Selfish Love

By DiamondKulture

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College life of Five students isn't all that it seems. To ordinary people they're just your regular college s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chaoter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 43

17 2 5
By DiamondKulture


"Baby slow down" Andre yelled over the loud Justin Beiber and The Kid Laroi playing in the background.
I giggled before pulling him in for a kiss, he responded and picked me up so I'm straddling him.

The whole party was bubbling and the whole place reeked of drinks and weed.
There were a lot of other people dancing, some kissing and others just drinking while littering the hallways.

The table in the living room was littered with all sorts of drugs and weed.
I was fucking high, I could barely keep my eyes open but I was still taking more

I felt Andre's hands on my ass as he squeezed it and his other hand went and stoked my cheek.

I started sucking on his bottom lips while I grinded my hips on his, I could feel the rise of his cock right on my pussy.

He groaned and pulled away.
"Not now baby, we're outside" he muttered stopping me, I whined and leaned in again

"Who cares" I whispered and he chuckled before holding me steady.

"You probably don't right now, but you will by morning" he muttered, I relaxed on his laps and breathe out hard.

My eyes trailed to the dancefloor and Sam and Adrianna were dancing and swaying their bodies together.
"Everyone's having fun, just us" I whined before trying to undo his belt but he just held both my hands

"Whoa baby, stop okay, you probably don't even know what you're doing right now" he muttered getting me off his lap and back on the couch

He moved my hair from my face and stared into my eyes.
"Look, when we get home we'll do anything you want, I'll let you touch me anywhere you wish, just not here okay? everyone's watching and some are probably taking videos" he explained stroking my cheek, I just pouted and nodded my head, he smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Good, that's my girl" he said ruffling my hair, I just grinned from ear to ear

I put my head on his chest with my legs still on the couch
"Andre" I muttered and he hummed at Ingles with strands of my hair.
"Do you love me"? I asked, I felt him tense for a second before he chuckled

"Baby I'm gonna answer that very soon but just not today, you're not sober so what I tell you right now probably won't matter" he explains softly

The music was still playing very loud, it had suddenly switched from The Kid Laroi's stay to Rihanna's work.
The whole room erupted with cheers as the girls all started twisting and grinding their waist on the dancefloor.

I got up and straddled Andre again, he sucked in a breath and rested his hands on my thighs.
I started dancing on top of him
He chuckled.

"Baby what are you doing"? He rasped out staring at me

"Dancing dummy" I muttered before I started humping him, I could feel him getting hard as I grinded my hips on his, I was dancing to the beat.

He grabbed my waist tight and shut his eyes, I leaned in and put my mouth to his ear
"You're turned on aren't you"? I whispered and he sucked in a breath, I could hear his breathing hard and fast

"Baby" he rasped out before his hold on my waist tightened "fuck you're gonna kill me if you don't stop" he almost moaned out, I smirked but didn't stop moving my hips on his crotch.

He grabbed me and put me back on the couch, my eyes trailed down to his crotch area and he was fucking hard.
"Stop baby okay, we're gonna do all of this when we get home" he muttered before letting go and adjusting his pants.

I smiled and rested my head back on his chest.
I was excited about going home tonight, even though I know I'm fucking high and would probably fall asleep the minute we get home.

"Baby" he whispered into my ears and I sat up and faced him
"I gotta go take a piss, are you gonna be okay here"? He asked and I smiled and nodded my head
"Just stay here okay, don't go anywhere" he said and I nodded.

I watched him walk away and I was bobbing my head to the sound of the music, they had metallic on now, I'm not really a fan of it but it's good.

After a while Andre still wasn't back and Sam and Adrianna were no longer on the dancefloor.
I looked around but no sign of Andre, he said I shouldn't go anywhere.

Maybe I should go find him.
I got up and almost fell back down as I swayed, i quickly regained my stance and balanced myself.

Okay Judy, you can do this
I laughed at my own self before I walked through the layers of people kissing on the stairs, I managed to walk up the small flight of stairs without tripping, step one done.

