Chapter 53

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We both sat down looking at the table in front of us, and stealing glances at each other when the other wasn't looking.

I didn't know where to begin, this was much easier in my head than actually doing it.
I tapped on my thighs with my fingers, thinking of how to start.

"Uhm.... I don't know where to start" I chuckled out nervously looking at him, he didn't react he just stared at me pointedly.

"You can start from the beginning" he muttered and I nodded, right.

I swallowed and took in a deep breath
"I don't.... I just.... I'm sorry" I whispered looking at my fingers "I'm sorry for everything I ever did that hurt you, for cheating and using my powers to make you forget, Andre I never intended to hurt you" I muttered looking up at him "Jordan and I was something that happened suddenly and I wanted to tell you about it, Andre I tried but..... I just...." I paused and took in a huge breath again
"I never went to Jordan with the intention of hurting you or lying to you, the first time Jordan and I had sex, I didn't know"

"You didn't know what"? He grumped out

"I didn't know you were in love with me" I whispered

"What about the other times after we started dating? When I asked you out why didn't you tell me, Judy you were already having sex with him and yet you agreed to date me, why"? He whispered

"I don't know, I...." I paused and looked away "he didn't want a relationship and i.... I didn't just want sex with him, I wanted more than just sex" I muttered "and no I wasn't using you to get what I wanted, you were never a second option to me"

"Why did you make me forget Judy? you used your powers on me, even when you promised you'd never get into my head, you did, why"? He asked and I just sighed out.

"You're not gonna make this any easy for me, are you"? I asked and he just stared at me

"And you think it's any easy for me, Judy I..... I can't just act like nothing happened and be all cool simply because you gave me a few explanation and an apology, this..... You... You cheated on me, Judy you slept with someone else" he whispered before running his hands down his face

"You saw something didn't you"? I asked and he just looked away from me "what did you see"?

"I can't ... I... Nothing" he muttered and I just smiled

"Andre when you were in my head, what did you see"? I asked and he just sighed

"Nothing Judy, drop it" he muttered

"Just tell me what you saw, please" I pressed

"I saw the both of you having sex"!!! He yelled staring at me with tears in his eyes, he wiped it off and looked away "I saw.... I saw you kiss him and do things with him, things I'd never do with anyone else except you, even way before I knew we would be together I was loyal to you, sure I may have done somethings, but I have never had sex with another woman except you Judy, you were my first" he croaked out and I felt my own tears drop

"I'm sorry, I'm.... I'm sorry, I didn't.... I didn't want to hurt you, I never meant to hurt you" I choked out

"Yeah but you did, and I don't know if I can forgive you for it, I'm trying to, I'm really trying Judy" he whispered looking at me, I could see the tears leaving his eyes and I couldn't control my own tears.

He turned to look at the table before getting up and walking inside, leaving me there in tears.
I know I hurt him really bad but I never thought it was this much.

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