants me as Tsahik."
"I do," Miyara said, my ears shooting up in surprise, "and I know my son does."
"But your husband, the Olo'eyktan, you daughter, the akula tamer and everyone else in the clan don't," I said honestly, "and now with the Ta'unui clan coming there's just no way I can beat that girl. She's got the support of everyone, even Taraji would be more liked as Tsahik than me."
"Taraji is only in training because I'm friends with her parents, she'll never make it as Tsahik," Miyara said softly, "you on the other hand, you have been training for a few days and you're already excelling at things that the other girls have been training for the last two to three years. I believe in you."
"How can you be so certain that Araoukai and I will even end up together? We're still so young and he's almost old enough to mate, I'm not even sixteen yet," Khalilah said, "and I know about him with the Ta'unui girl."
"I had a talk about that with him, don't you worry about that," Miyara spoke sternly, "this was also before you two got together, he's not interested in that girl like he is in you. I've never seen him more happy then with you."
I remained silent, he might be interested in me now but how long would he be if that girl showed up? He already has sex with her and he never even touched me without my permission and it would be on my waist, he hadn't even touched my butt or anything.
All possible scenarios went through my head, what if he wasn't as kind as I thought he was? What if this was just some sick joke of him to show everyone how weak I am? What if he's secretly disgusted by me?
"He's in love with you, Khalilah," Miyara said after I stayed silent, "I'm his mother, I can see it."
"How?" I asked her with a hoarse voice.
"Because he takes after me," Miyara said, "which is why he was so stupid to fool around with that Ta'unui girl, but the way he looks at you is the exact same way I looked at Aonung at that age."
"Forgive me for putting it this way, Miyara," I began, "but people say you were whoring around at his age.. with Neteyam."
"That still goes around," Miyara chuckled, "it's true that we.. we're something.. but it wasn't love and it faded overtime, the way I feel for Aonung has never left, even when I tried to escape it when I was seventeen. When it's real you can't walk away."
I frowned as she offered me a kind smile and left me alone to ponder about it.


Aonung's pov:

"What did you want to tell me before you ran after Spider's daughter?" I asked my wife as she was braiding her hair. Earlier today Miya wanted to tell me something, it's why I came to steal her away from Tsahik training, but when she was about to reveal it to me Khalilah stormed out of the pod and Miya ran after her.
"You know Asherah?" She asked me, making me laugh as loud as I could possibly muster.
"I know her, yeah. Do you?" I asked her as she shot me a stern look, "I mean she did live inside of you for several months and you have been calling her our daughter for nearly sixteen years now, I'm assuming you know her too."
"That's not what I mean, skxawng!" Miyara scoffed as she turned her back to me and with a low chuckle I wrapped my arms around her and placed my chin onto her shoulder.
"What is it, Ma'Miya?" I asked her softly as she finished her braid.
"She's got a boyfriend," Miyara blurted out. My eyes widening in shock immediately, I could swear to Eywa thy my heart literally stopped beating for like ten seconds. My daughter had a boyfriend? I finally understood how my father felt when Tsireya mated with Lo'ak.. the utter horror.
"You're overreacting," Miyara said when I hadn't blinked for nearly a minute, I was just staring at the wall infront of me.
"Overreacting? My daughter has a boyfriend?" I spat out, "who's the little dead man?"
"First of all: she's our daughter," Miyara told me sternly, "and second of all: you're not killing her boyfriend."
"I wouldn't kill him," I said, my wife quirking up a brow which told me she wasn't convinced, "who is it?"
"She doesn't want it out in the open just yet so be respectful of that and don't like interrogate the poor boy or have bodyguards follow them around," Miyara spoke, how did she know?
"I would never do something like that," I scoffed and once again I met with that quirked up eyebrow.
"Promise me," she said sternly.
"I promise," I sighed.
"It's-" Miyara started as suddenly someone interrupted our conversation.
"My mom made me come and tell you that the Ta'unui clan is about to arrive," Zeoay said as he stood on the entrance to our home.
"I will kill you!" I told Zeoay with gritted teeth as I pointed my finger at him. The boy's eyes widened in fear as she immediately ran away, which I found weird because Zeoay was much like his mother, not that scared quickly.
"Aonung!" Miyara said as she shot me a look, like I was supposed to understand them.
"I'm not a girl! I don't understand your coded looks!"  I said and I grunted, "we have to go."
"It's Zeoay," Miyara said as I walked past her, "Zeoay is her boyfriend.. the poor boy you just scared to shits."
"I suddenly don't feel that bad about it anymore," I said with a smile as I took my wife's hand in mine and we made our way over to the pier.


Khalilah's pov:

I hadn't spoken to Araoukai all day long, I was watching from the shore as he stood there with his family on the pier.. welcoming the family of the Olo'eyktan of Ta'unui.
I couldn't tell which one was the girl that Aonung wanted Araoukai to mate with instead of me, the Olo'eyktan had many daughters.
I wasn't looking for which one it was, Araoukai's response would tell me nonetheless.
Aonung and Miyara welcomed the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, telling them how blessed they are with their help and presence. Nobody was certain how long the Ta'unui clan was staying or if they would ever leave at all. That all depended on how this war would play out.
"Hi there, lil' guppy," Mo'iki said as he appeared besides me. I liked Mo'iki, he was always kind to me and I saw him as family, since I'm an only child with no aunts, uncles, cousins or grandparents I was more alone than other kids, Mo'iki made sure I could always join him, Zuaia and Re'ylä. He welcomed me into his home and made it feel like my own, like he was also my uncle Mo.
"Hi, Mo," I said as I refused to divert my gaze from Araoukai.
"I can tell by that look on your face that you know about Eraya," Mo'iki said, making my ears shot up with curiosity.
"You know who she is?" I asked him.
"The one with the orange flower top," Mo'iki answered honestly.
I looked at the girl, she was shorter than me.. and far more attractive..
Eraya had curly hair that complimented her face so perfectly, her dark blue colored eyes seemed to bounce off the moonlight, she not only had a pretty face, she had a much more feminine and curved body than me.. she looked like an hourglass, not to mention that her front was huge, no wonder Araoukai felt the need to jump her.. I didn't have that.
I saw how Araoukai smiled when she approached, I hated him for smiling at Eraya.. for welcoming her so politely, for touching her shoulder as he guided her past him to his siblings. Even if their conversation was short it still said more than a thousand words to me.
"I gotta go," I sighed as I walked away from Mo'iki.
"Where are you going?" Mo'iki asked me as he tried to follow me through the crowds but I had successfully dodged him and made my way to the forest. I finally allowed myself to cry when I was far enough to not hear the clan anymore. But my crying fit was short lived when an ash woman wrapped her hand around my mouth and shushed me.
"My name's Varang," she spoke as she held onto me, "do you know who I am?"
I nodded, my eyes wide with fear but I stayed quiet, I didn't scream, shout or made any noise besides my heavy breathing. What did the leader of the ash people want from me? Was she going to use me like bait like Kanzia did with Zeoay to get to Asherah?
"Good," she whispered, "it's time you and I had a little chat."

There probably won't be another update before new years so I just wanted to wish you all a happy new year! I hope all your dreams and goals may come true this year!

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