Now I had to go through the mountain of people littered in the hallway, most of them smoking while others were busy trying to rip each other's clothes of, I walked past them without bumping into anyone, because if I did, I'd definitely be on my ass in seconds.

I didn't see Andre anywhere as I walked by past room after room, then I started checking each room I walked past, not even bothering to knock.
I got to the last one, he should be in here.

I turned the knob and opened it, it definitely wasn't Andre in there.
I gasped out as my eyes grew wide too.
Jordan was butt ass naked and he was banging some chick, I don't even know her.

She was moaning loud, it took a while before his eyes found mine and he kept on staring but didn't stop fucking her.
My chest became tight.

I could feel the tears burning at the back of my eyes as I swallowed the lump in throat.
The high had suddenly cleared from my eyes and I could see clearly.

I shut the door and ran out of there, I walked to the living room and spotted Andre
I composed myself before walking towards him, the moment he sensed my presence he turned around

"Baby where have you been, I was already worried" he rushed out pulling me into a hug

"I went to use the bathroom" I whispered looking at him, he sighed out
"I wanna go home" I whispered trying to calm my breathing.

"Are you sure you're okay baby"? He asked cupping my face and I smiled weakly before nodding my head
"Okay, come on let's go" he whispered before pulling me out of the house.

Of all the shit Jordan has done and said, this took the crown.


It has been a week since I caught Jordan having sex with another girl, I haven't spoken to him and he hasn't even tried to reach out since then.

It's like he doesn't even care.
With Jack it was different, I knew Jack was his boyfriend but this new girl it definitely feels like cheating and I'm fucking hurt.

I picked up the last of my clothes and out it in my bag before zipping it up, I took one last look at the room and I had almost all my things packed.
I came to my dorm room to pack a few of my stuff to our new place.

I sighed out and turned to pick the back up when the door opened up, I turned around and it was Jordan.
My breath hitched and I breathe out to ease my nerves

"You've got guts coming here" I spat
"What are you doing here Jordan"? I gritted out

"I came for you Judy, it's been a while" he whispered with his hands in his pocket as he walked towards me

"Is your new girlfriend not available"? I snap and he just smiled, the bastard just smiled at me

"About what you saw that day, it was a one time thing, I don't even remember her name or her face" he said casually making me scoff

"Are you even listening to yourself? A one time thing, is she the only or there's more, are you screwing every girl in school, does Jack know about her? Does he even know about me" I spit and he just sighs

"Look Judy..." I cut him off

"No, answer the damn question Jordan" I snap taking a step back

"What do you want me to say Judy? You want me to apologise for fucking someone or to apologise for getting horny at the party? What would you have me do" he snap back
"Look I'm not your boyfriend and you're not my girlfriend, you don't expect me to explain myself to you about who I fuck or don't fuck, I don't ask you to explain yourself to me every time you and Andre have sex" he snapped again making me gasp out

"Then what the hell are you doing here? You don't get it do you? You think I like bothering myself about who you have sex with"? I ask my voice shaking "I have feelings for you Jordan"

He starts shaking his head
"Don't say that Judy"

"Why"? I ask walking closer to him

"Because I don't feel that way for you, I can't promise you that, I can't give you what you want, I can't be with you like that" he said looking into my eyes, I felt my heart break into two

"I know, I know you don't feel anything for me and I know you can't give me what I want, but that's the problem, you don't wanna be with me and you don't want someone else to be with me" I yell feeling the tears slip, I quickly wipe it off.

"You can't give me what I want yet you don't wanna let me go so I can be with someone that loves me, everytime I try to forget about you and focus on Andre, you show up and ruin it, if you don't wanna be with me then let me go, let me......" He cut me off by pressing his lips on mine.

I try to push him off but his hold on me was strong, after a while of struggling I stop and just let him kiss me letting a stray tear drop.

The kiss is short lived because the door suddenly bursts open
I quickly pull away from him
My eyes grow wide at who I come face to face with at the door.

Oh no


They've been caught.
Who do you think it is?

And plus please don't hate of Judy, I know she can be annoying with her choices 😩😩😩

Who does she end up with?
Jordan or Andre??

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